Saturday 18th of January 2025

the price of food...


No one group has done more to damage our global agriculture and food quality than the Rockefeller Foundation. They began in the early 1950s after the War to fund two Harvard Business School professors to develop vertical integration which they named “Agribusiness.” The farmer became the least important. They then created the fraudulent Green Revolution in Mexico and India in the 1960s and later the pro-GMO Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa since 2006. Money from the Rockefeller Foundation literally created the disastrous GMO genetically altered plants with their toxic glyphosate pesticides. Now again, the foundation is engaged in a major policy change in global food and agriculture and it’s not good. 

In their latest report, True Cost of Food: Measuring What Matters to Transform the U.S. Food System, the Rockefeller Foundation is deeply engaged in a coordinated effort to radically change the way we produce food and how we calculate its true cost. They claim it is part of a global consensus, through the UN, to create “sustainable” agriculture amid the ongoing COVID breakdown crisis. Far from being a positive change, it is intended to radically change our access to healthy food and our choice of what we eat. The foundation, which has just released the second food report in two years, is partnering with the Davos World Economic Forum and big agribusiness to lead the drive. Their new slogan is “True Cost of Food.” 

True Cost?

Rajiv Shah, President of the Foundation writes, “we spent the past year working with experts and advocates across the field to measure impact of the US food system. The result is the first US-wide set of metrics that can help us measure the cost of our food more accurately. With this new analysis, governments, advocates, food producers, and individuals are better equipped to transform our food system to be more nourishing, regenerative, and equitable…”

Here is where the words must be looked at more closely. These guys are experts at NLP. In effect, it reads as if the same Rockefeller Foundation responsible for our industrialized, globalized food chain and the destruction that process has wrought on not only the family farm but also the quality of our global agriculture and diet, is now blaming their creation for huge external costs of our food. However they write as if the greedy family farmer is to blame, not corporate agribusiness. 

Shah states, “This report is a wake-up call. The US food system as it stands is adversely affecting our environment, our health, and our society.” Shah’s Rockefeller study states, “The U.S. food system’s current set-up has led to costly impacts on the health of people, society, and the planet. Global warming, reduced biodiversity, water and air pollution, food waste, and the high incidence of diet-related illnesses are key unintended consequences of the current production system.” This is ominous.

The study adds, “ The burden of impact of these costs are disproportionately borne by communities that are marginalized and underserved, often communities of color, many of whom are the backbone as farmers, fishers, ranchers, and food workers.”

Using a Dutch group, True Price Foundation, the report calculates that the “true cost” of the US food system is not the $1.1 trillion that Americans spend annually on food, but rather at least $3.2 trillion per year when taking into account its impact on the health of people, livelihoods, and the environment. This huge added cost is calculated mainly from health effects including cancer and diabetes and environmental effects such as CO2 emissions of what they call “unsustainable” agriculture. True Cost Foundation has a three man board including Herman Mulder, a former banker with ABN Amro, one of the world’s leading agribusiness banks; Charles Evers, former Corporate controller and CFO with Unilever NV (1981-2002), one of the world’s leading agribusiness giants; and Jasper de Jong , Partner at Allen & Overy, one of the world’s largest law firms based in London. This is the team behind pricing such abstractions as a ton of CO2 and other costs for the Rockefeller report. The only point is that CO2 is a harmless essential component of all life and no cause for a rising global temperature. 

Also notable about the Rockefeller report, True Cost of Food, is that the contributors included law school professors, university economists, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and True Cost Foundation. No single farmer organization was included. 

