Sunday 19th of January 2025

onwards Xtian soldiers...


Rod Dreher regals us with more idiotic misunderstandings than a dead AA battery inside the brain of a squashed cockroach. 

Yes Rod, the "woke thing" is a bit out of hand, but this isn’t why the US military is losing wars, even if the “woke thing” has infiltrated all the echelon of the US military. The truth of the matter is that wars are an awful way to deal with the problems of the human species. Future wars will be lost by everybody, whether neanderthal religious brainiacs or intellectual black “woke” lesbians. 

And that’s about it. 

For the last too many years, the US governments relied on bashing other people’s head in the mud to turn them into a mirror image of themselves — so the Yankee could control the planet. Even controlling the narrative has been done by devious CIA agents, crummy FBI liars and NSA spying loonies — with the help of media eager to please the idiots, for cash. 


I don’t like the “woke thing” either, not because it’s rejecting the old CONservative Christian values, but because it’s not pure enough... The “woke thing” is now full of well-meaning ratbags who lead the "woke thingie” minuscule minority to force the world into praying to the Rainbow Wizard. 


So we end up with a conundrum in the US military:

Christian brutes versus sensitive wokes?

Here is Rod:



My friend said that the leaders of America’s institutions can’t say enough about how much they hate people like him and wants his rights restricted and views suppressed as much as possible. Where is the incentive to fight and possibly die to defend an order that wants people like him crushed? This is the fruit of the divisive culture-war policies that the US government, corporations, media, universities, and other leading institutions have been practicing.

He’s right. Why has it never occurred to the people who make military and national security policy that wokeness is a brilliant strategy to demoralize and weaken America? “Hey bigots, when you can tear yourselves away from your bitter-clinging to God, your disgusting patriarchal ideas about family, your supremacist fear of Critical Race Theory, and your cishetero privilege, put on your uniforms and get ready to deploy to Utopistan to defend democracy!”

I repeat what one active-duty service member told me not long ago, paraphrased: “The Pentagon doesn’t know how to win a real war against America’s enemies, so it’s focusing on winning the culture war against conservatives in the ranks.”




The Pentagon “does not have” enemies. The Pentagon creates its enemies in order to justify its crummy existence. The Pentagon has to look busy. And it does not know even how to win the war against conservatives...


Conservative or not, the idea of permanent wars to keep the peace is an idiotic concept. Presently, the foam at the mouth of the Democrat Administration against China and Russia, is only going to antagonise a wrong feeling despite the overtures from the other side. And religious beliefs DO NOT HELP.  God does not exist for f**ksake! 


This could be what worries you most, Rod: these “woke” social midgets could be correct. If you still believe in godot, you haven’t asked the right questions... On the subject of family, one can say that the superiority complex of the whitey mob has created resentment in the underprivileged classes by having their whitey dynasties controlling the loot — and forcing the poor into a state of coloured slavery.


As well, the “god thingy” comes from the whitey mob to keep the masses under foot: look at the stained glass window, god is on the other side with a torch-light called the sun and please believe the multi-coloured blah blah blah story… See Dawkins… Wake up, Rod! You have also written about the dangers of psychedelic drugs, but religion is more dangerously psycho-hypnotising...


The “woke” people do not like being lied to. Religion is a lie. A good one, I will admit… And this is where most Americans are mad. Too many of them believe in god, which does not exist. Even the Presidents of the caper have to admit to being believers in order to sign up to the job, swearing on a bible. Isn’t this crazy? The present one is “Cacatholic” and, Rod, you don’t like him because “he is a progressive”.


Biden is a progressive like a crocodile is a handbag. He has not a single progressive bone in his body. Old Joe only says what he says to steal and maintain a fast disappearing majority of people who might now prefer the other loser, the bible-showing clown, Trump, because at least he was entertaining at the eight-year old kiddie level — which is the average age of the US population that still believe in little Jesus...  


As well, if you are of a different sexual orientation, for many years, since the times of Queen Victoria who was a sex addict (a nympho), homosexuality became a sin, despite having been practiced since the Greeks were shepherds in the Peloponnese...


