Tuesday 4th of February 2025

open secret momentums...






















"it is clear that the West believes in diversity rather than in uniformity, in pluralism rather than in monism or dualism, in inclusion rather than exclusion, in liberty rather than in authority, in truth rather than in power, in conversion rather than in annihilation, in the individual rather than in the organization, in reconciliation rather than in triumph, in heterogeneity rather than in homogeneity, in relativisms rather than in absolutes, and in approximations rather than in final answers.


                                        Carroll Quigley



Carroll Quigley was an American historian and theorist of the evolution of civilisations. He was a professor at Georgetown University, and he is remembered for his writing about global conspiracies, in which he argued that an Anglo-American banking elite have worked together for centuries to spread certain values globally. On this site we have taken a few bites about this “conspiracy”, including that of WW1, as explained by The Corbett Report and republished here


As mentioned before, there are "conspiracy theories" and conspiracies. "Conspiracy theories" was a concept invented by the CIA, shortly after its inception from the OSS, to define enemies of the imposed social order as being loonies… “conspiracy theories" are for crackpots to make shots in the dark, such as the moon landings conspiracies… It is even possible that some of the “conspiracy theories” have been created by the real conspiratorial networks, to amuse a gullible public away from the real dark conspiracies. Sometimes, there is no hidden conspiracy, but a strong decision to influence the general control of humanity by placing one's fingers in all the pies available. These surface influences also have many levels of adaptability to manage changes and maintain the core of the secret momentums, mainly control the core of humanity. 


For example, we were told a couple of days ago that the US “intelligence” network knew that a branch of IS (IS-K) was planning terrorist acts on the evacuation at the Kabul airport… Now three bombs have exploded and score of people have died, including US soldiers. My questions here are “how did the intel know of this beforehand?” and “why they could not stop it?” 


I know it’s difficult to make any sense of the trauma, and if we did we would be in utopia heaven, but what are the underlying causes that have caused this “reactionary” hate to the point of killing people? I supposed we could start 3,600 years ago—  or even earlier — with the ebbs and flows of humans fighting humans to control beliefs and the fertile territories. 




So, for our modern times, the story continues with Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States of America. Of all the blokes who led the big place since 1776, Woodrow Wilson has been the only one with a Doctorate in anything. All the others have been former commanders, “professional” (career) politicians, CIA directors and snake-oil merchants (we know this one). 


Some highly moral principles from Woodrow Wilson’s doctrine, “Wilsonianism”, are somewhat contradictory and lack humility — and are still in place today in the American political psyche. They include:


Emphasis on self-determination of peoples; and advocacy of the spread of democracy. 


The expectation was that democracy would result from self-determination, but Woodrow "never sought to spread democracy directly". Wilson's League of Nations was intended to foster liberty-democracy as a platform from which nations could exercise their right of self determination... Wilson did not envision that the U.S. would intervene to "direct" or "shape" democracies in foreign nations, though Wilsonianism was in favour of:


Advocacy in the spread of capitalism


Support for collective security (alliances), and partial opposition to American isolationism.


Support for multilateralism through collective deliberation among nations


Support for open diplomacy and opposition to secret treaties


Support for freedom of navigation and freedom of the seas



Wilsonianism is contested today. For some, it is inspiring liberal internationalism based on adherence to self-determination; for others, Wilsonianism is the exemplar of humanitarian intervention around the world, making U.S. foreign policy a paragon of carefully defined and restricted use of force. We guess that pushed a bit further, this Wilsonianism would inspire the PNAC people to develop their sociopathy further through neoconism and go to war.


Thus Wilsonianism fruit salad simultaneously consists of liberal internationalism, self-determination, nonintervention, humanitarian intervention oriented in support of collective security, open diplomacy, rampant capitalism, American exceptionalism, and free open borders, and is opposed to revolution. It’s like a horse with twenty heads or "a pie on every fingers”...


One could argue that Wilsonianism was at the origin of WW2. Despite all his good intentions, Wilson had signed the Versailles Treaty that was designed to ruthlessly cut the wings of Germany, in order to let the Anglo-American banking elite rule the roost, which in modern times had been accelerated by Cecil Rhodes. There are means and goals and often these are cooked up together, with some conspiratorial elements and some not.