The report calculates that the major “hidden” costs of America’s food production come from agriculture’s negative impact on health and on the environment: “The biggest unaccounted costs are from negative impacts on human health, worsening environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss.” They put a number on all this. For example, direct environmental impacts including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, and soil erosion they claim cost $350 billion annually; and the impact on biodiversity as a result of land use, and soil, water, and air pollution they say costs the US economy $455 billion. Then they calculate the health costs of the US food system. Here the report includes costs to the economy of obesity, of cardio-vascular diseases which are the leading cause of death globally, cancer, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases. This supposedly adds another $ 1 trillion to our “true” food costs. Totaling both effects as claimed adds some $1.8 trillion of the estimated $2.2 external costs of food. To claim dollar costs of these diseases in the rigged US healthcare system is the sole fault of the agriculture ignores the bloated health costs since Obamacare insurance took effect. By the way Rockefeller also created the modern medical system with his Flexner Report along with the Carnegie Foundation in 1910. But that’s another story. 

There is no disputing that agribusiness industrialized food production in the USA since the 1950s has turned the once-productive family farm into a corporate appendage of a system of factory farms, GMO seed and agrichemicals monopolies like Monsanto-Bayer and DuPontDow (Corteva), huge slaughtering operations such as of Tyson and Smithfield Foods, and retailers like Walmart or Whole Foods. But the report suggests that traditional family farmers are to blame. This is to set the stage for an agriculture Great Reset that will be even more harmful as the remaining range-fed beef is replaced with lab-grown GMO plant beef and similar products. The USDA recently wrote that the “primary sources of greenhouse gases in agriculture are the production of nitrogen-based fertilizers; the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas; and waste management. Livestock enteric fermentation, or the fermentation that takes place in the digestive systems of ruminant animals, results in methane emissions.”

The message is that the current American food production is to blame and that radical and costly changes are urgently needed. The difficulty in reading the report is that the language is deliberately vague and deceptive. For example one of the most damaging components of American agriculture since the 1990s has been the wholesale introduction of GMO crops—especially soybeans, corn and cotton and the highly carcinogenic Monsanto-Bayer Roundup with glyphosate. The Rockefeller report omits their direct role in fostering that devastation by their creating and promoting Monsanto and GMO for decades, knowing it was destructive. Rockefeller Foundation policy is to introduce gene-edited crops, GMO.2, and destroy America’s present agriculture in favor of patented costly alternatives, claiming it is too costly and not “sustainable” or “inclusive.” The second largest global food producer, the EU, will be their next target. 

AGRA, Gates and Davos 

This agenda is not surprising when we look at the background of the key actors at Rockefeller Foundation. The President, Rajiv Shah, came out of a background at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he was Director of Agricultural Development. At Gates Foundation Shah worked with the Rockefeller Foundation to create the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. He is intimately tied to the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) of Great Reset guru, Klaus Schwab, where Shah recently co-chaired the WEF Global Future Council on the New Agenda for Economic Growth and Recovery. There he wrote that “governments must actively shape markets towards green and inclusive growth.” 

The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is a project that has tried to force GMO seeds and related pesticides at huge cost on poorer African small farmers. It has been an agriculture disaster for African farmers. The AGRA model plays a key role in understanding the unspoken agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation and allies such as WEF and Gates Foundation. The person responsible under Shah at Rockefeller for the agriculture program is Roy Steiner, the foundation’s Senior Vice President for Food Initiative. Steiner was with Shah at the Gates Foundation and worked with Shah to create the pro-GMO AGRA in Africa.

The deep role of both Shah and Steiner in AGRA and its GMO agenda gives a very good idea how Rockefeller & Co. plan the radical transformation of US agriculture, and it is not good. The report says that it will reduce CO2 and methane emissions and introduce plant-based alternatives. Bill Gates co-funded the startup of the imitation meat company, Impossible Foods, using lab-grown fake meat and gene-editing. He insists synthetic beef is a necessary strategy to address climate change and declares that Americans and other Western nations must switch to a diet of 100% synthetic beef. No more cows no more gas emissions

