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houston, we have a problem...
A secret treaty is a treaty (international agreement) in which the contracting state parties have agreed to conceal the treaty's existence or substance from other states and the public. Such a commitment to keep the agreement secret may be contained in the instrument itself or in a separate agreement.
On this site we have exposed quite a few of these secret pacts between nations.
According to one compilation of secret treaties published in 2004, there have been 593 secret treaties negotiated by 110 countries and independent political entities since the year 1521. Secret treaties were highly important in the balance-of-power diplomacy of 18th- and 19th-century Europe, but are rare today.
One of the latest secret pact (NOT SO MUCH A TREATY) has been the Anglo-Saxon hegemony PACT since around 1905: This pact is not so secret in titbits for a few historians to rummage through, but rarely understood as a whole. The Western public is kept entirely in the dark and made to believe in their own righteousness and in their emotional reactions. As a side issue, The divide between the bourgeois and the workers is maintained by bashing unions, various pandemics, economic tricks, etc. The original secret pact is promoted under various guises by ALL western media alike under being a democracy-lover Patriot (with different flavours). This secret pact is still being enacted today. Below is a sketch of the process. Explaining this deceit fully in a book is still in progress and starts with “The Age of Deceit” introduction on this site.
Trump seems to have been the only President who took the secret pact as a joke and this is why the ESTABLISHMENT is using all the tricks in the book to prevent his re-election...
In 1920, this pact/understanding was expressed as thus:
“The future of the world depends upon the gradual recognition, by the rest of the world, of the fundamental principles which lie at the heart of Anglo-Saxon civilization.”
Said Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian, KT, CH, PC, DL to Lionel George Curtis CH, in June 1920…
This was code for "conquering the world".
By 1905, the future WW1 had already been designed to weaken Germany.
By 1919, after WW1, the United Kingdom was bankrupt and the secret pact was taken over by the Anglo-Saxon of America. This includes:
Conquer the Rimland (Europe, East Asia).
Capture the Heartland (Destroy Russia and China).
Keep Africa as a poor continent to supply resources with colonial paternalistic attitude and pseudo-slavery.
Keep the hate between the Muslim factions (Sunnis/Shiites) simmering as long as possible.
Adjust the course to evolving conditions keeping the goal in mind: conquering the world.
This has been done under various guises:
WW2 to once more weaken Germany.
Modify the political landscapes into “liberal democracies” (that can be easily controlled, as well as in-the-pocket despots) via the Anglo-Saxon hegemony — using special secret ops to destroy/modify the popular will. Secretly sponsor terrorists to induce fear in populations to conquer — by war, by assassination of leaders, or by financial debt and special gifts.
Indonesia, South America, Central America, Europe, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan.
Weakening China’s communism was done by helping China to become a subservient capitalist nation. Presently, Xi has seen through the fog of the secret pact and manages a fine line.
Europe has been an easy prey for the Americans: finance, fast food, Hollywood, tinsel, Sarkozy, pat on the back, etc...
The USSR having disintegrated, US and NATO used diplomatic lies (not one inch) to advance the conquest to the Russian border. The US plotters of the secret Anglo-Saxon pact missed their BIG chance when Putin got elected.
At home, the secret project is delivered through exceptionalism, superiority and weaponry of unequal fury — and DRUGS. The media is massaged daily by the leaders of the Anglo-Saxon civilisation.
Alliance with the Jewry has also been paramount.
General de Gaulle. Anglo-Saxons attempted to destroy him several times.
JFK. Assassinated.
Gough Whitlam. Politically dismissed by the CIA.
Bin Laden. US-sponsored terrorist assassinated by the US.
Saddam HUSSEIN. Hanged under US order.
Gaddafi. Savagely killed under US order.
Assad. Only survive the US might because of Putin.
IRAN. One of the oldest civilisation on earth — to be destroyed.
PUTIN. He understand the BIG game being played.
CHINA. Threatened with war, sanctions and diseases…
NON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES including India and Pakistan.
Julian Assange. We know.
Little Helpers:
Australia, UK, Canada, New Zealand. And various tinpot kingdoms — Saudi Arabia (the least democratic country on the planet) included.
All this goes back to The Round Table Movement and the Fall of the ‘Second’ British Empire (1909-1919). THIS OLD STUFF has been keeping its flame alive IN THE MINDS OF “PROFESSIONAL” Anglo-Saxon LEADERS (US and UK). for them, a multipolar world is a threat — AND THEY WILL DO ANYTHING TO STOP THIS (bait the bear)... The same style of PURPOSE focus IS CARRIED through in the oil industry, car industry and any company that CONTROL the politics SINCE THEIR INCEPTION: Raytheon, GE, Boeing, Lockheed Martin… Any politician worth their salt isn’t going to rock the boat…
There is CONTINUITY OF ANGLO-SAXON INTENT: Conquer the world.
