Saturday 11th of January 2025

march of the evildoers: episode 45287390 …..

march of the evildoers .....

from our tired old ABC ….

“Iran has assembled some 1,300 centrifuges at a key underground nuclear plant & has started to feed them with the uranium gas necessary for enriching uranium, the UN atomic watchdog has announced” was the solemn report on the ABC TV News tonight.

Yep, Auntie finally catches-up with “news” that the rest of us received via Associated Press 10 days ago & reported on YD a couple of days later (‘more rattus ravings’) ….

But, unlike the YD report, our listless “national broadcaster” forgot to mention that 50,000 – 60,000 centrifuges are required in order to create sufficient fuel for a reactor or to build a nuclear warhead.

Our ABC is no longer in the “news” business: rather the propaganda business, just like the rest of the ‘corporatised’ medja. And, even then, it runs a long last in delivering its pap …..

And never once a mention of the Zionist arsenal of 200+ nuclear weapons that we are not supposed to worry about or bushit’s expansion of the US nuclear arsenal or “Aussie Tony’s” upgrade of Trident. No mention either of Egyptian & Saudi Arabian discussions with the US about their nuclear aspirations ….

Nope folks …. just those evil muslim towelheads & their evil ambitions.

Our ABC: a shadow of its former self & a genuine victim of rattus terrarism.

Hamburger soup

Yes John. This is what I called in an earlier blog, Hamburger Soup... It's bad taste, it's horrible, it's liquid. It's a concoction sold for for 2-year olds but it lacks all the necessary ingredients to make these kids grow up... Sad. Is there any hope? Even "mejia watch" chews slowly with a denture and a crooked mouth, and many of its targets are the wrong kind of meat. For me it's painful to watch...