Wednesday 5th of February 2025

the lies that are killing you...


Goering: "Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in American, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.” 


Gilbert: "There is one difference. In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.” 


Goering: "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” 


--Nazi leader Hermann Goering, interviewed by Gustave Gilbert during the Easter recess of the Nuremberg trials, 18 April 1946, quoted in Gilbert's book Nuremberg Diary. Goering suicided on 15 October 1946...



This is a hard article/cartoon to write/draw… Too many people don't want to know the origin of crap...


People are being killed without knowing why. Oh, I beg your pardon! Yes they know why, but this is a lie in Ukraine. A Western lie. Mind you, they have been made promises of “liberal democracy” but in order to get this, their leaders have had to sell (say prostitute) their countries to the “liberal hegemony” of the USA. From being indebted to the Russians, they would be far more indebted to the USA. It sounds good if you speak English. Not so good if you speak Russian in Ukraine. Your language has become illegal. 


In order to achieve the dream of “liberal democracy” — which to say the least is still a dream in the USA, through corruption and strange electoral systems — this dream according to the “liberal hegemony” can only be done by threatening Russia with NATO. Why? 


This is the old story again of the Heartland…



All this goes back to The Round Table Movement and the Fall of the ‘Second’ British Empire (1909-1919). What? THAT OLD STUFF? People think that all this is a MODERN now problem. NOT IN THE MINDS OF “PROFESSIONAL” LEADERS. And the same focus IS CARRIED in the oil industry or car industry or any company that CONTROL the politics SINCE THEIR INCEPTION: Raytheon, GE, Boeing, Lockheed Martin… Any politician worth their salt isn’t going to rock the boat… So there is CONTINUITY OF INTENT:



“The future of the world depends upon the gradual recognition, by the rest of the world, of the fundamental principles which lie at the heart of Anglo-Saxon civilization.”


Said Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian, KTCHPCDL to Lionel George Curtis CH, in June 1920...



And do not be mistaken, While the ”Second British Empire” was floundering after WW1, the American Empire — the present heart of the Anglo-Saxon civilisation — was already ahead on song, with its Monroe Doctrine. 


The present troubles with Russia, started by 1917 communism, stem from the Wolfowitz Doctrine that belittled Russia after the fall of the USSR (Soviet Union) and to ALL subsequent US administrations that LIED… LIED AND LIED… Clinton and Obama included… Oh, and here is the best one: while the solemn promise that NATO would not move one inch east was made to the Soviets, it had not been made to Russia, “so it’s okay for NATO to go into Ukraine (promise made in 2008)”. Deceitful BASTARDS!!! They are the lies that are killing you.


Meanwhile, Ukraine is also overrun with Nazis and pseudo-Nazis, REMNANTS of the days fighting alongside the Germans to invade Russia during WW2… These Nazis and pseudo-Nazis dictate the voice of the government — and have been PAID by the USA to overthrow a legitimate government… Meanwhile, the people “voice or no voice” get shafted and killed…Unfortunately, Putin had enough of the lies, as the Biden/Blinken fake religious men pushed a bit too far, possibly with the same intent as Zbigniew Brzezinski pushed the soviets into a trap in Afghanistan. Now the trap was set for the Russians to invade Ukraine and become the pariahs of the planet… Biden and Blinken don’t care about your life, Mr and Mrs Ukrainian — all they want is the Russian bear skin… 


So if you have a bit of time on your hands and ponder about the nukes coming your way, See this video with Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner



Vladimir Pozner is a staunch atheist.


He advocates the right to euthanasia, advocates the legalisation of same-sex marriage, and supports the idea of combating drug trafficking and crime among drug addicts by legalising the sale of drugs.


Pozner is vaccinated with Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine and believes that vaccination against COVID-19 should be made mandatory in all countries.


He credits the expansion of NATO since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the post-cold war strategy and the subsequent lack of attention to specific Russian diplomatic overtures, to the creation of Vladimir Putin.


But we know that Putin was really created by... Putin… and this irks the pundits in Washington. Meanwhile: “in the United States only Congress can declare wars." We know this is bullshit. US Presidents don’t ask permission… or they just have to lie. (Congress has the constitutional power to "declare war," but US presidents have long initiated military action without it.)



defending the homeland...

Rather than a dogged defence of their homeland, the Russian President expected Ukrainians to quickly wilt when confronted by a stronger invading force. That, after all, was what had happened when Russian troops stormed into Crimea in 2014 and South Ossetia, a breakaway region of Georgia, in 2008.


