Saturday 11th of January 2025

feral phoney .....


feral phoney .....

from the ABC …..

Howard stakes claim for underdog tag

The Prime Minister says his Government will go to the next election as the underdog.

John Howard says he will know at the time of the election whether he has retained the goodwill of the public and if the union movement has won the public relations war on the WorkChoices legislation.

He told Brisbane radio 4BC he has made his share of mistakes but he tries to listen to the Australian public.

"I have no tickets on myself and if I'm getting things wrong and people tell me I absorb that," he said.

"If I think it's right in the interest of the country to change I will, but in the end it's what matters for Australia that drives me."


Gus: He must be listening to a different public on a different planet, unless he listens to a selected few ... his little war in Iraq was a masterpiece of NOT LISTENING...

Meanwhile in the USA

For ’08 Résumés, Don’t Ask Them to Fill in Blanks

Published: May 17, 2007

WASHINGTON, May 16 — Stealing a page from the Soviet playbook, the current crop of presidential candidates has taken to eliminating whole chapters of their histories.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s turbulent final years as first lady? While Mrs. Clinton, a New York Democrat, frequently invokes husband Bill on the stump, she has managed to avoid any mention of his impeachment and the unpleasantness leading to it.

Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, almost never brings up campaign finance overhaul, perhaps his signature achievement in the Senate. The McCain-Feingold finance law is loathed by many of the conservatives Mr. McCain is courting, and he typically only discusses the measure when opponents hurl it at him — as Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, did in a debate on Tuesday.



PM's annihilation warning a 'political tactic'

The Federal Opposition says the Prime Minister's warning to his colleagues that the Coalition could face electoral "annihilation" is a short-term political tactic.

Yesterday John Howard told his party room that the polls showed Labor would win emphatically if an election was held now.

Another poll published in the Bulletin magazine today shows more than half of those surveyed think Mr Howard should retire, and puts Kevin Rudd well ahead of Mr Howard in the 'better prime minister' measure.

Labor's treasury spokesman Wayne Swan has dismissed Mr Howard's party room warning.

"It's just another tricky political tactic from John Howard," he said.


Gus: see cartoon at the head of this line of blogs... And anyway as "we all know" (to use a Rattus platitudinal broadbrush) the PM does not pay attention to polls and makes policies "in the national interest..." (another rattus broadbrush, secretly designed to include YOU in his demolition job of YOU so YOU feel responsible for YOUR own headaches)...