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hypocritical pathetical hypothetics...
In an interview by Stan Grant — a dude who is becoming an apologist for the war criminal of the US Empire, and a senior fellow of ASPI, an organism sponsored by war sticks and bomb makers — Geoffrey Robertson pontificates about Putin being a war criminal… If we follow the reasoning, All the US presidents since the first one — April 30 1789, George Washington — should be declared “war criminals”, including Joe Biden, the Catholic abortionist. Making such assertions about Putin at this stage are stupid.
The US and the UK are PERMANENTLY waging dangerous wars, using various disguises — and these are more dangerous than Putin excursion into Ukraine, a country that was about to commit a “genocide” in the Donbass republics… But Hey, the massacre of Russians in Ukraine would not be declared a “war crime” because we don’t like Russians, do we?...
The US Empire is still in Syria fomenting more war criminal crap and stealing the Syrian oil, but the lawyers like Geoffrey Hypotheticalson may not go there, because it is sacred territory. Putin as a war criminal, easy piece of piss for Geoffrey…
Meanwhile, there was more hypocritical Robertsonian mitigation about Tony Blair… with no mention of our little shit Howard nor of Bush the portrait painter…:
A leading international lawyer has ruled out the prospect of Tony Blair going before the international criminal court after the long-awaited Chilcot report into the Iraq war is published. Geoffrey Robertson, QC, a former United Nations appeal judge and author of Crimes Against Humanity, said the prosecution of the former prime minister as a war criminal was “a legal impossibility”. In an article for the Guardian, Robertson writes: “Both Jeremy Corbyn and Alex Salmond have already hinted that their response to Chilcot will be a wish to put Blair in the dock.” He added: “This hypothetical, however engaging for television, is a legal impossibility. We need to concentrate on how the law should be changed to ensure that future leaders who wage wars of aggression can be brought to account.” Anti-war activists, including prominent politicians, have said the report into the 2003 invasion and its aftermath will be a whitewash if it fails to declare Blair’s involvement illegal, opening the way for the case to go to the ICC in the Hague. But the chances of this happening are fast receding. Sir John Chilcot, whose inquiry began in 2009 and will be published on Wednesday, did not have any lawyers on his panel, making it less likely he would rule on the legality of the war.
At this level, Putin has 100 times more legal right to wage a military-op to destroy the Ukraine Nazis and the Ukrainian military, while limiting the number of civilian deaths — noting that civilians are used as shields by the Ukrainian fascist and army brigades. Beyond this the number of civilian deaths in Ukraine is highly exaggerated by the West, while in Iraq, the death of civilians was “not counted” (more than 1 million?)
Meanwhile All the Presidents since Clinton — and including BOTH Clintons, now in a resurgent spirit against Putin — should be facing the war crime tribunal — way way way before Putin.
But we are hypocrites, aren’t we, Mr Grant… a "nice guy" who presently is betraying his Aboriginal heritage, like you wouldn’t believe...
Ah shucks…
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repeat repeat repeat...
IN THE MINDS OF “PROFESSIONAL” Anglo-Saxon LEADERS (US and UK) a multipolar world is a threat — AND THEY WILL DO ANYTHING TO STOP THIS (bait the bear)...
One of the latest secret pact (NOT SO MUCH A TREATY) has been the Anglo-Saxon hegemony PACT since around 1905: This pact is not so secret in titbits for a few historians to rummage through, but rarely understood as a whole. The Western public is kept entirely in the dark and made to believe in their own righteousness and in their emotional reactions. As a side issue, The divide between the bourgeois and the workers is maintained by bashing unions, various pandemics, economic tricks, etc. The original secret pact is promoted under various guises by ALL western media alike under being a democracy-lover Patriot (with different flavours). This secret pact is still being enacted today. Below is a sketch of the process. Explaining this deceit fully in a book is still in progress — and starts with “The Age of Deceit” introduction on this site.
Trump seems to have been the only President who took the secret pact as a joke and this is why the ESTABLISHMENT is using all the tricks in the book to prevent his re-election...
In 1920, this pact/understanding was expressed as thus:
“The future of the world depends upon the gradual recognition, by the rest of the world, of the fundamental principles which lie at the heart of Anglo-Saxon civilization.”
Said Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian, KT, CH, PC, DL to Lionel George Curtis CH, in June 1920…
This was code for "conquering the world".
By 1905, the future WW1 had already been designed to weaken Germany.
By 1919, after WW1, the United Kingdom was bankrupt and the secret pact was taken over by the Anglo-Saxon of America. This includes:
Conquer the Rimland (Europe, East Asia).