But not this time. Regardless of how the conflict ends, there is broad agreement among military experts that Putin bungled the initial stage of the conflict and that the Russian military has so far performed well below expectations.

Adam Lockyer, an associate professor in strategic studies at Macquarie University, said it appears Putin made a classic mistake that has tripped up dictators throughout history: being deceived by his own propaganda.

“He believes Ukraine is part of Russia’s sphere of influence, so he thought the invasion would go something like previous invasions in Eastern Europe,” Lockyer said, citing the Soviet Union’s crushing invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

“My sense is that he drank his own Kool-Aid. This has not been the coup d’état operation he had been expecting.”

Lockyer said all indications suggest Putin believed Russian troops would quickly seize key airports, allowing Russian reinforcements to land by plane and subdue the Ukrainian government in Kyiv. The 190,000-odd Russian troops stationed around Ukraine’s borders would then enter the country not as active fighters but essentially as peacekeepers.


Read more:


THERE seems to be a bit of hope here. But according to other reports, this Russian surgical war tactic is patient — WHILE TRYING TO MINIMISE THE "INNOCENT" PEOPLE CASUALTIES (this is why it appears that "the Russian military has so far performed well below expectations"). Some Ukrainians are defending their homeland — but the Russian soldiers KNOW they are also defending their homeland. The dead soldiers will be honoured. This conflict is the result of the NATO deceit. Putin made the offer of a peaceful settlement. The Ukrainians refused and unfortunately will pay the price. Kyiv will militarily fall within the next two days... unless the Ukrainian government asks for peace through a cease-fire. Either way, NATO can only loose, hopefully. NATO IS A CANCER, NOT A CURE.


Unfortunately, the USA might try to increase the sauce... 





trying to avoid civilians...

Families of Russian soldiers who died in the line of duty in Ukraine are set to receive compensation of over seven million rubles ($65,000) from the government, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday. Putin made the pledge during a meeting with the members of the country’s Security Council.

The leader has also refuted claims circulated by some media outlets that the payouts amount only to 11,000 rubles ($100). Those who were wounded are eligible for a lump sum of three million rubles ($28,000), while servicemen with permanent disabilities will receive lifetime pensions from Russia, according to the president.

The offensive is proceeding strictly according to its “schedule,” Putin stressed, while admitting certain issues were experienced during the military operation. For instance, the Russian military has established safe corridors for Ukrainian civilians to escape the combat zone, yet local “neo-Nazi” forces and foreign “mercenaries” have been trying to prevent them from leaving, he said.

“Nationalist and neo-Nazi groups, foreign mercenaries, including those from the Middle East, are using civilians as human shields,” Putin stated. “As I’ve already said, there is absolutely objective data, photos of how they place heavy military equipment in residential areas of cities.”









don't get me wrong...

Gus: Oh please, don't get me wrong...


I DO NOT LIKE WHAT PUTIN IS DOING TO UKRAINE. BUT I HATE MORE WHAT THE US IS DOING TO PUTIN. We are in a rotten situation... This is worse than a Sophie's Choice...


Indeed, a security guarantee deal with Russia was so easily available until the very 11th hour of the invasion that you can only conclude one thing: The neocon criminals and beltway lifers alike who surround Sleepy Joe truly did opt for Wag the Dog 2.0 to save his catastrophically failing presidency.

But look where it has gotten us now. Things have become so desperate on the ground in Ukraine – contrary to MSM prattle about the heroic resistance of Ukraine’s unarmed civilian population – that Ukraine’s clown-car president has publicly requested Washington to establish a “no fly zone” over most of Ukraine.

That is to say, this crackpot is calling for the guaranteed start of WWIII because he has dithered away his presidency since being elected in 2019, paddling around Washington in kneepads with his pro-NATO talking points pasted to his forehead, when he should have been implementing the Minsk Accords and dismantling the Azov Battalion and other Neo-Nazi militias that were raining death upon the Russian speaking populations of the breakaway republics in the Donbas.

That’s right. Once the tolerable political balance between the east and west in Ukraine was upended in the Maidan Coup of February 2014, the utterly artificial and ahistorical polity of the Ukraine was destined to be partitioned. And since the margin of Zelensky’s unlikely victory over the oligarch thug and incumbent, Petro Poroshenko, had occurred in the Russian speaking east, it should have been a task suited to someone who had something between their ears except a vacuum.