Thursday 16th of January 2025

you need your ABC...


When Tony Abbott got elected in 2013, with firm promises not to cut the ABC's nor the SBS budget, HE HAD LIED. lied. lied…. Within seconds of coming to power, Tony's Libs, via the then minister of communication, MALCOLM TURNBULL(?), slashed the ABC and SBS budgets, under the pretence of bringing the country "back into the black”… The public service got decimated as well, while the military engrossed. We all know (we all should) that countries' budget "into the black" is a moronic adventure as long as the US deficit stays in the stratosphere (actually it’s deeper than the Mariana trench, but in times of global warming, we’ve got to go atmospheric…)


Destroying the ABC by little turdy Abbott was not new. Back in the days of John W Howard — our major war criminal — the ministers were jockeying to be the one to muzzle the ABC shut at State and Federal level. The cartoon above shows this old conspiratorial mindset very well. The toon was drawn by BILL LEAK in 1996, before he fell on his head and joined the EVIL empire — the Murdoch media. Now Bill's son, Johannes, has grown up to become one of the major cartoonist for this, lucrative I believe, EVIL empire. MEANWHILE the poor ABC is still fighting for its life, while providing HUGE amount of services despite its small budget, which could appear giganormous if we didn’t pay attention to all the benefits, some of which are life-saving. 



This conspiracy to destroy the ABC is still pushed by the Libs, with the help of IPA and of the Murdoch media… The ABC is a fantastic free service (we pay for it with a tiny amount, through our taxes) while the Murdoch media is mostly rubbish behind a paywall for profit. The Murdoch media apparently is loosing money and seems to blame the ABC for this. As well, the Murdoch media has recently moved to “accept” climate change as a “problem”… The News Corp “boffins”, mainly the honcho capitano, Uncle Rupe, recognised that in order to keep being relevant, they had to “accept” the sciences behind solving “global warming”… It’s a trick to get your approval and money. 


Meanwhile, The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) isn’t perfect but it’s 1000 per cent more perfect than the Murdoch media. It's 1000 per cent better than all the other media in Australia. So instead of helping the ABC improve, the “boffins" (I was going to say morons, fools, simpletons, nincompoop, idiots, cretins, clown dunces, dullard, halfwit, imbeciles, devious nuts, etc… but I am polite and generous) in the present government are strangling the ABC every-time they find a small fault or a “possible” error of judgement. 


They don’t to this to make your ABC better, they do it to kill it, like you walk on a cockroach — rather than educate your dog not to piss twice on your carpet… You love your dog. YOU LOVE YOUR ABC


THE government “boffins" hate the ABC… As explained above, this is not new. And the present government of the COALition sing-a-long with their friends at Sky News, at The Australian and at the awful IPA — a entity which should have been disbanded a long time ago for being anti-democratic — that only survives from the largess of mining magnate Gina Rinehart — under the guise of freedom to screw you. 


So what can we do? Considering Julian Assange is still in prison for telling the truth, one can only despair at the way the politics of this country (and those of the destroyed-magna-carta sphere) operate — especially under the ScoMo mob, where the rule of law is toilet paper to an arsehole.


One of the Major problem is that the ABC is mostly an “intelligent” outfit, while the other media, though entertaining are often boffinic (see list in brackets above) and targeted to 14 year old and under audience (which are mostly adult wearing backward baseball cap). 


While the detractors of the ABC use their best writers to pump the acidic venom like a covid vaccine into your right arm, these best are not intelligent. They are just opinionated, bilic and jaundiced — and they won’t stop until someone place a plug up their shithole. The drivel at The Australian is dangerously enticing its readers to gun the ABC down as well with the most inane of comments which are reinforced by a more inane comment that follows into the pit for morons, fools, simpletons, nincompoop, idiots, cretins, clown dunces, dullard, halfwit, imbecilesdevious nuts, etc. 


