Sunday 9th of March 2025

the great fabricator .....

the great fabricator .....


The prime rattus has announced that his government will target the scourge of the drug “Ice” in a tough new offensive against illicit drugs.

‘I am pleased to announce additional funding of $150 million to combat amphetamine-type stimulants, strengthening my Government's zero tolerance approach to illicit drugs.

The package that I am announcing today provides specific measures to address amphetamine-type stimulants, especially the toxic and highly addictive drug crystal methamphetamine or Ice.

Ice has become a menace in our society, tearing apart many Australian families and communities. The problem of illicit drugs is a national one and requires a concerted effort by all governments and the community. My Government has a strong track record in tackling drug problems, but more needs to be done to combat amphetamine-type stimulants.

There is clear evidence that the Government's zero tolerance approach is working’ claimed rattus.

reliable rattus strikes again ….

On the one hand, our phoney super hero makes another bold announcement in support of his fake “war on drugs” whilst simultaneously protecting the interests of the corporate pushers of alcohol & tobacco, whose “legal” drugs account for more than 97% of all drug-related deaths in Australia.

….. rattus claims his government’s initiative is a “balanced & comprehensive response to the menace of illicit drugs in our community.”

Not unlike the little rodent’s thesis that burning more coal will save us from the threat of global warming.

the drum of bad decisions

Yes John,
The moral hypocrisy of the Rattus Waraddictus is beyond the pale. Even our good old Rupe candidly describes a Bushit that no one knows because we have not had one to one conversation with him, like Privileged Rupe has. In Private, Bushit is so articulate that his words float like those of Chance the Gardener, that savant fellow of "Being There", the movie... except Bushit has a gun in his hand instead of a rake.
Yes, we should all know that Bushit is a meltdown of Einstein, Julius Caesar, and of God. That's the whatever problem.

"People want to destroy him," Mr Murdoch said.
"They don't like him, whether it's because of his religious conviction or whatever, or the outcome of the 2000 election."

Yes, Rupe, they did nail Christ to some whatever planks 2000 years ago but in 2000, Jesus Bush foiled the Romans and won the lottery with less votes than Barabbas Gore. All this fundamentalist religious fervour delayed the serious tacking of Global Warming by at least eight years for "being there" — if not 100 years by his bad decisions. Not only that clever little "inarticulate in front of TV cameras" has denied the environment, he has given given carte blanche to the rapists of the good earth — and he went on himself to do some glorious campus mucking up in Iraq by telling LIES, lies that would make Mount Rushmore blush. Hey, Mr Murdoch, you may not have realised yet (I think you know) but you were part of the grand plan by the Bush administration to spread as much of the porkies on Saddam's WMDs. So, of course, having been a glorious part of the porky propaganda machine, any recant from you would sound like the Last Post for an empire built on paper and the illusion box.

And your good commentator Janet Albrechtsen, in your "Australian" tackles the French with brio... Like a good housewife cleaning pots and pans with a manic dedication, while her cooking stinks. The French could teach her a few things or two there.

Her beef is with the French mayonnaise... forgetting to mention the Aussie malaise. Little Johnnee trying to superglue his little hands on the levers of Orstralya, sitting smug on a pile of resource boom-holes that are taking the world downhill towards the flames of global hell, while chanting "it's good for the economy". An apocalyptic vision brought to you by Rattus Faustus...

The Europeans have problems, sure... Their main one being the US. But let's not mention the fourbetwo in our eye while deridingly pointing the finger at the straw in theirs, dear Ms Al?. The Germans for example know the world is in real trouble due to global warming. Every second house there has solar panels or solar heating and there are power windmills. Even their most conservative Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is also letting the nuclear reactors finish their own limited life (30 years - just a few more years to go) and there won't be any replacement. How do they know global warming is coming at great speed? Well, not only average temperature in winter are at a record high (2.4 degrees above average in Pommyland) some winter temperatures in Germany defy belief: like 2 degrees when it should be minus 10 — or 17 degrees when it should be minus 2...

So let the other media do a proper job, if Mr Murdoch is so enamoured with Bushit to tango with him. I can't make out who's got the ugliest legs... But so be it... May the music stop or may they fall down the stairs... Well that would be expecting too much of the other media too. As, living from advertisers and of governmental decrees, they have to sell the illusion of what people on the way to heavenly slavedom could experience — without "lying" since we all know how to interpret fairly tales don't we? Go and tell that to the Iraqis, especially the 700,000 dead, the 2.5 million ruined and displaced, and the 10 million at a loss whether to thank the Yanks with a few bullets or a roadside bomb...

