Monday 10th of March 2025

AN IMPORTANT RECAP: the new world order…..


Of Russian bear trap and Taiwanese bait set by the USA… This is what the Western media won’t discuss so far…

HIGHLY SIMPLIFIED VERSION. Note *(asterisk) indicate long historical information — much of it already published on this site.


For the last few years, possibly since before WW1, the US has been planning wars with Russia and China (for the Heartland*).


The conquest of the Heartland* (also known as PIVOT — including "Pivot to Asia" according to US administration) has been planned by the “Christian” Anglo/Saxons hegemony (with the help of the Zionists), to destroy Russia and China  — and dominate the world. This has been organised since 1905*.


The plan has been updated with variations* and additions* (including the divisions of the Muslim world ) to adjust to modern warfare technology and alliance moires. See map below, of the US plan to divide the Muslim World:




The end of the Cold War should have terminated the existence of NATO.


It did not. 


NATO and the US lied about not moving one inch towards the east, under the pretence they made the promise to the USSR, but not to Russia, in particular.


On the Russian front, Putin came along and spoiled the plan as he ejected the Western set-ups created under Yeltsin (including CIA sponsored banks* designed to drain Russia’s finances with debts). 


Putin also dispatched the Oligarchs who were plundering the place. 


He nationalised 51 per cent of nearly ALL Russian resources.


By the mid 2010s, the USA decided to start the wars on Russia and China in earnest. These have to be done with the “High Moral Ground” (HMG — like the "Weapons of Mass destruction of Saddam" mantra — this is bullshit*) 


How can the US achieve this HMG, cleverly? It demands preparation, money and deceit*… Note: The US have MANY good people but the WARMONGERING rogues elements have controlled all the various administrations since Ike Eisenhower who warned us about this*.


The US started to “invade” Ukraine with cash from about 2012 to 2014 to “change the political landscape". 

Overall, the US spent more than US$6 billion*. This money went mostly to support the extreme-right in Ukraine, leading to the Maidan insurrection. The extreme-right in Ukraine had/has an army of Neo-Nazis and Nazis (the Azov brigades and others*).


Note the black and red flags which are the Ukrainian NAZI flag, flown during the Orange and the Maidan revolutions...


The new Ukrainian government led by Poroshenko was corrupt and was in Joe Biden’s pocket (see videos*) —


I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."

                           Joe Biden



The major Russian portions of Eastern Ukraine (4.4 million people?) declared autonomy from the central government soon after the “revolution" (2014). In order to avoid bloodshed, the Minsk Agreements were signed between Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany. Note there are about 12.5 million (?) Russian/Ukrainian in the country... (?) demote approximations)


Soon, the Poroshenko government declared that the second most spoken language of Ukraine, Russian, was to be illegal. He also committed in the Ukrainian constitution that Ukraine had to seek NATO membership. The US was pulling all the strings...


In 2019, most of the Ukrainians wanted a change and elected Zelensky. 


Zelensky made promises about accepting the Minsk agreements and about making a rapprochement with Russia — all this before he got elected. Soon after becoming President, he reneged on these promises — and became the next American puppet.


The Bear Trap was slowly being set by Washington. In February 2022, the US went on a war footing, using Ukrainian forces to taunt Putin.


Under instruction from Washington, Zelensky's forces, with 60,000 troops, made noises about invading the Donbass region by early March. This was to attract a reaction and make Putin fall in the “bear trap". The Western media deny the existence of this Ukrainian “offensive" possibility, but the Russians had excellent “intelligence” about it, though it could have been deceit as a THE TRAP. The fact that the Donbass is still under attack, shows that there was a lot of Ukrainian soldiers (60,000) at the ready anyway.


The BEAR TRAP for Putin: either defend the Donbass region, either let up to 50,000 Ukrainian/Russian being massacred. The West media would gloss over this kind of damage in the same way as the West glossed over the bombing of Belgrade by NATO in 1999 (?) to dismember Yugoslavia… or like, for a long time ignored, the Armenian genocide (now used to shame Turkey)...


