Saturday 18th of January 2025

two morons chosen by the establishment for their moronic space between the ears…...

Had Hillary Rodham Clinton won the presidential elections in 2016, by now we would be living in caves, eating raw flesh from bats, that would be shitting on us to make us leave… The Cloons, us, would have barely survived a nuclear war. 


The advent of Trump shook the fundament of the Establishment. He was a loose cannon, impossible to know what he was going to say or do, which was hopefully not much and always countered by his “military advisors” — the warriors of the Empire. 


And this is why in 2020, the Establishment, pushing a nice barrow of democratic illusions HAD TO GET TWO MORONS ELECTED: Biden as president and Harris as vice-president. Many Americans, now sick of the clown Trump, wanted niceness and quietness in their diet. Whether the elections were fair or not, the Establishment could not afford to have another four years of Trump. Trump had demolished — or at least had tried — the tentacular invasions of the Empire. If you think that voting for Biden was a free choice, think again... The Establishment had to make MANY dirty deals with various sections of the community to present him as a viable choice and get him across the line...


The Western media played, plays and will play their part in making sure the stains on the Empire's coat are cleaned quickly and the “others” are demonised. 


And you get imbeciles like Tisdall at the Guardian writing stupidity that satisfies the ignorant readers, but rants that have nothing to do with reality.


Same with an “exclusive” article on the ABC, telling us : "The US anticipated almost every move Vladimir Putin made in Ukraine. This is how they probably did it.” By North America correspondent Carrington Clarke and Peter Jones in Washington DC.


One does not have to go too far to see that this is disinformation coming the Establishment. The same came to Eric Campbell when doing an “exclusive” with an Iraqi “defector” to justify the Bush-Junior invasion of Iraq. But this disinformation can be expected in the same way as Putin was plced in a "Sophy's Choice" situation by the US boffins: get trapped or try to destroy the trap....


This is where even seasoned journalists should be given a lesson in historical manipulations since Elizabeth the First — and in the nastiness of the Empire, rather than believe that whatever the Empire does is good for the world.


Presently the lies of the Empire have become far more sophisticated. Lying about Saddam was a piece of cake. And the Western media, including the Murdoch shit-media were on the bandwagon to war. 


This time, the set up from the Empire was to give the illusion that Russia had made the first move, while the first MAJOR move in our recent history had been done by The Establishment NATO/USA at least FORTY (40)YEARS BEFORE.


The modern foundation from the Anglo-Saxon hegemony to dominate the world was set up in 1905… Historians of the future will have to mull on this, and the script can be written NOW — though the outcome is still in the ether.


On this one, Putin CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. Compared to the US and NATO, Russia is a minnow. Yet to some extend, its arsenal is superior despite spending far less. 


Meanwhile, the Western media has been peddling lies about the purpose of Russia’s incursion in Ukraine, mostly because telling the truth would expose the deceitful game plan of the Empire. We have exposed it on this site, but we’re little benign microbes in the middle of a dangerous nefarious infection — the WESTERN MEDIA. Remember "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction."


Biden is dithering. If you don’t know this, you’re an idiot. But Biden's dithering is part of the game for The Establishment to control the Empire. You can’t stop noticing that everything Old Joe does or say has to explained, countered and diluted by some uttering from Blinken and/or Jake Sullivan. THIS IS A CLVER PART OF THE PUSH. Say something outrageous, taken up by the media as gospel, then a tiny retreat with caveats — BUT THE WORDS OF THE BIDEN GOSPEL still stick as the main part of the narrative… You have been fooled in your preceptions.


Meanwhile Kamala Harris IQ may not register triple digits. She is dumber than a 4be2 plank of wood. I know this is harsh, but she is barely out of district courts where the piddly contestation are not worthy of Judge Judy. Kamala has been thrown as a distracting dumb pawn on a chess board — not even weaving the web for the Empire. She is useful for being useless...


