Wednesday 19th of March 2025

the USA had run out of its own little wars…….

The White House has brushed aside concerns over a formal complaint from Russia, apparently sent to the US after Washington announced its latest $800-million package of weapons supplies to Ukraine. Press Secretary Jen Psaki appeared to call the message an “empty threat” during her Monday briefing.

Psaki was asked about the warning, in which Moscow allegedly mentioned the “unpredictable consequences” of Washington’s continued arming of Ukrainian troops with increasingly sophisticated weapons. The note was reported last week by US media.

“We’re not going to comment. I mean, I’m not going to speculate on empty threats or threats by President [Vladimir] Putin or by Russian leadership,” Psaki told journalists.

She added that US assistance for Ukraine will continue, as promised by US President Joe Biden. Other US officials made statements in the same vein last week.


The letter from Moscow accuses NATO of pressuring Ukraine to abandon negotiations with Russia “in order to continue the bloodshed,” and condemned Washington for encouraging more arms supplies, according to media reports. Neither Washington nor Moscow have confirmed them.

Russia repeatedly warned that the arms shipments being sent by the US and its allies to Ukraine were a destabilizing factor. Convoys could be attacked by the Russian military once they reach Ukrainian soil, Moscow has also said.

According to the Russian government, the support is emboldening Kiev and will only result in continuation of the armed conflict, with casualties piling up and damage to Ukraine increasing correspondingly. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu assessed on Tuesday that the growing volume of weapons that the US pledged to send to Ukraine indicated that it wanted a fight “to the last Ukrainian”.

Western nations have insisted that the arms supplies are meant to help Ukraine defend itself from Russian “aggression” and to inflict a cost on the Russian troops. Foreign officials have reportedly pressured the Ukrainian government to keep on fighting until they secure necessary concessions from the Kremlin. Moscow has repeatedly said it will achieve all its objectives in Ukraine despite the resistance. 

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine's failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow's eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.






more dead, more profits…….


BY Peter Van Buren


It is hard to escape the images from Ukraine, but easy not to think about them. So, let’s think about them hard.

The bodies themselves are the only truth; there but for the grace of God goes us and all that. Were they Russian separatists? Ukrainian heroes? People on the way home from work? People far from home or abandoned even by loved ones in their own backyards? How little it matters, when they are placed next to each other on the ground. But politics always makes for stranger bedfellows now and forever.

As we make some deal over their deaths—with war crimes accusations levied by a nation (America) which quit the International Criminal Court in 2002 ahead of the Iraq War and as a see ya for Israel being charged with war crimes in the Strip—what say the shadows, the 460,000 dead in Iraq or the 1,353,000 in Vietnam? (Say that one again, Vietnam, because, yes, it echoes behind each muddy footprint, down the halls of State and Defense, Vietnam, where the most senior generals from many nations learned their craft.)

There is truth to the phrase “never again,” but it is this truth: We will never again (admit it if we) lose another war, which is why more people are going to have to die, because Putin’s win could be seen as, once again, our loss. But these in Ukraine are not American deaths, not really dead because of America, so we can point and declare right from wrong, right? Just as we decry those who judge us, we shall judge trespasses against them.

I saw a little of war, a year in Iraq, a civilian witness—saw more than a lot, saw a lot less than some, but even a little is enough. Because after the first one you can remember bodies become repetitive until all that matters is how many of them there are. They no longer matter individually, only in the collective sense. The standard is six million, anything else is something less, made to matter by evoking the six million as a comparison, or the 500 from My Lai, or 35,000 from Dresden, or the 800,000 from Stalingrad. Stalingrad taught us to think “civilians and soldiers” was a joke left from the 19th century when armies walked to a nearby field, war a ritual.

Karl Doenitz, the head of Germany’s U-Boat program during World War II, stood trial at Nuremberg for war crimes, specifically, unrestricted submarine warfare against civilian shipping. Doenitz, in his defense, raised the fact that the Allies practiced much the same style of war at sea. He even sought testimony from U.S. naval personnel as part of his defense. Doenitz raised broad, almost philosophical questions about commerce warfare, including belligerent conduct by armed merchant ships, contraband hidden aboard “civilian” ships, war at sea as a required evil for a nation under blockade, war zones, commerce control, and non-neutral service.

But it was the non-rescue policy for enemy survivors which most of all brought Doenitz to judgment at Nuremberg. Doenitz in 1940 issued Standing Order 154 to his U-boats, “Do not pick up survivors and take them with you…The enemy began the war in order to destroy us, so nothing else matters.” At his trial he raised the question of why it was allowable to seek to kill people one moment, before their ship sank, but not one moment afterward, when they were in the water. He pointed out weapons were designed not to win wars per se but to destroy people efficiently, as we now know with modern cluster bombs and so-called hyperbaric vacuum bombs in Ukraine.

