Saturday 11th of January 2025

flights of fancy .....

flights pf fancy .....

from the ABC ….. 

US-Aust to work on climate change initiative


The US has agreed to work with Australia on a global deforestation initiative to address climate change.


The agreement comes as politicians and environmentalists react to the latest report on global warming, which predicts increased droughts and floods in Australia.


With almost a fifth of the world's emissions coming from forest clearing, the Government says the initiative aims to prevent forest logging in developing countries.


Federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull has discussed the plan with officials in Washington.


He says they did not make a financial commitment, but they are supporting
the initiative.


"I would be amazed if you would get a particular dollar or an amount within a few hours of visiting but what we have got is a commitment of resources to work on joint projects," he said.


Labor's Environment spokesman, Peter Garrett, has welcomed the initiative.


He says while it may have positive effects, it is not a substitute for many of the climate change policies the Government has avoided adopting.


"Mr Turnbull and Mr Howard refuse to set targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, they belittle the idea that we should have targets and yet there's a clear consensus that a target is necessary," he said.


"They won't set a date when Australia's greenhouse gas emissions are going to be reduced and yet under current scenarios we will see significant increases in greenhouse gas pollution."


Labor has described the Government's reaction to the latest climate change report as "extraordinary".

Planting global warming...

From the BBC

Snowy forests 'increase warming'

Planting trees in snowy areas may worsen global warming as their canopies absorb sunlight which would otherwise be reflected by the snow, a study says.

The report in US journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences says the pine forests of Europe, Siberia and Canada may contribute to warming.

Only tropical forests effectively cool the earth by absorbing carbon dioxide and creating clouds, the report says.

But the report's authors stress they are not advocating chopping down trees.

They say forests are a valuable resource and remain vital for bio-diversity, providing a home for animals and plants. 

Who are the "loggers" again?

From the Guardian

Selling off the rainforest - a modern-day scandal

John Vidal in Kisangani
Wednesday April 11, 2007
The Guardian

Vast tracts of the world's second-largest rainforest have been obtained by a small group of European and American industrial logging companies in return for minimal taxes and gifts of salt, sugar and tools, a two-year investigation will disclose today.

More than 150 contracts covering an area of rainforest nearly the size of the United Kingdom have been signed with 20 companies in the Democratic Republic of Congo over the past three years. Many are believed to have been illegally allocated in 2002 by a transition government emerging from a decade of civil wars and are in defiance of a World Bank moratorium.