I won’t name anyone here, the list of professional “boffins” (see list) is long. As a WARNING, please note that the present “change of heart” from ScoMo and his NAT dogs on “global warming” and “weekend electric cars” is only a temporary thingy to sweet-talk you into re-electing them. SCOMO AND HIS MOB ARE STILL strongly ATTACHED TO THE IPA with a chain that could hold the Queen Mary. Many of the Libs have been members of the IPA… And this where you should look. THIS IS A CONSPIRACY. The ABC is barely 90 years young and if these “boffins” get their way, it won’t make it into the new year.


Yes, believe me, this is SERIOUS. The ABC, a network that is IMPARTIAL AND NON-BIASED, is one one of the best news service AND TV/DIGITAL NETWORK in the world, certainly the BEST and the most trusted in Australia… Yet, instead of helping it to even get better, the RIGHTWING "boffins” (see list) want to destroy it — and destroy SBS, in the same parcel of negativity and budget cut…


So write to your local — hey why restrict yourself to just one, write to all the members of Parliament COURTEOUS PERSONAL letters and tell them you want the ABC —YOUR ABC, OUR ABC — to be properly funded and to remain a government entity independent FOREVER. 


This is only a start. YOU MIGHT HAVE TO MOBILISE THE YOUNG PEOPLE, especially those who protest in the street against our inefficient ways to deal with global warming. Get them to also write in their own words (you can help a bit) demands for the protection of the ABC… Make them aware of the overt and covert deception of the present government, the IPA and the Murdoch media in regard to most other issues as well, but concentrating on the ABC.



For example: IPA Director of Research Daniel Wild speaks to Sky News Hardgrave about "how the ABC is out of touch and needs to be turned into a subscription service". What? What a lot of bollocks! Daniel Wild of the IPA is off the planet, and has no sense of public service nor of community. All he seems to know is loony selfishness, like the rest of the IPA mantras.




Please don’t believe a weasel word said by Daniel Wild! This example of an attack on the ABC is one of many many many articles aimed at destroying  the ABC and feeding the ScoMo government the garbage they want to destroy the ABC with. Destroying the ABC is official policy of the Liberal Party… These rightwing “boffins” (see list) should not get away with their boffinery…



Intelligent person…



they hate the ABC...


There are rumours that… (it seems to be real rumours) that  Andrew Bragg, a Federal NSW Liberal MP, wants to take another another shot at the ABC…


Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg has called for a permanent independent ombudsman for the national broadcaster to ensure it “remains unbiased”.

Mr Bragg, who serves as the Chair of the Senate Environment and Communications Committee, said the ABC’s internal complaints processes required “extra scrutiny”.

“The ABC gets to mark its own homework and as an organisation paid for by the taxpayer, I believe there should be extra scrutiny,” Mr Bragg told

The public broadcaster recently launched an external investigation into the complaints system but Mr Bragg said the entire process should be completely independent of the ABC.

“It’s worth exploring the idea of an independent ombudsmen, like we have seen at SBS,” he said.


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Apparently the same crap has appeared in The (Murdoch) Australian... in a more brutal manner...


It is interesting to note that Andrew Bragg got shot down by the IPA, for demanding “an Aboriginal voice” in the Australian Parliament. The IPA objected under the blanket statement that “we’re all equal” in this country… Yes we know. Some pigs are more equal than others… But good on Bragg for raising the issue in his maiden speech… pity about his misunderstanding of the role and charter of the ABC — which is for all to see UNBIASED or is slightly leaning to the right, unlike the Murdoch media which is right of ultra-right wing...



Meanwhile for Paul Fletcher, the Minister for Communications, as long as the ABC exist, it seems there will be more inquiries into the ABC than breakfast for you in the mornings… 



And here is why: THE LIBS, THE IPA (funded in a great part by Gina Rinehart) and the MURDOCH media HATE THE ABC… Now something that even some of the ABC people thought went over the top:


GetUp is getting up Murdoch press and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison with their new film Murdoch & Morrison v. The ABC that details how they have pushed an agenda to undermine Australia’s public broadcaster the ABC.

