Sunday 9th of March 2025

arrivederci roma… welcome CIA…...

Most Italians do not support the decisions to slap Russia with sanctions or send weapons to Kiev, an Italian independent investigative journalist, Matteo Gracis, told RT last week, arguing that Rome is acting against its own interests as it follows the lead of Brussels and Washington.

On May 9, Gracis published a video on YouTube in which he appealed to Russian government officials and ordinary Russians. “It is important that you know that Italians are not against you,” said the journalist, who has authored three books and founded the online media outlet L’Indipendente. “Our democracy is much less real than [the officials and the media] want us to believe,” he said, claiming that the actions of Rome do not reflect the will of the people.

“I wanted to post that video, that message, to show a different perspective to Russia's leadership, to appeal to the Russian people. I wanted to explain to them that we, too, are victims of the actions of our government, unfortunately,” Gracis told RT, speaking about the reasons for publishing the video.

“The decision to impose sanctions against Russia, that wasn't even a decision made by Italians, it's a European decision that Italy accepted,” Gracis said, adding this policy has already taken a heavy toll on ordinary people.

“We see commodity prices spiking in Italy, we see electricity bills going up, and the same goes for gas bills, water bills,” the journalist explained, adding that the sanctions supposedly designed to hurt the Russian economy eventually backfired dramatically on Europeans themselves.

Prices on some raw materials have skyrocketed, as has the cost of living, the journalist said. Italy’s tourism industry is also likely to suffer without Russian tourists, the journalist has added. “Our government just would not listen to people,” he said.

According to Gracis, “over 50% of Italians” are also against supplying Ukraine with arms. “Sending weapons won't help end the conflict. It will only add fuel to the fire,” he said, adding that he had struggled to find a single person in Italy who would support the weapon deliveries.

A poll conducted by Euractic in late April showed that almost half of Italians (48%) would like to see their government not send any arms to Ukraine, whereas only 29% supported doing so. Another poll conducted by the Termometro Politico polling agency in early March demonstrated that 55.3% of Italians rejected the government’s decision to send weapons to Ukraine at that time. Over 37% of respondents also said that they favored a peaceful solution to the conflict.

“If we had a government that genuinely cared about Italians, then, instead of imposing sanctions, it would promote a different policy, it would promote diplomacy. Instead, what we see now is not diplomacy, it's a type of economic warfare, which doesn't really work for us,” Gracis said, adding that “decisions about Italy's future are made not in Rome, but in Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Washington.”

The Italian media landscape does not provide much room for debate on the issue, the journalist said, adding that all the media present “only one true narrative” and “one correct interpretation of the situation in Ukraine,”which is the one presented by NATO, the US and Western governments.

“On top of that, there is no real discussion. On television and in major newspapers, there are no voices allowed that present different perspectives or make their own argument,” the journalist has explained, adding that the media are just reluctant to pick up any reports, including by independent journalists, that do not fit with the established narrative. “There isn't even a slightest mention of the fact that the US and NATO could also be responsible,” Gracis said.






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zero debate in the US "war with russia"….

Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) has condemned House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer for stating that the US is “at war,” presumably with Russia. Roy hammered Democrats and Republicans alike for deepening America’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict in order to “feel good about ourselves.”

In a video clip posted by Roy’s press office on Wednesday, the Texas Republican took aim at Hoyer for declaring on Friday that the US is “at war,” and that critics of the Democratic Party should “focus on the enemy” instead of rising energy costs at home.

“When I hear the majority leader of the other party say ‘a time of war’...I’m wondering when we voted to go to war?” Roy said.

“If we're gonna have a proxy war, and we're gonna give $40 billion to Ukraine, because we want to look all fancy with our blue and yellow ribbons and feel good about ourselves, maybe we should actually have a debate in this chamber,” he continued.


Roy was one of 57 House Republicans who voted against the passage of the $40 billion military and economic aid bill for Ukraine earlier this month. However, the bill had strong bipartisan support and passed with 368 votes to 57. It is now expected to pass the Senate later this week. 

Republican lawmakers opposing the bill either argue that the money would be better spent solving domestic issues or that pumping military aid into Ukraine risks drawing the US into war with nuclear-armed Russia, or both.

Roy, who described the bill as “garbage,” reiterated these arguments on Wednesday. “When the border of this country is wide open…and fentanyl is pouring in and we have $30.5 trillion of debt and gas prices are spiking and $1,100 to fill a tank of diesel, and we go ‘oh, blank check for $40 billion.”

“By the way, I’m looking at my colleagues on this side of the aisle on that same point,” he concluded.

Aside from supporting the $40 billion package making its way through Congress, the Biden administration has already given Ukraine nearly $4 billion worth of weapons since February, has placed an embargo on Russian oil and gas imports, and has imposed several rounds of economic sanctions on Moscow. 

With the US arming Ukraine and sharing intelligence with Kiev’s forces, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused Washington of waging a “proxy war” against Russia, while Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev claimed on Tuesday that the West has used Ukraine as pretext to fight an “undeclared war” against Russia’s “very statehood.”









the italian NATO fascists......

On 5 June 2022, the Italian daily Corriere della Sera disclosed the existence of a surveillance program targeting “pro-Russian” personalities in the country. It is overseen by the Department of Information for Security (Dipartimento delle Informazioni per la Sicurezza); an intelligence service which reports directly to the Prime Minister.

The Italian news agency ANSA published bulletin N°4 of this program, entitled Hybrid Bulletin, covering the period from 15 April to 15 May. We can therefore deduce that bulletin N°1 covered the period from 15 January to 15 February. If confirmed, it would indicate that this program was launched more than a month before the Russian intervention in Ukraine.

In this Italian intelligence report, our friend and contributor, geographer Manlio Dinucci, is singled out as the “most dangerous” source [1].

Accepting the report at face value, Corriere della Sera even claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned Dinucci in his Victory Day speech, which is a blatant lie. ‎

One can logically infer that the decision made by left-wing Italian daily Il Manifesto to censor Manlio Dinucci’s article on of the strategy planned against Russia by the RAND Corporation [2]. was the result of external pressure.

The parliamentary committee in charge of monitoring the intelligence services (Comitato parlamentare per la sicurezza della Repubblica) is looking into the case.

In all likelihood, it is not Italy which is leading the charge, but is acting as part of an overarching NATO program. This would explain why the Polish Defense Council has intervened with French internet provider Orange urging it to censor in its country, which had so far only occurred with authoritarian states.