Sunday 19th of January 2025

massaging statistics...


Pauline Hanson cited UK COVID-19 death statistics at a recent 'freedom rally'. But her use of the data is misleading


CoronaCheck is RMIT ABC Fact Check's weekly email newsletter dedicated to fighting the misinformation infodemic surrounding the coronavirus outbreak.

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CoronaCheck #94

In this week's newsletter, we take Pauline Hanson to task over a flawed statistic she shared while speaking at a rally in Queensland last weekend.

We also address claims that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is being used to cover up vaccine side-effects and fact check Anthony Albanese on Australian internet speeds.

Why Pauline Hanson's vaccine stats are misleading 

Despite failing to win approval in parliament for her anti-vaccination mandate bill in recent weeks, One Nation leader Pauline Hanson is continuing to campaign against such measures, speaking at a so-called "freedom" rally last weekend in Broadwater, Queensland.

"In England, now it's stated that more people are dying with COVID who are double-vaxxed than unvaxxed," Senator Hanson told the assembled crowd. "It is a fact."

The latest data published by the UK Health Security Agency shows that of 3,726 COVID-19 deaths over a three-week period to November 21, 2,903 were people fully vaccinated against the disease, compared to 708 unvaccinated people.

However, those figures do not mean that vaccinated people are at a higher risk of death from COVID-19.

The UK report also provides the rate of death per 100,000 people in each group.

That data reveals that the rate of death among unvaccinated people across the UK was higher for every age bracket when compared to those who were double-dosed.


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the omicron science...

How the emergence of the Omicron variant will shape the COVID-19 pandemic is still unclear, but new data from South Africa are worrisome. A study published yesterday as a preprint suggests Omicron is causing more infections in people who have recovered from an earlier bout with the virus, one sign that the new variant is able to escape at least some of the immune system’s defenses. “This does not bode well for vaccine-induced immunity,” says virologist Florian Krammer at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

South Africa has seen three massive COVID-19 waves already: one with the original SARS-CoV-2, one with the Beta variant—which never made much headway outside the country and has now disappeared—and one with Delta. Studies found that a previous infection offered imperfect but significant protection against Beta and Delta, and many had hoped that the population immunity built up in South Africa so far would help dampen further spread of SARS-CoV-2. But scientists worry Omicron’s dozens of mutations might help it evade immunity.

An analysis of 35,670 reinfections among nearly 2.8 million positive tests carried out through late last week suggests their fears are warranted. The study does not indicate whether Omicron makes people sicker, nor was it able to look at the vaccination status of infected people. An earlier infection or vaccination might still offer some protection from severe disease.

Juliet Pulliam, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the South African Centre of Excellence in Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis, and her colleagues started investigating the rate of reinfections in January, after Beta had emerged. Beta seemed to evade immune responses from previously infected people in lab experiments, but the researchers wanted to better understand its real-world behavior.

Taking advantage of South Africa’s extensive records of tests for SARS-CoV-2, they analyzed the number of reinfections, defined as a positive test more than 90 days after the same person had an initial infection. They found that a prior bout reduced people’s risk of another one by about the same amount during both the Beta and Delta waves.

After Delta subsided, the researchers wrote a paper, which they posted as a preprint last month. But they continued to update their database. In October, Pulliam says, while overall rates of infection were quite low, they noticed something odd: The risk of first infections was decreasing—possibly due to a pickup in vaccinations—whereas the risk of reinfections seemed to increase sharply. “I thought something was wrong” with the data or the programming, she says. “Then about 2 weeks ago, we started seeing other signals” that SARS-CoV-2 was gaining ground again. “Wastewater sampling started showing increases, labs started showing significant increases in positive cases, and other bells started going off.”


“At that point it dawned on me,” Pulliam says, that the pattern in the graphs “could be related to an actual signal.” The team members were not surprised when Omicron was identified, and they quickly updated their preprint.

Although there are a lot of uncertainties in the paper, it looks like an earlier infection only offers half as much protection against Omicron as it does against Delta, says Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at Emory University. Pulliam agrees that’s a good estimate.

“The exact numbers are fraught with issues,” says William Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “But that’s not the point here,” he adds. “It is a first pass that provides a good enough comparison to show us that, as we might have expected, reinfections are a big deal with Omicron.”

