Saturday 11th of January 2025

wolfie .....

wolfie .....

‘Pressure for World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz to resign grew yesterday as the bank's board wrangled behind the scenes over whether his approval of a high-paying promotion for his girlfriend bent rules.

The controversy overshadowed the start of meetings here of finance and aid ministers from rich and developing countries.

World Bank staff and global-development organizations called for Mr Wolfowitz to step down as anger increased even after a public apology on Thursday in which he said he erred in the handling of the 2005 promotion of Shaha Riza, a former senior communications officer in the bank's Middle East department.

Bank staff expressed their outrage on internal Internet bulletin boards, which included calls for Mr Wolfowitz to resign and support for a staff protest today.

The outpouring reflected resentment over Mr Wolfowitz's close ties to the Bush administration and his role as an architect of the Iraq war while he was U.S. deputy defence secretary.’

Pressure Builds For Wolfowitz To Step Down

schlock & awe .....

Wolfie, the son of a fervent Zionist who taught himself Arabic & became one of the major architects of neo-conservative hawkery, is madly enthralled with his Tunisian/Libyan/Syrian/Saudi Muslim girlfriend: a woman described as a "feminist".

While Wolfie was serving as Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Pentagon directed a military contractor to hire his World Bank girlfriend - Shaha Ali Riza - to spend a month in 2003 studying issues related to setting up a new government in Iraq.

Shaha was apparently determined to take down Saddam Hussein & is bitterly divorced from her Turkish ex-husband, a Caspian oil expert who opposes Bush & the Iraq invasion.

Meanwhile, Wolfie's wife, Clare - that's right, he's not divorced - is reported to have written to bushit years ago, warning him that her husband's adultery could jeopardize national security!

"Shock & Awe" is really starting to make more sense now ...

Wolfie the cow

Gus: I can only describe Wolfowitz as a cow. His desire to get rid of Saddam was never going to go according to plan. Everyone with a brain would have told him... He was — and is — a lunatic to ever think it would work. Now, this CEO of the world bank — "in charge of helping the poor" — is responsible for having ruined the lives of more than 3 million people directly and as much as 20 million indirectly.

All up, "his" war in Iraq — taken up by Bush, Blair and Howard — has resulted in nearly 2.5 million refugees, living in the poorest of conditions, in nearly 700,000 dead and also resulted in a population of more than 20 million living in fear, harbouring the spirit of revenge and facing ruin — many living inside ruins.

That Bush offered Wolfowitz the job of CEO at the WB shows how affluent America has sunk far below the moral plimsol line. All these monsters — from Wolfowitz to Howard, yes, "our" UnAustralian Howard, should resign and let others fix their mess.

They are lucky they have not been brought to justice, but history might not be so kind to them, once they've gone.

It's time to start with Wolfowitz. He should be sacked.