Saturday 18th of January 2025

spoon-fed babies….

Western media clubs together to white-wash Ukrainian Neo-Nazis


Multiple outlets use the same talking points, quotes, and ‘experts’ to whitewash Ukraine’s notorious “Azov” regiment


During the last week of March, multiple major media outlets in the UK and the US ran stories about Ukraine’s ‘Azov Batalion’, seeking to whitewash almost a decade of previous reporting that clearly identified the unit’s Nazi sympathies and ethos. Supposedly acting independently, they nonetheless stuck to the same talking points and often the same verbiage, suggesting a concerted effort to spin the unit as heroic defenders of Ukraine against the alleged “real” fascists – the Russians.

The latest wave of the lionization of Azov began sometime before the Russian military operation – notorious was the much-publicized image of an AK-47-wielding Ukrainian granny training to repel invaders in the regiment’s camp. The last week of March, however, saw the puff pieces come in a tight group, like the bullet holes after an AK burst.

The first of the bunch was a ten-minute video, from Britain’s state-broadcaster BBC, on March 27, in which presenter Ros Atkins sought to debunk Russian “untruths” about Nazis in Ukraine. How can Ukraine be “held hostage” by Nazis when its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is Jewish, Atkins argues, pointing to his 73% of the vote, at the last election, and triumphantly declaring that, “No far-right groups have any formal political power in Ukraine.” Remember that word, “formal” – it does a lot of heavy lifting here. 

Atkins’s piece set the tone for the articles that followed. Two days later, on March 29, the Financial Times ran a story describing Azov as “key to the nationwide resistance effort.” While it acknowledges that Azov was created in 2014 “by volunteers with nationalist and often far-right political leanings,” the FT shrugs off its Nazi connections.

Thus, the Nazi symbols used by the unit itself are described as “now claimed as pagan symbols by some battalion members.” This is taken at face value, but is literally untrue. The “Black Sun” (also known as the Sonnenrad) dates back to a mosaic commissioned in the 1930s by the Nazi SS head Heinrich Himmler, while the overlaid Wolfsangel rune – historical German, not Ukrainian heraldry –  was used by several Wehrmacht and SS regiments, as well as the Dutch Nazis, during WWII. More to the point, the symbols themselves were picked out by Azov founder Andriy Biletsky – a notorious white supremacist – as he himself told another outlet back in 2014. 

FT reporters actually get a quote from Biletsky – none of this sordid past is mentioned – but the key quote comes from one Anton Shekhovtsov, who claims that “Azov depoliticized itself” and its “history linked to the far-right movement is pretty irrelevant today.” We’re supposed to just take the word of a professional Ukrainian “expert on Russia’s connections to Europe’s far-right,” because, as Azov fighters themselves say, Russians are the real Nazis!

The cherry on top of the cake is a request by one Azov fighter – identified only as Kalyna – “not to confuse the concepts of patriotism and Nazism.”

Meanwhile, FT describes Stepan Bandera – the notorious Ukrainian nationalist who tried to collaborate with the Nazis and oversaw the mass murder of Poles and Russians – “a nationalist leader who opposed both Nazi and Soviet efforts to prevent Ukraine’s independence.” 

That same day, March 29, CNN ran their own version of the story. Zelensky is Jewish, check. Azov has a “history of neo-Nazi leanings, which have not been entirely extinguished by its integration into the Ukrainian military, ” but is “an effective fighting force,” check. Azov’s political wing only won 2.15% of the vote in 2019 – quoting a German researcher this time – check.

They too mention Biletsky, but say he allegedly spoke of wanting to “lead the White races of the world in a final crusade” – leaving out the part that says “against the Semite-led Untermenschen.” They then quote Azov denying he ever said so, and anyway they have “nothing to do with his political activities and the National Corps party” – even though CNN itself describes it as Azov’s “political wing.”

CNN also dredged up a 2019 quote from Arsen Avakov – police minister in the post-Maidan government – in which he claims that accusations of Nazi ties are “a deliberate attempt to discredit” Azov and the Ukrainian military. This is the same Avakov whom Ukraine's chief rabbi, Yaakov Bleich, criticized in November 2014, saying he “continues to appoint people of questionable repute and ideologies tainted with fascism and right-wing extremism” [emphasis added].

Last but not least, there’s the Times of London on March 30. Its story opens with the emotional description of a funeral for an Azov soldier killed in the fighting outside of Kiev. 

They too dismiss Nazi iconography as maybe rooted in Ukraine’s “original pagan faith,” though they admit to “Azov’s trademark Wolfsangel, also used by Nazi Germany.”