The aim of the invasion of the Donbass by early March was to draw the Russians into a bloody war. This was the situation as understood by Putin…


Considering the final threat Russia is facing (a full-on destruction of Russia — capture of the Heartland* by the Anglo-Saxon hegemony), why did Putin not just stop at protecting the Donbass region? And retain some titbit of moral high ground?


Until the invasion, We were of the belief that Putin's intentions were to stop at protecting the Donbass area. 

We think this was Putin's intentions as well. 


According to some report in the Western media, he made the decision to go the full hog, only the night before... I am not a military person, but I understand this basic change of tactic…


Putin is a very intelligent guy. He had to know the end game (the destruction of Russia) and he would also have been given advice from his military analysts:

The ethnic Russian in Donbass, already facing 60,000 Ukrainian troops, would have seen this number swell to near the full force of the Ukrainian army (around 400,000 troops) within a few days. The bear trap was massive and designed to draw Russia into an unwinable bloody conflict.


Fighting such a "war" as a front-on combat would have been like going to hell. The Russian decision was made to destroy the Ukrainian military all around Ukraine, BEFORE it was assembled facing the Donbass, while minimising the number of collateral damage (innocent people killed). For Putin, this became the best and only option.


Considering the Russians power, they went in with precision and restraint.


Sure, there has been civilian casualties, but in real terms, these poor people are in far smaller numbers compared to say Iraqi casualties when Bush invaded under false pretences.


This limited Russian operation prevented the massacre of many ethic Russians in the Donbass by the Ukrainian regime...


Note that some innocent Ukrainians have also been killed by friendly fire. THIS IS NOT UNCOMMON in such situation, including moments when the Ukrainian fighters tried to create false flag events*.


As well, some of Azov (Nazi and neo-Nazi) troops "hide" amongst civilians and use them as "shield”. Some of the Azov troops escape disguised as civilians.


Despite a disastrous Western public relations exercise to which Putin would give raspberries — the mission has eliminated 90 per cent of the Ukrainian military equipment and caused untold number of Ukrainian soldiers death. So far the Russians would have lost about 700 soldiers. The West (the USA) is trying to supply more weapons to Kiev.


Soldiering is a risky business. War is an ugly business, but we have to understand that NATO lied to Gorbachev — a person who is still considered a honest man by the western media… And we have to remember that the US want to destroy Russia by any means.


Another question comes in the form of a statement that “Surely, Zelensky is not a Nazi…


Of course he is not, but his MILITARY bases still are, with few caveats. If Zelensky CARED about "his" people and the future of the planet, he would sign a peace treaty with Russia forthwith. 




Presently, all the Western media are seeing Russia as being "bogged down" in this "war" (op), because the Russians are not advancing... Pictures of a few Russian tanks hit by Ukrainians missiles are showing this "why”… 


In fact, the Russian army is awaiting


A) many Ukrainians are forming columns of refugees going to a) the EU (7 million?) and b) to Russia (2.4 million?).


B) Russia is waiting for Zelensky to negotiate. Zelensky would have to know that Ukraine has not seen the full blast of Russian power, yet.


C) Zelensky wants WW3 to start, so he can save his bacon. How MAD is this?




Not only Zelensky should sign a treaty, he should stop making demands of a no-fly zone above Ukraine — a no-fly zone would be enforced by US and NATO military, leading to WW3* (see above screenshot).


Either Zelensky is deluded and thinks that this is a comedy show, either he wants to start WW3 in a stupid dare... At this level, Zelensky is naive and dangerous. Even if the US congress approves a "no-fly zone", the US military, known for its brazenness, would not go there… for good reason: A nuclear war is a no-no… As well, his Jewish "friends" in Jerusalem hate Zelensky for comparing his situation with the HOLOCAUST.


The demands of the Russians have been set out since last year:


Ukraine never to join NATO


the Donbass Republics to remain autonomous according to the Minsk Agreement


Crimea, gifted to Ukraine in 1954, to be returned to Russian as per the vote in 2014…


Russian security to be certified by NATO/USA


These have not changed. 


The US/NATO did not look at the documents and basically told Putin to “fuck off”.



Zelensky may agree to these demands, but the US are preventing him to do so. He is getting desperate and now promises to start WW3. This is loony.