This is possibly why, to say the least, Obadiah Mailafia — a Nigerian development economist, international polymath, central banker, statesman and 2019 Nigeria Presidential election Candidate of African Democratic Congress (ADC) — is not an admirer of both Cecil Rhodes and Woodrow Wilson. Both were ultimate racist in their own ways and both screwed Africa. They were not the only ones and the battles of WW2 in North Africa were an indication of the West fighting itself (Germany versus the allies) for control of Africa. 


America is still screwing Africa, both via debt and armed conflicts. The Muslims from Daesh (IS-K) are screwing Africa by trying to impose religious extremism from Saudi Arabia. The French and the English did their bit at screwing Africa, the Chinese have been there for yonks — and Africans like Obadiah Mailafia work hard to collect the pieces. 


The destruction of Libya by the USA to get rid of Gaddafi was designed to prevent Africanism to rise — nothing else. The rest of what we have been told of this adventure is deceitful pffff from the governments of the day, picked up with brilliance by our western mass media de mierda: Gadaffi was a bad bloke. On this subject, hilarious Hillary played her part, for laughs. This is not a laughing matter. People died, die and will die. Families mourn. We care with a distant disdain and our religious solution. Amen. It’s frightfully hypocritical.


The Libya "conspiracy" was well played... First, MI6 stirred the population with their "Arab Spring" ideal. Gadaffi resisted the "Arab Spring" which actually was a hot bed for Al Qaeda in Libya. As Gadaffi fought the "rebels", the media department of the CIA or whatever "intelligence disinformation service was" made sure the mediocre mass media de merdia saw that "Gadaffi was killing his own people". The US Government would not intervene though. This was the clever part. The Western media stirred the people to demand that US/NATO intervened. Reluctantly (but this was the plan anyway) the US started to support the rebels. The next phase was to use Sarkozy, as the NATO glorious fighter. Sarkozy wanted to erase the gift of $40+ millions from Gaddafi... Hey, if you don't see a conspiracy here, you're as blind as a moon rock. Gadaffi dead. Africanism dead. And from time to time the media (BBC "exclusive") is given exclusive info: some "Russian" mercenaries are now fighting the official UN approved government of Libya, blah blah blah...





Woodrow was a very committed Christian… Wilson's earliest memory went back to 1859, when he was three years old. He was playing in the front yard of his father's parsonage, when he heard a passerby announce in anger that Abraham Lincoln had been elected — and that war was coming. 


Living in Augusta, Georgia, Wilson's parents were aligned with the Southern United States and were strong supporters of the Confederates.


Wilson's father, Joseph Ruggles Wilson, thus became one of the founders of the Southern Presbyterian Church in the United States, after it split from the Northern Presbyterians in 1861 at the beginning of the American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 9, 1865). Joseph was minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Augusta, until 1870. Then the family moved to South Carolina, as Joseph became a theology professor at the Columbia Theological Seminary. In 1873, Woodrow became a member of the Columbia First Presbyterian Church and remained so throughout his life.


Wilson had drawn the attention of James Smith Jr. and George Brinton McClellan Harvey, two leaders of New Jersey's Democratic Party, as a potential candidate for the upcoming gubernatorial election. Having lost the last five gubernatorial elections, New Jersey Democratic leaders needed a drastic change. Party leaders believed that Wilson's academic reputation made him the ideal spokesman against trusts and corruption, but they also hoped his inexperience in governing would make him easy to influence. Wilson agreed to accept the nomination if "it came to me unsought, unanimously, and without pledges to anybody about anything."


Wilson had served as the president of Princeton University, became the governor of New Jersey before winning the 1912 presidential election. As President, Wilson changed the nation's economic policies and led the United States into World War I in 1917...


The rest is history that shall be told in a few next instalments.



Gus Leonisky


Collector of the crumbs of history.

what's wrong with you people?...

At the beginning of one my tirade, I was going to begin by blaming Al Gore for the crap we went through till the end of August, which comes soon, in the coming week. If some people are correct, next month is going to be horrid for the Afghan people… It already has started with bombs at the Kabul airport*. Why blame Al Gore for all this? Unfairly, Gus thinks that had Albert Arnold fought the ruling on the elections in Florida (and won), the world would have been a different place, probably better… Hence the title “In a parallel universe...".


Albert Arnold Gore Jr. (born March 31, 1948) is an American politician and environmentalist who served as the 45th vice president of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under president Bill Clinton. Gore was the Democratic nominee for the 2000 presidential election, losing to George W. Bush in a very close race after a Florida recount.


Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Gore


Being involved with Bill Clinton is not a good reference, is it? But he did not know the president sexual habits... This could have been the deciding factor… Now going into the Floridean voting booths…


Bush v. Gore, legal case, decided on December 12, 2000, in which the Supreme Court of the United States reversed an order by the Florida Supreme Court for a selective manual recount of that state’s U.S. presidential election ballots. The 5–4 per curiam (unsigned) decision effectively awarded Florida’s 25 Electoral College votes to Republican candidate George W. Bush, thereby ensuring his victory over Democratic candidate Al Gore.



On the evening of election day—November 7, 2000—a clear winner of the presidential election had yet to emerge. Print and broadcast media cited often contradictory exit-polling numbers, and the races in Oregon and New Mexico would remain too close to call for some days. Ultimately, the contest focused on Florida. Networks initially projected Gore the winner in that state but later declared that Bush had opened an insurmountable lead. Gore called Bush to concede the election, but in the early hours of the following morning it became apparent that the Florida race was much closer than Gore’s staff had originally believed. Fewer than 600 votes separated the candidates, and that margin appeared to be narrowing. At about 3:00 AM Gore called a stunned Bush to retract his concession.

Under Florida election law, a machine recount of all votes cast was required because the margin of victory was less than 0.5 percent. In this race, the gap appeared to be roughly 0.01 percent. Both campaigns immediately dispatched teams of lawyers to Florida. Charges of conflict of interest were leveled by both sides—Bush’s brother Jeb was the governor of the state and Secretary of State Katherine Harris was cochair of Bush’s Florida campaign, while Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth headed the Gore campaign. By November 10 the machine recount was complete, and Bush’s lead stood at 327 votes out of six million cast. As court challenges were issued over the legality of hand recounts in select counties, news stories were filled with the arcane vocabulary of the election judge. County officials tried to discern voter intent through a cloud of “hanging chads” (incompletely punched paper ballots) and “pregnant chads” (paper ballots that were dimpled, but not pierced, during the voting process), as well as “overvotes” (ballots that recorded multiple votes for the same office) and “undervotes” (ballots that recorded no vote for a given office). Also at issue was the so-called butterfly ballot design used in Palm Beach county, which caused confusion among some residents who had intended to vote for Gore—leading them to inadvertently cast some 3,400 votes for an ultraconservative third-party candidate, Pat Buchanan, which amounted to about 20 percent of his total votes statewide.


Did the High Court give the victory to Bush or did it give the decision to be made by the Governor of Florida — then Jen Bush — as some information sources believe? 


We have to accept that votes in florida were rigged… Of course, since this Florida episode, voting in America is now as pure as snow. Guffaw. The present trickery is far far far less obvious, and from “voters’ identification, to validation of votes", the game is vile. Common sense would tell us that there is as much trickery from one party and/or from the other, equalising the result. Let’s leave this at that. 





Trump is as much a Republican as there are rabbits breeding on the moon. We don’t know about the latter, mind you. We are sceptics and need to see the evidence… So why did Rupert Murdoch — what? Not the Russians? — anoint Trump-the-non-republican Republican as his new political baby? Without Uncle Rupe, we would not have had Trump. This is a given, even if Donald disputes this by saying without him there would not be a successful Fox network… Please, Mr Trump! Murdoch knows what he’s doing... He's done it in Australia since before Whitlam! 


Having lost its moniker “fair and Balanced” in the 2020 campaign, Fox News became the Trump Channel. The till kept ringing until election night, when at 3 AM the next morning, Trump declared "the election had been rigged"… We know the rest. This recap is only to expose two things: Rupert did not like Hillary Clinton and two, despite hating the democrats, Uncle Rupe does not mind Biden being in charge of the political debacles that were coming regardless of who was president. We made cartoons on this line of thoughts, on this site. 


What was wrong with Hillary? Well, from a Gussian point of view, World War III would have been and gone — and we would be glowing at the bottom of dark caves. Hillary was going to carry-on doing the work of the neocons, which she was doing anyway while working for Obama — but her hands were too far from the Nuclear Button. Some people might dispute my view and that’s okay: HILLARY LIED FAR MORE THAN TRUMP EVER DID. 


