Monday 10th of March 2025

the collective versus/and the self...


In the early 1990s, Karl Weick and Karlene Roberts conducted extremely influential field research to understand why, on the flight decks of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers where there were “a million accidents waiting to happen,” almost none of them did. The answers they provided set the stage for a groundswell of research into what came to be known as high-reliability organizations (HROs).


At the center of their analysis was an observation that the key psychological hallmark of an HRO was something the researchers referred to as collective mind. As they put it, “A well-developed organization mind, capable of reliable performance is thoroughly social. It is built of ongoing interrelating and dense interrelations…As people move toward individualism and fewer interconnections, organization mind is simplified and soon becomes indistinguishable from individual mind. With this change comes heightened vulnerability to accidents.”


SCIENCE • 9 Sep 2021 • Vol 373, Issue 6560




Blurb for “The Power of Us:


If you're like most people, you probably believe that your identity is stable. But in fact, your identity is constantly changing - often outside your conscious awareness and sometimes even against your wishes - to reflect the interests of the groups of which you're a part. And that fluid identity has a powerful influence over your feelings, beliefs, and behaviours.



In THE POWER OF US, psychologists Packer and Van Bavel integrate their own cutting-edge research in psychology, neuroscience and economics to explain what identity really is and show how to harness its dynamic nature to:



Increase our productivity - Improve physical and psychological health - Overcome our individual prejudice - Unlock our altruism - Break the political gridlock - Galvanize others to solve controversial global problems



Along the way, they explain such seemingly unrelated phenomenon as why men cry at football games but not funerals, why the history of slavery in U.S. counties is one of the best predictors of current day racism, and why Canada keeps a national reserve of maple syrup. Packed with fascinating insights, vivid case studies, and pioneering research, THE POWER OF US will change the way you understand yourself - and those around you - forever.


Another blurb for the book:





Industry Reviews

Better than I have ever seen, The Power of Us assesses the influence of tribalism on our actions and specifies ways to turn the force from destructive to constructive. A truly important booK. - Robert Cialdini, author of INFLUENCE AND PRE-SUASION


As American politics shifts from fights over ideology and policies to conflict over basic identities, we increasingly need help from social psychologists to understand what is going on. The Power of Us is an excellent resource in filling this urgent need. - Francis Fukuyama, author of IDENTITY


The Power of Us is a fascinating journey into the science of identity. If you've ever struggled to understand why people join cults or mindlessly conform - or wondered how to build great teams and influence better choices - this is the book you need. It is a practical, entertaining and, above all, vital guide to human behaviour. - Charles Duhigg, bestselling author of THE POWER OF HABIT and SMARTER FASTER BETTER


The Power of Us is an endlessly entertaining and critically important book, written by two masters of their field. Delivered with lucidity and pace, it reveals the enormous power social identity has over our individual behaviour, and how it shapes the world of politics, business, social justice - and pretty much everything else. - Will Storr


In the 21st century, politics and social life have shifted to become ever more about identity. Those who read this book will understand the deep psychology of identity, and will therefore be less bewildered and more successful-not just in politics but in leadership of any kind, and even in the whirling identity pool of social media. - Jonathan Haidt, author of THE RIGHTEOUS MIND, co-author of THE CODDLING OF THE AMERICAN MIND


Riveting and revelatory, splendidly written and filled with fascinating studies, The Power of Us shines a new, thought-provoking, and ultimately hopeful light on so much that is confusing and dismaying about our fraught world today - Amy Chua, author of BATTLE HYMN OF THE TIGER MOTHER AND POLTICAL [sic]* TRIBES: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations


Who am I? Is there anyone who hasn't asked themselves this question? But Jay Van Bavel and Dominic Packer have not only asked themselves this question, they've studied the psychology of identity for years and, as leaders in the field, have produced an authoritative guide that is remarkably accessible, actionable, and a pure joy to read! - Angela Lee Duckworth, author of GRIT



Yes robots come to mind…

See also:




Theater spieltet ihr in Trümmern hier

Nun spielt in schönem Haus, nicht nur zum Zeitvertreibe.

Aus euch und uns ersteh ein friedlich WIR

Damit dies Haus und manches andre stehen bleibe!





You played in this theater in ruins yesterday

Now play in this beautiful house, not just for fun.

But for you and us to create OUR peace as one

So that this house and everything else can stay!


It is always difficult to translate poetry. We explain this problem in detail in Faust as the French translation by Gerard de Nerval is far more flowing yet less accurate than most English translations done word for word.



In the verses above, Brecht expresses a unity of you and us as WE (WIR). It’s a difficult concept to convey, but very powerful and beautiful in German.


But WE have TO PLACE A few CAVEATs ON THE COLLECTIVE versus/and the SELF.


It is often said that a camel was designed by a committee… Actually, a camel is an efficient animal otherwise it would not survive in the Australian deserts.


The concept has been expressed many times in European proverbs such as “everyone at their station and the world will carry on spinning”. Very “religious" of them…


But there are the problems of inventions, artistic and scientific. One needs the collective information to make a singular brilliant leap, which often comes from an individual. Einstein could not have come to his theory of relativity should mathematics and/or cosmology be done by Newtonian monkeys so far. And Einstein was NEVER PEER-REVIEWED. That was it. it made sense to some scientists, the general public got bamboozled by E = MC(2).


So the collective mind needs to be accommodating of the individuality of the participants. But the collective should also have to power to stop individual loonies like Joe Biden. This is what Brecht was telling us. There are many conflicting "collectives" within a collective... On a nuclear thingy, the individual of the collective HAVE to share the processes of the system, otherwise individuals would end up in the kooler... with severe court-marshalling...


The hard part is to make sure the collective recognises that Biden is a twat.


For Australians, the collective of intelligent people has to fight the collective of morons who vote for ScoMo. We can’t win…



Free Julian Assange NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



*Amazin how publisers mak mistaaks...


goebbels is alive and well in ukraine...


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused his Ukrainian counterpart Dmitry Kuleba of lying “with a straight face” and compared his statements to those of Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels.

Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on Thursday, Lavrov recalled numerous public statements by the Ukrainian official that his country would not comply with the Minsk agreements – documents signed in 2014 and 2015 meant to serve as a road map for the resolution of conflict in eastern Ukraine.

As an example, Lavrov brought up Kuleba’s recent claim that Kiev would not engage in direct dialogue with the two breakaway regions Donetsk and Lugansk, since such dialogue is allegedly not covered by the Minsk agreements.

“Well, you see, this is definitely the school of Goebbels, and maybe even surpasses the art of the chief propagandist of the Third Reich,” Lavrov said. He explained that “to tell a lie with a straight face,” to reject internationally approved agreements and at the same time not to worry that the Western countries would pull you back, “is a quite comfortable position for the demagogues who are now defending their case, trying to rewrite the Minsk agreements.”

Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Kiev has been refusing to implement the Minsk agreements and make peace with Donetsk and Lugansk, choosing to persecute Russian-speakers in Ukraine instead. Meanwhile, Kiev and its Western supporters accuse Russia of non-compliance with the Minsk agreements.

Over the last few months relations between Russia and the US-led NATO military bloc have deteriorated even more, with the West accusing Russia of allegedly planning to invade Ukraine. 

Moscow has blasted these claims as “fake news” and, in a bid to de-escalate tensions, came up with a set of proposals on European security addressed to NATO and the US. The key provisions of these proposals, including a ban on NATO’s enlargement eastward, however, were immediately rejected by the bloc.


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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!√√√√