Wednesday 19th of March 2025

dear zelenskyyyy-y, there's no weapons in heaven, only in hell…….

US will move ‘heaven and earth’ to back Ukraine – Pentagon


The defense Secretary pledges to do whatever is necessary to give Kiev what it wants


The US will move “heaven and earth” to supply Ukraine with what it says it needs to fight Russia, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said. The announcement came on Tuesday at a 40-country meeting aimed at getting Washington’s allies on board the mission to prop up Kiev’s defenses.


Summoned by the US at its German airbase Ramstein, the meeting’s official purpose was “to help Ukraine win the fight against Russia’s unjust invasion and to build up Ukraine’s defenses for tomorrow’s challenges,” in Austin’s words. “Ukraine clearly believes that it can win and so does everyone here,” he continued, speaking for the many US-allied nations present.

While Washington, as the top-dollar donor to Kiev, will “keep moving heaven and earth so that we can meet” the needs of the Ukrainian government, Austin made it clear other countries would be expected to pony up.

Germany, which had previously pleaded scarcity, insisting its own army lacked sufficient weapons to send the surplus to Ukraine, has had a change of heart, according to Defense Minister Christine Lamprecht, who revealed Berlin would send used Gepard anti-aircraft tanks and purchase new equipment from German arms manufacturers to be shipped directly to the Ukrainian military.

“Ukraine orders and Germany pays,” she pledged.

France will provide Caesar cannons, which have a range of up to 40km, while the UK has supplied Starstreak missiles and tanks. The US has stepped up its own heavy weapons deliveries, showering Kiev with howitzers and armored vehicles. 


Austin nevertheless insisted the countries present do more to help. “Ukraine needs our help to win today and they will still need our help when the war is over,” he said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has claimed his country needs $7 billion per month to compensate for “economic losses” allegedly caused by the Russian offensive. He has also asked for a whopping $50 billion from G7 countries, citing escalating financial demands on his government. The US has already sent over $3 billion in military aid this year alone.


READ MORE: Ukraine asks G7 for $50 billion


Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.





corrupt like hell….

Risking Nuclear War for a Corrupt, Increasingly Repressive Ukraine


by  Posted on April 26, 2022


Fortunately, President Biden thus far has rejected the most risky policies that hawks are pushing in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Despite being under intense pressure, he continues to rule out proclaiming a no-fly zone, and he flatly rejects suggestions (including from one close political ally) that he consider sending U.S. troops to Ukraine. However, even the policies the administration has embraced entail an unacceptable risk of entangling the United States in a military confrontation with a nuclear-armed power. The United States and some NATO allies are pouring increasingly sophisticated weapons into Ukraine to bolster that country’s resistance to the invasion. Russia recently reiterated its warning that such shipments are legitimate military targets. In addition to lavishing arms on Ukraine, Washington is sharing key military intelligence with Kyiv. The United States is skirting very close to becoming an outright belligerent in an extremely dangerous war. 

It would be imprudent for US leaders to put America at such risk even if Ukraine were the most splendid, pristine democracy in history. It is utterly irresponsible to do so for an appalling corrupt and increasingly authoritarian country. Yet that is an accurate characterization of today’s Ukraine. 

The twin problems of corruption and repression were evident well before Russia launched its invasion. Ukraine has long been one of the more corrupt countries in the international system, and that situation did not improve appreciably after the so-called Orange Revolution put pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko in the presidency in January 2005. Corruption charges continuously plagued Yushchenko’s presidency. The optics were not improved by his 19-year-old son’s ostentatious lifestyle, including tooling around the streets of Kyiv in a new BMW sports car worth $120,000. Media accounts proliferated about the apparent financial improprieties involving the president and his family. 

A similar process occurred after the so-called Maidan revolution in 2014, when U.S.-backed demonstrators overthrew Ukraine’s elected, pro-Russia president, Viktor Yanukovich. The new president who emerged from that turmoil, oligarch Petro Poroshenko, was at least as corrupt as any of his predecessors. Indeed, public frustration at the pervasive financial sleaze in his government was a prominent reason for the victory of maverick comedian Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine’s 2019 presidential election.

Efforts to smother domestic critics also became evident just months after the Maidan revolution, and they have accelerated as the years passed. Ukrainian officials harassed political dissidentsadopted censorship measures, and barred foreign journalists they regarded as critics of the government and its policies. Such offensive actions were criticized by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and other independent observers. The neo‐​Nazi Azov Battalion became an integral part of Poroshenko’s military and security apparatus, and it has retained that role during Zelensky’s presidency. 