“We are patriots but we are not Nazis,” is a quote attributed to Azov officer Yevgenii Vradnik, and gives the the story its title. Towards the end, the Times quotes an Azov commander in Mariupol, who accuses the Russians of being “the real Nazis of the 21st century.” Check and check.


As an aside, Azov members are apparently really good at sticking to the message – and knowing their audience and which buttons to push. For example, the Times piece repeatedly mentions their praise of the British NLAW anti-tank rockets.

Contrast this to the some of the сoverage Azov got in the West before 2022. Back in January 2021, TIME magazine called them a militia that had “trained and inspired white supremacists from around the world.”

“Azov is much more than a militia. It has its own political party; two publishing houses; summer camps for children; and a vigilante force known as the National Militia, which patrols the streets of Ukrainian cities alongside the police,” the TIME article says, noting that “it also has a military wing with at least two training bases and a vast arsenal of weapons, from drones and armored vehicles to artillery pieces.”

They also paraphrase the words of Azov’s “head of international outreach” Olena Semenyaka, who told them during a 2019 tour of the Cossack House that the group’s mission was to “form a coalition of far-right groups across the Western world, with the ultimate aim of taking power throughout Europe.” 

Before the events of 2014, Biletsky led a “neo-Nazi terrorist group” called Patriot of Ukraine, whose “manifesto seemed to pluck its narrative straight from Nazi ideology,” says TIME. In an interview after the coup, he told the magazine he picked out Azov’s insignia. No mention of “pagan” symbols, either, only a reference to the Black Sun and Wolfsangel being “used by Germans” in WWII.

Even Bellingcat, that “open-source intelligence collective” apparently serving as a conduit for the British intelligence agenda, has raised red flags about Azov. Here they are in October 2019, complaining about how the militants browbeat Zelensky into not withdrawing from the Donbass as required by the Minsk agreements. 

Though the “far-right groups” have “negligible popular support and virtually nonexistent electoral power” – remember Atkins’s talking point earlier? – they “continue to have success mainstreaming themselves in Ukrainian politics and society,” said Bellingcat.

This isn’t exactly the first time the corporate and state media in the West have run cover for a group they themselves had until recently described – correctly – as extremist. For example, just last year, the US public television sought to whitewash Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria – the Al-Nusra Front, later “rebranded” as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham – as “moderate rebels.”

Politics and war make for strange bedfellows, sure, but if your bedfellows are open admirers of Adolf Hitler and Stepan Bandera, perhaps it’s time to revisit that 2012 BBC Three comedy sketch and ask, “Are we the baddies?”






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the dismissal...

 Mass protests in Pakistan against ‘imported’ government (VIDEOS)


Ex-PM Imran Khan has said the country headed for a new “freedom struggle” blasting his ouster as a “US-backed regime change”


Massive demonstrations rocked multiple Pakistani cities, including the country’s capital of Islamabad, on Sunday, with thousands taking to the streets to express their support to the deposed Prime Minister Imran Khan. He was ousted by the country’s parliament in a successful no-confidence vote on Saturday. Khan blasted the vote as a foreign-backed regime change operation.

“Never have such crowds come out so spontaneously and in such numbers in our history, rejecting the imported govt led by crooks,” Khan said on Twitter, sharing footage of the protests.


Read more:








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Over the last 20 years, US corporate media outlets have populated their 24-hour news cycles with a bevy of commentators from the military-industrial complex, including former Pentagon chiefs, CIA directors, and directors of national intelligence, all while purging their airtime of antiwar voices such as Phil Donahue’s.


US corporate news agency CNN on Thursday published the story “two US cities host Russia-backed radio station that spreads war propaganda” in which, like so many previous reports about Sputnik News Agency, they failed to offer more than the most cursory look at the story subject’s point of view.


“None of the Sputnik hosts we reached out to would speak with us for this story,” CNN’s Alex Marquardt claims in the story. However, according to Sputnik journalist Garland Nixon, he agreed to an interview on the condition that it be broadcast live. CNN declined.


“The hosts can often be heard parroting Kremlin talking points on Ukraine,” the bit says, which was produced by the show “Anderson Cooper 360.” Its example? “Back Story” host Lee Stranahan saying he “already knew that Ukrainian Nazis were real.”


An interesting point to contest, given that CNN ran an article about the Azov Battalion’s “neo-Nazi history” barely two weeks ago. Of course, the network has also made a bad habit of using an Azov officer, Denis Prokopenko, as a source for several news reports over the last month and failed to disclose Azov’s ideology.


“They claim to simply be offering a different viewpoint, asking questions, challenging the narrative, which often veers into seeing conspiracies, seeding doubt and distrust - classic elements of disinformation,” the video continues.

