Friday 4th of October 2024

from wednesday, june, 16, 2021 till now: going fast downhill...

hawkehawkeCanberra remains stuck in a debate that the rest of the world has moved on from 

It’s been a divisive and disappointing day for the environment, with attacks flying in every direction after the Coalition made several moves to bolster the fossil-fuel industry.


After seeing off last-ditch efforts by Labor and the Greens to stop the Australian Renewable Energy Agency being opened up to carbon capture and “clean” hydrogen, the government announced $600,000 will go to Rio Tinto – with its 2020 net profit of $9.8 billion – to conduct a $1.2 million study investigating the use of hydrogen in the aluminium refining process.


Government ministers have also used public speeches to attack their ideological enemies: Environment Minister Sussan Ley used a National Press Club address to criticise Labor’s rejection of proposed laws streamlining “green tape” (also rejected by the Greens and independent senator Rex Patrick), while Resources Minister Keith Pitt addressed a petroleum industry conference, railing against “green activists” for trying to “cripple” fossil-fuel companies.


Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack used Question Time to take some swipes at PETA and people who live in cities, suggesting mice from the ongoing plague should be “rehomed into their inner-city apartments so they can nibble away at their food … and scratch their children at night.” In a post–Question Time debate, shadow minister for climate change Chris Bowen held up a solar panel, echoing Morrison’s infamous coal rant, and accused “those opposite” of having an “ideological, pathological fear” of renewables.


Today’s dispiriting news comes as both voters and trading partners make clear they would like to see the nation commit to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and a major study finds that global warming may have already passed an irreversible tipping point.


Things remained heated between the Coalition and the Greens throughout the day, with the minor party furious that the government has moved forward with plans for new gas developments in the Beetaloo Basin (with the support of Labor, which faced its own internal divisions over the move). Nationals leader and Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack took to Sky News to accuse the Greens of wanting to “destroy the social fabric of society” (this was before he attacked city folk in Question Time), to which Greens leader Adam Bandt tweeted: “If by ‘social fabric’ he means giving billionaires handouts while people are homeless & funding fossil fuels while our planet burns, then TEAR. IT. UP.”


Speaking of billionaire handouts, the Greens almost caused an upset in the House of Representatives this afternoon, with a motion to have profitable companies that pocketed JobKeeper pay it back, which tied with the support of Labor and the entire crossbench (Speaker Tony Smith used his casting vote to support the status quo, as required).


Next up: a motion for an inquiry into Christian Porter’s fitness to be a minister, with Greens Senator Larissa Waters holding a press conference to announce the bill alongside Jo Dyer, a friend of the late woman who accused Porter. 


No moderate Liberals broke ranks with the Coalition on JobKeeper, and it’s unlikely they will on the Porter inquiry, but there have been a few rare sightings of those so-called mods in the past 24 hours. While most have quietened down on the Biloela family, content with yesterday’s decision to move them into community detention, Liberal MP and paediatrician Katie Allen this morning went on ABC Radio to call for Immigration Minister Alex Hawke to use his discretionary powers to allow the family to remain in Australia.


Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg, meanwhile, hit out at last night’s failed One Nation Senate motion condemning the use of medical treatment for transgender children, which 21 of his Coalition colleagues (including two ministers) supported in a conscience vote. “These motions are rubbish,” Bragg said. “They are damaging and hurtful to people.”


An internal stoush is brewing in the South Australian state branch, with the moderates having expelled hundreds of Pentecostal Christians from the party, with Finance Minister Simon Birmingham (a moderate) claiming some planned to campaign against the party’s endorsed candidates. A handful of Liberal MPs are now speaking out about the housing affordability crisis, with Bennelong MP John Alexander saying some of his own government’s policies are feeding into the dysfunctional property market.


Unfortunately, despite a handful of purported climate sympathisers within the Coalition, none has been brave enough to speak out against the government’s recent moves to prop up fossil fuels, even as the world moves further and further ahead on this. Standing beside Prime Minister Scott Morrison to announce a UK–Australia trade deal overnight,


Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he would keep asking Australia to lift its ambitions, noting that “Scott” has declared his ambitions for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 (“preferably”, interjected a journalist, not Morrison, as last night’s transcript originally indicated).


