Thursday 20th of March 2025

world domination by the new fascists: the USA……...

In two months, the Russian special military operation against the Banderites has turned into a real war between the Russians and the Donbass People’s Republics on the one hand and the Nato-backed Ukrainians on the other.

A Ukrainian victory would be a blow against Russia and a Russian victory would mark the death of NATO. Neither of the two protagonists can back down. So all moves are allowed.

First, the Banderites saw their former allies from the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) and the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) [1], such as 3,000 militiamen from the Turkish Grey Wolves, flocking to Ukraine.


Washington hopes to re-establish its hyper-power thanks to the war in Ukraine


by Thierry Meyssan


The evolution of the Russian military operation in Ukraine into a real war between Moscow and Washington has opened a Pandora’s box. The objectives of the Westerners are adapting. It is no longer a question of defending the Banderites against Russia, but of weakening both sides (including the European Union) in order to restore the American hyper-power and its unipolar world.


This article is a follow-up to : 

 1. "Russia wants to force the US to respect the UN Charter," January 4, 2022.
 2. "Washington pursues RAND plan in Kazakhstan, then Transnistria," January 11, 2022. 

 3. "Washington refuses to hear Russia and China," January 18, 2022.
 4. "Washington and London, deafened", February 1, 2022. 

 5. "Washington and London try to preserve their domination over Europe", February 8, 2022.
 6. “Two interpretations of the Ukrainian affair”, 16 February 2022. 

 7. “Washington sounds the alarm, while its allies withdraw”, 22 February 2022.
 8. “Russia declares war on the Straussians”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 5 March 2022. 

 9. "A gang of drug addicts and neo-nazis”, 5 March 2022.
 10 “Israel stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis”, 8 March 2022. 

 11. "Ukraine: the great manipulation", March 22, 2022.
 12. "The New World Order being prepared under the pretext of war in Ukraine", 29 March 2022. 

 13. “The war propaganda changes its shape”, 5 April 2022.
 14. "The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the banditry", 12 April 2022. 

 15. "The end of Western domination", April 19, 2022.
 16. "Ukraine: the Second World War never ended", April 26, 2022.



While the ABN and the WACL, without having completely disappeared, have been replaced by the secret Centuria Order, the anti-Russian ideological links and the fraternity developed during the secret operations of the Cold War are still there. During the war against Syria, the links established between jihadists of several nationalities during their successive battles under the command of the CIA in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chechnya and Kosovo were also noted.



It appears today that this war is bound to last and to grow. These networks are therefore continuing their mobilization. For example, for the time being, no Asian combatants have been reported, even though Chiang Kai-shek had offered very significant assistance to the WACL, even going so far as to set up the Political Warfare Cadres Academy of the Ukrainian Banderite Yaroslav Stetsko in Taiwan. This school was the equivalent of the Psychological Warfare Center of Fort Bragg (USA) and the School of Americas in Panama, including torture courses. The governor of Mykolayev of Koryo-Saram origin, Vitaly Kim, could make the connection with the successors of the South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee.

The League was thoroughly transformed in 1983 on the advice of the Straussian Edward Luttwak [2]. It changed its name to the World League for Freedom and Democracy (WLFD) when the USSR was dissolved. It held its last congress on January 23 and 24, 2022 in Taiwan, under the presidency of Yao Eng-chi, a senior Kuomintang official. It has a consultative status at the UN and an office in the Organization’s premises. It continues to receive nearly $1 million in annual funding from Taipei. The Taiwanese government’s secrecy law covers its activities.



While the CIA-supported continuators of fascist militias from around the world have joined the Banderites, Nato is keeping its distance from the Ukrainian army. This is to avoid a direct conflict between the United States and Russia, two nuclear powers.

The Pentagon therefore convened a meeting on April 26, 2022 at its German base in Ramstein to force 43 of its allies to give weapons to the Ukrainians. Knowing that before the war, the Zelensky government considered that a third of the armed forces were composed of Banderites militias, these weapons will go to the neo-Nazis. All states with competent intelligence services know this. But they are so tetanized by Uncle Sam that only Israel dared to boycott this meeting [3]. However, Washington’s influence is not what it used to be: it was able to mobilize the participation of 66 states to support the jihadists militarily against Syria. These states represent a third of the members of the UN, but only a tenth of the world’s population. We can see how much the position of the United States has weakened.

