Monday 10th of March 2025

zelensky is a sadist...

The joint Russian military-Donetsk People's Militia operation to free the Azov Sea-adjacent city of Mariupol has turned into one of the toughest slogs of the campaign in Ukraine, with Ukrainian military and neo-Nazi Azov units setting up defences inside the city, taking civilians hostage, and turning the battle into a brutal house-by-house fight.

Significant numbers of foreign mercenaries are active in those areas of Mariupol which remain under Ukrainian control, Russian Ministry of Defence spokesman Igor Konashenkov has reported.


"The joint operation of the troops of the Donetsk People's Republic and units of the Russian armed forces to liberate the city of Mariupol continues. The results of an analysis of radio intercepts show that in addition to neo-Nazi elements from the Azov regiment and the remnants of the Ukrainian armed forces, a significant number of foreign mercenaries are located in the occupied areas of the city," Konashenkov said in a briefing Friday evening.


"In addition to Ukrainian and Russian, radio communications are being carried out in six other mainly European foreign languages," the officer said.


Konashenkov stressed that the wretched forces trapped in Mariupol are not the celebrated "defenders of so-called European values, but foreign mercenaries, who have come here to kill Slavs for American dollars while hiding behind a human shield of civilians."


The officer also noted that Kiev's refusal to entertain withdraw its forces from Mariupol, leave no other option except for DPR People's Militia and the Russian military to fully clear the city.

On 4 April, the Russian MoD called on the remaining Ukrainian military units trapped in Mariupol to "lay down their arms" and evacuate along the humanitarian corridor agreed to with the Ukrainian side in the direction of Zaporozhye to areas controlled by Kiev, promising to guarantee their safety. The next day, the MoD reported that the Ukrainian side rejected the proposal.


Situated on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov, Mariupol is one of Ukraine's largest commercial seaports. Over 400,000 people lived in the city on the eve of the Russian-led military operation. As of 21 March, the Russian MoD said that over 130,000 civilians remained in the city, with many blocked from leaving by the Ukrainian side or shot at by Azov fighters as they attempted to escape.

The DPR announced Thursday that central Mariupol had been fully cleared of Ukrainian forces. Areas of the coastal Prymorskyi district and the northern Kalmiuskyi district remained under Ukrainian control as of Friday, as did Azovstal, a massive Soviet-built iron and steel works controlled by Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. 


Over 3,500 Ukrainian troops as well as about 800 Azov Regiment troops were trapped in Mariupol after the city was completely surrounded on 1 March. Turning areas under their control into fortresses and using residential neighbourhoods as defence points, these forces have fought Donetsk People's Militia and Russian forces block by block, apartment building by apartment building, with many of them containing civilians deprived of food, water, electricity and the ability to communicate with the outside world.


Late last month, the Russian General Staff estimated that about 6,600 foreign mercenaries and terrorists hailing from 62 countries are operating in Ukraine. The General Staff warned that the rules of warfare do not apply to mercenaries and that they would be "ruthlessly destroyed."





GusNote: I hope Leunig won't be too upset about modifying this old cartoon. Gus's modifications actually represent what Leunig sometimes sharply describes beyond whimsical people with teapots on their heads. Leunig is thus chastised by the Western media for showing human hypocrisy....



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW...................

not making sense...

Colonel MacGregor Says Bucha Claims Do Not Make Sense  

During an interview with Jackson Hinkle this week, retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor was asked about the alleged Bucha massacre, which the Ukrainian government and international Jewish media is blaming on Russia.

MacGregor said that it made no sense that the Russians would do this. He also noted that many of the bodies were wearing white armbands, which is something that Ukrainian civilians – either Russia supporters or just the uninvolved – wear in order to keep from being shot by Russians. He noted that Ukrainians have a record of killing people wearing these armbands.

He did say that it was technically possible that the Russians did do this, mentioning that the US did bad things to civilians in Vietnam.

The only thing you could say, however, is that the individual soldiers went insane – like we see in Vietnam movies.


But “soldiers became unhinged and started shooting random civilians” is not the claim. They are claiming the Russian government told soldiers “just kill a bunch of rando civilians in that one village for no specific reason.”

And they are alleging too many dead for it to just have been a few soldiers who flew off the handle and went temporarily insane from the stress of war. Based on the numbers they are presenting, it would have had to have been some kind of policy.

The simplest explanation is the simplest: after the Russians left, the Ukrainians sent in the neo-Nazi groups to kill a bunch of Ukrainian civilians to blame the Russians. We have seen the Ukrainian forces slaughtering their own civilians repeatedly throughout this conflict, so they clearly have no problem with that.

There remains no evidence that this was done by Russians.

Here’s the full interview with Colonel MacGregor that the clip is taken from.


I do recommend people listen to him, rather than being swallowed up by these nonsensical NATO narratives about how the evil Russians are “losing the war.”

He is a former high level military official who would have been Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor if it wasn’t for the sickening Jewed-out GOP Senate.











world nazi video tour...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky brought along an Azov Nazi of Greek heritage to his speech to the Greek Parliament on Thursday and all hell broke loose, reports Joe Lauria. 