The corruption problem remains extremely tenacious, and the level of repression is rapidly growing worse. At best, the extent of corruption has improved just marginally under Zelensky’s leadership. In its annual report published in January 2022, Transparency International ranked Ukraine 122 out of 180 countries examined, with a score of 32 on a 1 to 100-point scale. By comparison, Russia, with its notorious level of corruption, ranked just modestly lower, 136, with a score of 29. 

Kyiv’s track record on democracy and civil liberties before the current war was not much better than its performance regarding corruption. In Freedom House’s 2022 report, Ukraine was listed in the "partly free" category, with a score of 61 out of a possible 100. Other countries in that category included such models of democracy as Rodrigo Duterte’s Philippines (55), Serbia (62), and Singapore (47). Interestingly, Hungary, which is a frequent target of vitriolic criticism among progressives in the West because of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s anti-globalist stance and his conservative domestic social policies, ranked 8 points higher than did Ukraine, which is the recipient of uncritical praise from the same Western ideological factions. 

Human Rights Watch’s 2021 report on Ukraine also was far from favorable. "Justice for conflict-related abuses by government forces, including arbitrary detentions, torture or ill-treatment remained elusive." Equally troubling, "the government proposed legislative amendments that threaten freedom of expression and media. Journalists and media workers faced harassment and threats connected to their reporting." Those were not exactly the characteristics of what Western admirers contend is a "young and vibrant democracy."

Even before the onset of the war, the level of repression was worrisome under Zelensky. In February 2021, the Ukrainian government closed several opposition media outlets on the basis of allegations that they were Russian propaganda tools. The owner of three of the closed television stations, Viktor Medvedchuk, was indeed a longtime friend of Vladimir Putin, but he was also a Ukrainian citizen supposedly entitled to participate in a free press. In May 2021, the Zelensky government arrested Medvedchuk and charged him with treason. As 2021 drew to a close, there were ominous indications that Ukraine’s "democratic" government was becoming ever more autocratic. In late December, authorities even charged former president Petro Poroshenko with treason. Much as the French Revolution did, Ukraine’s Maidan revolution was becoming increasingly intolerant, and it exhibited signs of devouring some of its own leaders.

Matters have become decidedly worse in a wartime setting. Zelensky promptly used the war as a justification for outlawing 11 opposition parties and combining all national television stations into one platform to ensure a unified message about the war and prevent so-called disinformation. The overall miasma of repression grows thicker. Zelensky fired two top national security officials and accused them of being traitors. Other, lesser known, officials have suffered similar fates. Indeed, vague "treason" allegations have become an all-purpose justification for arresting, torturing, and even assassinating a growing number of regime opponents. The incidents have become far too numerous to discuss in an op-ed, but one can find good, detailed treatments here and here.

Zelensky’s conduct makes a mockery of the hero worship now taking place in much of America’s establishment news media. A typical example is a fawning April 19, 2022, New York Times piece by columnist Bret Stephens describing the many reasons why Americans like the Ukrainian leader so much. One of them is that "We admire Zelensky because he has restored the idea of the free world to its proper place. The free world isn’t a cultural expression, as in ‘the West’; or a security concept, as in NATO; or an economic description, as in ‘the developed world.’ Membership in the free world belongs to any country that subscribes to the notion that the power of the state exists first and foremost to protect the rights of the individual. And the responsibility of the free world is to aid and champion any of its members menaced by invasion and tyranny."

If that justification and several other equally vapid reasons Stephens cites were not enough, "We admire Zelensky because he holds out the hope that our own troubled democracies may yet elect leaders who can inspire, ennoble, even save us. Perhaps we can do so when the hour isn’t quite as late as it is now for the people of Ukraine and their indomitable leader." Victims now in Zelensky’s torture chambers would likely disagree with Stephens’ assessment.

Dismissing arguments for intervening militarily in the chronically unstable Balkans, 19th Century German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck contended that the Balkans were "not worth the life of a single Pomeranian grenadier." Corrupt and increasingly authoritarian Ukraine is not worth the life of a single American. Risking war with a nuclear-armed Russia that could take the lives of millions of Americans is beyond shameful. The Biden administration needs to take several firm steps back from the abyss. 

Ted Galen Carpenter, a senior fellow in defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, is the author of 12 books and more than 950 articles on international affairs.