Nine’s latest Resolve Political Monitor, meanwhile, has found that a majority of Australians – including a majority of Coalition voters – want the federal government to cut emissions to net zero by 2050, but do not want a carbon price as part of that. They might end up with one, whether they – or the Coalition – like it or not. Commentators in both the Nine papers and Guardian Australia have noted that Australia is again staring down a carbon tax – one it’s going to be paying to other nations’ governments, through tariffs, if it doesn’t start doing something about reducing emissions soon.


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Alex Hawke — with the help of the Mass Market Media de Mierda, especially the Murdoch branch of the Nazi party in Australia — will perfume the PM with Benzoids (artificial perfumes). A scrub-a-dub is out of the question by now. Too much grubbiness has accumulated on the ScoMo-in-chief coat... Even if ScoMo goes naked like the emperor, the crap is far more than skin deep.....

war, bullshit and fear sandwich...

You’d think that after the Iraq Weapons of Mass destruction debacle the media would be just a little sceptical about US intelligence feeds.

But nothing seems to deter Western journalists in Canberra, London or Washington from broadcasting, without the slightest hint of doubt, US intelligence sources predicting a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Even the fact that the invasions don’t actually occur when the intelligence agents said they would, and the fact that the intelligence agents who feed the stories choose to stay safely anonymous, does not appear to deter the journalists in the slightest.

My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources,” US Secretary of State Colin Powell told the UN Security council in February 2003 when he laid out US intelligence evidence that Saddam Hussein’s regime possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. “These are not assertions,” he said. “What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.”

I don’t know if the Russians intend to invade Ukraine. But if Powell’s publicly delivered, thoroughly checked and endorsed intelligence was so wrong, how much more sceptical should we be about intelligence feeds from anonymous sources?

As far as I can see the US intelligence claims that Russia is about to invade Ukraine started to appear in the media around November last year.  The US Military Times said Russia was preparing for an attack by the end of January, or the beginning of February, with the attack involving airstrikes, artillery and armour attacks followed by airborne assaults in the east, amphibious assaults in Odessa and Mariupul and a smaller incursion through neighbouring Belarus,

CNBC also reported in November that Russia was about to invade.

Then on 8 December 2021 Associated Press joined the “cry bear” club telling us that US intelligence officials had determined that Russian planning was underway for a possible military offensive against Ukraine that could begin as soon as early 2022 and would include an estimated 175,000 personnel.

President Joe Biden gave the invasion a real boost at a press conference on 19 January when he said that he expected President Putin would order the invasion.

“Do I think he’ll test the West, test the United States and NATO, as significantly as he can? Yes, I think he will,” Biden said. “But I think he will pay a serious and dear price for it that he doesn’t think now will cost him what it’s going to cost him. And I think he will regret having done it.”

Asked to clarify whether he was accepting that an invasion was coming, he said: “My guess is he will move in. He has to do something.”

The following week US sources were saying that an invasion was imminent while Ukrainian leaders tried to hose down the fears generated by the claims.

Then we got a definite date. It was going to happen on Wednesday 16 February.

But it didn’t.

Now we’re told the invasion will be before the end of the Winter Olympics on Sunday 20 February. But then again maybe it’s a bit like calculating the coming of the millennium and we’ll find that they really miscalculated and meant the end of the Paralympics on 13 March.

If the Russians want to destabilise and damage Ukraine they could find no better way than to have the US whipping up this hysteria.

For whatever reason the US administration — no matter which of the two parties is in power – requires a bogeyman.  They had a good run with middle-east terrorists and governments: the Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran; Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda; ISIS, Saddam Hussein and Iraq; Assad and Syria; and Gaddafi and Libya. Each got a stint as the top-billing threat and a dose of US bombings, clandestine operations, sanctions and/or invasion.

Donald Trump promoted North Korea as the menace that would win him popularity but then, finding he was getting nowhere, moved back to promote China as US public enemy number one.

Since August 1945, unquestionably the US’s most beloved villains are the Russians.  First the threat was because they were communists and Soviet Russia was going to promote communism worldwide and challenge US capitalism.

But the fall of the Soviet Union and Russia’s adoption of capitalism did not change American attitudes. Russians as baddies was too ingrained in the American psyche.