Moreover, this influx of arms no longer makes it necessary for the Ukrainian army to attack the Moldavian Republic of Dniester (Transnistria), which houses the largest stockpile of weapons on the European continent.

On April 29, the White House obtained from Congress $33 billion in additional funds to arm Ukraine. This raises Ukraine’s military budget to the 11th largest in the world.

After two months of fighting, the US political forces have rallied to the Straussian war and imagined what they can get out of it. To become the hyper-power it once was, the United States had to replay the score from the beginning of the Second World War. In 1939, it had still not recovered from the economic crisis of 1929. New York was far behind its rival, Buenos Aires. The brilliant idea had been to let the Europeans tear each other apart by selling them mass-produced weapons in exchange for their family jewels. Washington did not commit itself until 1942, and then only with its fingertips. The war resulted in 55 million casualties, of which only 200,000 were American. The trick was to have leased weapons. After Victory came the time of reckoning. The British were forced to give up their empire, while the Soviet debts were spread over 60 years. They were only cleared by Vladimir Putin.

Congress should therefore quickly pass the "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lease Act of 2022", which has already passed the Senate (S. 3522). Economically, too, the Second World War continues [4].

This is an application of the "Wolfowitz Doctrine" of 1990: to prevent by all means a rival of the United States developing, with priority to weaken the European Union.

If this measure is a logistical rationalization and an excellent economic investment, it is also a military waste: the handling of most of these weapons requires long training which the Ukrainian fighters lack. They will therefore not be able to use them in the short term. Moreover, these weapons can only be used on the front line, but cannot be transported there because the electrical stations are already destroyed and the European diesel locomotives are not adaptable to the gauge of the Ukrainian and Russian railroads. In addition, the railroads have already been heavily bombed.


Given the corruption of President Volodymyr Zelensky, it is foreseeable that, unable to use these weapons, he will sell them on the black market. They will resurface on other battlefields, this time in the hands of non-state actors. In two months, this joker has already managed to embezzle hundreds of millions of dollars. Meanwhile, his People are suffering.

The US strategy to become the center of the world again will only work if the war spreads to the West. I am not talking about the inevitable military operations against Transnistria [5], but about the economic involvement of the members of the European Union.

To date, only the Poles and Bulgarians have refused to pay for Russian gas in rubles and are therefore deprived of supplies. All other EU members have already agreed to pay in rubles, but not directly to Gazprom, through bank intermediaries. Polish rantings that the country is about to switch suppliers do not help: Warsaw will import Russian gas from other European countries, which will pay in rubles. The only difference is that it will have to pay an additional intermediary.

By following their American overlord, Europeans must therefore expect both a sharp drop in their standard of living and the loss of their family jewels. No one seems to care.


For the moment, Russian military operations are strictly limited to the destruction of the huge Ukrainian defense infrastructure, which the West has no idea about. The mobile phase of the war has not yet begun. After months of shelling, it is expected to take place only during the summer and should be quick. The Russian army will then offer to move the population convinced by the Banderites to the remaining part of Ukraine.

The war has aroused irredentist appetites. Poland, which considered annexing the Kaliningrad enclave last month, is now considering occupying western Ukraine. It had already occupied this region, Galicia, during the interwar period, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dismembered. The idea would be to deploy "peacekeepers" and stay there. However, the Polish-Ukrainian war left bad memories between the two peoples and it is precisely in this context that the Banderites were formed. Incidentally, Stepan Bandera had the Polish Minister of the Interior, Bronisław Pieracki, assassinated. The Banderites claim to have avenged the repression of their party, but the reality is that Bandera was already a member of the Nazi Gestapo and was preparing the invasion of Poland by the Third Reich.

Romania said nothing for the moment, but positioned its troops. When the war extends to Transnistria, it will not hesitate to question the existence of both Transnistria and Moldavia, both Romanian in the 20th century. Hungary covets Ukrainian Transcarpathia, which it lost when the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell. Ukrainian governments discriminated against its predominantly Hungarian population after the "Revolution of Dignity" (the 2014 coup). Like Russian, its language was banned. Today, Transcarpathia is at peace. Russian troops have not attacked it. It serves as a refuge for Ukrainians from the internal opposition. Slovakia only has its eye on a few villages.

Russia, on the other hand, which only wanted to recognize the independence of Crimea (already part of the Russian Federation) and the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, announced on March 24 that it intended to annex all of southern Ukraine in order to link Transnistria, Crimea and the Donbass.