Capture the Heartland (Destroy Russia and China).
Keep Africa as a poor continent to supply resources with colonial paternalistic attitude and pseudo-slavery.
Keep the hate between the Muslim factions (Sunnis/Shiites) simmering as long as possible.
Adjust the course to evolving conditions keeping the goal in mind: conquering the world.
This has been done under various guises:
WW2 to once more weaken Germany.
Modify the political landscapes into “liberal democracies” (that can be easily controlled, as well as in-the-pocket despots) via the Anglo-Saxon hegemony — using special secret ops to destroy/modify the popular will. Secretly sponsor terrorists to induce fear in populations to conquer — by war, by assassination of leaders, or by financial debt and special gifts.
Indonesia, South America, Central America, Europe, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan.
Weakening China’s communism was done by helping China to become a subservient capitalist nation. Presently, Xi has seen through the fog of the secret pact and manages a fine line.
Europe has been an easy prey for the Americans: finance, fast food, Hollywood, tinsel, Sarkozy, pat on the back, etc...
The USSR having disintegrated, US and NATO used diplomatic lies (not one inch) to advance the conquest to the Russian border. The US plotters of the secret Anglo-Saxon pact missed their BIG chance when Putin got elected.
At home, the secret project is delivered through exceptionalism, superiority and weaponry of unequal fury — and DRUGS. The media is massaged daily by the leaders of the Anglo-Saxon civilisation.
Alliance with the Jewry has also been paramount.
General de Gaulle. Anglo-Saxons attempted to destroy him several times.
JFK. Assassinated.
Gough Whitlam. Politically dismissed by the CIA.
Bin Laden. US-sponsored terrorist assassinated by the US.
Saddam HUSSEIN. Hanged under US order.
Gaddafi. Savagely killed under US order.
Assad. Only survive the US might because of Putin.
IRAN. One of the oldest civilisation on earth — to be destroyed.
PUTIN. He understand the BIG game being played.
CHINA. Threatened with war, sanctions and diseases…
NON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES including India and Pakistan.
Julian Assange. We know.
Little Helpers:
Australia, UK, Canada, New Zealand. And various tinpot kingdoms — Saudi Arabia (the least democratic country on the planet) included.
All this goes back to The Round Table Movement and the Fall of the ‘Second’ British Empire (1909-1919). THIS OLD STUFF has been keeping its flame alive IN THE MINDS OF “PROFESSIONAL” Anglo-Saxon LEADERS (US and UK). For them, a multipolar world is a threat — AND THEY WILL DO ANYTHING TO STOP THIS (bait the bear)...
The same style of PURPOSE focus IS CARRIED through in the oil industry, car industry and any company that CONTROL the politics SINCE THEIR INCEPTION: Raytheon, GE, Boeing, Lockheed Martin… Any politician worth their salt isn’t going to rock the boat…
There is CONTINUITY OF ANGLO-SAXON INTENT: Conquer the world.
FREE ASSANGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a fart higher than an arse…..
My pleasure at being sanctioned by the Kremlin was only diminished by the fact that they spelt my name wrongly. I am number 89 on their list, identified as “Geoffrey Roberston”. I have written to the Russian embassy demanding they correct their mistake. It was doubtless due to the incompetence of their spies – they call themselves diplomats – who nest there, collecting information on those Australians who oppose their war on Ukraine.
There are a lot of them. Russia has embassies not only in Canberra, but in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane and a consulate in Perth. And let’s be clear – these morally hideous people fully support the killing of children(hundreds so far), citizens (in their thousands) and soldiers who rape and torture. Yet they move freely on our diplomatic circuit, have immunities (even from parking tickets) and Facebook pages which pump out Vladimir Putin’s lies. We should give them an option, either to defect or else declare them persona non grata and chuck them out.
Most likely, the spelling mistake was deliberate, just to annoy the shit out of a guy who called Putin a "murderer" or such.... It is to be noted here that BEFORE THE RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE, little shit Zelenskyyy-yousky had murdered more than 3,000 people in the Donbass region. Sure he did not use his own hands, but his Azov Nazi battalions which according to ther West and possibly the ASPI (see at top) do not exist...
Putin would be laughing about Mr Robertson's rant if Putin was not so refined. BECAUSE OF THE SPELLING MISTAKE Geoffrey CAN ENTER RUSSIA ICOGNITO... His name in Russian spells Робертсон....
What is the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), what are its sources of funding, and why does it so consistently advocate for positions favourable to the United States and the weapons industry? Follow the money trail.