Now a lot has been made of Trump’s lies… Many were little white political lies, which unlike the big political hubris from the other side, were blown up as being outrageously nuclear. TRUMP SAID A LOT OF STUPID THINGS. In fact, OBAMA LIED FAR MORE THAN TRUMP and it was those lies used by Rupert, that induced Trump in the hall of leaders of the arty-farty world… 


The non-consensus is that Donald told unpalatable truths to the “liberal” media about the “liberal” media — who had just lost Hillary, their unfair maiden, and were livid. AND, NO, I’m not a trump supporter. Far from it. The choice of presidents in 2016 was about which asylum had produced the looniest inmate for the leadership of the free world… Would I support the First Woman President because she was a woman? In 2016 I would have supported the Green woman — so there… In 2020, I would support the first gay president because I thought Pete was more honest amongst a bunch of liars and idiots. But Biden got the call from the black Christian Churches… How sweet… Should I spew? How Wilsonian!


One of the problems with Murdoch has been dealing with his sons who don’t know how to polish turds with the same brilliance as daddy. The morons tell the truth at half mast — when suitable, and appear to contradict themselves with the candour of 14 year old kids. 


James has now left the family stable, leaving Lachlan holding the can. Already, Rupert has ventilated some of the megalith of News corp, by offloading 20th Century Fox to Disney, etc.


Now, we should know that the rest of incoming politics for the next three years and a half in the USA rely on the glowing health of Joe Biden and how long he can sustain being the voice for a teleprompter. Even MUCH OLDER Rupert would know this. Rupert comes from an indestructible stock-line. His mum live till she was 103. He will make a great centenarian unless he catches covid, but even then, one could say "poor Covid". No chance to win against Rupert.


Biden is an old hand with optical political devices. He has been in politics for 45 years, starting when scripts were on cue cards. Comedians make great jokes about cue cards — jokes are more difficult to make about a modern teleprompter, where the reflective transparent plastic is barely seen by the adoring crowds — and look like bullet proof screens. The words do not have to be memorised nor understood, but they need to be given out with conviction and heartfelt rendition as if the world depended on intonation. Joe is an expert on intonation, but he has to squint to see the huge typeface… He also has TWO teleprompters so he can turn his head regally left to right and back as if he knew what he was talking about… If you think he does, then the teleprompters have done their jobs...


Shit… Gus is going to have to suffer in hell, or at least the purgatory for not supporting Joe Biden at the speed of 100 per cent warp. Have I been swayed by Joe’s history of fudge and manipulations of war record, and not taken in that Joe is a new man — the new man as promoted by the “liberal” media?. Yes, an old new man and a wiser man, a new man ready to lead without fucups — and apply the gravitas only reserved for teleprompters seen from rocking chairs?... 


Is Rupert losing his pants over this? I personally don’t know, but I feel he still is making money and this is number one for Rupert. Controlling the dorks who control the world is second. And he has to be savvy. Employing misogynists such as Ailes, is not for the faint hearted: you need to make tons of money before having to pay out claims of sexual harassment… Though Uncle Rupe is old, he still likes to play like a young gun with the patience of a mother. I want some of the pills he is on.


As the ABC 4Cs did a great job at exposing why some republican journalists and lawyers were annoyed at the Murdoch imprimatur at Fox News, like overtly supporting Trump at the last elections, Chris Kenny at the Australian shoots from two barrels… The love between Chris Kenny and the ABC is like a watery WW1. (https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/fox-news-expose-shows-same-old-script-from-the-abc/news-story/47600ded22bcc10fe9b4baa93a35541b)


The most shattering phrase in the episode came right near the end: “next week”. Four Corners’ star reporter Sarah Ferguson is going to give us a second instalment of this dreary smear – then again she did give us three episodes of the “Story of the Century” on the nutty Russia collusion theory. Ferguson and the ABC are not shy about over-claiming. Last night Ferguson introduced her program by declaring: “Tonight on Four Corners, how America’s No. 1 cable news network became a propaganda network for Donald Trump and helped destabilise democracy”.


I guess it was 79 years too early to get away with “story of the century” again. And last time I checked, the US was still a democracy.


I agree with Chris… The “Story of the Century” on the nutty Russia collusion theory? Yes we have exposed most the nuttiness of the supposed links between Trump and Russia on this site. We can say with 99 per cent confidence that Russia did not interfere with the election of Trump in 2016. Murdoch did. Who knows he may have paid some Macedonians to impersonate Russians who made some silly adverts, like the one involving the devil and Jesus Christ... Only way below par intellectuals would be influence by such crap — and they should not vote equally with Einsteins, unless they vote for what Einstein votes for... And yes the US is still a democracy, though we wonder as the Democrats chase naughty Republicans like ducks at a shooting alley. 