By Joe Lauria

Special to Consortium News


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been making a virtual world tour with video hookups to parliaments around the globe, as well as to the Grammy Awards and the U.N. Security Council, sometimes with troublesome results.  

On Thursday a major row erupted when Zelensky brought along a Ukrainian soldier of Greek heritage from the city of Mariupol, who just happened to be a member of the ne0-Nazi Azov Regiment. Greece was under Nazi occupation during World War II and fought a bitter partisan war against Nazism (later to be betrayed by Britain and the United States.)   

With Zelensky in the screen, the man, who gave only his first name, told Parliament: “I speak to you as a man of Greek descent. My name is Michail. My grandfather fought against the Nazis in the Second World War. I am born in Mariupol and I am now also fighting to defend my city from the Russian nazis.”  


Alexis Tsipras, leader of the main opposition party, SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, blasted the appearance of the Azov fighter before parliament.  

“Solidarity with the Ukrainian people is a given. But nazis cannot be allowed to speak in parliament,” Tsipras said on social media. “The speech was a provocation.”  He said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis “bears full responsibility. … He talked about a historic day but it is a historical shame.”  

Former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras called the video being played in parliament a “big mistake”.

Former Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Kotzias said: “The Greek government irresponsibly undermined the struggle of the Ukrainian people, by giving the floor to a Nazi. The responsibilities are heavy. The government should publish a detailed report of preparation and contacts for the event.” 

Former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis’  MeRA25 party said the event turned into a “Nazi fiesta.

The Greek Reporter said a government spokesman admitted the mistake but then used it to smear SYRIZA as Russian apologists:


“The socialist KINAL party issued a statement asking why Greek lawmakers had not been informed about the video intervention of an Azov Battalion member and called on the president of the Greek Parliament to bear responsibility.

Government spokesperson Giannis Oikonomou said the inclusion of the Azov Battalion message was ‘incorrect and inappropriate.’ However, he did not say who should be held responsible for this.

Oikonomou, nevertheless, slammed SYRIZA for allegedly ‘using that mistake… to justify the Russian invasion. … It is time for a clear answer: are they on the side of the Ukrainians, who are fighting for their freedom, or [on the side of] Putin’s invaders?’ he said.”

Zelensky’s Spotty Sense of History

In his speech, Zelensky said:

“I have been waking up every day for more than a month thinking about Mariupol, which is being destroyed by Russian troops. There are still 100,000 people on the border with Mariupol. There is no building left. Mariupol has been destroyed …

Ukraine is one of the Orthodox countries that was Christianised by the Greeks. In Ukrainian culture and history it will be seen that we will lose a big part of history if we lose the culture brought by Greek culture.

Freedom or Death was what your revolutionaries were saying. We are shouting the same today.” [a reference to a slogan of the Greek Revolution of 1821.]

Ignoring Greece’s suffering under German Nazism was a slight made worse by bringing a Nazi along to address Greek lawmakers. 

Zelensky has gotten into trouble before by referring to a nation’s history in his addresses to parliaments. He caused outrage in Israel for comparing what Ukraine is going through today to the Holocaust while completely ignoring the role Ukrainian fascists played in that Holocaust. 

In his address to the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday Zelensky said Russia had committed the worst war crimes since World War II, ignoring the much bigger crime of aggression by the United States against Iraq built totally on lies.

Just as Western governments and corporate media are doing, the Ukrainian embassy in Athens denied Azov is a Neo-Nazi regiment, despite sporting the Waffen-SS Wolfsangel on their uniforms and their open political alignment with Nazism. The embassy instead tried to turn the tables. 

“For many years Russia tried to ‘plant’ into Greek minds the myth that ‘Azov’ Regiment is a paramilitary independent unit operating in Mariupol,” the embassy said in a statement. “The video … has nothing to do to those Nazi deeds, Russians commit on our land and against our people.”  

Indeed, Western media have largely ignored the story. Neither The New York Times nor The Washington Post wrote anything about what happened at the Greek parliament and The Wall Street Journal only ran a photo story that didn’t mention the controversy. 

Here is the full video of Zelensky’s performance (in Greek):











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killing "his" own people...

The serial number of the Tochka-U missile that hit the Kramatorsk railway station on April 8, 2022 is (in Russian) Ш91579 or (in English) Sh91579. This serial number marks the stock of Tochka-U missiles in the possession of the Ukrainian military. Only the Ukrainian Armed Forces have Tochka-U missiles. Russia does not have any since 2019: they have all been deactivated. The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics do not have and have never had Tochka-Us.

The direction of the cone and tail section of the missile that landed on the field near the Kramatorsk railway station clearly shows that it was launched by the 19th Ukrainian Missile Brigade, based near Dobropolia, 45 km from Kramatorsk.

Previously the Ukrainian Armed Forces used Tochka-U missiles of the same series as Ш915611, launched at Berdyansk and a Ш915516, launched at Melitopol. The same missiles were used against Donetsk and Lugansk.


Manlio Dinucci



Roger Lagassé