Davos, Rockefeller and UN World Food Summit

The agriculture agenda of the influential Rockefeller Foundation, the agenda of Davos WEF and of the UN all converge on the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030 for “sustainable agriculture.” On September 23, 2021 in New York the UN hosted Food Systems Summit 2021. The chair of the summit was Agnes Kalibata UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to the 2021 Food Systems Summit. Her selection was vehemently opposed by dozens of NGOs based on the fact she is President of the Gates-Rockefeller AGRA in Africa. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres announced the summit as a part of the Decade of Action for achieving Agenda 2030 sustainable goals. Olivier De Schutter, former UN special rapporteur on the right to food, stated that the Food Summit was the result of “closed-door agreements” at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

In June 2019 at the UN, WEF head Klaus Schwab and UN’s Guterres signed a formal partnership “to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” One year later amid the covid pandemia, Klaus Schwab announced launch of the technocratic Great Reset together with Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN; and Kristalina Georgieva of the International Monetary Fund. Davos, the UN and Rockefeller Foundation are all on one agenda and it is not good for the future health and food of mankind. This is no conspiracy theory; it’s the real conspiracy.



F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



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your hidden masters...


BY Phil Butler


Being part of a cabal of evil geniuses bent on world domination is not hard. The only requirements are being part of the old money establishment, taking a blood oath, and having absolutely no soul. Orchestrating the complete domination of every human being on Earth, now that’s the tricky part. Here’s how it all works (sort of).

First things first. Vladimir Putin believes that teaching kids gender fluidity is a crime against humanity. And I agree with him. I make this point because in my country, what I just said will get me in hot water in a multitude of ways. First, the section of America convinced that the leadership of the far left care about them will hate my guts. They will immediately label me as something between a racist and a Donald Trump misogynist fanatic. I’ll even lose Facebook friends. But pay close attention.

Another pitfall of expressing honest views like this in America is that the real far-right fanatics who love Donald Trump will holler either “Hell yeah!” or “Praise Jesus,” depending on which side of the tracks they grew up on. And, if I appear to side with them, disagreeing with “instructing” innocent minds that it’s okay to switch and swap their sexuality further their cause. If I don’t agree with the education system instructing kids to call their Mom and Dad birthing attendants one and two, it puts me (and every moderate American) on the bus with the KKK, flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and worse. And the left-wing ride alongs, the African American and Hispanic communities, they’ll hate me too. Sadly, none of the aforementioned Americans know, it’s the Big Daddy evil geniuses orchestrating the whole thing. Do you get it? It’s the evil genius perfect storm.

“The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

I know, I know, it sounds like the same old Illuminati conspiracy theory all right. But doesn’t the “rest of us” at one another’s throats on everything seem strange to you? A friend here in Greece told me yesterday, “The anarchists destroy our art. They gather in the square to execute their only function, to recruit more idiots into the ranks.” The man speaking had taken his own time and money to help reinvigorate a key cultural neighborhood in Heraklion, Crete’s capital. Artists from around the world came to beautify a once wonderful neighborhood square with street art that was magical. And now it’s almost all defaced, spray painted over because the subject matter was not “political enough.” Yes, you got me, medieval, shit for brains stuff. Now let’s flip the page.

Recruitment for the current Alice in Americaville rabbit hole games began some years ago. The evil geniuses sat down together and hammered out a circus sideshow with “We the People” as the performers. We can call “them” the liberal order, if you like. Their Job One was to make the conservatives in America into lunatics or idiots who would follow a sellout billionaire or Bozo the Clown, if only their gas prices would go down. One half of America got to juggle deported Hispanic children and the Holy Bible, while the other half looked on aghast! Trump, you see, is the Pied Piper to take moderation off the cliff for good. He also served well to help create our first trillionaires, the technocrats and Wall Street demons sucking the world dry while we die of COVID. On the other end, the empowered and liberated mass is now exploding with jobs, as act III begins.