But we’ve lost track of where we’re going… We were going towards hoping for an improvement of American political thoughts. I know it’s a big ask and Joe might surprise us, but so far the equation is still in the negative. It’s a work in progress. Please stop bombing anything until you decide not to bomb anything.


So, let's visit a THINK TANK… because our Gussian brains are bereft of clear thinking after all this.


… the Wilson Center, chartered by Congress in 1968 as the official memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, is the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum for tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue to inform actionable ideas for the policy community.


The Wilson Center brings fresh thinking and deep expertise to the most pressing policy challenges we face today. We convene scholars to create a global dialogue of ideas that Congress, the administration, and the international policy community can act on. In 2019, the Wilson Center was named the #1 regional studies think tank in the world.


We are told: ….


Recent days have witnessed the rapid collapse of the Afghan military and the resignation of its government, with the Taliban returning to national power after nearly two decades of conflict. American diplomats and development officials are being evacuated from Kabul by the U.S. military, and thousands of Afghans are attempting to flee. Experts from the Wilson Center – rated best in the world for regional studies for several years – examine the implications of what is unfolding for Afghanistan, its people, the region, and the United States.


Explore the Wilson Initiative exploring the implications of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Hindsight Up Front. Watch strategic discussions the Wilson Center has hosted in recent weeks with former National Security Advisor HR McMaster as well as former CIA Director David Petraeus and former MI-6 Chief Sir John Scarlett. Learn more with the Wilson Center videos on Why Afghanistan StilMatters and the implications of the return of Taliban rule.


What? Scholars?? HR McMaster? David Petraeus? Sir John Scarlett? SCHOLARS????




We have a problem here. The Wilson Centre is interviewing the culprits...



Otherwise known as having a pie on all fingers available, the purpose of this “think Tank” is to influence all the governments of the world, on an individual basis, to do what the US want: use dollars and pay cash. Drum roll please…


O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight

O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? 






Bloody maniac with a headache...



africa, by obadiah mailafia...

 Is there a global conspiracy against Africa?


By Obadiah Mailafia


THEY don’t teach history in  our schools anymore. Today, we have a generation of Nigerians that do not know where they came from, let alone where they are going. Those who took decision to expunge history from the school curriculum are traitors. History is the queen of the human sciences just as mathematics is the handmaiden of the natural sciences. Philosophy is the mother of all. History teaches and humanises. It is the repository of the collective memory – a vital tool for nation building.

The tragedy of Africans is that we have no sense of history, unlike the Jews who have a long historical memory. Hugh Trover-Roper (who later became Lord Dacre) was Regius Professor of History at Oxford. His views on African history were notoriously ungenerous. According to him, Africa is “no historical part of the World; it has no movement or development to exhibit…here is only the history of Europeans in Africa”.

If I became president someday, the first thing I would do is to sign an Executive Order restoring the study of history in our schools. But history shall not be my sole priority as far as education is concerned. As a matter of fact, my biggest priority will be science, technology, engineering and mathematics – the STEM disciplines. Mine is a vision of a first-rate technological-industrial economy; of a prosperous democracy anchored on the rule of law, human dignity, freedom and social justice.

Two controversies have recently cropped up. The first is the debate about the legacy of Cecil Rhodes, the arch-imperialist and robber-baron; the other being about the racist bigotry of American President Woodrow Wilson.

Cecil John Rhodes (1853 – 1902) was an Englishman who emigrated to Southern Africa and made it big in both business and politics. He became a multibillionaire mining magnate and later Prime Minister of the Cape Colony. Rhodes was an unapologetic imperialist who thought nothing of raping much of Southern Africa, from the Cape up to Zimbabwe and Zambia. In fact, he literally owned everything from Malawi to Zimbabwe and Zambia, for which the entire region was renamed after him as Rhodesia. Rhodes University in South Africa was also named after him.

His opinions about Africans, were unbelievably backward. He was the biggest apologist for British imperialism in Africa. A distinguished historian, Richard McFarlane, describes Rhodes as, “integral a participant in southern African and British imperial history as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln are in their respective eras in United States history”. Rhodes was a big promoter of British imperial ambitions to take possession of everything “from Cape to Cairo”.

His commitment to white Anglo-Saxon racial supremacism was clear and unabashed: “I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race…If the whites maintain their position as the supreme race, the day may come when we shall be thankful that we have the natives with us in their proper position”.

