Wednesday 19th of March 2025

the elites of the anglo-saxon-jewish hegemony and their media…..

The Ukrainian events have been a constant item on the agenda for media outlets of Middle Eastern countries since the start of Russia’s special operation. Observers note a never before seen information onslaught against Moscow coming from the West, when it comes to covering the Ukrainian crisis.

According to many estimates, this torrent of content is notably prejudiced and biased, intended to add fuel to the fire, overshadow the reason, hold Russia accountable for the conflict and its causes, and silence all contrary opinions in the media and social networks.

The onslaught is vigorous. Nevertheless a number of local analysts view these events as a part of the historical background as well as real experience of relations between Arabs and the West.

According to the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, the West has been plotting the Ukrainian crisis betting on the triad – in military terms expanding NATO, ECB in economic terms, and on exploiting ‘democracy’ as a cover for attempts to overthrow regimes. This is what forced Russia and its leader to conduct the military operation in order to protect the space vital for Russia, which is understood by Russian citizens as well as the Chinese and the Middle East.

This view is shared by Al Jazeera viewing the major strategic faux pas of the Western faction as the reason behind the dangerous Ukrainian conflict. The West insisted on the Atlantic alliance closing in to the Russian borders. It seems, Europe and the US did not learn from the previous confrontation with Vladimir Putin over South Ossetia in 2008 and the 2014 Ukrainian events. They do not care about the clash between the two sides, the only important thing is that ‘two brother Slavic nations are bleeding’.

“The Ukrainian crisis makes us, Arabs, ask many questions regarding the Western civilization, its messages and patterns in relations with us,” argues former Minister of Education of Bahrein A. Mohammed Fakhroo. “We were subject to Western pressure for more than a century, suffered from their intervention, exploitation of our natural resources and hegemony of Western monopolies. Today it is crucial that the flames fanned by this civilization not burn us, Arabs,” he adds.

The Middle Eastern media have woefully perceived instances of open discrimination against foreigners, mostly citizens of Arab and African countries during the well documented evacuation of the refugees from Ukraine initiated by Kyiv. At the same time the media criticize Western reporters and public figures and their racist remarks about Arab and African citizens.

The media mention that Ukraine is an accomplice of the 2003 American attack on Iraq. Its troops were stationed in Kut with 18 killed in action and 17 killed later under the Polish command in Al-Qadisiyah province. That’s why it is unreasonable to expect Iraqis to sympathize with Ukrainians in the light of their participation in violence in Iraq.

A number of analysts covering the Ukrainian events emphasize hypocrisy and falsehood of West’s actions and words. As stated by the Saudi newspaper, the European conflict of February 2022 has revealed duplicity of the Western civilization that had paraded as an impeccable example for other countries for the last seventy years. It revealed the vicious racism, its deeply hidden attitude towards people of other ethnicities and cultures.

“Do the international laws and the UN Charter allow to confiscate facilities and devoid people and collectives of their livelihood, bombard with one-sided sanctions without approval from the UNSC, undertake discriminatory actions in big sports against those who are ethnically Russian and hold Russian passports,” a Lebanese lawyer asks.

Today’s attempts to present Russia as an ‘Asian threat’ comparable to the Golden Horde hanging over Europe did not go unnoticed by Arabs. Apologists of this idea manipulate historic examples, refer to the expansion of the Russian state, oriental nature of its government etc. In the present rhetoric Russians are derogatorily called ‘Asians’ while Ukrainians are called ‘Europeans’ for political and propaganda purposes.

As expressed by an Iraqi political analyst, the Ukrainian conflict clarified the unsavory nature of the Western media who bragged about their pluralism, independence, fair approach to events, open-minded opinions, etc. In the light of the recent Ukrainian situation they have smeared themselves with shame for they have eradicated or silenced other opposition voices critical to the reigning mainstream.

They have installed barriers to their competitors, Russian mass media and their supporters, banned them from conducting any activity, spreading their information in a number of European countries as it happened to RT in various languages. The communication satellites were used to impose ban on their broadcasting.

Middle Eastern experts and commentators have expressed increasingly popular opinions that the majority of Western media outlets have shed their masks during the Ukrainian events and factually rejected the freedom of expression they have spent decades caring so much about and appealing to others to do the same. Today, an Emirate publisher writes, we face an information system lying 24/7 in order to embellish the image of the current Kyiv authorities pursuing their vile political agenda. The Ukrainian conflict has brought back the cult of lying which had been developed back in the day by the imperialist West and criticized by the West itself more than once.