As the US regress into their own navel fluff, threatening the rest of the world with dangerous hubris peppered with NATO madness, the rest of the world moves on. We measure the temperature of the Chinese, daily, to see the fever on their forehead and we’re can’t wait for them to tank their economy. News for you: this won’t happen… Here in Australia, we’re doing our bit to "annoy the Chinks*" and we got hit for six (cricket anyone?) for our lack of respect. Simple enough. 


So the “woke thing” was only a loud voice trying to make us understand that we’re not perfect and that other “different” people are in need of compassion. But the more wokish of the woke people decided to lead the rest of us to the wokedom kingdom. This is where we need to remind them that not everyone is a confused male/female eunuch, but we hold no animosity towards them for being so. 


The US Military? The more it gets busy with pandering to the "woke thing”, the less wars the boffins are likely to indulge in, thus the less wars they are going to loose. Isn’t this a good thing?


Remember: GOD DOES NOT EXIST. The bible is senseless fiction with a toe dipping in the possibility of historical fudge…


Please remind me how many wives and concubines (whores) the good King Solomon had?  How many of these were lesbians? Going on present statistics, probably 10 per cent… (see picture at top... Look at the other two women...) And Solomon might have been bi-sexual...


And don’t think that you can fight the Muslims with another silly belief called Christianity… They, like you, won’t try and understand reason. 


By the way, should you believe the shit below, you have rocks in your nutcase:


First Kings 11:3 states that Solomon “had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines.” 


Obviously, God “allowed” Solomon to have these wives, but allowance is not the same as approval. Solomon’s marital decisions were in direct violation of God’s Law, and there were consequences.


Why do I bother...





Free Julian Assange Now√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√!!!


Illustration at top: mischief by Gus Leonisky on a public domain image...

a lost soul in the modern world...


From Jeff Session




It was at your founding 19 years ago, when the editors wrote, “We believe conservatism to be the most natural political tendency, rooted in man’s taste for the familiar, for family, for faith in God. And we believe that true conservatism has a predisposition for the institutions and mores that exist.” The ones that already exist, that have been proven over time.

You’ve talked about a sense of place. I remember when I was in college in the ’60s, it was said that our youth were suffering an identity crisis. And I said, I didn’t have an identity crisis. I knew who I was. I was Jeff Sessions from Hybart, Alabama.


Read more:


Jeff Session is an old lost soul in the modern world...


Present conservatism is actually evolved from a long line of steps that changed the western nations from peasants into industrialists. Adaptation was needed, then the evolution of the values, including that of money, became stuck in first gear. Conservatism became neoconservatism, still hanging on to the false idea of god and the bible... Capitalism AND GREED grafted themselmes, from the kingdom ideals of the past, onto the democratic systems — ideals that were somewhat illusions as they never really were fully adhered to. From the romans till the early 20th century, there was a necessary evolution that has been forgotten by those who feel happy that social evolution is now static (in their own mind). It's not... There are always people, men and women, shifting position especially when they don't have what you have: security, employment, money for which they should not have to beg for, a safe environment, say a roof, and companionship in which people do not cheat about... And let's not forget the OPPORTUNITY TO BE CREATIVE...


As well, many people have been victims of deception — including through the rich-poor syndrome and many others social deceits too numerous to expose here... Read this site from the beginning 16 years ago...


Jeff you are lucky to have know who you were and still know who you are... Many people do not, as they seek an elusive improvement in their lives in which more too often, crime becomes the only way out of poverty. Meanwhile, some of the rich people rob society with tax evasion and such...


The "woke thing" is trying to alert you to the problems that society has ignored for too long. Inequality, bad health services, "slavery", victimisation, discrimination for not being fully fledge hetero... They are the real traumas of our societies... We, the bourgeois, are comfortable with our achievement/status. NOT EVERYONE HAS THIS LUCK. Often, not through a fault of their own, people don't grow up to achieve who they want to be... And we need to know their story...


I agree that the "woke thing" has taken over the system too much, a bit like the Taliban took over Afghanistan... But we did not discuss, nor did we allow the improvement needed to understand the caper. Thus we gave up the ground... We ran away... And it's not through brick-wall conservatism that this situation can improve. There is a need for compromise and evolution. Peacefully...