Sunday 19th of January 2025

and god was created by man...


I have never had much interest in faith versus science debates. They simply did not resonate with me. I believe God created the world, but I never felt the need to nail down the details or method of creation. I went to a fairly conservative evangelical seminary (founded by Billy Graham himself), and even there, I was taught that Genesis 1 was more like a hymn or a poem than a science textbook. I have long been influenced by early church theologians like Augustine of Hippo, who understood the biblical creation account as primarily making theological claims instead of offering a precise explanation of cosmological origins.


By Tish Harrison Warren



I was in campus ministry for a decade among scientists who were leaders in their fields. They sought cures for cancer and studied black holes, and were also passionate about their faith. They saw science as a tool, a gift from God that allowed them to help people and explore the glorious wonder of the world.

So I mostly ignored the larger cultural conversations that pit science and faith against each other.

Then along came Covid-19.

It has not been hard for me to trust the medical community and their recommendations during the pandemic because I personally know biomedical researchers whom I trust. I worship each Sunday with physicians. My church prayed for an end to the pandemic and asked God to help scientists in their vaccine research. We never saw a conflict between the work of God and efforts of science.



In the end, Haarsma said, these two communities share a goal: seeking truth. “They can find common ground in their desire to know what is true,” she suggests, “whether about nature or about God.” I asked Haarsma how faith and science entwine in her own work. Her voice sounded ebullient. As a professor of astronomy, she said, she truly sees how, in the words of Psalm 19, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” That’s what scientists study, she told me, “the very handiwork of God.”


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“Cheese N’ Rice!!!*” Bullshit!! Another one of these annoying articles in “good faith”… about basically mixing oil and water… Faith is designed to polish our ego as we, humans, want to be something else than what we are. Faith is a delusion. Sciences is about understanding who we are. I can see Deborah Haarsma as president of Biologos (visit: completely misunderstanding the concept of religious beliefs and her own sciences. Here, Deborah Haarsma would try to convert visiting aliens from other planets to her idiotic delusions. 


Voltaire did this in Micromegas… The wise aliens in return would give their views on “life” in a big book, which only contains blank pages… This is wisdom.


Yes, Nicolaus Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle and other giants of modern science were people of faith… Why? At the time of their existence, these people could not be who they were, unless they were part of the politico-religious kingdoms which demanded “faith” otherwise they would have been ostracised and unemployed. Isaac Newton was a closet heretic. He did not “believe” in the trinity of god. Niels Bohr, the driver of quantum mechanics, was a fierce atheist. Einstein was more of an agnostic as he did not want to upset his “believing” backers. Darwin was not the only one who started the ball rolling about “evolution” which is not a fallacy — unlike the Genesis bullcrap and the many stupid acts of vengeance of god towards His (god is a male) own creation… 


The concept of the “original sin” is totally idiotic — senseless. The concept of the final judgement does not make any sense either. Yet these are major foundations of the Abrahamic faiths, islam, christianity and judaism. Punishment and reward at the “end of times”… You’re kidding!… Can we wait this long, say another five billion years? 


The idea of god was fully exposed as a human-invented concept rather than a reality, by the philosophers of the Enlightenment in the 18th century.


By trying to combine sciences and religion, Deborah Haarsma would have to be a learned idiot...


There is no conflict between faith and sciences. Both are on different planets. Back on earth, the Covid-19 hullabaloo was mostly generated from “science versus science” in a political soup. 


As explained too often on this site, Sciences rely on doubt and ask questions. Faith rely on acceptance of crap that tells you "what is” — crap you thus believe is god, though, when analysed with proper assessment, is obvious crap. There is no god. None. The idea of god does not make any sense. 


Covid-19 became a battleground, because of divisions in the way sciences were enacted and became embedded into politics/economics. Some people firmly believe that the whole pandemic was used as a battle ground to control people with concepts of vaccinations, lockdowns, regulations such as wearing of masks and registration of being a consumer in a shop, in a restaurant or such. It becomes a game of mind control. Some scientists, who did different MODELINGS  contested the freedom restriction and suggested a less regulated but better targeted approach. Most were ostracised. Nothing new.


For example the official "vaccination rates versus freedom of movements” are a bit flimsy or to say the least rely on statistical models that could be off by quite a lot of percentage points. There were talks of 70% and 80% to achieve critical freedom and this is based on rates of possible infection via social contacts. Iffy… Why should vaccinated people fear the unvaccinated? Is it because the vaccines are not as efficient as they should be? Is it because the health system and the hospitals would not be able to cope? This is the crap thinking that Joe Biden is pushing in the US — should you be unvaccinated, you lose your job. This is Fascism based on a wrong interpretation of sciences.