All eyes are now on South Africa’s hospitals, which are starting to fill again with COVID-19 patients. That’s where researchers hope to see clues as to whether vaccination or a previous infection reduces the severity of a new one.

That is the crucial question, agrees Justin Lessler, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. “We knew there were going to be variants and there was going to be immune escape. The hope is that all these reinfections are mild and it’s not such a big deal,” he says. “That’s been my index of when the pandemic is ‘over’—when we have big waves of infection but not of serious disease.”


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offguardian ignoramus...

An article in OffGuardian is OffthePlanet… It makes assumptions that should not be made. We all know (we all should) that despite vaccinations, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE INFECTED WITH VIRUSES — ANY VIRUSES. This is a given. We all carry viruses, 99 per cent of them being benign, and the nasty ones which could kill us as well, but our own defences abilities plus a boost from vaccination will prevent these viruses from making us sick, in the proportion as researched by experiments and observations. The Sputnik vaccine is “92.5" per cent efficient. That is to say that even vaccinated, 7.5 per cent of these vaxxed people could become severely sick from Covid 19. In the West, most vaccines achieve a lesser degree of success (from 60 per cent to 85 per cent). The point made by the vaccine inventor is that Vaccinated people won’t get sick BUT SOME (not all) WILL CARRY THE DISEASE as we normally do with other viruses. 


Anyone who come into contact with a healthy vaccinated Covid-19 carrier can catch the disease. CLOSE YOUR EYE, YOU, Riley Waggaman, AND THINK ABOUT IT… 


This is what Александр Леонидович Гинцбург advises you: get vaxxed, wear a mask and hope for the best… What Александр Леонидович Гинцбург knows is that Covid-19 and its variant aren’t going to go away tomorrow and they spread easily. Some people get sick, some don’t… Vaccination improves the odds of survival, but it’s not fool-proof… Until a certain number of people are vaccinated, there will still be the need for “isolation, restrictions and masks"…


Let’s hope that the next pandemic comes much later on, in another 100 years when we will be able to eliminate the virus more efficiently. Some diseases have been nearly eliminated by hygiene and vaccination: Small pox, etc… Flu like viruses are harder to eliminate from the human population and the flu still killed about 500,000 during the Covid-panic…


In the end it’s about a personal and social choice of risks: do you want to be a healthy carrier of a virus that could kill other people? May be it could be their fault for being your friend… A bit like watizname killing his friend on the set of RUST...



Here is idiot Riley Waggaman:


Alexander Gintsburg is the father of Sputnik V, Russia’s 500,000% effective COVID vaccine. He also recently won a trophy in recognition of his lifelong pursuit of total failure and creepy business dealings.


He is the highest-rated scientist on Yelp and serves as director of “the world’s leading research institution,” which bears a striking resemblance to a homeless shelter.


Gintsburg had it all—and then he threw it all away. 


Just look at what he did to himself and his precious injection:


Director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg called for the introduction of the QR code system for vaccination against coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation at the federal level as soon as possible.


“I always insist that it is necessary not only to introduce QR codes as quickly as possible, but with their help to strictly demarcate opportunities for interaction between the vaccinated and unvaccinated,” he said on Saturday.


Gintsburg also recalled the need to comply with epidemiological safety measures, in particular, the wearing of masks.


“The mask primarily protects against those people who are not vaccinated, who do not have protective antibodies. And the wearing of masks by the vaccinated makes it possible to prevent the transmission of the pathogen from the person who is vaccinated and who does not know that he is a carrier to those people who are not vaccinated,” he said.


Let’s pause here for a moment. Close your eyes. Allow Gintsburg’s soggy word salad to marinate in your mind. (You didn’t close your eyes, did you?)


Sputnik V’s main dude says Russia needs vaccine segregation right now, and he also says that anyone who got his safe and effective shot is probably a two-legged super-spreader passing out bags of coronavirus like Bioweapon Santa—without even realizing it.


Maybe it’s time for a lockdown of the vaccinated? These “people” are dangerous!





YOU ARE AN IDIOT, Mr Riley Waggaman… And OffGuardian has once more gone OFF THE RAILS...