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why labor has no chance at the next election....The prime minister has dismissed claims from his deputy Barnaby Joyce that the Nationals secured the exclusion of livestock methane emissions in negotiations over the government’s net zero 2050 target. On Thursday, the Nationals leader said he had successfully negotiated a “carve out” commitment from Scott Morrison to exclude agricultural methane emissions from Australia’s emission reduction task. A report published in The Australian on Thursday indicated this related to Australia opting out of the global methane pledge, which is a commitment to reduce methane emissions 30% by 2030 that will be launched at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow next week. Joyce said the document signed off by Morrison to secure the Nationals’ support for the net zero pledge by 2050 had excluded methane cuts, “100%”. “It was absolutely within our document that methane is to be excluded – absolutely 100%,” Joyce said. “It was diligent work that brought about a substantial process that gave us the insurance that protects regional industry, which underpins regional towns.” Despite the meat and livestock association having a carbon neutral by 2030 target which suggests herd numbers can be maintained, Joyce said the only way to reduce methane by 30% by 2030 would be “to go grab a rifle (and) go out and start shooting your cattle.” When asked if agriculture had been “carved out of net zero”, Joyce said the Nationals had made clear that “no deal would go forward that we would support unless it was absolutely categorically ruled out and we got that.” It is understood that the document explicitly ruled out the methane pledge as a result of the negotiations. Morrison, who has refused to make public the terms of the agreement struck with the junior Coalition partner, said there was no carve out for agriculture, and also confirmed the government’s position on methane emissions had not been influenced by the negotiations with Joyce.
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the cowcreek progress association...
Image at top, mischief by Gus Leonisky. Section of an original cartoon by Percy Leason published in the Melbourne PUNCH, 1925...
When Scott Morrison strode into his press conference room on Tuesday to confirm Australia would be taking a net zero emissions target to the Cop26 in Glasgow, the prime minister was running on high revs.
Possibly this was an excess of adrenalin. Big parliamentary day and all that. But he looked nervous. Morrison rarely looks nervous, so this presentation was memorable.
It’s utterly reasonable to wonder why the prime minister would be nervous, given he wasn’t about to unleash a policy revolution. The Coalition’s new roadmap for achieving net zero is, depressingly, devoid of substance.
The policy might be status quo – but in political and electoral terms, the prime minister is rolling the dice. For more than a decade, the Coalition has been telling voters Australia can safely ignore the risks of global heating – a phenomenon that may or may not be happening. The battle hymn has been all about the astronomical costs of action. The promise has been everything can stay the same.
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Australia is fighting alongside India and China to resist a global bid to phase out coal as leaders of the world’s biggest economies negotiate a draft pledge at the G20 summit in Rome this weekend about the need to stop the “existential” threat of climate change.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison will not support a push by G20 members to set a date to end coal mining and coal-fired power stations if other leaders try to use the issue to build momentum for stronger action at a United Nations climate summit that begins in Glasgow on Monday.
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