As well, at first we were advised that the old people were the most at risk. This is understandable mainly because we’re frail and near our last breath, yet this is where most governments failed. Instead of protecting the old folks first, governments sort of dithered and let Covid-19-infected staff or visitors — or new inmates — inside retirement villages or out of cruise ships. Your emphysema got an extra shot of death in the arm… As well some cultural sensitivities, prevented efficient restrictions in some ethnic communities, while those far less at risk bore the brunt of the lockdowns — mostly on a economic/social level. The arts died or became moribund. 


On the vaccine front, many of the vaccines used were obviously not tested rigorously enough. We became the experiment. There again, the efficiency of vaccines can vary or be only “80%” or "60%” or "92.5%” effective… depending on the on-take.  A few people who got “fully” vaccinated died nonetheless (as part of the unlucky 20%, 40% or 7.5%)...


We are now in the “third jab” season and this is likely to become a regular event for a few more years… The big Pharmas are in heaven. Their future is assured 150%...


As well, a few young people who caught Covid-19 suffered from “long-Covid” — that is to say a lingering malaise and general weakness, even if they have beaten the disease. This news was like a general “warning” to get vaccinated, though the cases of long-covid are far and few in between. And there is fibromyalgia lurking in the background for mostly young adults… Fear is key. The fear of Covid-19 is like the fear of god used to be the social control mechanism — until the Christians realised they were loosing bums on seats so they moved on to the next level: the love of god… Meanwhile the Muslims are still in the punishment/restrictions/sexist mode… Oh and the fallacy about god creating “man” in his own image! That’s a beauty. We’d all look like long-bearded Hells angels! Please believers, get on your motorbikes...


Some people did not get sick, though they had caught Covid-19...


It is interesting to note that the washerwomen” during the plague were the least candidates for catching the disease (or becoming sick/dying from it). It is difficult to know why but one can make assumptions: washing the clothes, and sheets of diseased people, could have reduced the potency of the disease and given a pre-emptive contact with the weakened viruses being boiled with the clothing, akin to an accidental vaccination. Possible.


In the early days of Covid-19, there was little known about it. The rush to produce containment by governments raised a lot of suspicions as the parallel established with a recent “pandemic fighting exercise” sponsored by Bill Gates, in late 2019 was exposed. Bill Gates, in his wisdom, of course, tells us that the next pandemic could be ten times worse. Thank you Bill, go back and choke on your billions. 


As we don’t know the real origin of this disease, which has some “strange” uncanny human affinity, despite coming from bats (forget the poor pangolins being harvested for their scales), we’re up against a few conspiracies. Shhhhh. Don’t mention the word. The step(s) from bats to humans are NOT KNOWN and are suspiciously like a gain-of-function laboratory experiment gone wrong — or as a deliberate release. WE DON’T KNOW. What we know is that trade in bats in the “wet-markets” of Wuhan is not new. The trade has been going on for a few hundred years. Why the sudden switch of a bat virus to humans in our present times when we’re thankfully equipped with specific bio-technologies, is uncanny… These times being loaded with extraordinary opportune coincidences, can only arise suspicions of foul play.


Not strangely enough the big Pharma labs demanded the government exempt them from lawsuits should their vaccines have "side-effects” (which some of them have, including blood-clotting)… This is a tell-tale sign that everything was done in a hurry and that populations quickly became the lab experiments rather than monkeys. 


The development of the mRNA vaccines was swift, yet these labs had been working on the PATENTED technology for nearly 20 years to combat the ordinary flu — without great success. Suddenly we had mRNA vaccines that could work “80%” against Covid… What changed? 


Who knows… Incentivation by cash could have accelerated the “discoveries”… 


Such sciences borderline with technology on the hop aren't exact and have pitfall. Governments had to quickly decide on actions from “advice” of experts — best advice from scientists who to say the least were not all in agreement, as some have affiliations with the big Pharmas and the said-labs where Covid-19 (under its different code name) was being studied. Should government do nothing, the possibility of BIG lawsuits was on the horizon.


The sciences of global warming are far more accurate that those around Covid-19


The understanding of DNA and RNA processes are reasonably advanced, yet in bio-mechanics, there are still some lack of knowledge at the micro level. Meanwhile, vaccines were “designed” to act in different ways, and PATENTS  were why the labs rejected the notion of giving the technology to developing countries laboratories. The Western governments had to fork out big moneys to buy the vaccines that they gave free to their population, with a small proportion of free vaccines being “charitably" given to developing countries. The patents were safeguarded. 


The first vaccine on the market, Russian Sputnik V, produced in the traditional way without mRNA technology had a claimed efficiency of 92.5%. But the Western nations, rejected the vaccine for POLITICAL REASONS. Some Eastern European countries, unable to get “Western” approved vaccines, went for the Sputnik V, defying the EU order not to indulge the Russians.