As a result of this Polish-Romanian-Magyar-Russian carve-up, Ukraine is expected to lose half of its territory and be reduced to its bare bones.



On April 26, UN Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez went to the Kremlin with two proposals. 

Create a joint UN-Russia-Ukraine commission to coordinate humanitarian efforts; 

To create with UN and International Red Cross personnel an exit corridor from the Azovstal factory in Marioupol for civilians who wish to leave.

So far, the Ukrainians have proposed humanitarian corridors to Moldova and Poland, while the Russians have proposed corridors to Belarus and Russia (knowing that the Banderites will be arrested and tried there). No agreement was reached.

As for the Azovstal factory in Marioupol, it is not known whether any civilians have taken refuge there. The Russian army created an exit corridor that 1,300 soldiers used to surrender, but no civilians went through. Ukrainian POWs have claimed that there are civilians being used as human shields by the Banderites, which Kiev denies. A Turkish personality, who favours an alliance with China and Russia rather than the United States, Doğu Perinçek, claimed that 50 French officers were trapped inside, without this imputation being verifiable [6]. Russia asked the UN to come and verify the conditions of detention of these 1,300 prisoners, which they did not do. It was a question of Moscow raising its humanitarian demands in order to obtain them for the Russian prisoners of the Ukrainians. Many videos are circulating attesting to the ill-treatment and torture they are undergoing.


Before the opening of the talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly reiterated his country’s position: Russia rejects the rules laid down by the West and demands respect for the UN Charter (which was the subject of the proposal for a bilateral US-Russia peace treaty on December 17, 2021 [7].

The UN Secretary General then explained that, according to general opinion, the UN Charter condemns the invasion of a sovereign country. The Russian president replied that this is a special case: Ukraine has publicly declared that it will not implement the Minsk agreements registered by the Security Council and has attacked its own population of Donbass with heavy weapons. After eight years of resistance, these populations voted for independence and their governments called on Russia for help, which it did under Article 51 of the Charter.

Vladimir Putin then referred to the decision of the International Court of Justice on the independence of Kosovo. The Court declared that the right of peoples to self-determination could be applied without the consent of the central authority to which they were previously subject. This was not disputed. In Kosovo, however, it was the National Assembly that proclaimed independence, while in Donbass, it was the people who proclaimed it directly in a referendum.

At the end of the discussion, the United Nations and the International Red Cross agreed with Russia to establish a procedure for the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal plant in Marioupol.



In the meantime, the war propaganda continues. It is striking to note that the two sides are addressing different targets and using different methods.

London and Washington seek to convince Westerners of their narrative. They do not address the Ukrainians, let alone the Russians. They impose their point of view through repetition, then move on. They concentrate on undermining Ukrainian neo-Nazis, on staging beautiful images [8] and on denouncing crimes attributed to the Russians.

For example, they claimed that the Russian army had committed a massacre of civilians in Butcha. Their leaders spoke of a possible "genocide", the most serious crime that can be judged. The experts explained that the victims had been shot with automatic weapons. But when forensic scientists invalidated this version [9], Kiev suppressed the news by charging ten Russian soldiers, whose identity is unknown.

The Ukrainian propaganda focuses on two issues: the invention of military victories praised by the Western press, but quickly denied, and the attribution of abominable crimes to the Russian army, also quickly denied.

For its part, Moscow considers the West as people who do not want to accept reality and therefore cannot change their minds until they have lost. It therefore addresses only the Russians and Ukrainians, whom it considers to have been deceived in good faith by the Banderites. Rather than communicating about current events, Russia opens its military archives [10] to show that the Banderites never had any qualms about murdering or even torturing other Ukrainians. Above all, it attests that never, absolutely never, did the Banderites fight the Nazis. In this way, it overturns the official history of Ukraine according to Wikipedia and the OUN(B) for whom the Banderites fought against both the Nazis and the Soviets. The Western press does not relay these revelations because they would force them to position themselves against the Banderites. Moreover, German documents, also revealed by Moscow, show that the Nazi regime and the Banderites, together, conceived a plan to annihilate the populations of the Donbass. This plan, if it was not executed during the Second World War, has known a beginning of execution by the Kiev Banderites after 2014.


Thierry Meyssan



Roger Lagassé













god was the first fascist……..