"On public airwaves, even if a station is backed by a country allegedly committing war crimes, they can, in the US, continue to broadcast,” Marquardt concluded, without a hint of irony.


Privatizing Censorship

Jim Kavanaugh, a writer at The Polemicist and Counterpunch, told Radio Sputnik’s The Critical Hour on Thursday that the attack on Sputnik, like those that silenced RT America last month, is being driven by the US media, not by the US government, which is all-too-eager to take up the banner of wartime propaganda due to the “incestuous relationship between the media and the politicians.”


“This is part of an offensive that’s been in the works for a long time now, for many years, against media in general, against oppositional media, anything outside the Overton window of the government narrative. But it’s also a part, right now, of really, a regime of wartime censorship that the United States and the American media” is engaged in, Kavanaugh told co-hosts Garland Nixon and Dr. Wilmer Leon.


Kavanaugh said that networks like CNN were demanding censorship of anti-war media “essentially without the pressure of the government because in that report, they say ‘oh, the FCC says they can’t stop it, do any content restriction or content censorship, but we’re here telling you that they should.’”


In the CNN report, Marquardt asked Scottie Nell Hughes, a former CNN contributor and temporary fill-in host for Stranahan’s radio show: “We know that Russian state media is putting out lies about this conflict, and I say that as someone who is on the ground in Ukraine, so why should the United States tolerate having Russian state media on its public airwaves?”


Kavanaugh pointed out that American media has been engaged in “wartime propaganda,” making its posturing against what they call “disinformation” by Russian media hypocritical at best.


“They’ve acknowledged it: they are the vehicles for the American government telling lies about the war in order to prop up support for Kiev’s side and in order to generate support for America to go into a war,” he said. “This is very dangerous.”


“What they’re doing is putting pressure on [RM Broadcasting owner Arnold Farolito] and they’re trying to put pressure on any Americans involved in this [Sputnik News operations] to stop it.”


Indeed, the National Association of Broadcasters, a trade association and lobby group that’s no stranger to censorship of the airwaves, demanded last month that US broadcasters pull the plug on any operations with “Russian-sponsored programming.” NAB CEO Curtis LeGeyt said in a statement that "while the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, however, it does not prevent private actors from exercising sound, moral judgment.”

Contrary to the fear that CNN tried to put behind the notion that Sputnik is “seeding doubt and distrust” about the American narrative, Kavanaugh said that was actually a good thing.


“‘We can’t have radio, media instilling doubt about the government’. That’s just the opposite of what the media should be saying. They should be saying: ‘our job is to tell you what the government won’t and to show you why you should doubt the government,” he said.


‘Noble Lie’ of Pro-War Propaganda

Leon recalled an NBC story from April 5 about how US media has consciously repeated US intelligence that “wasn’t rock solid, officials said, to keep Russian President Vladimir Putin off balance.”


“How dare you doubt the narrative of the government that admitted that it’s lying to you,” Leon said ironically, characterizing it as a type of “noble lie,” a political ploy of social control dating back to Plato’s Republic, which Leon summarized as “‘we’re lying to you because we have to.”


The Howard University professor rejected the notion that Sputnik’s reporting is simply “questioning” the dominant narrative: “we are providing evidence and analysis by those who know, that challenge the narrative.”


“Every American knows they’ve been lied into war multiple times over the past two decades. I mean, let’s go back to ‘Remember the Maine,” Kavanaugh said, recalling the role yellow journalism played in whipping up popular support for the Spanish-American War after the battleship USS Maine mysteriously sunk in Havana harbor in 1898.


The author said that in that situation, “the press is part of the government apparatus that is pushing you, manufacturing consent for war. And this is what’s happening now. And for the media, for journalists to get up and say ‘there’s a real problem with any journalism, any media that sows doubt about that, that makes you think twice about that, about going to war, resist wartime propaganda that we’re giving you,’ I mean, that’s just outrageous that a journalist could think that would be something that they should say or could say and have any credibility. But that’s the stage we’re at now and it’s very frightening, and it’s going to get worse, I think.”


Another prescient example they cited was White House spokesperson Jen Psaki reportedly planning on leaving the Biden administration for a job at MSNBC, one of the agencies whose reporters are supposed to grill the press secretary daily and hold the government accountable.


“From what’s reported, she was negotiating between CNN and MSNBC while she was working for the White House. So the thought is, she was being deferential to both MSNBC and CNN, trying to negotiate the best position for herself,” Leon noted.


“I’m not negotiating for a job with CNN or MSNBC, neither are you guys, and that’s the point. There is this kind of incestuous relationship between the media and the politicians,” Kavanaugh added.










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