So Ms Tish Harrison Warren, pray all you like. God has nothing to do with this little planet, or the many others worlds in this universe, nor with finding cures or vaccines to combat Covid-19… To say the least this virus will be with us for a while — being probably virulent for another three to five years. Then like the plague, Covid-19 might vanish or become dormant in its present format.


The “human” future is about to be relaunched with various caveats including “the green new deal”, various “Covid-passports” and other fancy restrictions probably designed to make the rich richer and keep us, the proles, in our little boxes, without major complaints. Some people object to this and they are entitled to, but we will ostracise them. This is democracy in action… Meanwhile, “they” — the controllers of our wealth — haven’t stolen our dreams yet, but they working on it.


At this stage of your life, Tish, it is time to find ways to nail down the details or method of creation. God has nothing to do with it. Evolution has. Evolution is highly misunderstood because it is RANDOM rather than designed. Despite “improvements”, evolution can devolve. Evolution isn’t a philosophical entity either. Evolution is the chance encounter of particles and molecules WITH NO INTENT and purpose and has the chance of happening on more planets in the universe that we could think... We also live on such a small lucky planet in which some molecules evolved complex ability to duplicate, over a billion years. This lead to the various species that evolved over the next 3 billion years. This is us, really, and through the sheer ability of DNA duplication, we have arrive to our own ability of choices. We are one of the species that interact with the other protein species. We steal proteins from other creatures to survive and some creatures steal our proteins (or that of other species) for their own survival. 


With evolution, we have develop complex defence mechanism that protect us from infection. Our personal resistance is not universal, and we can catch a cold, the flu or get cancer. This is our relative existence as it is. Nothing to do with a god, gods or whatever superior-being judging us for being naughty. Relatively, we are the sole judge of our actions and understandings, while our social laws are designed to minimise our accidental or deliberate trespass on other people and other creatures. Everything is relative at this level. Corruption of intent and ignorance can damage our chosen social integrity, though some corrupt and some ignorant people manage to live well. They won’t be judge by god… 


Science and faith don’t mix… God does not exist. Simple.


Enjoy life as is, though we can improve our comforts. 


Living is now...


And shame on the New York times to publish this pseudo-"controversy" by Tish Harrison Warren and not publish, as far as I can note, anything controversial about the Covid response by the US government...



See also:


delusions of the mad people...


godallah has gone godot...


the polarity reversal...


self-appointed god assistant...


big pharma fights the generic vaccines...


gilding the beliefs...


about homo sapiens...


predicting the future...


the universe is surprising...


the anti-vaxxers of yesteryears...


a bit of transhumanism…


How to create god and not get away with it...


uncertainties, probabilities and certainties, with time limits…


certe fictus…


the sky of forgiveness has got limits...


the aliens are glowing in the dark and taking the piss...


and god created monkeys out of the same mindless matter...


The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite error...



flying on our own...


and may more articles on this site.



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Robert F. Kennedy...

‘Our Country Is Under Attack’: RFK, Jr. Speaks on CIA and Totalitarianism


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman, last month spoke at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute "Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism" conference where he called for Americans to stand up and protect the U.S. Constitution.



Children's Health Defense Team


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. last month delivered a speech at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute “Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism” conference.

In his speech — described by the Ron Paul Institute as “a compelling indictment of the mad push to total control” — Kennedy said the techniques used by government officials during the COVIDpandemic to “edge people into subservience” come straight out of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) manuals he researched for his book, “American Values.”

He said the manuals provided a playbook for how to destroy local businesses, the economy, institutional and social structures and social relationships. He said the purpose was:

“ … to create chaos that will then create enough people in that country who will allow a foreign entity to come in and clamp down on centralized control. And almost all of the techniques that are outlined in those manuals are the same techniques that they were practicing in these simulations year after year with hundreds of thousands of people.”

Kennedy described a recent simulation, Event 201, a pandemic “tabletop exercise” that simulated a global pandemic nearly identical to COVID. The event took place in October 2019 at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security, facilitated the simulation.  Bill Gatesof the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, global health officers and people from social media groups, large pharmaceutical companies and global corporations attended or sent representatives.

Kennedy said:

“What were they simulating? They were simulating a pandemic, but they weren’t simulating a medical response to that pandemic. They were simulating a militarized response. How do you use that pandemic to, particularly in that Event 201, to impose censorship globally? And that’s what they were modeling.”

Describing CIA operations and organized mind control programs at top universities, conducted on “expendable” subjects such as military and the incarcerated, Kennedy said the same techniques are used in today’s lockdowns:

“The most potent technique, incidentally that they learned again, and again, and again — more potent than physical torture — was isolation … And they did this in sensory deprivation tanks … and also just locking people in solitary confinement.