Editor’s note: Jocelyn Chey argued in Pearls and Irritations yesterday that hysteria over a supposed immediate China threat is being peddled by the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in the first of a series of three reports titled Red Alert; a series which brings together five ‘experts’, none of them China experts, and including Peter Jennings, former head of ASPI. In this reposted article from 13 January 2023, John Queripel explores what ASPI’s sources of funding are, exposes its close links to US weapons industries, and asks:
whose interests does it serve?
Throwing something at the T.V. could become an expensive habit. Yet how often I feel like it, especially so with the increasing referral in just about any story to do with defence, Australian policy, and China to the ‘experts from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).’ The turning to them on these stories has become, it seems automatic, especially from our public broadcasters, the ABC and SBS.
But what is ASPI, and what are its sources of funding?
ASPI, established by the Australian Government in 2001, employs 64 people (June 2020) and has its headquarters in Canberra and a second office in Washington.
ASPI describes itself as, ‘an independent, non-partisan think tank that produces expert and timely advice for Australia’s strategic and defence leaders.’ But just how independent?
An old maxim is when you want to know what interests are being served, follow the money trail.
ASPI’s website shows their 2020-21 funding as follows:
ASPI’s listed sponsors also include some of the world’s largest armament manufacturers, Lockheed Martin, SAAB and Thales.
More detail can be found through the Australian Government Transparency Portal (AGTP).
That portal shows Boeing (Australia, NZ and South Pacific) Boeing Australia Holdings, and Naval Group Australia also being sponsors, and details funding received by ASPI as follows:
Two foreign governments, those of the U.S. in particular, but also the U.K., have significant financial inputs into ASPI. ASPI also has extensive links with arms manufacturers, of which just a few are listed on its own site.
Given the advocacy of ASPI and the figures for arms manufacturers contributions, I would judge, they are clearly getting excellent value for money.
Integral to ASPI’s work is its International Cyber Policy Centre (ICPC), designed to ‘inform and influence policy debates in the Indo-Pacific.’ The centre has nine listed projects, five of them centred on China.
The first project listed, ‘Understanding Global Disinformation and Information Operations’ unsurprisingly finds the vast majority of misinformation is found to emanate from China and Russia. Of Western nations only Spain is mentioned, responsible for a trickle of disinformation. Nothing is mentioned of any U.S. disinformation campaigns, though such are well documented by Stanford University and others.
The next two projects. ‘The Xinjiang Data Project’ and ‘a 3D satellite Deep Dive into the India-China Border,’are very much centred on satellite technology, which supposedly was able to show 380 ‘internment camps,’ containing ‘hundreds of thousands’ of ‘forced labourers’. Many of these ‘camps’ have since been shown to be schools, with clearly identifiable sports ovals, apartment blocks, and even a 5 star hotel.
Another project centred on China is the ‘China Defence Universities Tracker’ Research carried out by ASPI led to the Australian Research Council naming 32 academics suspected of Chinese defence ties. The Council later was forced to admit that 30 of 32 academics were cleared of any national security issues. Former Foreign Minister, Bob Carr has dammed ASPI for using funds from the US State Department, to track Australian universities with Chinese research collaborations, and ‘vilifying and denigrating Australian researchers and their work.’
Again it is good to follow the money trail. The AGTP shows ICPC funding from:
Of course each of these corporations, headquartered in the U.S., would gain handsomely if their Chinese competitors were blocked from entering the Australian market.
It is little surprise then that given its funding sources ASPI concludes:
“a more assertive China with rapidly growing military strength means a direct threat to Australian interests could develop with little notice. … The key problem is that most of Canberra wants to avoid a difficult conversation about China … The endlessly repeated talking point is that Beijing must cleave to the ‘international rule of law’, but … this hope is a dead parrot if ever there was one. Does anyone see a flaw in this strategy?”
Of course the question is rhetorical. ASPI is advocating for Australia to become part of a U.S. policy to constrain China. There is no attempt to understand China as a rising world power, with increased interests to protect, and surrounded by a curtain of U.S. military bases.
ASPI has developed a ‘Northern Australia Strategic Policy Centre’ through which it calls for, “developing a modernised way of thinking about the north and security by updating strategic frameworks that remain anchored in the 1980s ‘defence of Australia’ context.’” ASPI’s intent is for Australia to shape its ‘defence’ needs in line with U.S. aggression towards China.
As Bob Carr asserts, ASPI provides a ‘one-sided, pro-American view of the world.’ Such calls for Australia to be part of an aggressive U.S. led policy set to contain China places Australia at odds with its Asian neighbours. It orients Australian defence policy away from its prime goal, defence of Australia, and risks further damaging our economic relations with by far our largest partner. It hearkens back to an Anglo-centric world, long extinct.