Rhodes never married, claiming he had too much work and may prove not to be a very dutiful husband. It turns out that he was a homosexual who was hooked with his personal secretary Neville Pickering, to whom he had willed his entire estate. I have, regrettably, a link with Cecil Rhodes. He was an old boy of my own alma mater, Oriel College, University of Oxford. He gave a large endowment to my college. His life-sized statue looms like a shadow over Oriel.


Last year, the Provost wrote to me personally seeking my opinion as to whether I would like to see the statue removed. My own response at the time was, “let sleeping dogs lie”. But the “Rhodes Must Fall Campaign” has intensified. It all began in March 2015 on the idyllic campus of the University of Cape Town, where black students demanded removal of all Rhodes memorabilia from campus. It spread like a savannah bushfire to Britain. On January 19, 2016, the venerable Oxford Union – the world’s oldest students debating body and training ground for future British leaders – voted overwhelmingly by 245 to 2012 in favour of the removal of the Rhodes statue.

The pressures of public opinion have become relentless. It seems very clear which way the wind is blowing. It is evident that the Rhodes statue has become an affront to our 21st century sensibilities. It will have to go. Rhodes left more than UK£1 billion to Oxford under the Rhodes Trust for the provision of scholarships to the brightest young people from English-speaking world. The Rhodes Scholarship is the most prestigious students grant in the world. Rhodes intended it as a training opportunity for the brightest young people to prepare them for leadership in the Anglo-Saxon trans-Atlantic community.

Former Rhodes scholars have ranged from Presidents and Prime Ministers to famous writers, scientists, industrialists and judges from all over the world. Former American President Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. I was on the board that nominated two Rhodes scholars from Nigeria and Ghana last year. I regret that the whole of English-speaking West Africa has only two slots while Australia and America have dozens each.  I would insist that the Rhodes Scholarship scheme be reformed to give priority to Africa, from where Cecil Rhodes made most of his fortune.


The other palaver that has come up recently is the decision taken last Friday, June 26, by the President and Regents of the Ivy-League Princeton University to remove the name of Woodrow Wilson from its famous School of International Affairs. They argue that Wilson’s racist views cannot be reconciled with the ideals that both Princeton and the school stand for.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924) was a distinguished academic, lawyer and statesman. He was perhaps the only academic with a PhD to have ever become president of the United States (1913—1921). He was a professor of political science at Princeton. His works on congress and on constitutional government and public administration were seminal contributions to scholarship. He was President of Princeton and later Governor of New Jersey before ascending the high magistracy of the American republic.  Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber who had apparently opposed the decision initially, became a convert; arguing that “Wilson’s racist opinions and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school whose scholars, students and alumni must stand firmly against racism and for equality and justice”.

I would personally propose renaming the institution after former President Barrack Obama, whose wife Michelle, also happens to be a Princeton Alumnus.


What is being revealed about Woodrow Wilson is utterly shocking. Born in Augusta, Georgia, his was a Southern heritage with all that it meant in terms of Jim Crow racism. As President, he reinstated racial segregation in most federal agencies. He also defended the atrocities of the KKK and was a staunch opponent of the electoral franchise for Black people. He believed it be a “menace to society itself that the negroes should thus of a sudden be set free and left without tutelage or restraint”.

Woodrow Wilson was clearly a bad American. But his international policies were, paradoxically, well ahead of his times. He was the architect of the Versailles Settlement 1919 and the ensuing League of Nations. It literally broke his heart when Congress refused to ratify the Treaty.  This singular failure destroyed the foundations of collective security; paving the way for another catastrophic war.

The founding fathers of the American Republic were racist slave-owners, including the principal draftsman of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson. The rare exceptions were the likes of John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams.   As racist bigots go, Woodrow Wilson was in a class of his own.





money has no feelings...

A paper bird on the chest ...



By Vicente Aleixandre



A paper bird on the chest


Says the time for kisses has not come;


Life, life, the sun burns invisible


Kisses or birds, later or sooner, or never.


To die, a little noise is enough,


That of another heart that is shutting up,


Or that other people's time on earth


Is but a golden ship for blond hair.


A sore head, golden temples, the sun is about to set;


Here in the shadow I dream of a river,


Reeds of green blood that are now born,


I dream of leaning on your warmth or your life.