Doenitz was found guilty but his testimony sharply resonated with other combatants. Over 100 senior Allied officers sent letters conveying their disappointment over the guilty verdict. They understood killing was killing and that rules were for the victors to use, later, as politics required, and never wanted to find themselves so entrapped.

We look at those horrible photos again from Ukraine. Who are the dead? Some are collaborators shot by Ukrainians, some are innocents shot by Russians, some are civilian combatants who took up arms for one side or another. Some may even have been ethnically cleansed—or just fake images, or old photos.

None of that matters. The media tells us to react. All that’s left is for someone to find a way for our computers to deliver a little food pellet along with the ultra-violence. It’s just about the stim, little jolts to the cerebellum, isn’t it? None of us have any idea who the dead bodies represent in Ukraine, and who shot them, and why. We just enjoy the thrill, and the flexibility of creating our own righteous story. We don’t grieve, we politicize.

The truth is much more restrained as we understand it at this point in the war. Human Rights Watch documented Russian military forces committing law-of-war violations against civilians in occupied areas of the Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Kiev regions of Ukraine. These include one case of rape, and two cases of summary execution—one of six men, the other of one man. There were other non-specific instances of unlawful violence and threats against civilians. Soldiers were also implicated in looting civilian property, including food, clothing, and firewood.

That’s the sum of it. One rape, seven executed. No death is to be celebrated or dismissed but a handful of war crimes does not equal a crime against humanity, or whatever Biden and Zelensky are claiming today. Overstating the actual situation will only serve to make the public numb. The Ukrainians are approaching the jump their shark moment, and since we’re talking about propaganda here, not deaths, the phrase is appropriate. Human Rights Watch says the Russians looted firewood! What horrors will follow?! At some point, the louder it all gets the fewer who listen.

But in the end there is always the small story and the big story, often so big it runs over the edges of our monitors, so that because of its size we don’t see it. We talk about peace, but the only place we all seem to live in some sort of harmony is in the land described by the Panama Papers, countries and statelets that pimp out their economies and legal systems to the global rich (oligarchs and entrepreneurs, it’s just the difference in word choice and how many feet of waterline their yachts have) so that sanctions become a poor man’s punishment. What’s gas and meat cost in your neck of the woods?

The cover story never really changed. Our parents were told the raison d’etre was to destroy communism. We were later promised once we achieved nuclear parity with Russia it would all be over, then told once we won the next proxy war (Cuba, Greece, Laos, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Panama, Haiti, Iran, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Syria, Yemen) things would be right. Then the Soviet Union did collapse and after a brief lull (“the end of history”) we all went right back to the old game.

The bodies, you see, don’t matter. They never really matter.



Peter Van Buren is the author of We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi PeopleHooper’s War: A Novel of WWII Japanand Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the 99 Percent.







GusNote: despite the rumbling rabbles in the Western media, the Russians are tying to minimise the number of death un Ukraine. It's only the US and NATO that are trying to prolong the agony of war and increase the number of death. It would have cost nothing for Zelenskyyyyy-y to acquiesce to the Russian demands: No NATO in Ukraine, the Donbass region being autonomous in Ukraine, and Crimea by right and popular vote to be Russian territory as it was prior 1954.





to state the obvious.....

To state the obvious, Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a bald-faced war of aggression. And brave Ukrainian and international journalists have risked — and lost — their lives to bring firsthand accounts of Russian atrocities to the world’s attention.

But here in the United States, too many in the corporate news media have reacted by becoming propagandists for the U.S. and NATO — even as Biden administration officials privately admit that they’ve been intentionally manipulating reporters by circulating unverified intelligence.


This is A MESSAGE FROM "THE INTERCEPT" to its subcribers (Gus isn't, but gets relayed messages)....


It is very noble of "The Intercept" not to become a propagandist for the US and NATO. But when one starts with: "To state the obvious..." and carry on with "brave Ukrainians" one can see bullshit caveats of US propaganda on the edge of credibility...


To state the obvious: THE AGGRESSION WAS NOT STARTED BY PUTIN, BUT BY UKRAINE. Ukraine, even under Jesus Christ Zelenskyyyyy-y, was aggressing the Donbass autonomous regions daily, starting since 2014 (an possibly before this)...

This could not go on.


Beyond this, Putin stated:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that he chose to attack Ukraine beyond the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) to prevent the West from“endlessly” supplying “nationalists and radicals” with various resources, such as weapons and money. He added that the Russian forces were “practically done” destroying Ukrainian military sites, such as air defenses and weapons depots.

The president stated that he had ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine last week in order to neutralize the “real threat” coming from Kiev and NATO. Moscow has long protested the Western military infrastructure along its borders and Ukraine’s aspirations to join the US-led bloc.




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