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beyond hypocrisy...
From James O’Neill
Last Thursday evening a senior Republican (US) official issued what must count as one of the most outrageous tweets issued by a senior politician. Lindsey Graham tweeted “is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military? The only way this ends is for somebody in Russia to take this guy out. You would be doing your country – and the world-a great service. Unless you want to live in darkness for the rest of your life, be isolated from the rest of the world in abject poverty, and live in darkness, you need to step up to the plate.”
The only good thing that can be said is that Graham’s remarks were not endorsed by his fellow United States politicians. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said: “while we are praying for peace and the people of Ukraine, this is irresponsible, dangerous and unhinged. We need leaders with calm minds and steady wisdom. Not bloodthirsty warmongering politicians trying to tweet tough by demanding assassinations. Americans don’t want war.”
One naturally applauds these voices of reason. But the question has to be asked: where were you during the long decades when the United States military and its lackeys from multiple western countries ran roughshod over international law and invaded, bombed and otherwise undermined more than 70 nations in the post-World War two period alone. The answer from the Western media which has been almost universal in its condemnation of Russia’s actions in Ukraine is a stunning silence.
One can look for example to the United States invasion of South Vietnam. For more than a decade the United States waged war on North Vietnam in a desperate attempt to prevent the unification of that country and its inevitable rule by a Communist government from the North. In that war they were liberally supported by Australia, among other Western nations. What vital Australian interests would be protected by joining that war? A dispassionate observer would be hard pressed to nominate a single vital national interest that was protected by joining that manifestly illegal and aggressive war. Now, with typical hypocrisy, the United States government is striving mightily to enlist Vietnam’s support in its struggle against the rise of China. They should look closely at the recent humiliating visit of the vice president to Vietnam for lessons on how not to behave when visiting that country.
The experience of the Vietnam war was insufficient to deter the Americans from multiple other foreign misadventures. In this century alone there has been at least four major interventions by the United States and its loyal adherents in the affairs of foreign countries. The century began with the invasion of Afghanistan, falsely blamed for the events of 11 September 2001. Even after they had captured and killed the alleged perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden, years after the New York Times had published his obituary following his 2001 death from natural causes, the United States and its lackeys continued their occupation of Afghanistan for a further decade. They eventually retreated in humiliating circumstances (without informing their “allies”) but that was not the end of their vengeance. The United States has affectively stolen several billions of Afghanistan’s precious foreign reserves, leaving the country in a desperate position with at least 40% of its population facing premature death from being unable to access basic food and health requirements
That misadventure was followed by a similar debacle in Iraq. United States experience in conquering Iraq is always worth keeping in mind when one hears their protestations about alleged atrocities committed by Russian troops in Ukraine. More than 1 million Iraqis were killed in enforcing that occupation. The United States and Australia are still there, 19 years later, despite a demand from the Iraqi Government that they should leave.
In October 2011 the Americans killed Muamar Gaddafi. That country has been a mess ever since with at least two groups claiming power, theft of their oil reserves by the Americans (a repeat of what they did in Iraq) and a generally unstable situation the most important legacy of the murder of the country’s leader.
In 2014 the United States again intervened in a middle eastern country, this time Syria. They are still there, refusing to leave, and still, in a familiar pattern, stealing Syria’s oil. Another familiar pattern in the United States occupation (apart from its utter illegality) is the overt support provided to terrorist groups that share its ambition to overthrow the legitimate government of Assad.
In this case the United States ambitions were thwarted by the 2015 intervention of Russia in the country. The big difference is that the Russians were invited by the Assad Government to intervene. Their presence was a turning point in the war, with the government gradually reclaiming more of their territory. Apart from the Americans and their terrorist allies, Syria has also suffered from an Israeli bombing campaign. Not content with stealing Syrian territory in the Golan Heights the Israelis have continued their aerial attacks on Syria, although, with Russian assistance, they now seem to be reaching an end.
When one looks at this history, and it is far from being a complete chronicle of United States misdeeds around the world, it is astonishing that the Americans and their loyal European allies could have the temerity to criticise Russia’s actions in Ukraine. One of the many items consistently missing from the Western accounts of what is happening to their Ukrainian friends, is the long history of the brutal treatment and attempted genocide of the Russian speaking people of the Donbass region. This is a chronicle that has almost completely disappeared from the Western narrative, as has the major influence of the fascist supporters of the Ukrainian regime.
