Thursday 6th of February 2025

all dressed-up & nowhere to go .....

all dressed-up & nowhere to go .....


‘Australian Governments and the Australian public should finally wake up to the fact that the US Alliance is not just of no value to Australia but, worse, has become a distinct liability. A foreign policy based on a position of strict neutrality would be a vastly superior option for Australia.

The outmoded ANZUS Treaty itself doesn't commit the US to anything in the way of defending Australia. It was concluded at the onset of the Cold War period. The reasons for it have been overtaken by events long ago. The follies of US foreign policy since World War II, with which Australia is often associated at its peril - Vietnam and Iraq being prime examples, have resulted in a de facto colonial relationship, not a partnership of equals. It negatively affects Australia’s independence.

It has negative ramifications in our own region, at the UN and for Australia's standing internationally. The unspeakable subservience of the Howard Government to an American president, whose incompetence is beyond dispute, has brought this dysfunctional situation into sharp focus.’

US Alliance A Distinct Liability For Australia

A chorus line of dissent

Today, in its opinionated piece, (27/02/07) Gerard Henderson is half-right and completely wrong. Sure the Libs need a bit of discipline but those undisciplined liberal MPs are often stating truths that should be looked at — apart from Nelson who's gone off the rails at Kokoda station.

No point hiding more dirt under the carpet. The garbage is getting so thick that the furniture is all wobbly. Principles have long toppled over — breaking the last incandescent light bulbs of justice, fair play, honesty and proper peace in the process. No light but the fake green glow of glorious porkies.

Yes, Gerard the magic Johnnee word is "economy". But on Johnnee's patch, it's has been an illusionary trick with all the manufactured figures and shoddy strings his government could muster. The bottom line is that, although the Canberranean Government's coffers are filling up like a scrooge's den, the Aussie populace (us) is loosing its pants on credit and things we can't afford, including education, medicare and housing (the major hot-air bubble that helped sustain Johnnee's artificial respiration of the money-shuffling for a while) only because we're told to buy, buy, buy... All it does is stimulate the inflatable Johnnee's monstrous con, while we sink below the mud. He has siphoned all the good monies designed to help the ever growing number of destitute towards those who have the most — including some 4X4 rich north-shore dweller/drivers (who could well have been blaming Iemma for traffic chaos when Johnnee's war-for-oil visitor, El Dick, was the last culprit). Talk about sharing in reverse! A river of ill-earned cash flowing uphill. It's unnatural. It's gross. Thus, as the trade deficit "hits new heights" (the Chinese proverb to describe a big back hole), Costello, the-steady-side-kick in the Punch and Judy routine, dishes out more of the same illusionary platitudes of this, that and thus — more gritty dirt, painted white so it looks good, on a stick. Our FTAs are dubious and mostly sinking us into the red, taking further away from our manufacturing ability to provide for ourselves. Many Aussie firms are now US enterprises siphoning moneys offshore... We've become a shop front — a franchise — to launder the US deficit, like many other tin-pot "economies", mostly via the Chinese milling machines.

And Bronwyn is right: Johnnee takes most women as fools on the subject of child care— can't face real women's problems being bigger than men's glandular fever on this issue. That's why his pants have been set on fire — encouraging him to hyperventilate harder — by a "woman" taking him on in his own seat.

Oh... Wouldn't that burst his bubble! Yes I know, he'd appear humble in defeat... while boiling white-hot inside, or he'd be magnanimous in victory while gloating to himself and a few chosen friends.

So, the libs should give that bald patch a full polish, to reflect the sunlight like a king... Unless they dry-clean his Pauline wig of popular redneckery for the elections once more... But really, either trick might not work...

So, a bit of discipline?... Yes, like telling Johnnee "it's time to go" in a big chorus line.

Do I have to?

It annoys me beyond the pale that the Sydney Morning Herald has the gall (or weak knees and gives in to pressure from the powers-in-loco, who knows?) to allow people like the failed monk Abbott (opinions 28/02/07) to come and spill truck-loads of garbage about, trying to prove that the present Government in NSW is the worst thing since Adam and Eve. He, way off course, believes that Adam and Eve where the first sinners ever... and may have been Labor supporters... Oh boy. "See the garbage everywhere" claims this missed-by-that-much-priest, while the NSW good people are cleaning up the mess left by Canberra, including Abbott's hot porkies on Medicare, and more. The Herald should point out that before elections, this little-soap-box redemptorer made oodles of promises on Medicare that after the elections were wiped-out in a "sorry but we do not have the funds to pay for our promises... and they were non-core" grand gesture meaning "get stuffed". So this Tonykid smelling another election, comes along and porkies again like if there were no tomorrow, on behalf of SuperDudman.

Well, dearest Tony, as you so cleverly told Maxine: "why oh why didn't you come and fight me in MY electorate, Maxine..." or such daring nonsense, you should realise by now that you are small potato and Maxine would have had you for breakfast, lunch and dinner... She seems to have preferred to go for the big doodah himself — the porkyist extraordinaire Nuko-Johnnee.

Just stay off the roads, Tonybrat... Er, Actually why don't you go and play on the highway... You never know, you might get hit by one of your garbage trucks or one of Dick's limos. Why not the full 23 o' 'em... That'd be our sad lucky day.

A fool is soon parted from his money

From a melting ABC

Consumers take on more debt

Economists say new figures on personal lending indicate greater consumer confidence.

The Reserve Bank says personal credit jumped by 1.5 per cent in January.

The level of borrowing for housing increased only slightly as home owners took in last year's interest rate hikes.

CommSec chief equities economist Martin Arnold says the figures show consumers are still willing to go into debt.

"It is certainly encouraging for the economy," he said.

"We've seen some good results coming from consumers lately so it's possibly the start of a recovery in consumer spending."


Gus: are these enlightened economists, seriously thinking people are getting into more debt because there is a "consumer confidence"? I think not. People are getting into debt because they do not have the cash to get what they have "learned to need" as they are bombarded with advertising for things they can live without, but are told they can't live without... It's more like "consumer desperation". Is there a possibility of buying more than one can afford...?