Destruction or Love, 1933




Translation/adaptation by Gus Leonisky 


(Apologies. My Spanish is a bit rusty)




Un pájaro de papel en el pecho…



Vicente Aleixandre



Un pájaro de papel en el pecho


dice que el tiempo de los besos no ha llegado;


vivir, vivir, el sol cruje invisible,


besos o pájaros, tarde o pronto o nunca.


Para morir basta un ruidillo,


el de otro corazón al callarse,


o ese regazo ajeno que en la tierra


es un navío dorado para los pelos rubios.


Cabeza dolorida, sienes de oro, sol que va a ponerse;


aquí en la sombra sueño con un río,


juncos de verde sangre que ahora nace,


sueño apoyado en ti calor o vida.



La destrucción o el amor, 1933





Vicente Pío Marcelino Cirilo Aleixandre y Merlo (26 April 1898 – 14 December 1984) was a Spanish poet, born in Seville. Aleixandre received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1977 "for a creative poetic writing which illuminates man's condition in the cosmos and in present-day society, at the same time representing the great renewal of the traditions of Spanish poetry between the wars". He was part of the Generation of ’27.


Aleixandre's early poetry, which he wrote mostly in free verse, is highly surrealistic. It also praises the beauty of nature by using symbols that represent the earth and the sea. Many of Aleixandre's early poems are filled with sadness. They reflect his feeling that people have lost the passion and free spirit that he saw in nature




And he’s right. Not all of us have lost our passions, but I will say that passions are often difficult to maintain in the face of crap and money. Crap for you and money for them are unfortunately synonyms for financiers. They suck up your red blood within an inch of your life, because killing you would kill the golden goose. And you wonder why your hard earn meager money ends up in the pocket of rich hedge funds, without you having done anything wrong. Or even understanding how this happened. It’s often too simple. 


Say your government is corrupt, borrows money that is easily given by the World Bank or such, moneys that vanish in the Swiss/Bermuda/Bahamas pockets of your corrupt representatives, who then abandon you to the vultures. I mean vulture funds. Moneys that was suppose to help you build a working society and new roads, leave you with the massive potholes of debt. And I mean DEBTS!!!!


The debtors sell the debts cheap, because they can't be bothered trying to help you anymore or even collect the crumbs which for you represent the value of Fort Knox. The cheap buyers of these debts are VULTURE FUNDS. I won’t mention names but their know who they are… Money has no feelings.


This of course is part of the "Wilson system", adapted to the modern times, especially with the new fashion of LGBTis… Your country lacks food and water, because your traditions were destroyed by free trade — which is a euphemism for "you don’t grow your own stuff but you buy American hamburgers with the loans we “give” you. And when you can’t repay, because the loans moneys have been swindled by our mates in your government, we give you nothing more… Oh and give us your oil..."


By now, the Vulture funds want you to adopt LGBTi policies or they squash your nuts. It’s blackmail and you still don’t have any money to pay for the destructions of your reminding traditions which don't demand that everybody be lesbian or gay… The local Chinese hardware store calls upon his good mates in Beijing. They pay your debt, they help you build a better economy, they get rid of the corruption and the West cries you are being invaded by the Chinese. The Chinese are taking over the world!!!! The Chinese don’t care if you are gay or straight. All they want is for you to have a good life and for you to give them a bit of respect and gratitude. 


But the West is livid! Have I gone too far, here?...


May be, but...



In overthrowing the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Islamic Emirate, which has replaced it, seized several hundred thousand weapons, thousands of tanks and Humvees and even a minimum of four Black Hawks helicopters.

The question remains about the fate of 200 fighter jets that are still on Afghan soil.

Republican senators have asked the Pentagon to compile a list of materials nabbed by the Taliban, both weapons belonging to the US or given by the latter to the Islamic Republic.

This modus operandi is reminiscent of Daesh’s progression inside Iraq in 2014. The jihadists had thousands of identical vehicles at their disposal, straight out of the Toyota factory in Jordan. They crossed through Iraq at full speed and were promptly joined by Iraqi officers. They then seized stockpiles of US weapons that had just been delivered to the Iraqi military, most of which were still packed. They thus mounted a formidable army against Iraq, but also and above all against Syria. Some of these officers now live in the United States, a sign that they were already on their payroll then.

The CIA’s methods of flouting the law are unshakable.

One should wonder about the fact that Daesh and the Taliban have fighters trained to drive tanks, and this time it’s not just for delivering equipment to an Army, but also to an Air Force. As it is Black Hawks helicopters have magically trained pilots. What will it be in store for the Afghan air force?


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