It is yet another illustration of the selective nature of the Western chronicle of events in Ukraine. The true military picture strongly suggests that the war will be over in a matter of 2–3 weeks. We are unlikely to see a return to the pre-Russian intervention era with normal trade relations resuming. My impression is that the Russians no longer care. They have other ambitions to the East. The West has no one to blame but itself for their rampant hypocrisy.
James O’Neill, an Australian-based former Barrister at Law, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
The behaviour of the US (and NATO) is beyond hypocrisy. It is demonic. Putin took the bait of Ukraine knowingly. See also:
defending the heartland...FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW >>>>>>>>>!!!!!
what do we do?
What has been explained at top is not a conspiracy theory. It is a historically verifiable submission at every point made, many of them revealed on this site.
One of our problem is that we do not have the tools nor the ability to destroy the momentum of the Anglo-Saxon deceit, not even by exposing it (which we have done since day one, on this site). A revolution will have little chance of being organised in this climate which is so polarised against Putin. Do we let the experts "from the other side" deal with it? What is the next move of the Anglo-Saxon Pact?
At the moment, it seems that the US and NATO are happy to let the Ukrainians and the Europeans take the brunt and the fear of whatever. The Anglo-Saxon pact won't let the Ukrainians off the hook and will let them be murdered by their own government not providing Putin with requested guarantees.
Can Putin weather the storm of the Western media wrath?
MEANWHILE, THE FACT THAT JULIAN ASSANGE IS IN A UK PRISON on behalf of the Anglo-Saxons of America strongly shows that we ARE CORRECT ABOUT THE SUCCESSION OF EVENTS, as exposed at top.
We are for rough times ahead as we have no idea what the Anglo-Saxon hegemonic Empire will do should Putin win his "non-war"... What kind of false flag have they got in stock, including some provided by the Jews in Israel...
We shall carry on, even if our exposés of the situation are highly unpalatable. Already we see some cracks in the Western commentaries but will the rest resists — or come to realise the massive deceit, they have been subjected to, like the SADDAM HAS WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION set up?
Free JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
shocking many...
By F. William Engdahl
The decision by the Russian President to order military action in neighboring Ukraine beginning February 24, 2022 has shocked many, myself included. The question at this point almost two weeks into military action by Russian and other forces inside Ukraine, is what pushed Russia into what Western media portrays as unilateral unwarranted war of aggression. A public threat by Ukrainian president and comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy on February 19, during meetings with top-level NATO officials and others in the annual Munich Security Conference, provides a largely-ignored clue to Moscow actions. In addition more recent reports of numerous US Pentagon bioweapons labs across Ukraine add to the background threats. Did Moscow believe Russia faced a literal do-or-die reality?
Some essential history
The current conflict in Ukraine has its seeds in the 1990’s and the US-backed collapse of the Soviet Union. During high-level Two Plus Four Treaty talks pertaining to Germany’s reunification in 1990, talks between US Secretary of State James Baker III and then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, along with France, the UK and the West German government, over unification of Germany, Baker gave a verbal promise that NATO would not move “one inch” to the East to threaten former Soviet territories, in return for the USSR allowing German reunification within NATO.
For years Washington has lied about the exchange, as they moved one after the other former Warsaw Pact countries including Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Baltic States into NATO and closer to striking distance to Russia. Recently Putin cited the 1990 Baker agreement to justify Russian demands that NATO and Washington give binding legal assurances that Ukraine would never be admitted into the NATO alliance. Washington until now has categorically refused to do so.
Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech
At the 2007 annual Munich Security Conference, as the Bush-Cheney administration had announced plans to install US missile defense systems in Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic to,“guard against rogue states such as North Korea or Iran,” Russia’s Putin delivered a scathing critique of the US lies and violation of their 1990 assurances on NATO. By that time 10 former communist Eastern states had been admitted to NATO despite the 1990 US promises. Furthermore, both Ukraine and Georgia were candidates to join NATO following US-led Color Revolutions in both countries in 2003-4. Putin rightly argued the US missiles were aimed at Russia, not North Korea or Iran.
In his 2007 Munich remarks Putin told his Western audience, “It turns out that NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders, and we continue to strictly fulfil the treaty obligations and do not react to these actions at all. I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernization of the Alliance itself, or with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them.” Putin added, “But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: “the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee”. Where are these guarantees?” That was 15 years ago.