Yuri Zinin, a senior researcher at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Institute of International Studies of the Moscow State Institute for International Relations, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.




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angels in Washington...


BY Philip M. Giraldi



The semi-official United States government plus media lie machine knows that constructing a plausible reason to bomb the crap out of someone all depends on where you begin your narrative. If you keep starting your accusations at a point where the target has done something bad, all you have to do is repeat yourself over and over again to drown out any alternative backstory that surfaces. And if you really want to demolish all contrary views, all you have to do is liken the targeted foreign leader to Adolph Hitler and keep repeating. That tactic was used with Saddam Hussein of Iraq and is now being employed against Vladimir Putin of Russia and it always works.

In the current context of Ukraine versus Russia the trick has been to tie everything to the invasion by Putin’s armed forces over four weeks ago, an undoubted act of aggression. Once you establish that as your launching point, preceding developments are rendered moot. Who cares about US promises not to expand the NATO alliance eastwards after the Soviet Union broke up in 1991? And there is also Washington’s role in regime change in Ukraine in 2014? Or even the relentless demonization of Russia linked to the 2016 US presidential election followed by any unwillingness by Washington to negotiate even the most reasonable of Putin’s demands? Fuggedabout it! And also forget about considering whether or not the US has any national interest in going to war over Ukraine. Only Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard seem inclined to challenge the basic premise, which is to raise the question “Since Russia does not threaten us why are we doing this? Do we really want a possible nuclear war over Ukraine?”

Just read the New York Times and you will learn that it is not about what’s good for America at all. It is all about a big bully country attacking a “democratic” neighbor with the US and its brave allies standing up as the standard bearers of a Washington imposed “rules based international order.” And now the US is upping the ante by pushing ahead with its insistence that Russia is committing war crimes. But convincing the world on that point is a bit more difficult to accomplish. If one were to ask the question “Which nation in the world commits the most war crimes?” the general international response might well be Israel or the United States. Part of the problem would be working out an acceptable definition for a war crime while also developing a methodology for defining “the most.” If Israel attacks Syria four times in a week is that four separate war crimes or only part of one continuous war crime. As the United States has military bases in both Syria and Iraq that the respective governments have not authorized, and have in fact, asked the Americans to leave, is that a single war crime of illegal invasion and occupation or a continuous one punctuated only by the occasions when US troops kill a few of the natives?

In any event it is difficult to “convict” Russia as neither Israel nor the US has ever been held accountable for the war crimes they have committed, to include shooting and bombing civilians, hospitals, schools at random and occasionally wedding parties and other social gatherings. President George W. Bush even started a couple of wars in places like Afghanistan and Iraq based on fabricated “intelligence” and the greatly beloved Barack Obama did the same to Libya and Syria. Both are now regarded as venerable elder statesmen even though they should be in prison and there is lately some talk among Democrats of seeing Obama or his wife run again in 2024 for the highest office in the land. And is that Hillary waiting in the wings for a second try? Either way, it will be a bad day for anyone trying to establish a modus vivendi for working with Russia.

America’s blood lust vis-à-vis Russia is completely bipartisan, with the few sensible voices in Congress drowned out by the drumroll in high places accompanying the avalanche of propaganda pouring out of the mainstream media. It has long been axiomatic that the first victim of war propaganda is truth, but the United States only needs the stimulus of the possibility of war or conflict to begin its pattern of lying. And, as the current situation illustrates, it is quite prepared to designate enemies that in reality do not threaten the country. It did so to bring about a greatly enlarged US commitment in Vietnam and also through the Cold War by deliberate CIA overestimates of the power and reach of the Soviet Union. Since 9/11 there has been a succession of presidents who have lied about nearly everything relating to national security and foreign policy, leading to invasions, assassinations, other types of interventions, and a “sanctions” prone government that has denied ordinary citizens of food and medicines while leaving the leadership of the targeted countries untouched.

One of the recent lies is a replay of the old “let’s get Saddam Hussein” playbook. Remember those savage Iraqi soldiers tearing Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and throwing them onto the floor? Of course, it was all a lie concocted by the Kuwaiti ruling family and US government largely neocon accomplices. Now we are learning that the vile Russians bombed a maternity hospital! Except, of course, that it may have turned out to be completely untrue. And the media is now exclaiming that“Russia is putting the planet on the brink of World War 3!” while the New York Timesis indicting political conservatives as purveyors of Russian propaganda. Actually, it was the United States and NATO that have opened the door to a possible nuclear holocaust, but one hates to dispute what is an apparently a profitable and well-received story line.