The US needs to generate foreign enemies to justify the maintenance of and expenditure on its massive war machine and to distract its electorate from the country’s internal problems of inequity, poverty, race and class divisions.

For the Australian government, the Russian bear is a little too far distant as an electoral scare-mongering weapon. The Chinese tiger is the terror to be promoted.

Ignoring the fact that China is by far Australia’s largest trading partner, Defence Minister Peter Dutton has gone so far as to insult the Chinese President Xi Jinping by comparing China’s actions today to those of Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s.

“Some people want to pretend it’s not a reality in our lifetime … that was the attitude of the 1930s. We’ve got to learn the lessons of history and make sure they’re not repeated,” he said in an interview on Sydney radio station 2GB.

But the Chinese obsession and the targeting of the Labor opposition was too much even for our ASIO head Mike Burgess who, perhaps realising that his next boss might be a Labor minister, went on the record to say that foreign interference was against all members of parliament and didn’t go after one particular party or the other.

He also acknowledged that more than one country sought to interfere in the Australian political process.

Chinese Australian businessman Dr Chau Chak Wing was named in parliament as the “puppeteer” targeted by ASIO for foreign interference, but as he has donated to both the Coalition and the Labor sides of politics, the government will find it difficult to use him to score political points against Labor.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Dutton’s campaign will of course have one clear outcome. It will again whip up anti-Chinese and anti-Asian racism, a tried-and-true coalition tactic happily embraced by John Howard in the 1996 election when his dis-endorsed Liberal candidate Pauline Hansen delivered her anti-Asian, anti-indigenous lines. At that time Howard chose to be a Hansen fellow traveller.

And just as Morrison is today, Howard was way behind in the polls when fortuitously for him the September 11 2001, terrorist attacks occurred. Exploiting fear of invasion by distressed asylum seekers and the fear of the terrorist war, Howard won the November 2001 election.

This time it’s Scott Morrison clinging to a straw. He and his colleagues are clearly thinking that if fear and war mongering have won the Coalition elections in the past, it’s worth a go again today...








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liberal preselection troubles...

A battle over Liberal Party preselections will seek to draw one of the Prime Minister’s key lieutenants into a NSW Supreme Court battle to save three sitting government MPs from preselection challenges

Internal opposition is escalating to a plan backed by Scott Morrison to have the Liberal Party intervene and stop three sitting MPs from facing internal party contests.

Trent Zimmerman and ministers Alex Hawke and Sussan Ley face the possibility of having to fight to retain their seats.


But following court developments Mr Hawke, a key political ally of Mr Morrison and boss of the NSW party’s centre-right faction, could now be forced to testify in court about the state of affairs in the party’s NSW wing.

A summons for Mr Hawke was issued as part of a case about party affairs before the NSW Supreme Court on Monday.

Recently, the Prime Minister and Mr Hawke have supported a plan for the party’s NSW bosses to intervene to protect the MPs.

A federal Liberal intervention in NSW would allow MPs, including Ms Ley and Mr Hawke, to be endorsed.

Last week, the party’s NSW president Philip Ruddock went to the Liberals’ federal executive with a new reason to stop the preselections.

The party’s NSW directors, he argued, could only legally serve for another week before their terms expired, making an urgent resolution necessary before the federal election.

But a number of senior NSW Liberals doubt the accuracy of the advice underpinning the case for federal intervention, and are going to court to challenge it.

Matthew Camenzuli, a member of the party’s conservative faction, has brought the case before the NSW Supreme Court and is seeking declaratory relief on the question of whether party bosses’ terms are close to running out.


The Immigration Minister will be drawn into the court process, due to his role as a member on the NSW party’s state executive and federal preselection committee.

The summons was expected to force Mr Hawke to choose to either “submit” to the court’s findings or speak to his own view on the administration of the party’s largest branch.

“Hawke has deliberately been running down the clock,” one Liberal source said.

“But let’s see a federal minister stand up in court and argue that the party’s NSW division is defunct.

“Nobody gives a rat’s if he’s the Member for Mitchell. It’s a safe seat.”

Critics say the plea by Mr Ruddock and others does not accurately reflect legal advice on party rules, and is designed as an attempt to create an atmosphere of crisis conducive to intervention.







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