ASPI, driven by the interests of its core funders, is anything but an independent source for advice.
Will ABC and SBS journalists begin to question their source?
A repost from January 13, 2023
the ASPI news... prepare to kiss your arse goodbye.....FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW....
ASPI news and jews.....
On December 11, 2023, Raphaël Glucksmann wrote a threatening letter to Fabien Derville, the President of Decathlon, a Picardy large-scale sports and leisure distribution company.
We can read: “Several million Uyghurs are deported by the Chinese regime, not for what they do, but for who they are”.
Follows a big pack of lies: concentration camps, recalcitrants sentenced to death, sterilizations, forced abortions, mass rapes, children taken away from their parents, destruction of mosques, women forced to share their beds with emissaries of the Communist Party, slavery, etc. .… It's fake, it stings the eyes.
However, Glucksmann protests, Decathlon is one of the companies that “benefits from the slavery of the Uighurs”. So, he asks the president of Decathlon to break his ties with Xinjiang.
As a result, I too wrote to the President of Decathlon to contradict Glucksmann, with the support of major American intellectuals, the State Department's law firm and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. (OHCHR) of the UN which carried out an investigation in Xinjiang in May 2022. Michèle Bachelet who led the UN team, her successor, Volker Türk, reject everything Glucksmann claims.
Furthermore, I argued, there is no slavery in Xinjiang: no international organization supports this assertion. To support his lies, Glucksmann cites “different studies” (which ones?) and an “Australian report”. He does not say that it is a report from the ASPI (Australian Strategic Policy Institute — see above), an organization specializing in fake news on China and which, by its own admission, receives hundreds of communications from the United States. thousands of dollars paid by the State Department.
In addition, I reported to the President of Decathlon that on November 14, I participated in the “Forum on 60 years of China-France relations” in Paris. I heard Jean-Pierre Raffarin there (by video) and met, among others, MM. Philippe Houzé, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Galeries Lafayette Group, Jean-Paul Agon, President of L’Oréal, François Février, CEO of Suez-Asia, François Marion member of the Executive Committee of the Valeo Group, etc.
Everyone has understood that our country's interest is not to give in to a smokescreen that will make us leave our place to our European and American competitors.
In short, I concluded, the interest of the Uighurs, France and Decathlon is that no action be taken on Glucksmann's injunctions.
I was there when this question came to me: many French companies are present in China? Why attack Decathlon?
In the list (below) I noted the absence of Decathlon [correction: Decathlon has been present in Israel with a point of sale for several months. This had escaped me, and Glucksmann too, no doubt]. The group is not listed on the stock exchange, but it is owned by a family shareholder base made up of three groups: the family of the former founding president, employees and the Mulliez family.
On the other hand, we will notice (without Glucksmann's "hypocrisy") the presence in China and Israel of L’Oréal. L'Oréal has invested large sums in Israel by creating a production unit in Migdal Haemeck, a town in the northern district of Israel, built on a site which was, before 1950, the Palestinian village of Al-Mujaydil. The American Jewish Congress then expressed its satisfaction at seeing L’Oréal “become a warm friend of the State of Israel”. Is this the reason why this company is not targeted by Glucksman even though it is omnipresent in China, and even found in Xinjiang? Better still, in the forum mentioned above, I was able to hear the president of L'Oréal, Jean-Paul Agon, kindly address his Excellency Lu Shaye, Chinese ambassador to France, and listen to him. These meetings, these exchanges, do not relax Glucksmann.
I deduce two Glucksmannian rules:
1- Any French company with a strong presence in Israel in a village stolen from Palestine has the right to work with the Chinese, and even with the Uighurs.
2- Any French company based in the north of France (in Picardy) but not, or too little, present in Israel (a point of sale), does not have the right to work with the Chinese, and specifically the Uyghurs.
If we add to this that Glucksmann has just declared: "When I go to New York or Berlin, I feel more at home culturally than when I go to Picardy", the circle of his patriotism, of his sincerity, is complete.
Since we all know Glucksmann's heightened interest in workers' rights around the world, let's be sure that he will pounce when reading the following: in November 2023, Rima Hassan, a Franco-Palestinian jurist, was suspended by the 'Oréal from her contract as “expert member of the global council for diversity and inclusion” because of her positions on the war against Palestine. If (putting L'Oréal in a delicate situation), she condemned "Hamas' war crimes", she also denounced "Israel's impunity" and the "genocide" of the Palestinians.
We're listening to you, Rapha.
Maxime VIVAS