Monday 10th of March 2025

1000 billion christmasses…

trucktruck This truck isn’t a real truck. This is probably our best representation of what we think about reality. From stupid religious beliefs to informed sciences, we have improved our vision, yet we are still blind as bats. An ant has as much location awareness as we have in our spacial set, though we tend to take more bulk, which in terms of relative infinite limit of importance is about zero. But we try to understand.

And this is good.

This young Down syndrome man in his early thirties took a similar truck made of different molecules — wood versus plastic — around the block daily like a dog on a leach. He had conversations with his “truck” like people have words with their dogs — animals that barely understand anything more than a wooden toy would, but are willing to learn to sit for a bone.

And this is us. The new preachers at the edge of knowledge are the Quantum Mechanics professors, scientists and researchers who are trying to find the elusive truth. Look, if we knew what reality was, we would not be looking for an explanation. We would simply believe that god made the universe (mega-humongous) in less than five (5) minutes on the scale of stuff, chose a little pebble in a mediocre average solar system and populated it with a few trees and with two idiots who therefore went on to procreate more idiots who ended up not believing in Him (god is a male).  Peeved like a god would, the solution was to start again, but being lazy, the god-dude left it to Noah to sort out the mess. Eventually, more idiots were procreated and god decided to get his son nailed to a cross by some angry Jews, to give the idiots the opportunity of gaining redeem points… if you “believe”…

If you believe this crap, or any religious fantasies of your choice, you’ve fried your brains with unreality. This does not stop you or anyone else from living — or becoming Prime Minister or President of the USA — but this unreality is the pits of goose-shit in terms of understanding. Yes we know that Prime Ministers and US Presidents don’t need to understand reality… That’s the least of their concerns. Reality would be an alien world that would prevent them to lie, obfuscate, porky, be deceitful and stay on top of the pile of idiots — us.

Meanwhile, the atoms are doing their bit without asking for favours — nor having a clue about what we’re doing. Strangely, the neutron particle does not live very long in the raw: 0.88 of a second. In the realm of many quantum particles this is an amazingly long time… So, the free neutron decays into a proton and an electron, while changing its quarks and releasing a neutrino of some flavour. Inside the nucleus of an atom, the neutron behaves much better, until the nucleus itself starts to decay — say in uranium, plutonium and other “radioactive” heavy elements. We know this because we can make bombs to blow up the planet with.

Apparently, the proton is the most stable particle in the entire universe, more so than electrons to a point. But the fancy bit to know, if you are a physicist, is that most of these particles are waves when you’re not looking. When you look, it’s a bit like freeze-frame … 

We know waves. We can see the sea… But the waves of the universe are 3D and are sometimes particle clouds. This should not bother us too much. We accept that what works here on earth, would be the same on planet Zerg… This, of course, should not be obvious because of the “environment”. We don’t care much about the survival of neutrons or electrons in a black hole for example. We know that they will be crushed into a point from which very little can escape. Black Holes are gravitational singularities. And we have no idea what happens in there, though we could suspect that “dark energy” and “dark matter” which we can’t see and have no idea what they are, but constitute about 74 per cent of the universe (as mathematically calculated) are gravity adverse since they are pulling the cosmos apart. 

For us, gravity is the bane of our freedom. We’re stuck sitting on our butt all day, in a comfy chair as we dream of flying off like birds. And like neutrons, we decay. We have inbuilt obsolescence in our genes. We know our average, our distance travel-able, which can vary whether you are male or female or in between (or non-genderised). Like the Neutron 0.88 second, this is an average calculated over many neutron decays. Some neutrons last over a second, others don’t make it passed 0.80. Our life is around 80 years or 3,153,600,000 (± 1) lifetimes of a neutron.

Talking of not making it, Christmas is a doozy… Every second day, now, there is a phone call announcing the death of a dear friend, of a family member or a pet, to this household. It seems we mourn more at Christmas than at any other times during the year. Coincidence? My views on coincidences are well-known. They only happen in conspiracies… They are used to polish the lies and cover mistakes that happen because “we don’t know” but try to make as if we did… or we create a reason for doing something stupid like war…

Take Sellafield for instance… or more recently Chernobyl. We know how atoms behave and can be used to make electricity or high-powered nuclear bombs, but there is always an element of luck and a portion of risks when a large number of them are put together. That can make us accidental statistics, by the sheer number of radioactive atoms… One brain-cell does not give us much consciousness. Give us billions of them and we’re nearly as intelligent as lab-rats.

We love statistics and numbers. “God” made the universe in 6 days — and not in five minutes as I cheated on the exam paper at top. But understandably, as an old kook, he was tired and had a rest on the seventh day to admire His (god is a male) good work. We all need a siesta… Daily.

