Friday 7th of March 2025

offguardian has gone off the rails...


OffGuardian has gone off. Gone off the planet… 


It has been demonising sciences without any understanding and no care for proper information for far too long. OffGuardian is sick. Off...


Gus already complained to OffGuardian boffins a while back in regard to an OffG article:


Here is a link:



There is a complete rubbish article in the usually “reliable” OffGuardian from someone called Sapere Aude. Of course this is a nom-de-plume meaning “dare to know” in Latin. The person who wrote this garbage could not possibly expose himself or herself publicly.  “Dare to know?”  Idiot… Stultus ! Ignari ! Necit homo !


Obviously the author did not do any research to know the whatever. In this article full of garbage titled “is this the muddy reality behind the “97.4% of climate scientists” meme?” he/she started by quoting the Daily Mail: 


The Mail on Sunday today reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world’s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.




OffGuardian's latest venture with the images from an artist, Jordan Henderson, is totally misleading, now more usual than not for OffG, that for a while was “reliable” (I had this between quotes for good reasons). Jordan Henderson lives in the Northwest of the United States. He works in oil paints, and charcoals. A portfolio of his works can be viewed at either of his websites: Original Paintings – Fine Art Prints… Here is a link:


This is bullshit… BULLSHITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!T


I know the Covid episode SO FAR does not appear as a greatest moment for sciences, mostly because sciences were hijacked by POLITICS and GREED in a hurry, rather than the scientific understanding of a virus. It seems we were iffy about who to believe. The speed at which science had to operate, made it opened to major political manipulations. Politics until the 1950s were using RELIGION as a stick for crowd control. Religion has mostly died in the bum, except for a few enclaves to the East of Las Vegas, and in the Muslim countries that are still caught in the dark ages of philosophy. In America, the statistics are dire: more than 900,000 Covid deaths which represent 26 per cent of the total death worldwide, with a US population under 5 per cent of the world population. If this does not tell you something, then you have soup for brains.


The origin of the Covid virus has been murky... Fauci should have removed himself from the management of the situation because he had been INVOLVED in the “research” about such viruses, either himself or the entities he was managing. There were plenty of other experts far more suitable to explain the situation than Fauci — who we shall say imposed himself by various means, because HE HAD TO CONTROL THE SITUATION and divert understandings, in order to minimise his exposure to possible repercussion of investigation. THE SCIENCES WERE NOT WRONG, but our POLITICAL reactions to the possibility of an uncontrollable problem became the issue without proper explanations. POLITICS SIDE-TRACKED SCIENCES FOR CONTROL. POLITICS ARE MOSTLY DECEITFUL.


We know that countries, including (and especially) the USA, indulge in bio-warfare research. This is a given. One of the major aim of the research is to find counter-agents — from drugs to vaccines — to eliminate the threat of the release of a bio-weapon upon populations, while making a bio-weapon so secret that the enemies would not have any counter-products to shut down its damages.


Interestingly, the best vaccine against Covid-19 came from Russia, Sputnik V, not because of nefarious activity — but because the Russian labs used proven techniques to create vaccines, while the Western labs were salivating at the prospect of finally testing the untested mRNA technology on HUMANS. Experiments and controlled tests went out of the window by government speedy need decrees which forced the labs from washing their hands, should their products have side effects — or be faulty.


So, we must open the APPLIED science Pandora box… Pharmaceutical companies make huge amount of money from selling us “cures”. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THE WORD “CURE” but they go a long way to make us believe that have found the Dorian Gray Portrait, with advertising mentioning rejuvenation, wrinkle elimination and penis enlargement… It works to a certain statistical advantage that they have to prove in order to retain accreditation. Statistics in sciences can be the bane or the salvation of knowledge. Politics are the bane of humanity, full stop. 


Applied scientific knowledge gave you the anti-contraceptive pill and the blue pill for a permanent tent-post. The amount of CORRECT scientific information is beyond humongous and increases exponentially daily. 


“Sciences” brought you hygiene, especially in population concentrations, antiseptics, antibiotics, vaccines that have stopped many diseases in their track — and the smartphone which I believe is used by all and sundries at OffGuardian rather than be in favour of a block of wood or smoke signals for communication. 


Now, you morons at OffGuardian, if you feel that sciences have decimated TRUTH and FREEDOM, just look elsewhere: POLITICS. Whether it’s religion or sciences, POLITICS will use any arguments to control people — and on most occasion they will make a bad meal of it… Same with war being used to divert public attention from government corruption and incompetence, in America. 


This control of the population beliefs is varied in scope and in amount of pressure, through the media. Sciences only provide the statistical and TRUER frameworks for the POLITICIANS and their advisors, to make better/worse choices. In general Politicians, worried about their career prospects before anything else, and will use scientific information as a stick to hit you with. This is not due to SCIENCES which are intrinsically honest. "Guns don't kill people".... The use/misuse of guns will. Unfortunately, with the help of websites like OffGuardian the populace is dumbed down into believing that sciences are the culprit for what happens to society… 


Note to OffGuardian, without sciences and observation of natural forces, we would still live in the Middle Ages — forking cow manure...