‘It exposes how Morrison and the Murdoch Press have worked together to try to kill our ABC — undermining its important role in society with an anti-ABC agenda dominating headlines and party room dealings,’ say GetUp in their press release this morning.

‘This film is too hot to handle – no TV station is going to air it. And Scott Morrison and the Murdoch Press will do everything in their power to discredit it over the coming days.’


The film highlights the ongoing cuts and undermining of the ABC by both government and Murdoch in an attempt to reduce the essential role the ABC provides as an independent commentator on Australian politics, culture, and future direction of the country.

GetUp say the aim is to get people watching the film and talking about it and then to put the film in front of key decision-makers and politicians ahead of the May budget.

‘It’s up to every single one of us to ensure this film gets seen. We know if everyone who loves and relies on the ABC joined the campaign to save it, we’d win tomorrow. But to achieve that, every one of us needs to do our part.’


Watch the video…



A messenger for good...



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW √√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√

bragging waste...

ABC chair Ita Buttrose has accused the Coalition of “political interference” at the national broadcaster, blasting a Senate inquiry into its internal processes as an attempt to “undermine” the channel in a blistering public statement.

Ms Buttrose called on the Senate to terminate the inquiry, set up by Coalition senator Andrew Bragg, and allow an existing independent review to do its work.

“This is an act of political interference designed to intimidate the ABC and mute its role as this country’s most trusted source of public interest journalism,” Ms Buttrose said on Sunday.


“I am duty bound to call out any action that seeks to undermine the independence of the national broadcaster.”

As chair of the Senate’s environment and communications committee, Senate Bragg announced last week a review into the “complaints handling arrangements” at the ABC and SBS.

He claimed “complaints are not being seriously addressed and this is undermining the organisation”, alleging the broadcasters were not doing enough to “swiftly resolve” any “mistakes”.

The ABC last month commissioned an independent review of complaints handling and editorial policies, including training, remedies and transparency.

It came after sustained public complaints from state and federal politicians about ABC reporting on its Ghost Train series, which made a historical allegation about former New South Wales premier Neville Wran, and ABC investigations into alleged sexual misconduct and assault issues in politics.

Senator Bragg said his committee’s inquiry would “examine the adequacy of the existing arrangements to provide a framework that is accessible, responsive, efficient, accountable and fit for purpose”.

Labor’s shadow communications minister Michelle Rowland last week slammed the move as “wasteful and duplicative”, and “another attempt at political interference from this government.”

But in a withering statement on Sunday, Ms Buttrose – who was selected by the Coalition government as ABC chair in early 2019 – went even further.


Ms Buttrose accused Senator Bragg’s inquiry of undermining the ABC’s independence.

Tweet from @ABCMediaComms

“Once again, an elected representative has chosen to threaten the ABC’s independence at the expense of the integrity of this irreplaceable public service,” Ms Buttrose said.

“Any incursion of this kind into the ABC’s independence should be seen by Australians for what it is: An attempt to weaken the community’s trust in the public broadcaster.”

She belted the Senate inquiry as “a blatant attempt to usurp the role of the ABC board and undermine the operational independence of the ABC”, saying only the board was able to set internal policies.

“The fact that these powers are given to the board, not to the government of the day, is a key pillar of the ABC’s operational independence,” Ms Buttrose said.

Alan Sunderland, former editorial director of the ABC, described the statement as “one of the strongest statements I can recall seeing by an ABC chair”.

Ms Buttrose said the independent review already under way would soon release an issues paper and invite public submissions, with a final report scheduled for April.

“Instead of respecting the integrity of this process, the Senate Committee under the leadership of Senator Bragg has decided to initiate a parallel process. I will leave it to Senator Bragg to explain his motives, but the impact of this action is clear,” she said.

A spokesperson for Senator Bragg declined to comment on Ms Buttrose’s statement when approached by The New Daily.

However, he was quoted by the Nine newspapers as saying his inquiry was “certainly not a partisan or politically motivated exercise” but instead “a run-of-the-mill Senate inquiry”.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young, the Senate committee’s deputy chair, said she would move for the inquiry to be halted.

