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dragonsea — faster delivery of goods powered by the wind......
We already have explored passenger travel with the SeaGlider. Now the new logistics of goods transfer for a fossil fuel-free new world. Here is gus' 1500 tonnes cargo-ship the DragonSea: 33 knots at most times.
The sketch above needs some mighty refinements on the wing shapes to maximise efficiency of forward motions using the wing differentials and the hull(s) resistance. Only test and computer calculations can solve the equations. On this project Gus chose a catamaran versus a single hull to provide more stability. The wings are based on a giant (slow) Russian bomber, the Kalinin K-7. Massive universal joints allow for fold back, as well as up and down 10 degrees of the wings angle facing the wind.
Note that the logistics of pier, jetty and harbours DO NOT NEED CRANES... due to the smaller size of containers most of which accommodate the 120 x 2400 sheet size of most building materials. Double containers can be use for bulkier items, still based on the modular size of 1.5 x 2.6 x 2.1 metres...
Cheers. GL
FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a $10,000 bet…...
From Veritasium....
A UCLA Physics Professor bet me $10,000 that my video about going downwind faster than the wind was wrong. This video is sponsored by Brilliant. The first 200 people to sign up via get 20% off a yearly subscription.
For more information about the Veritasium Science Communication Contest check out --
The wager agreement:
Prof. Kusenko's slides:
My rebuttal:
Huge thanks to Xyla Foxlin for building the model cart, and making the instructions so accessible to the public. Check out Xyla's video --
A massive thanks to Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and Sean Carroll for witnessing the signing of the wager.
A huge thanks to Prof. Alexander Kusenko for being a man of honour -- it's a difficult thing to change your mind, especially in a public forum.
A huge thanks to Prof. Mark Drela for the interview and help making sure we got the physics right.
A massive thanks to Rick Cavallaro for making Blackbird, all your insights, analysis, data, and general help with these videos -- it was so fun to work with you on this crazy project -- check out Rick's channel
GusNote: The principle of the cart "going faster that the wind" is the same as the sailboats or sailcars going faster than the wind. The key of the car going directly downwind lies in the propeller size and ANGLE OF THE BLADES like the sailboats going at an angle of the wind. The energy is also "transformed" by the wheels or the centreboard or the displacement hull into a forward motion.
This is the principle on which my design of the SeaGlider and the DragonSea are based.
And by the way congratulation to Tom Slingsby.....
Australia have won the SailGP Championship for a second successive year, beating Japan and the United States in the Grand Final on a crazy, incident-filled day in San Francisco.
The Aussies and Driver Tom Slingsby, who won the inaugural Championship in 2019, defeated incredibly tough conditions to win the entire Mubadala Sail Grand Prix event, before overcoming Nathan Outteridge's Japan and Jimmy Spithill's USA in the winner-takes-all final race.
Same with the America's cup boats running at 4 TIMES THE SPEED OF THE WIND....
See also the New Zealand Record Land Speed Machine.
The AUTOGYRO USES THE SAME PRINCIPLE OF ENERGY CONVERSION as above, except the forward motion, provided by an engine, is used to spin a free-wheeling prop that provides lift. Amazing, and it works....
An autogyro (from Greek αὐτός and γύρος, "self-turning"), also known as a gyroplane, is a type of rotorcraft that uses an unpowered rotor in free autorotation to develop lift. Forward thrust is provided independently, by an engine-driven propeller. While similar to a helicopter rotor in appearance, the autogyro's rotor must have air flowing across the rotor disc to generate rotation, and the air flows upwards through the rotor disc rather than down.
The autogyro was invented by Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva in an attempt to create an aircraft that could fly safely at low speeds. He first flew one on 9 January 1923, at Cuatro Vientos Airfield in Madrid.[1] The aircraft resembled the fixed-wing aircraft of the day, with a front-mounted engine and propeller. Cierva's autogyro is considered the predecessor of the modern helicopter.[2][3]
The success of the autogyro garnered the interest of industrialists and under license from Cierva in the 1920s and 1930s, the Pitcairn & Kellett companies made further innovations.[4] Late-model autogyros patterned after Etienne Dormoy's Buhl A-1 Autogyro and Igor Bensen's designs feature a rear-mounted engine and propeller in a pusher configuration.
The term Autogiro was a trademark of the Cierva Autogiro Company, and the term "Gyrocopter" (derived from helicopter) was used by E. Burke Wilford who developed the Reiseler Kreiser feathering rotor equipped gyroplane in the first half of the twentieth century. The latter term was later adopted as a trademark by Bensen Aircraft.
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a submission....
At the occasion of our 350th anniversary, Merck is sponsoring the Future Insight™ prize to stimulate innovative solutions to solve some of humanities greatest problems and to realize the dreams for a better tomorrow in the areas of health, nutrition and energy. The Future Insight™ prize will put the vision for ambitious dream products of global importance for humankind into the world and will trigger curiosity and creativity worldwide on how to make this vision a reality. We intend to give out up to EUR 1,000,000 annually for the next 35 years to incentivize people whose work has enabled significant progress towards making this vision a reality via discovering new ground-breaking science or via development of enabling technologies.
[email protected].
UNDER: Energy - CO2 conversion (2022)
We don't qualify because we don't "convert CO2", we just don't use CO2 for sea transport....
Gus Leonisky..... Not holding my breath....