The 2014 Maidan Coup d’Etat
By November 2013 an economically corrupt and floundering Ukraine under elected and also very corrupt President Viktor Yanukovych, announced that, rather than accept a “special” association with the EU, Ukraine would take a far more generous offer from Moscow to join the Eurasian Economic Union led by Moscow. Russia had agreed to cut the price of Russian gas to Ukraine by 30% and to buy $15 billion of Ukraine bonds to ease the Kiew financial crisis.
At that point, on 21 November, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the man selected by Washington’s Victoria Nuland and Kiev Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, together with then-Vice President Joe Biden, launched what were called Maidan Square protests against the Yanukovych regime backed by US NGOs. On February 20, 2014 after CIA-organized snipers, reportedly recruited from nearby Georgia, killed dozens of student protesters and also police, leading Yanukovych to flee, Yatsenyuk became Prime Minister in a hand-picked US-run regime, hand-picked by Nuland and Biden among others.
Later in December 2014 in an interview with a Russian newspaper, George Friedman of Stratfor, a private firm consulting to the Pentagon and CIA among others, said of the US-led February 2014 Kiev regime change, “Russia calls the events that took place at the beginning of this year a coup d’etat organized by the United States. And it truly was the most blatant coup in history.” He was boastful in the interview.
That Kiev coup regime proceeded after February 22, 2014 to wage a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing of Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine, led to a large degree by a private army of literal neo-nazis from Right Sector (banned in Russia), the same ones who ran security in the Maidan Square and launched a reign of terror against Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Battalions were formed of neo-nazi mercenaries. They were given official state status as “Ukrainian National Guard” soldiers, the Azov Battalion, financed by Ukrainian mafia boss and billionaire oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky, the financial backer of Zelenskyy as president. The Azov soldiers even sport open SS runes as its logo. In 2016, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) accused the Azov Battalion, officially upgraded to a regiment in January 2015, of committing war crimes such as mass looting, unlawful detention, and torture.
Today Nuland is Biden’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs responsible for Ukraine and Russian affairs. She is well aware of who the Azov Battalion are.
Zelenskyy and Munich 2022
On February 19 in Munich, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy made his threat to deploy nuclear weapons on Ukrainian territory. He expressed this as his unilateral revocation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, although Ukraine was not a signatory of the agreement. Two days later on the evening of February 21, Putin made his speech recognizing the sovereign independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. He explicitly referenced Zelenskyy’s Munich nuclear weapons pledge: “This is not empty bravado,” Putin stressed in his speech.
On March 6 Moscow state news agency, RAI Novosti, quoted a senior Russian SVR foreign intelligence source with details on a secret Ukraine project, reportedly with vital covert Western support, to build a Ukrainian nuclear missile capability and a Ukrainian atom bomb in brazen violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. According to the report, Ukrainian nuclear scientists were disguising the developments by locating them near the high-radiation levels of Chernobyl nuclear reactor site, an explanation for the swift Russian moves to secure Chernobyl. “It was there, judging by the available information, that work was underway both on the manufacture of a “dirty” bomb and on the separation of plutonium,” RIA Novosti quotes the source. The primary bomb research facility was located at the National Scientific Center, “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology.” As of this writing reports of fierce fighting underway between Russian forces and neo-nazi Ukrainian Azov fighters who reportedly are planning to blow up the research reactor site and blame it on Russia. The battle for control of the large Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is also apparently part of the attempt to conceal the illegal Ukraine bomb project.
It now begins to become more clear that Putin had serious reason to react at the Ukraine nuclear threat. A Ukrainian nuclear missile within six minutes of Moscow would present existential danger whether Ukraine were in NATO or not.
Huge Military Buildup- Biowarfare?
There was more. Ukrainian press reported a year ago about new Western-built de facto NATO naval bases in Ochakov and Berdyansk as, “modern infrastructure facilities capable of receiving ships of all types, equipped according to NATO standards and built with the money of the alliance countries.” The media boasted, “In three years we will be able to strike at Russian ships in the Black Sea with our mosquito fleet. And if we combine with Georgia and Turkey, the Russian Federation will be blocked,’ Ukrainian military experts boasted. “
In addition, the US Pentagon had no less than eight, perhaps as many as 30 top-secret bioweapons research labs across Ukraine testing DNA of some 4,000 military volunteers. Once Russian soldiers moved to secure the evidence, the US Embassy in Kiev deleted previous mention of the sites from its website, and Ukrainians reportedly moved to destroy the lab evidence. Ukrainian labs in Kharkiv and elsewhere were operating in cooperation with the United States. Stocks of such weapons were being secretly stored in direct violation of international conventions.