Without sciences, you life-span would be barely above 35 years of age.

Yes I know this would cap our oncoming world population problem.


But please OffGuardian, do… Ah... F..K yourself! The boffins who run the OffG website have no clue about understanding anything. ZERO. 


The conclusion to the OffGuardian article on climate change (aka Global Warming) promised to reveal the source of the “great climate fraud” in a “further instalment”. It never came, except that OffGuardian’s nose being out of joint finally advised Mr Leonisky that OffGuardian had no expertise on global warming… Same with the science regarding the world Covid episode. OffGuardian has no right to publish emotional garbage, as well-painted as it is in oil, and claim some expertise about it... 


OffGuardian has become a provider of fake news, in an unacceptable proportion of its intended desires…








where the problem lies...


This is an article published in 2009


Pressure on scientists to deliver commercial benefits is compromising research, marginalising blue skies work and making universities behave more like businesses, according to a report published today .

The independent group Scientists for Global Responsibility argues that government policy has "driven a corporate agenda into the heart of universities", undermining their openness and independence. It calls for Lord Mandelson's newly formed Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to be broken up.


"There is very obviously a trend pushing in the direction of commercialisation. It is as strong under Labour as it was under the Conservatives," said Stuart Parkinson, co-author of the report, Science and the Corporate Agenda. "We have gathered extensive evidence of the damaging effects of the commercial influence. Urgent action – by government and others – is needed to resolve these problems. The trustworthiness of science and scientists is at stake."

The report also raises concerns that commercial funding of research often results in only findings favourable to the funder being reported. It explored commercial influences on research in pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, defence, biotechnology and tobacco. In pharmaceuticals researchers found industry influence can lead to a focus on treatments for wealthier communities, rather than more common global diseases. Oil and gas industry influence "can lead to a focus on fossil fuel-based technologies or controversial biofuels" rather than controlling energy demand.The report chimes with concerns raised by a growing number of academics over the government's emphasis on science's role in a knowledge-based economy. Scientists and universities are worried that the recession has intensified the focus on short-term commercial benefits from science and that blue skies research will suffer as public spending gets tighter.

Parkinson warned that funding constraints will also affect basic research with social and environmental goal research.

"Science is about establishing knowledge, understanding how things work," he says. "Our understanding of issues like climate change and biodiversity is important in helping decrease our environmental impact," he said.

He cited two instances of the government's drive to commercialise research. First, the merger this year of the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills with the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform to form Mandelson's BIS department. It has been criticised by academics who believe higher education should be in a department dedicated to education, not commerce. Secondly, the two most recent appointments as science minister: Lord Sainsbury and Lord Drayson. "[They are] scientists who have made a lot of money out of the commercialisation of science and want to see this agenda pushed further forward."


Read more:


The problem of turning sciences into commercial ventures is not intrinsic to sciences but belongs to politics and economics, INCLUDING PATENTS RATHER THAN KNOWLEDGE.


The ScoMo government is pushing for the caper again... 


Scott Morrison will continue to tip out large dollops of money when he addresses the National Press Club on Tuesday, with his theme “building national resilience”. 

He will announce the government will fund a $2.2 billion Research Commercialisation Action Plan, which includes about $2 billion in new money

The centrepiece is a 10-year $1.6 billion competitive program – called Australia’s Economic Accelerator – directed at the so-called “valley of death”. That is where research is not advanced towards commercialisation because of risk. The package also includes 

  • $150 million to expand CSIRO’s Main Sequence Ventures program. This assists start-ups and promotes commercial opportunities for research 

  • $296 million for 1800 industry-focused PhDs and 800 fellowships, funded over 10 years

  • the previously announced $247 million Trailblazer Universities programme for selected institutions to work with industry on national manufacturing priorities.

Last week Morrison opened the purse strings to announce $1 billion over nine years for the Great Barrier Reef, as the government seeks both to fend off international attempts to declare the reef formally “in danger” and to shore up its vote in north Queensland. 




With Newspoll this week showing the government trailing Labor 44-56% and his personal approval plummeting, the Prime Minister is facing a massive test of his own resilience as he pursues re-election. 

Targeted spending, provided for in the December budget update’s multi-billions for unannounced decisions, will be a major part of the government’s strategy.

Morrison will stress that his latest commitment “is not an election promise – these are funded programmes already in the budget, incorporated into the mid year budget update”.


Note: as we've explained before, this looks like a lot of money but it's ridiculously tiny (Thanks the penguins) in regard to an 11 year budget (not 10), considering that the ScoMo government HAS NO IDEA ABOUT THE QUESTION OF GLOBAL WARMING... and he has cut outright research into this issue... 


Warning to OffGuardian: Global warming is real and anthropogenic.


GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC. See all the articles published on this site on this subject.