“Man produces evil as a bee produces honey.” – William Golding

Does anyone else out there ask themselves the question, “How in the hell did Joe Biden become president?” The KKK membership is out there hollering, “They cheated. They rigged the election, them socialist sons of bitches.” So much for the nation of brotherly love, huh? But the fact of the matter is, they are right. Only the voting machines were not rigged. “They” rigged the elections a long time ago. “They” always gave us lousy choices. “They” always pitted us against one another. Think about it you Baby Boomers. Loud mouth, sexist, stupid, bad mannered, no class Donald Trump the casion owner and mafia puppet billionaire as the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military on Earth! If you are a Boomer, you remember the Twilight Zone, the Outer Limits, and Dr. Strangelove too. The election was rigged because even the silent Wisconsin milk farming moderate voted for Biden. To SAVE the world!

Okay, how can we know that the game is rigged? Well, for one thing it’s too expensive for the house if the roulette wheel is on the level. What if Donald Trump did not Tweet his every military move? Why Raytheon stocks might never fluctuate at just the right moment. And what about Joe Biden and the staggering gas prices Trump followers are now going nutty over? Well, they’re still half of what they are here in Europe, but everything is about perception. Gas prices fluctuate to serve the gas sellers, they are bound to go up no matter what. But, wait! We’re off course. What about the cabal? Let’s reveal their greasy little fingers manipulating everything since the COVID pandemic shut us down.

Warren Buffett’s stock portfolio ballooned to a value of $281.17 billion by the end of 2020. Someone must have noticed that Buffett sold out of American Airlines (AAL), United Airlines (UAL), Delta Air Lines (DAL) and Southwest Airlines (LUV) in the first quarter of 2020, even before the pandemic totally shut down travel. He started buying into tech, which was not previously a pattern for him. Speaking of tech, Google and Microsoft saw bonanza profits during the pandemic, which put Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and Bill Gates in the quest to become the world’s first trillionaires alongside Buffett, Bezos, and dark horse leader Elon Musk. Wait a minute, though. None of these names are old money. And how the hell did Elon Musk amass $250 billion dollars so fast? With stock. You know, the air that all the well-to-do gamble their money on. More to the point, how does an evil genius multi trillionaire camouflage himself? In plain sight, surrounded by little billionaires, of course.

Stocks. The cabal at work in their favorite playground, shooting the rest of us humans around in a gigantic game of marbles. Elon Musk is the richest person in the world (in the news) playing stocks. The man who invented a fantastic electric car, which none of us can afford, is propped up by market cap, longs and shorts, and is benefitting from some invisible hand. At one point during this pandemic, he was making $383 million per day. In one five-day period, Musk amassed $39 billion. His story is “their” story, those pesky Bilderbergers. And what about the conglomerates? You know, those family organizations that have bought out every innovative competitor, or run them out of business. Mars candy, for instance, has now diversified into

Most people in America never even heard of Forrest Mars Sr., the founder of the candy company that made his family filthy rich. This family is so secretive their Wikipedia page has two short paragraphs on them. But, only the Waltons and the Koch Brothers are richer. Think of it, a company with 130,000 employees worldwide, and nobody knows who the hell they are. Hell, the world did not even know that Forrest Mars Sr. died, or that he was the head of the company, until somebody finally leaked the news. Now imagine people who have trillions, instead of billions, and how come you know nothing of them! These people run the show folks, not Jeff Bezos or any of the other front men set up for the blaming game. The Mars operations have been charged with child labor abuses, slave labor, all-wrong animal experiments, GMO madness, deforestation of African national parks, and more. Ironically, they also run a chain of veterinarian shops across America, and their candy bars feed American kids, who are hopelessly enslaved by sugar. Talk about resident evil. To make matters worse, they are horrible liars.