But there is the problem of the “overlap”… Some bosons (Photons, Ws, Z, Higgs) can be Hadrons but cannot be fermions… Meanwhile some mesons (pions, kaons) can be bosons while hadrons like baryons (protons, neutrons) are also fermions which are completed by the leptons (electrons, neutrinos, etc).

As well, despite having as many as 16 basic particles in the universe, plus their anti-particles, most of these die (or transform) within 0.00000000000001 of a second or less… But we know they exist. They are essential in the transitions and evolution of space/time discontinuum… I say discontinuum, because the latest theories is that space/time is also made of quanta.

A serious overlap was spotted during the SailGP’s final race of the day on Sydney Harbour. The “girl” at the back of Tom Slingsby’s boat was indicating “overlap” until following a gust of wind, she could say in her microphone “OVERLAP CLEARED”… This meant that Tom could cross the path of the yankee boat driven by Jimmy Spithill (another Aussie).

Yes, in order to diversify the crews of beefy-men pumping the generators of electron charges for the battery-operated hydraulic pumps, the race committee is now training women (young ones) to learn the ropes of handling bastard beasts like the 50 feet catamarans that can travel at more than 90 km/h… Depending on the wind, the races are of a different number of legs, but always under 15 minutes…

Someone is going to complain that there are no LGBTI crew on board, though we really don’t know if one of the big blokes is trans, gay or a whatever… At the speed and the amount of pumping, plus the short bursts of tacking here and there, there is no time for hanky-pinky on board, like during the crossing of the doldrums on old-fashioned sailing ships. 

So, ease up. Like dark matter, we don’t know what goes on after dark… But in reality, there are only 5 major particles that matter: the UP quark, the DOWN quark, the combinations in various threesome make protons (2 UP and one DOWN) and neutrons (One UP and two DOWN), the ELECTRON which tends to rule our lives with gizmos, the PHOTON without which we’d be more blind than we are, and the HIGGS boson which gives the impression of mass, despite being another short-lived particle (210 yoctoseconds). All the other bits are so transient (but so necessary, a bit like racing boats using gaffer tape to hold together, on a field marked by the boeys of time and space) that they may as well not be counted in our everyday life… since they don’t define our consciousness. We ourselves are transient beings, often trying to outdo each other in competition that by the end of the day have been pretty entertaining, but only advanced our knowledge a little bit more about what we can do with carbon fibre…




               Merry Christmas


               Gus Leonisky


               Atheist of the fierce kind…






Not a lost cause…

Most of us are healthier, wealthier and better educated than ever before.

We have greater access to knowledge and expertise than any previous generation.

Yet, people keep doing stupid things — from rejecting the science of climate change to embracing the idea that vaccinations are part of a giant global conspiracy to take control of our minds using micro-implants and 5G.

Why? Well, the late, great British philosopher and polymath, Bertrand Russell, thought he knew at least part of the answer.

"The fundamental cause of the trouble," he wrote, "is that in the modern world, the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt."

Add to that, the conspiratorial rabbit holes of the internet and the increasingly unsocial side of social media and you pretty much have life today.

But those who study human intelligence say it's not a lost cause but we need to rethink some of the assumptions we have around intelligence and ignorance.

And take a good, hard look at ourselves and the role we play in the race to inanity.

So, to help you play your part in the struggle against stupidity, here are some helpful tips.


Read more:




selfish dogs…

Speaking at the Vatican, Pope Francis has criticized individuals who let pets “take the place of children” for leaving civilization “without humanity,” saying they deprive society of “the richness of fatherhood and motherhood.”

The Pope’s address to a general audience on Wednesday risked sparking the anger of childless pet owners by once again taking aim at their decision to avoid parenthood.

The condemnation from the pontiff came despite him seemingly being a fan of animals, having been photographed stroking dogs, a tiger, and a baby panther. During the 2014 Epiphany, the Pope even had a baby lamb draped over his shoulders.

Regardless, the Pope argued that people who do not want to have a child, choosing instead to have pets, exhibit a “form of selfishness.”

“Sometimes they have one, and that’s it, but they have dogs and cats that take the place of children. This may make people laugh but it is a reality,” the pontiff said.



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Read from top.


Bloody selfish dogs, I ask you....


free Julian Assange now !!!!!!!!!!!

vale neil...

Neil Balnaves, il magnate che ha portato nella tv australiana il Grande Fratello è morto in un incidente in barca all'età di 77 anni. L'incidente è avvenuto a Tahiti mentre Neil Balnaves era in vacanza a bordo del mega-yacht a motore Oneworld al largo dell'isola più grande della Polinesia francese, l'arcipelago dell'Oceania. Il magnate di Sydney nel 2002 era sopravvisuto a un altro incidente in barca sulla Gold Coast, incidente che ha cambiato la sua visione della vita.



Gusnote: Neil was a good guy... Condolences to his family.