Monday 10th of March 2025

of RATs and mice... this song is not very nice...


ScoMo is very nice

Like a rat poison called Morrison

To a packet of mice

After some French saucisson.


Howard had his Janet

Jenny is Scomo's biggest asset,

Because he’s got a tin ear

She’ll convince us he can hear.


Now the Jenny godly-goody charm

On the sixty-minutes offensive,

Will require some haemorrhoid balm

For us to stay on the defensive.


Hazel was steely,

Julia was ballsy,

Loony Abbott had Margie

Turnbull had Lucy,

ScoMo has lucky Jenny.


ScoMo does not lie

But tells massive porkies,

Thus we shall say good bye

For taking us all, like dumb turkeys.


ScoMo’s bad luck hopefully

Will be as bad as his yucky-lele,

To disappear in a dark alley

And our future will be rosy.


                       — Robert Urbanoski

tick tick — jen to the rescue...


Hazel Hawke, from the moment we met her, became one of the nation’s most-loved people.

Whether it was the steely reserve she showed, the way she supported her husband Bob – the 23rd prime minister of Australia – through five successful election campaigns, or how she dealt with the ups and downs of motherhood, we respected her.

At some points, she might even have been her husband’s biggest asset.


Tamie Fraser was a delightful counterbalance to the reserve of her husband Malcolm, undertaking many political roles once the couple and their four children moved into The Lodge in January 1976.

Margaret Whitlam wrote her own headlines with expertise across sport, writing and social campaigning.

She showed off the strength of women, at a time when her husband’s party looked even blokier than the Australian Parliament has shown to be today.

Kevin Rudd undoubtedly suffered from the absence of his wife, when she was overseas with her business.

Julia Gillard, to many, looked real out and about with her ‘first bloke’ hairdresser Tim Mathieson.

And Chloe Shorten gifted her husband Bill a touch of celebrity.

Lucy Turnbull, without doubt, was her husband’s head of cabinet.

“I have a much stronger sense of Lucy and me than I do of me,” Malcolm Turnbull told the world a couple of years ago. And it surprised no one.


But what about Jenny Morrison? Who is she? Does she complement or mirror her husband?

And could she help swing his battered polling results into new territory with a national 60 Minutes interview on Sunday night?

Arguably, we know less about Scott Morrison’s partner in life than almost any of his predecessors.

We know she was a nurse, that she grew up in Sydney’s south, and is the mother of two teen girls.

They met when they were just children, at a youth group, before marrying nine years later.

She’s suffered severe endometriosis. Had their first child on the eve of turning 40. And has admitted to being “less political” than some of the nation’s previous first ladies.

But circumstances change, and Scott Morrison’s nose-diving popularity calls for drastic action.

That’s why we’ll see Jenny Morrison feature in the interview.

We know she carries influence. Her husband has told us that his review of the parliamentary workplace culture was prompted by a chat, at home, with Jenny.

“Jenny and I spoke last night and she said to me, you have to think about this as a father. What would you want to happen if it were our girls?” he said almost exactly one year ago. “Jenny has a way of clarifying things. Always has. And so, I’ve reflected on that overnight and listened to Brittany and what she had to say.”

He was attacked – perhaps with the benefit of hindsight – unfairly for that. It would be an admission we’d applaud from others, like Malcolm Turnbull.

Prime ministerial partners are part of the Lodge package, but Jenny Morrison offers a challenge because – apart from that chat her husband revealed last year – we don’t know what we’re signing up for.

What can she bring to the table?

Her husband has a tin ear. She needs to convince us otherwise.

His common touch, whether it’s at the footy or in a mall, looks affected, not real. Jenny Morrison needs to tell us a story that proves we’ve misunderstood him.

He looks like he’s governing for popularity, not the future. Is he capable of planning and executing an inclusive vision for our country, post COVID?

We don’t need to know if he cuts the grass at home, or cooks – although we’ll see him in the kitchen on 60 Minutes.

How does he make decisions? How much does he stew on them? How much does he see those decisions through the eyes of those they target – whether they are young adults not much older than his daughters, women like his wife, or the nation’s elderly.

Jenny Morrison could be a powerful political weapon, but the challenge she faces is all uphill.

She needs to not only ‘sell’ her husband’s attributes, but turn around the tide of voter dissatisfaction in a few short minutes.

60 Minutes is not the only ticking clock.


Read more:





smashed ukulele...


A New Zealand band has hit out at Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison for performing what they called a "cynical" rendition of their song.

Rock band Dragon said his cover of April Sun in Cuba was "an attempt to humanise [himself] come election time". 

He performed the 1977 hit song as part of a pre-election interview. 

The segment showed Mr Morrison strumming a ukulele and singing the start of the chorus, before admitting he could not remember the rest.

Mr Morrison came under fierce criticism for vacationing in Hawaii in 2019 while Australia battled its bushfire crisis. 

"Maybe if his trip to Hawaii had not been cut short, he could have learnt the lyrics to the rest of the chorus," the band said in a statement


Many Australians have also accused Scott Morrison's government of inaction on global warming, with scientists warning that a hotter, drier climate would contribute to Australia's fires becoming more frequent and intense.

The song - which became one of the band's biggest hits - is an escapist fantasy about running away from a world fraught with political tension and its lyrics allude to events like the Cuban missile crisis. 

Dragon said in their statement that the song was "about a long-ago diplomatic fracas on the other side of the world".

Australian social media users mocked the performance, with satirical Sydney-based website The Chaser re-creating the performance to add someone off-camera intervening and smashing the ukulele against a desk.





"...he could not remember the rest?" SCOMO CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING BUT HIMSELF...