Monday 10th of March 2025

pirates of the COALition… scomo emulates tonio…

abbott's piracyabbott's piracy


If you think you know the sound of horror, try the unmistakable thump of a bloody pirate demon’s wooden leg coming down the stairs accompanied by the scratch of a hook hand gouging the railing for balance.

Yes, it really is worse than fingernails on a blackboard.

(For younger readers, blackboards were devices used in structured educational situations last century. Chalk was applied to them and … oh, never mind.)

The inevitable “ARRR!” a cry simultaneously inducing terror and communicating pain: The pain of a Cornish pirate captain abandoned by his crew, forever living the pact he formed with the devil as the tide rose on a Caribbean sandbar; the terror of the Pascoe Curse, one of each generation doomed to record the pirate’s feared Olde Pascoe’s Almanackeevery New Year’s Eve.


I had become used to the summons of the old sea chest – the sound of rattling chains and jungle drums in the attic, a stink of sulphur, the screams and howling. There was nothing for it but to record the Almanacke’s spidery scrawl written in blood for the year ahead.

But this was December 30. Something was amiss in Hell.

“Ahoy!” I called. “What are you doing out of the attic? We’re not due for 24 hours – I haven’t the results of my PCR test yet.”

If you’re wondering what a 300-year-old undead pirate captain looks like, it’s not nice. Let’s just say that him forgetting to wear a patch over his missing eye was not his worst feature.

The thing peg-legged his way into my study, waving his hook at me, his remaining four teeth in a fixed snarl – and then he collapsed back into an armchair with what might have been a small sob.


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marketing scomo…

Sex and subs strife for Scotty from Marketing

On the other side of the globe, wildly unpopular Australian PM Scott Morrison will be called to account much sooner, with voters heading to the polling stations at a yet-to-be-confirmed date before the end of May.

Scotty from Marketing – as Aussies have dubbed the former advertising executive – has stumbled through a series of crises, including the horrendous Black Summer bushfires of 2019-20, the controversial shutting of international borders, which left many Australians stranded abroad, and the closure of interstate borders, which stoked tensions between neighbors and were deeply resented.

Piled on top of that were the shocking reports of rape and sexual misconduct against women working in the Australian Parliament, which led to a report that found one in every three female employees had experienced sexual harrassment.

On the international stage, Morrison played the tough guy to China and shafted France by reneging on a AU$50 billion submarine deal and handing a new AU$70 billion one to the US as part of the new three-way AUKUS alliance, which includes the UK.


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Wildly unpopular?... Let's hope ScoMo will NOT hold a hose this year... Here we cannot escape the fact that Uncle Rupe of Murdoch Inc. is going to pull all the stops of the biggest media organ in the world to make sure ScoMo of soiled nappies marketing gets another gong. Already, the media at large is getting misty eyes about the John Howard Era which to the contrary should show the little man's deceit extraordinaire and his eyebrows from hell. Yes, the Tampa affair was a problemo, but this tell you that should you bomb the shit out of other countries, people will want to escape YOUR bombs... So be prepared for the glowing Scumo report card from the scribes at News Corp... All the shit, climate change nappies and reversed baseball cap you had to endure were only part of your imagination... Submarines? The cost of these non-French Submarines... Sit down. The bill will be close to SA350 billion when not even operational...

And should you be a female aspirant independent member of parliament, the ScoMo team has their members and staffers for you... 



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scomologistics for the bog…

Sydney’s COVID-19 testing strain is intensifying with a major pathology company shutting its testing sites across the city and Prime Minister Scott Morrison ruling out providing universal free rapid antigen tests despite reports of sharp price rises of the home testing kits.

Mr Morrison on Monday warned the tests would not be subsidised for everyone as coronavirus cases continue to rise, with NSW recording 20,794 cases and four deaths with 21 per cent of those tested for the virus returning positive results.


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Obviously, the more tests, the more the chance to show a higher rate of infection... ScoMo does not want this evidence  "to be easy", as to paraphrase an ancient Liberal PM. Yes, by the end of his life Malcolm Fraser — a true Liberal then — was bordering of being a socialist and always seeking the independence of Australia, away from the claws of the US empire, which ScoMo-the-dull-soiled-nappy-marketeer, has rushed into like a kid snorting into mummy's skirt...

 FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!ı√√√√√√Ç≈≈≈≈≈≈≈!!!


A little while ago, when the COVID-19 numbers were stable, I understood what was happening and knew if I was concerned I could have a PCR test, with a rapid response. A new Premier, accompanied by a variation in the virus, changed that. What equanimity there was dissipated as rapidly as the numbers rose and the restrictions eased. Now the peace of mind created by the possibility of a PCR test is as distant as a shop with RATs in stock. We are told to monitor for symptoms. We already do that. So if the symptoms are iffy, what do we do? What makes me worry is the entire response is based, not on health advice, but on politics. - Peter Bourke, Rockdale

While Liberal leaders like Dominic Perrottet and Scott Morrison bang on about the need for us to take personal responsibility, the NSW and federal governments have failed their own responsibility benchmark. How can we self-test if the governments don’t supply the means of doing so? Yes, Mr Premier and Mr Prime Minister, we’d all love the freedom to get on with our lives, but (with apologies to Kris Kristofferson) freedom isn’t just another word for nothing left to do. -

Nick Franklin, Katoomba


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See toon by Cathy Wilcox...


Dying personally responsibly under the dumb umbrella of two dorks: Scomo and Perrottet...


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