She described it as a “witch hunt” and an “abuse of process”.

“This is a partisan attempt to use the Legislation Committee to undermine the independence of the public broadcaster,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“Independence of our public broadcaster is an essential part of our Australian democracy. It shouldn’t be up to politicians to dictate what the ABC can and cannot report on.”

Ms Buttrose called on the Senate to “terminate or suspend” its inquiry.

“Politicians, like all citizens, are welcome to criticise anything they find wrong or objectionable that is published by the ABC, but they cannot be allowed to tell the ABC what it may or may not say,” she said.


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no bragg inquiry...

A parliamentary inquiry into how the public broadcasters handle complaints has been suspended until an independent review into the ABC’s procedures is completed.

Liberal senator Andrew Bragg spearheaded the establishment of an inquiry into the ABC’s complaint processes, saying the broadcaster isn’t taking complaints seriously, having raised extensive grievances himself.

The Senate voted for suspension on Tuesday with the support of Labor, the Greens and crossbenchers, more than a week after the request was made by ABC chair Ita Buttrose.

Senator Bragg said he was disappointed with the result and cast doubt on the current review.

“The ABC’s inquiry is not independent as the ABC’s investigators will report to the ABC,” he said in a statement following the vote.

Senator Bragg said he reserves his right to continue to push for the inquiry and that it be heard in a timely manner.

“The inquiry has already received several sensitive but critical submissions. We must not close the door on these Australians,” he said.

More than a dozen submissions have already been received, the senator said.

Ms Buttrose says the relationship between the ABC and the government is strained and described Senator Bragg’s push as “an act of political interference designed to intimidate”.


I will submit that the ABC inquiry by Bragg is a political stunt... It would be best to see where the ABC is doing a great job and improve by doing a greater job. 


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In Gus' view, this "Bragging" inquiry was (is) politically motivated by Bragg, nothing else...



still bragging...

Liberal senator Andrew Bragg will look at alternative ways for the public to speak to government about their concerns with the ABC’s complaints handling system after his attempts to instigate a senate inquiry were derailed.

Senator Bragg said he received about 20 submissions to the inquiry before it was thwarted by a Greens motion last Tuesday, and has signalled he will find a way to allow the public to discuss their concerns.


“I am not conceding defeat on the ability of the public to have their say,” Senator Bragg said. “There are still options which I am looking at. People want parliamentary privilege for their protection. They can’t get that from the ABC, especially when the ABC spends $26 million over four years on legal fees.”

Senator Bragg’s comments come as the ABC and SBS prepare to face another round of senate hearings on Monday. The amount of public money spent on legal fees and broadcaster complaints handling processes are expected to be the focus of the four-hour hearing.


ABC chairperson Ita Buttrose accused the Morrison government of political interference earlier this month after Senator Bragg announced an inquiry into the way the national broadcaster and SBS handled complaints from the public about its content. Ms Buttrose, who had already commissioned an independent review into the ABC’s complaints handling framework, urged the Senate to suspend or terminate the inquiry.

Her request was granted by a motion from Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young who, with the support of Labor and independent crossbenchers, derailed the inquiry until the next term of Parliament. It was shut down after Liberal senator Gerard Rennick failed to attend a vote on a motion to postpone the inquiry.

Senator Bragg, who is the chairman of the senate standing committee on environment and communications instigated the inquiry, said the outcome was “a backward step” for democracy.

He does not believe the ABC’s inquiry is as strong as the senate’s because it does not involve public hearings, where evidence would be protected by parliamentary privilege. His creation of the inquiry broke from the typical procedure whereby inquires are established following a vote on the floor of the senate.

The findings of the ABC’s review, which will be led by former Commonwealth ombudsman John McMillan and former SBS, Seven and Ten news boss Jim Carroll, are expected to be submitted to the ABC board in March. The review was commissioned after a series of complaints were made by from federal and state politicians about programs such as the Ghost Train series into the 1979 Luna Park tragedy.


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In Gus' view, this "Bragging" inquiry was (is) politically motivated by Bragg, nothing else...