The next problem will be to manage "a defeated Ukraine"… It won't be easy, even for the best of negotiators... Lives have been lost, displaced and injured. Compensation and a new political reality will have to take place. It will take 20/30 years to heal, but there will be long terms scars. But this will have to be done.


This was Putin's Sophie's ChoiceGET TRAPPED or destroy the trap. Either way, people would get killed.




On the other side of the Heartland*, the US has been threatening the Chinese with war since the mid-2010. The bait here is Taiwan — and the Uyghur region "to some extend*". The Chinese do not want to invade Taiwan. This would be suicidal. Xi knows this. He is not a dummy. 


The Chinese want peace. The US want war.


In some way the Chinese are ignoring the USA and the Americans are fuming…:


A US Navy commander has warned that the US will be prepared to “fight and win” a war against China should “deterrence” prove unsuccessful in the Indo-Pacific amid claims Beijing is “militarizing” the region.


US Indo-Pacific commander Admiral John C. Aquilino said in an interview with the Associated Press published on Sunday that over the past two decades China had been conducting “the largest military buildup since World War II” and that their “buildup of weaponization is destabilizing to the region.”


As we all know (we all should) the US have around 400 military bases surrounding China… In fact, within a few years (say 10 max), Taiwan might beg China to become an autonomous Chinese province to benefit from the Chinese “miracle” model and the BRI… But the US will do everything to prevent this happening.


More can be said about this. See the BRI (Belt Road Initiative) introduced by Dr May-Yi Shaw* and sponsored by HSBC… 


The BRI gently competes in every way with the US commercial “interests” BUT PISSES OFF THE US BECAUSE — like the Russian Op in Ukraine — it is a road block against the Anglo-Saxon's aim to conquer the Heartland* — China and Russia). Containment (as per the US military) is only temporary. Conquest and turning China into a vassal is the ultimate goal of the US EMPIRE.


It is to be expected that in the next few months or soon this year/next year, the US will create a pretext or more (some false flags) to start a small conflict of sorts with China… and gaining momentum into a full-out war.



 AND THIS IS WHY JOE BIDEN (reading his teleprompter) MENTIONED "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" ....


We shall see...



Atheist extraordinaire...



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more recap...


Ukraine’s parliament on Wednesday appealed again to the West to impose a “no-fly zone” over the country. However, the parliament raised eyebrows online by comparing the devastation suffered by its cities to that suffered by Nazi Germany during Allied bombing raids. The bizarre choice of comparison is the latest Nazi-related statement to come out of Kiev.

An image posted to Twitter by Ukraine’s ‘Verkhovna Rada’ (Parliament) portrays a bombed out building in Hamburg in 1943 alongside similar damage to the Ukrainian city of Kharkov in 2022. Text above the image reads “When the Sky is Open,” and a message in English demands that the West “#CloseTheSky over Ukraine.




Now we have to understand that WW1 and WW2 were designed by the “Christian/Jewish” Anglo-Saxon (US EMPIRE) hegemony to conquer Europe and Japan — with much deceit. This is a simplification of events, of suffering (especially for the Jews — please note that many Americans businessmen, including Joseph Kennedy — supported Hitler*) and results (creation of Israel included), but not a simplification of intent from the EMPIRE.


My belief is that Merkel knew this, and for 17 years, she walked a very fine line in regard to the USA, not just with Trump. On many occasions she understood Russia’s position. Olaf is an idiot.


Going back in time, General de Gaulle knew this Anglo-Saxons plot of conquering Russia and China as a final world domination. de Gaulle hated the Yanks and the Brits — because of this.

He had to guess, like us, that most of the attempts on his life (in England) came from the OSS that morphed into the CIA (assassination attempts by the CIA, via the OAS) later on. This is why he made the “so-called stupid” comment: VIVE LE QUEBEC LIBRE!!!”. He knew he was rattling the cage… He got France out of the Marshall plan and out of NATO. Presently, the US is pulling the European and Japanese strings… including helping re-arming the Japanese, contrarily to their new constitution since 1946(?).


We shall see. READ FROM TOP.



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