A full month before the Russian military action on 24 February in Ukraine, independent biowarfare researcher, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, obtained documents detailing “US Pentagon biological experiments with a potentially lethal outcome on 4,400 soldiers in Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia. According to the leaked documents, all volunteer deaths should be reported within 24 h (in Ukraine) and 48 h (in Georgia).” She details the human experiments, which include testing for antibodies against some 14 pathogens including Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Borrelia species (Lyme disease) and others. According to the documents the labs in Ukraine and Georgia are part of a Pentagon “$2.5 billion Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Biological engagement program which includes research on bio agents, deadly viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.”
On March 6, in a statement to the official RAI Novosti in Moscow, Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, stated they had received documents, “from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory.” He noted, “In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered.”
Added to this evidence of nuclear and bioweapon WMD placements inside Ukraine in recent years, the West NATO member countries have been pouring billions of dollars of military equipment including anti-tank weapons and explosives into Ukraine while Zelenskyy, rumored by opposition to be in hiding in the US Embassy in Warsaw, calls repeatedly for a NATO “No-Fly” zone over Ukraine, an act that would be a direct casus belli of war between Russia and NATO a war that rapidly could go nuclear or beyond.
The question is whether this years-long provocation by Washington and NATO of Russian national security via Ukraine is aimed at destroying the viability of Russia as a sovereign nation and military power. Is it a calculated move to use sanctions against Russia to cause global collapse and energy crises, food shortages and worse, all to advance the Davos 2030 Great Reset agenda? Blame it on the “evil Putin” and Russia while BlackRock and the financial powers reorganize the world? It is too early to tell but certain is that whatever prompted the action by Russia on February 24, 2022 had to have been far more serious than CNN or other controlled Western media are telling us.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
Here I'd like to apologise. I thought and said that Putin would only go in to protect the two new republics. But on proper analysis of what is expressed at top, "The bear had to fall into the trap to destroy it"...
clever bombing...
Our very specific proposals were heard out by the Ukrainian side, and they promised that there would be very specific answers. We’re waiting,” the foreign minister said.
Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following a seven-year standoff over Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.
Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
Russia's First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyanskiy earlier slammed reports on the shelling of a hospital in Mariupol as fake news.
Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that claims of the "airstrike" that allegedly took place in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol are nothing but a provocation aimed to fuel anti-Russian hype.
The defence official pointed out that the Russian Air Force performed "absolutely no tasks" in the Mariupol area.
"The analysis of statements made by representatives of the Kiev nationalist regime, photographic materials from the hospital leaves no doubt: the alleged ‘airstrike’ that took place is a completely orchestrated provocation to maintain anti-Russian hype among the Western audience", Konashenkov said.
He explained that although the nature of the external and internal damage to the building can mislead the mass non-professional audience in Europe and the United States, it cannot trick experts, since "a high-explosive aviation munition simply would not have left anything from the outer walls of the building".
According to Konashenkov, it was said earlier that Mariupol's hospitals, including hospital №3 - the one that was allegedly shelled overnight - stopped working in late February.
"All the staff and patients were dispersed by the nationalists. Due to the favourable tactical location close to the city centre, the hospital building was converted into a stronghold of the Azov nationalist battalion", Konashenkov explained.
Ukrainian nationalists, according to the ministry's spokesman, have ramped up attacks against Russian medics and medical vehicles, with "the Nazis deliberately ambushing medical vehicles with a red cross on them".
Konashenkov also revealed that since the beginning of the military operation in Ukraine, Russian forces have destroyed 98 aircraft, 110 unmanned aerial vehicles, 144 air defence missile systems, 88 radar posts, 1,007 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 109 multiple launch rocket systems, 374 field artillery guns and mortars, and 793 special military vehicles.
Moscow launched a military operation in Ukraine on 24 February with the goal to "demilitarise and de-Nazify" the neighbouring country, responding to calls for help from the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in countering the aggression of Ukrainian troops. The Kremlin said that the Russian troops target military infrastructure only and pose no threat to civilians.
I AGREE WITH Dmitry Polyanskiy's assessment. As well, the "Western" video pictures shown "inside" the hospital are totally incompatible with the result of an aerial bombing. They are in tune with a place that has been abandoned and ransacked. As well, it is easy for Hollywood-style filming to SET UP a scene with ambos and a pregnant woman on a stretcher and a bit of dust around, in front of a building. THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE.