Friday 7th of March 2025

I can't believe it's not a miracle…..


2021.3 years of praying to Mary and to Godot in its three godototological forms — result: nil improvement of the mafia behaviour: Check the world history… But as usual the dedicated believers in miracles (sheep), apparitions and visions, but "NOT in superstitions, god forbid please", are encouraged to pray once more and more and more... As Einstein suggested, stupidity is repeating the same experiment and expecting a different result... I would agree with this, except on the delusional, the political and the economic front. We repeat the same mistakes but we SEE different results, because we can lie to ourselves with an unequal brilliant bullshit...





Theological significance of Act of Consecration explained 

Pope Francis consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Friday afternoon. Father Stefano Cecchin, OFM, President of the International Pontifical Marian Academy, says "Peace is always [bullshit] born from God and therefore, conforming to the heart of She who loves Him immensely."


By Fabio Colagrande and Benedetta Capelli

As children turn to their Mother, so mankind [humankind please — and not all of it!] entrusts itself to Mary, Queen of Peace, in the midst of the storm, of a war unleashed a month ago between Russia and Ukraine [because of NATO, the USA and the Nazis — and some tribes, that some people call the Jews].

"To you, we consecrate the future of the whole human family, the needs and expectations of every people, the anxieties and hopes of the world.”

These words of the Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary resound Friday at around 6:30pm, local time, in St Peter's Basilica, when the Pope presides over the Rite of Reconciliation with individual confession and absolution [5/6th of humanity does not indulge in these rites, nor confession nor absolution].

The same Act of Consecration is being prayed Friday by all the bishops of the world. At Fatima, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, performs the act as Pope Francis' special envoy.[note: the Vatican was about "not to include Russia" in the consecration but is revised its stance because of an uproar from the Catholix and Orthodox devotees].


Conforming to the heart of Mary

Pope Francis' decision to consecrate Russia, Ukraine and the whole of humanity to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is in keeping with the [fascist] tradition of the Church's Magisterium (, which has always looked to Our Lady as the one to whom one can entrust oneself in times of trial.

Q: Why did the Pope want one of his envoys, Cardinal Krajewski, to make the same gesture at the Shrine of Fatima?

The apparitions of Fatima should be seen in the context of the path taken by Portugal. In the 17th century, the King of Portugal was the first to consecrate himself to the Immaculate Conception, even removing his crown and placing it on the head of the Immaculate Conception. Since then, the Kings of Portugal have never worn the crown, leaving this privilege to the Immaculate Conception. So, we are talking about a land where Mary has always shown her care and help in the most difficult moments. Fatima, therefore, becomes the apex of this manifestation which then went beyond the borders of Portugal to become a reality[?], therefore an apparition[?], which is valid for the whole world [Hello?].  So, it is not just a question of entrusting Russia and Ukraine to Mary's heart, but everything that is injustice, that is against the right of the human person, that is mafia behaviour. All these realities we want to transform together through Mary to make a better world.


Read more:




Humans are quite stupid on this tiny planet that does not register on the universal grit scale… So, Dear old bearded guy in the clouds, send Jesus again, please… This time, we’ll kill him with a nuclear bomb to prevent resurrection because this planet does not deserve salvation. Find another one in the Andromeda galaxy. There are about 2.341 billion Earth-like planets overthere. Take your pick… Zorgy-Noah is waiting for you…



PRAY FOR JULIAN ASSANGE’S FREEDOM NOW, INSTEAD…. I KNOW YOU HAVE been doing it, but your prayers have been pissy… Try harder.

for god's sake….

Biden caused a firestorm after his speech in Warsaw on Saturday, which he finished with rather a bold statement. Even close allies, not to mention Republicans within the US, have considered his words destabilizing.

"For god's sake this man can not remain in power!"


After denying NATO enlargement has anything to do with destabilizing Russia, Biden closes his Poland address with a stentorian demand for regime change in Moscow.


Washington's ultimate goal, made plain.

— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) March 26, 2022

In a desperate attempt to "explain" what Biden had meant, a White House official said that the US president was only suggesting that "Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region," with US diplomatic staff denying that Washington has a policy/goal of a regime change in Russia. Biden's words, however, seem to have sowed doubt in the minds of many Americans and those abroad.

now WH official walks back Biden remark:


"The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia or regime change."


suggests it was a significant lapse in discipline by Biden

— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) March 26, 2022


Biden has lost his mind.


In Poland, he mistakenly told U.S. troops they were being deployed to Ukraine while also calling for regime change in Russia.

The White House attempted to walk back these gaffes but it’s too late.


We know Biden is a risk to our national security.

— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) March 26, 2022

Here we go again… another regime change war. The target? Nuclear-armed Russia.

Biden: “For God's sake, this man [Putin] cannot remain in power.”



Regime change is the true intent of Biden Admin’s policies, which will have catastrophic consequences for Americans and world.


— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) March 27, 2022




BIDEN IS AN IDIOT —  and a corrupt one at it...