GusNote: although the Russian "invasion" of Ukraine can appear ruthless, it is tactically minimalist (so far)... It has to do with Russian security that has been under threat from Ukraine's actions — most actions inspired by the US Empire via NATO. Most Western media, including Japanese media claim that Russia is promoting fake reasons for the "invasion" via its propaganda media.


Japan has a beef with Russia about the Kuril Islands and will do all it can to damage Russia's international standing. Unless one is blind, like most of the Western pollies, the West has gone crazy with Russophobia (and Sinophobia) because the American dream (nightmare) is to destroy China and Russia, using their slaveys — including Australia, Europe and Japan — to prod the caper for no other reason than to achieve control (and own) a unipolar world. US exceptionalism (which we have heard about ad infinitum) is not a vague concept. It is hard core war and conquest

Until the US come to term with a "multipolar" world, we will have to accuse the US of blatant DECEIT. This site has done so since its inception... See: "The Age of Deceit" for example and more.... such as memoirs, in collusion...




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nazis in ukrainus….



Ukraine : the Second World War continues


by Thierry Meyssan


Nato propaganda tries to minimize the presence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine by comparing it with that of equivalent groups in the rest of the West. The truth is very different. Bandéristes have gradually taken over the country over the last 30 years, rewriting history, training the youth and changing all the symbols of the state one by one. They have indoctrinated a third of the population and represent a good third of the armed forces. Their goal is to destroy Russia, which they are trying to do with the help of the Straussians.





The Jewish oligarch and sponsor of the Banderites, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, launched the humorist Volodymyr Zelensky into politics. He broadcast his television series Servant of the People, then organized a political party for him and finally presented him to the presidential election.


Giving a course in political communication, Alexej Arystowitsch, President Zelenski’s strategic communication adviser, asks “How to cheat? Who can define the principles?“, then noting that the answers do not come, he declares:” We must say exactly the opposite. If you are strong, show that you are weak. If you are close, show that you are far. If you are far away, show that you are close. It is necessary to do the opposite of the real situation. Note that this is not a trivial question. How to cheat exactly? What direction to choose to cheat in order to cheat correctly and successfully. Deceiving, to put it scientifically”

His program consists of six points: 

 Decentralize power in accordance with European standards
 Transform public administrations into European-style prefectures 

 Raise the standard of living of Ukrainians to a level above the European average
 Adopt laws necessary for the implementation of an association agreement between Ukraine and the EU 

 Develop cooperation with the EU and NATO
 Reform the armed forces in accordance with NATO standards.

Ukrainians who appreciated the crusade of this young artist against corruption, are seduced by his European dream and do not understand what his admiration for Nato means, elected him with 73% of the vote on April 21, 2019.

In March 2021, the city of Ternopol, and then the Lviv oblast renamed their stadiums in honor of General Roman Shukhevych (the father of the founder of the Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense Militia) and Stepan Bandera.

On July 1, 2021, President Volodymyr Zelensky enacts the Law on Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine. By default, citizens of Russian origin can no longer invoke human rights in court

On November 2, 2021, Dmitryo Yarosh became an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armies, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi. All Banderite paramilitary organizations, 102,000 men were incorporated into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A plan of attack on Crimea and Donbass was drawn up. NATO, which already had military instructors on site, sent weapons.

On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin attacked Ukraine to "denazify the country ».


Thierry Meyssan









GusNote: although the Russian "invasion" of Ukraine can appear ruthless, it is tactically minimalist (so far)... It has to do with Russian security that has been under threat from Ukraine's actions — most actions inspired by the US Empire via NATO. Most Western media, including Japanese media claim that Russia is promoting fake reasons for the "invasion" via its propaganda media. 


Japan has a beef with Russia about the Kuril Islands and will do all it can to damage Russia's international standing. Unless one is blind, like most of the Western pollies, the West has gone crazy with Russophobia (and Sinophobia) because the American dream (nightmare) is to destroy China and Russia, using their slaveys — including Australia, Europe and Japan — to prod the caper for no other reason than to achieve control (and own) a unipolar worldUS exceptionalism (which we have heard about ad infinitum) is not a vague concept. It is hard core war and conquest

Until the US come to term with a "multipolar" world, we will have to accuse the US of blatant DECEIT. This site has done so since its inception... See: "The Age of Deceit" for example and more.... such as memoirs, in collusion...



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