“There is no happiness in life, only a mirage of it on the horizon, so cherish that.” – Vladimir Putin

And another headline reads “India’s Reliance grows above pre-pandemic levels, refining powers profit surge.” Tell me, exactly how does this happen with people in India dying like flies from COVID? Ah! Another relatively unknown “family” at work amassing even greater wealth. The Ambani Family’s estimated wealth is only supposed to be $81.3 billion, but it’s probably a lot more, somewhere around half a trillion, I’d guess. Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, Asia’s richest man, expanded his father’s company to become a major petrochemicals player, a telecommunications leader, and the top retailer in India. His private pad is valued at $1 billion, and again, not much is really known about his operations. Check this, when COVID cut short the demand for polymer supplied by Ambani’s Jamnagar Refinery (the world’s biggest), Maersk shipping and logistics group came through to help the billionaire quadruple export from the Jamnagar Refinery. Denmark, hmm.

Enter Arnold Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller, the now deceased Danish billionaire who inherited what became the world’s biggest container shipping operation. His grandson, Robert Maersk Uggla now runs A.P. Moller Holding. Uggla is well educated, of course, having graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics and later at the Univerità Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Harvard Business School, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and IMD. Maersk expanded its operations and influence following both world wars, but the company has now expanded into oil exploration, drilling, and production. In fact, Maersk McKinney-Moller negotiated what amounts to a monopoly for his family, where offshore Denmark oil is concerned. He was also a Bilderberg participant.

Maersk has been accused of human rights violations, cheating the US Government in Afghanistan and Iraq, and breaking the Sudan embargo. An interesting “family” anecdote here is how Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller sold the newspaper Berlingske Tidende when reporters there dug up A.P. Moller owned a company that sold arms to the Nazis in World War 2. And the fact that Royal Dutch Shell and Maersk are partnering in North Sea oil workings, probably means nothing. After all, King Willem-Alexander has publicly said he does not own a majority stake in Shell. It’s only rumored his wife Queen Maxima is the top shareholder. More secrets, who can say. But just what is the “Netherlands Central Institute for Cashless Securities Transactions?” Over 21% of Shell A and B stocks are owned by this entity. Sorry, now my head is wobbling because of a connection to the Dutch royal family (associative) to the Argentinian leader Juan Peron. Forget I mention this, it’s a mind boggling coincidence.

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” – Albert Einstein

The “real” evil geniuses who’ve run our civilized circus of political ideologies in practice, they’re invisible. Elon Musk is a veritable nobody in their eyes. A puppet, a pinup boy, to keep our attention focused on what is least important. Technology, playboy trips to “almost” space. Fancy cars nobody but rich people can afford. Or, in Bezos’ or Gates’ cases, “miraculous” rises to fame and fortune. Come to think of it, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and Mark Zuckerberg are also miraculous American dreams, self-made gazillionaires. Just how many garage startups are there out there? Or, is someone, or someone(s) standing behind at just the right time? Hey, if I can think of it, perhaps the Rothschilds thought of it too!

What else have they to do? The evil geniuses that are not Putin.



Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



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klaus nazi daddy….


The Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, organized this year’s Davos meeting to whip up support for Ukraine against Russia. He not only allowed Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk to set up a “Russian War Crimes House,” but he arranged for key speeches to be delivered at the plenary sessions, including one from President Volodymyr Zelensky.

This unconditional support for the Banderites [Ukrainian nazis] can be explained if one looks into Klaus Schwab’s origin. Contrary to his family legend, he is the son of a Wehrmacht general (photo). He was decorated not only for his military feats during the two World Wars, but for his actions in the Ottoman Empire/Turkey during the genocide of Christians, mainly Armenians.

In the 70s and 80s, Klaus Schwab was one of the directors at Escher Wyss & Cie (taken over by Sulzer AG) which played an important role in the atomic research program during apartheid in South Africa; contribution that was carried out in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 418.

With the help of then European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Frenchman Raymond Barre (member of the Trilateral Commission), he created a circle of business leaders that became the World Economic Forum. This name change was made with the help of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), the employers’ branch of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED/CIA). This is why he was registered in 2016 with the Bilderberg Group (an influential body of NATO) as an international civil servant, a status which he has never officially occupied.

A transhumanist and promoter of equitable globalization, he is the author of The Great Reset, a prospective reflection on what civilization could become.







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