Sunday 9th of March 2025

death wish .....

death wish .....

In contrast to last night’s superficial offering by the ABC on Lord Mayo, SBS ran the documentary “Crude Impact” tonight.

This stunning presentation focuses on the world’s insane addiction to the growth dynamic which, in turn, drives our consumption of fossil fuels.

Whilst bushit senior once famously observed that: "the American way of life is non-negotiable," Crude Impact reminds us that Mother Nature doesn’t negotiate.

Humanity wilfully headed for a train wreck.

For more details see Crude Impact

right on target plus a few degrees...

From the independent

April ends as hottest and driest on record By Geneviève Roberts Published: 30 April 2007

Britain's beaches remained busy yesterday as the hottest April on record drew to a close.



Plastic reasoning

From the ABC

Electric cars 'won't kill off oil industry'

The head of an Australian petroleum company says most people will drive electric cars within 30 or 40 years.

But John Kopcheff, from Victoria Petroleum, has told an Adelaide conference that global demand for oil will still increase.

He says there will be expansions in other areas as the Chinese and Indian economies grow.

"Oil will be used in petrochemical plants - the petrochemical industry will go into plastics and for the value added manufacture of all the goods we use in a daily life," he said.

"Petroleum, as actually the fuel, transport fuel, I think less and less of that we'll see being used."


Gus: Plastic electric cars working from sunlight... My dream come true...