“You can get [people] to do almost anything you want after a certain period of time. It will drive them mad, because we’re social animals, we’re social beings. And when you tear the social fabric, it makes people desperate, fearful and obedient to do anything.”

Kennedy detailed America’s response to pandemics throughout history and explained the significance of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees the right to free speech.

“If a government can hide what it’s doing by censoring its opponents and silencing dissonants, it has license to do anything that it wants,” Kennedy said.

He said what happens when you have a population of fear, “you have the complete obliteration of critical thinking, and then people stop asking questions.”

Kennedy described how the rules and regulations handed down during the pandemic have been manipulated to point where no one recognizes the country as a democracy anymore:

“So there are all these democratic protections that were waived. All of that was waived. All of these things were imposed upon us by fiat — with no discussion, no science cited.”

Kennedy cited parallels in books he’s read by George Orwell and science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, with what he sees all over the civilized world. He said his forthcoming book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” is a real-world account of what seems to him as surreal as science fiction:

“I’m about to publish this book on Anthony Fauci, and part of my journey in writing that book — and it’s taken me more than a year of really intense research — was it took me kind of on that journey to try and explain how this could have happened in America.

“And one of the things that I discovered during this process is what’s happening now is this lockstep imposition of totalitarian controls — not just in America, but in every one of the liberal democracies in the world, and all of the other countries in the world.

“China moved into Hong Kong and banned the last democratic newspaper. Everywhere in the world, we see democracy and constitutional rights disappearing. And it all happened at once, as if it was planned.”

Kennedy compared the two ways American people respond to totalitarian control by detailing the conclusions of Stanley Milgram’s electric-shock studies of the 1960s.

Milgram recruited subjects from every walk of life to learn how many people would torture and potentially kill a person sitting in the next room with the turn of a “supposed” electric dial.


Kennedy explained:

“And the dial would supposedly administer electric shocks to a person sitting in the next room who they could not see. And they could hear the screams and the pleading and the crying, the agony that they were causing and the begging. And they had a guy who was dressed as a doctor in a white lab coat who was telling them, ‘turn it up higher at different intervals.’ Many of the people who were turning it up were crying, because they didn’t want to do it because it clashed with essential values. It clashed with their conscience.”

In the end, however, the Milgram experiment found more people followed “doctors’ orders” than their own conscience.

“Sixty-seven percent of the people — of the Americans — liberal, conservative, etcetera — who were told to do that turned that dial-up to 450 volts,” Kennedy said.  “It said on the dial: ‘Potentially Fatal’ and they were willing to kill somebody if a doctor told them to do it,”

Kennedy praised the doctors and scientists who have the courage to speak up on medical protocols that work for COVID. He said the fact that they are being silenced is “not America … it’s not debate. It’s not, ‘let me see your evidence. It’s ‘these people are dangerous. They need to be silenced.’”

He ended by calling for action:

“You know, what all of us need to understand is that our country is under attack right now … What is our country? Is it just a place where you can come and accumulate a big pile for yourself and whoever dies with the most stuff wins, or is it the landscapes? Is it the purple mountains majesties? Is it the population, the diversity, etcetera?

“It’s all those things. But more than anything else it’s our Constitution. It’s the statement of shared values that holds us all together as a people. And we’re saying to the rest of the world that we believe something in our country, more strongly than anybody else believes, which is that we have to love our liberties more than we fear a disease.”


Read more:


You do not have to agree with this but one has to know the valid arguments presented by "the other side"


Kennedy isn't a dummy, though he can be wrong on vaccination:


Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (born January 17, 1954) is an American environmental lawyer, author, and anti-vaccine advocate. Kennedy is a son of U.S. senator Robert F. Kennedy and a nephew of President John F. Kennedy. He helped found the non-profit environmental group Waterkeeper Alliance in 1999 and has served as the president of its board. Kennedy has co-hosted Ring of Fire, a nationally syndicated radio program, and written or edited ten books, including two New York Times bestsellers.

From 1986 until 2017, Kennedy was a senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a non-profit environmental organization. From 1984 until 2017, he was a board member and attorney for Hudson Riverkeeper.[1] Earlier in his legal career, he served as assistant district attorney in New York City. For over thirty years, Kennedy has been an adjunct professor of Environmental law at Pace University School of Law. Until August 2017, he also held the post as supervising attorney and co-director of Pace Law School's Environmental Litigation Clinic, which he founded in 1987.[2] He is currently professor emeritus at Pace.[3]

Since 2005 he has promoted the scientifically-discredited idea that vaccines cause autism,[4] and is founder and chairman of Children's Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group.[5]


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Now, the righteous bigots like Joe Biden, who want to take your job away if you don't get vaccinated are the same idiots who keep Julian Assange in the gallows... FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!