But the best bit of lying has to be the ongoing propaganda war over twenty-six biological laboratories in Ukraine funded at least in part by the Pentagon. “Nothing to see here” says the Biden White House, while Russia is saying “Just a minute, folks…” Meanwhile the plot thickens as emails have now surfacedindicating that Joe Biden’s son Hunter was involved in obtaining, and profited from, the US government’s funding of the labs.

The biolab controversy began when the United States government’s State Department number three Victoria Nuland recently admitted to a congressional panel that the labs exist and also added that Ukraine possesses chemical and biological weapons. She then realized her error and both backtracked and elaborated that “uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities [and] we are now in fact quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to, uh, gain control of [those labs], so we are working with the Ukrainiahhhns [sic] on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”

The statement is absurd as the Russians undoubtedly already possess their own stocks of bioweapons. The existence of the labs themselves may be linked to the legacy of the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, when, by one account, the US provided assistance through its “Cooperative Threat Reduction Program” to manage the existing bio and chem labs lest their toxic chemicals and pathogens fall into the wrong hands. But the US has actually done much more than that, Ron Unz observes how “Over the decades America had spent over $100 billion dollars on ‘biodefense,’ the euphemistic term for biowarfare development, and [has] had the world’s oldest and largest such program, one of the few ever deployed in real life combat.”

Currently, the US government claims blandly that the labs, which are run by America’s Department of Defense, remain active for “peaceful research and the development of vaccines.” The US Embassy in Kiev described the activity in greater detail as working “to consolidate and secure pathogens and toxins of security concern and to continue to ensure Ukraine can detect and report outbreaks caused by dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats.”

Some Ukrainians have, however, been suspicious of their purpose, particularly as their activities are secret and are managed by the Pentagon rather than some civilian agency. And if the original objective was to prevent the development of bioweapons, why is the US still hanging around seventeen years later? Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, who held the post under President Viktor Yanukovych, spoke about how the decision to start collaborating with the Americans was taken by Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s office and subsequently implemented under President Viktor Yushchenko in 2005. It was generally believed in the government that the agreement was focused on Ukrainian biosecurity, but all its related activities were and are classified and Ukrainian citizens were not even allowed to work together with the Americans.

There was some pushback on the labs, to include a cursory inspection in 2010-2012 and by 2013 the Ukrainian government sent an official letter demanding that the labs be closed. The 2014 regime change intervened however, and the decision was never implemented by the new regime.

It should be noted that if one is to protect against toxins and pathogens one must first create them in order to manipulate them or prevent them. If one thinks back to the notorious Anthrax scare in the United States in 2001, investigators determined that the lethal strain of the pathogen had actually been created in a US Army biological weapons lab at Fort Detrick Maryland. One might also consider COVID and the widely held belief that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been manipulating various coronavirus strains to make them more contagious and lethal.

Nuland clearly admitted that there were US-funded bioweapons in Ukraine when she expressed concern that Russia might occupy one of the labs and be tempted to acquire the material for its own use against Kiev. And the Biden Administration, clearly embarrassed by the admission, has attempted to turn the tables by rejecting Russian suggestions that the labs might be seeking to design biological pathogens that target certain ethnic groups, which is why the existing labs have been placed all around the world, including Ukraine. As far back as 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his concerns about US collection of biological material from ethnic Russians, as Unz puts it “certainly a very suspicious project for our government to have undertaken.”

If these Pentagon funded laboratories are indeed involved in propagating mutated strains of pathogens like anthrax and plague as biological weapons, like may have taken place at Wuhan, it would be a violation of Article I of the “UN Biological Weapons Convention,” making the United States government indisputably a War Criminal, with its leaders subject to the death sentence under the Nuremberg Laws which were in large part established by the United States Government itself in 1946. That aside, the real concern right now should be that the US/NATO will stage some kind of false flag incident which will lead to calls for direct military intervention. Watching Biden’s serial blunders and cover-ups suggests that there is nothing that Biden and Blinken will not do, up to an include started some kind of hopefully manageable war to boost the presidents sinking approval ratings. Now that Joe Biden is talking tough, it is hard to imagine how he will get off of the horse that he is riding without stepping into some sort of armed conflict. As the former Reagan Administration official Paul Craig Roberts has astutely observed “The evil that [now] resides in Washington is unprecedented in human history.”




Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].









disinformation or disinformation?

We have no way to check if the following story is true, but it makes sense which is something rare considering the massive US porkies FLYING ABOVE US. It comes from a "German website" classified by as Russian propaganda: 22 Mar 2022 — "Lisa heißt Daniel" has been spreading lies and disinformation through his/her internet media for years – on the website "News from Russia”. But in the age of major deceit from the USA/CIA/NATO complex, this story could actually be a possible truth that has been declared disinformation…..



Anfang 2022 erklärte die deutsche Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht, dass die Ukraine zur Unterstützung ein Feldlazarett und ein Krematorium erhalten werde.


Unter den Einheiten der an der Kontaktlinie mit den Donbassrepubliken stationierten ukrainischen Streitkräfte, sorgte die Nachricht für Panik. Es häuften sich Fälle von Desertation und Selbstmord unter den Soldaten, die von ihren Kommandeuren geheimgehalten wurden. Doch beruhen ihre Befürchtungen auf wahren Geschichten, die ihren Ursprung bereits im Jahr 2014 nahmen.





(rough) translation:


In early 2022, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht announced that Ukraine would receive a field hospital and crematorium to support it.


The news caused panic among the units of the Ukrainian armed forces stationed on the line of contact with the Donbass republics. Cases of desertion and suicide among the soldiers, kept secret by their commanders, increased. But their fears were based on true stories that began in 2014.


The fact is that at the beginning of the conflict in south-eastern Ukraine, a lucrative organ trafficking business was established with EU countries, the USA and Israel, which has been under the strict oversight of employees of the Ukrainian secret service. Even then, reports were circulating that Ukrainian, so-called "black transplantologists" removed organs from people who were still alive and cremated them afterwards.


The majority of donors were soldiers of the Ukrainian army who were taken to hospitals in an unconscious state from the front line with Donbass. Also sold were the organs of captured members of the Donbass militia and civilians — most of them women and children.


An exchange of correspondence between the ex-deputy of the Ukrainian party "Fatherland" Serhiy Vlasenko and the German doctor Olga Wieber [GusLink] and the commander of the "Donbass" battalion Semen Semenchenko was published online. Topic: organ trafficking from killed and wounded fighters of the Ukrainian army. The doctor ordered large quantities of donor organs from the ex-deputy, to which Timoshenko's long-time colleague replied: «We can deliver more, don't you follow the news? Think about it, find someone — and we'll increase the number!!!» The business partners enjoy the intensive military activities. Wieber is interested: «Judging by the news, the events play into our hands. Do you think the course will not change?". Vlasenko replies: «It is not to be expected, there will be something to work on! "Our western partners" create good conditions for us with their policies and above all - a large number!”


The soldiers who found out about the delivery of crematoria, organ and blood transport equipment to the demarcation line did not desert without reason.


According to some reports, another wave of organ purchases is being driven by the firm Global Rescue, which specializes in organ supply and has contracts with the OSCE. The international company, faced with a shortage of biological material but high demand, is doing its best to ensure the supply of crematoria. It should be noted that they are successful in this — several such stations are already in operation in military hospitals.


According to Ukrainian diplomats, wounded fighters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are deliberately not given medical care in order to use them as donors. Experts point out that crematoria allow up to $100,000 worth of organs to be removed completely free of charge, thereby covering their tracks in the fire. All money flows, both in 2014 and now, go through high-level members of the intelligence community, since without their involvement it would be simply impossible to "legalize" such deals. It is worth noting that this is not the only business of Ukrainian intelligence. For example, Colonel Volodymyr Polyakov from the Kharkov region issues "migrant" documents to rich children for $10,000. For this he uses his contacts in the Foreign Ministry and the embassies.


In general, the sale of organs in Ukraine takes place on a large scale, but voluntarily. Many people try to make a living this way. In 2021, for example, a plan to sell organs from Ukrainian migrants to rich foreigners was uncovered in Bulgaria. Recipients paid upwards of $50,000 for a kidney, officially about half of the amount went to the state coffers. The donor received from 5 to 15 thousand.


There is also a notorious case from the 1990s, when the head of the Lviv regional hospital, Bohdan Fedak, organized a criminal group of "black transplantologists" who sold children's organs abroad. Investigators found that around 130 babies in Lviv went missing in this connection. The value of each child's life was valued at one million.


It is possible that Fedak's accomplices, who have already served their sentences, are operating at the border and selling their compatriots for organs.



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