First off the rank, someone called Kiki tells us on Quora: 


God is not a fascist; human beings are or can be. God gives us choices in life. How to respond to any given circumstance we encounter. We can take the heaven way or the hell way. The Europeans let Hitler, Mussolini, Franco do their bidding. They didn’t stand up to them. They made their choices, so look what happened.

Fascists leaders can’t take freedom away unless one gives it up. God always grants us freedom to choose and respond to life and we either take the wise way or the way of suffering and misery. This even if our freedom is taken away by other humans such as being put in a concentration camp.

I know the Bible says a lot of contrarian things about God’s power and such. I believe in *God* beyond the Bible. The Bible is just one source of ancient wisdom. I don’t believe God wants slaves. Rebellion is fine. Atheism is fine. God gave us that freedom to choose.

But there’s the wise helpful choices and the unwise unhelpful ones. The only thing God wants is for us to choose wisely. The wise choices are heaven in themselves and that’s what truly matters. Not the type of faith or God you ascribe to.

So, reap what you sow. It’s your choice.




This is bullshit. GOD DOES NOT EXIST. 


The idea of god was invented to first satisfy the angst of meaningless existence, and then used as a prop to conquer other people’s land. So whether god is a fascist, a communist or not, is a non-sequitur answer to the argument.


The notion of god is used to great effect to indoctrinate and make people submit to a certain format of “moralisationing” (beliefs and behaviour). Thus this notion of god is a form of FASCISM. Even the “wise” choice as proposed by naive Kiki is a wicked generality that is part of the deceitful indoctrination. US Presidents don’t say: “God Bless America” for nothing. This is a confirmation of the godly nature of the Empire and you better believe it. 


Kiki does herself a disservice by "[believing] in *God* beyond the Bible." 


This is truly idiotic. This won’t bother the Empire. 


The US Empire mixes notions — principally those of the existence of god and that of the US Empire's godly right to conquer the world — to promote an ideal of exceptionalism that is a refined form of FASCISM.


Note that the US Empire (or any Empire for this matter) is a continuum of structural desires (mostly FASCIST) supported by "those" in power and those who "influence" those in power — with one major mouthpiece at top and various PR representatives, to spell out the purpose and intent of the US Empire, while hidding (not very well) the NEFARIOUS FASCIST side of the Empire. 


The god of the bible, invented by the Jewish people and the allah of the q’ran are FASCIST GODS.


The final judgement is a FASCIST concept. Whether YOU have a choice (bullshit choice, very few people have choices — the norms of society make sure of this) or not — the concept of eternal damnation is a subtle from of delayed FASCIST punishment to “inspire" you to behave according to the dictums of the social norms. “You can think what you wish” but If your actions deviate just a bit too far away from the social norms, you will be arrested and placed in prison after a judgement during which you have to swear on the bible. May as well swear on a copy of Popular Mechanics. The US empire imprisons twice as much as any other country on the planet.



Throughout the bible, god acts like a dictator. God IS A DICTATOR that sends plagues, floods and various crummy disasters — including forcing “HIS” people to wage war against “barbarians” who only want to be left in peace… — TO FORCE “HIS” PEOPLE TO ADORE HIM (god is a male with a long white beard)...


THIS IS A FASCIST GOD. THIS IS A GOD WITH AN INFERIORITY complex and a narcissistic psychological delusion. Some other dude, possibly with a satirical bend, proposes on Quora that god may have been a communist… This is funny RUBBISH in regard to “equality of people under god". This god of the bible recognises the structure of power which is not from the people by the people. Power is not in the hand OF THE PEOPLE — free to think or not.


The structure of power, that is to say the power that CONTROLS people to be a cog in the social construct, is a FASCIST structure — even in the Catholic CHURCH or in the “godly” political system of countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. The American FASCIST structure which controls Americans is more refined, in order to appear based on freedom. This illusion makes people’s mind go fuzzy and comfortable WHILE THE FASCIST EMPIRE DOES ITS DIRTY TRICKS upon the rest of the world.


What drives this structure of power? MONEY. THE DOLLAR IS THE ULTIMATE FASCIST TOOL OF CONTROL. The dollar becomes god. The sanctions and the financial manipulations and economic disaster looming around the world are true representation of this concept. MONEY (THE DOLLAR) IS USED AS A FASCIST WEAPON


The Dollar never had a better servant than the idea of god.






Picture at top: THE NEW US FLAG.


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