This is why someone like Tulsi Gabbard, with a far superior mind to most, had been rejected by The Establishment. She would have been trouble. She would know the true aim of the Empire and, like The Donald, would have tried to put a stop to it, in order to instigate PEACE ON THE PLANET. Ron Paul Had the same problem… Peace is a dirty word for The Establishment  If you don’t know this yet, PERPETUAL WARS is the game of the Empire, win or loose here or there — as long as the momentum towards conquering the planet is maintained and that the WESTERN MEDIA blame the enemies of the Empire.


Thus all was sweet, until Putin placed his mittens on Ukraine, not to take it, but to stop the rot and bad smells from the Empire.


I know... innoncet people have died, are dying and will die. But when did the Empire and its media really cried about dead people? Libya, Iraq, Yemen?... Only when the Ukrainian white angels are being marginally bombed…


In this affair, the golden boy of the West, Zelensky, is out of his depth and should quickly sign a deal with Putin, despite what “his” military commanders tell him… They are lying to him as much as they lie to the Western media: Ukraine cannot win this episode of its history.


Actually it could be said that the information service (disinformation) from the USA and NATO — the Western media — is giving hope to a defeated people: Ukraine, while prolonging the agony and the adding significantly to the number of death, as if, viciously, the Western media needed to show desperate people becoming refugees. It does not have to be this way... Putin is trying to avoid more death... but don't tempt him by being cocky...



So please, Mr Zelensky — save the furniture and save lives — and deal with the Russians in EARNEST…




Expert on the deadly historical bullshit.



Eu kisses the US butt...


European Council President Charles Michel, who hosted US President Joe Biden in the context of the Ukrainian crisis, confirmed that an agreement had been reached on the transfer of personal data belonging to European Internet users to the US.

The previous agreement had been invalidated in July 2020 by the Court of Justice of the European Union because it failed protect European Internet users from the violation of their privacy by American multinationals.

It does not appear that the United States has backed down in any way. The European Union has simply lowered its requirements.

Austrian lawyer Max Schrems, who had obtained the annulment of the Safe Harbor agreement in 2015 followed by that of the Privacy Shield in 2020, announced that he would take the matter to the EU Court again.









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in the land of bounties...


The US authorities have launched another Russophobic “program” of informing and snitching, which is called the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Program. A reward is promised for information about the funds that were obtained as a result of cooperation with the Russian government.

The United States, in the current difficult economic conditions (inflation is record high for fifty years, gasoline prices are through the roof), apparently decided to support its people and launched a program to encourage ratting and snitching. Washington called on its citizens to report all funds “received as a result of corrupt actions involving the Government of the Russian Federation,” wrote the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in her Telegram channel, stressing that the United States promises material remuneration for this. At the same time, the senior Russian diplomat noted that before initiating such a “program” openly directed against Russia, Washington should first of all pay attention to its own “affairs.” She went on to ask: where are the “Afghan billions,” allocated for the reconstruction of the country and the development of its infrastructure, and why did Taliban capture Kabul in just three hours? Where do the millions allocated to the programs of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) go? Where is the reporting on the results? On what basis is the illegitimate freezing of foreign assets carried out and where do the funds from this “operation” go? She further stressed that since the US Department of the Treasury decided to focus on Russia and members of its government, the US authorities should have long been interested in the source of income of the now US-based former (in the 1990s) Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Kozyrev and all his contacts, business ties, since there is information that he received his dollars from sources other than budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the Russian special operation in Ukraine thwarted the anti-Russian plans of the West, which made the latter to “fly off the handle”.

As for the very decision of the current American authorities regarding the proclamation of a new paid “program” of snitching, the history of American society shows that informers in the United States are not only protected from persecution, but they are also encouraged – both morally and financially. One of the first defenders of informers was Abraham Lincoln, who in 1863 pushed the adoption of the False Claims Act, which was aimed primarily against unscrupulous suppliers who tried to sell defective weapons and expired goods to the army. A person who reported such abuses could receive up to 50% of the damage reimbursed to the state. However, due to the fact that informers often acted for personal gain, in 1943, Congress limited the remuneration of the informer to a share of 25%, and in most cases to 10%.









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