Despite their malaise, the French held their "moral" ground while our little Aussie Bumstick rushed to trenches of deceit. On a day of celebrating the true heroes, thrown to their deaths by real bad decisions, the Bushit and Rattus of this world still beat the drums of bad decisions while glorifying the dead for their own mustard.
Like lying about the glorious death of Pat Tillman (shot by friendly fire) and the "exploit" of Jessica Lynch (basically saved by Iraqi doctors)... while the torture and abuse of prisoners went on to be practised in US prisons in Iraq and around the world... Lies lies lies... The little Bushit is a pathological liar... Our Rattus is an opportunistic liar... Blair and his sexed-up dossiers of invention, a sad liar...

Viva Roma

from the ABC

Vanstone quits politics

South Australian Liberal Senator Amanda Vanstone has confirmed she is to resign from federal politics.

Senator Vanstone lost the immigration portfolio after a Cabinet reshuffle in January, with five years of her Senate term left to serve.

She has been in politics for 22 years, including 11 as a federal minister.

Her immigration portfolio attracted controversy - especially over the department's handling of the Cornelia Rau and Vivian Solon cases.

She remained the minister while a number of reforms, recommended by the Palmer inquiry into Ms Rau's case, were implemented.

She lost the portfolio in January, and since then there has been speculation she may leave the Senate early for an overseas diplomatic posting...

alas poor ricky .....

A joke doing the email rounds....

Gus: I don't know who has written this but I thought it was funny


While on his morning walk, Prime Minister John Howard falls over,
has a heart attack and dies because the accident and emergency ward
at his nearest hospital is too understaffed to treat him in time.
So his soul arrives in Heaven and he is met by Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates.

"Welcome to Heaven," says Saint Peter, "Before you settle in, it seems there
is a problem. We seldom see a Liberal around these parts, so we're not sure
what to do with you."

"No problem, just let me in; I'm a good Christian; I'm a believer," says the PM.

"I'd like to just let you in, but I have orders from God Himself.
He says that since the implementation of his new HEAVENCHOICES policy,
you have to spend one day in Hell and one day in Heaven.
Then you must choose where you'll live for eternity."

"But I've already made up my mind. I want to be in Heaven," replies Howard.

"I'm sorry ... but we have our rules," Peter interjects.
And, with that, St. Peter escorts him to an elevator and he goes
down, down, down ... all the way to Hell.

The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a lush golf course.
The sun is shining in a cloudless sky. The temperature is a perfect
22C degrees. In the distance is a beautiful club-house.

Standing in front of it is Bob Menzies and thousands of other Liberals
luminaries who had helped him out over the years ---Harold Holt,
John Gorton, Bill McMahon, etc. The whole of the Liberal Party leaders
were there ... everyone laughing, happy, and casually but expensively dressed.

They run to greet him, to hug him and to reminisce about the good times
they had getting rich at the expense of 'suckers and peasants.'
They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster and caviar.

The Devil himself comes up to Howard with a frosty drink,
"Have a tequila and relax, John!"

"Uh, I can't drink anymore, I took a pledge," says Howard, dejectedly.

"This is Hell, son. You can drink and eat all you want and not worry and it
just gets better from there!"

Howard takes the drink and finds himself liking the Devil, who he thinks is
a really very friendly bloke who tells funny jokes like himself and pulls
hilarious nasty pranks, kind of like the ones the Liberals pulled with
the GST and the Free Trade Agreement promises.

They are having such a great time that, before he realises it, it's time to go.

Everyone gives him a big hug and waves as Howard steps on the elevator and
heads upward.

When the elevator door reopens, he is in Heaven again and Saint Peter
is waiting for him. "Now it's time to visit Heaven," the old man says,
opening the gate.

So for 24 hours Howard is made to hang out with a bunch of honest,
good-natured people who enjoy each other's company, talk about things
other than money and treat each other decently. Not a nasty prank or
short-arse joke among them.

No fancy country clubs here and, while the food tastes great,
it's not caviar or lobster. And these people are all poor. He doesn't see anybody
he knows and he isn't even treated like someone special!

"Whoa," he says uncomfortably to himself. "Bob Menzies never prepared me
for this!"

The day done, Saint Peter returns and says, "Well, you've spent a day in Hell
and a day in Heaven. Now choose where you want to live for eternity."

With the 'Deal or No Deal' theme playing softly in the background,
Howard reflects for a minute ... then answers: "Well, I would never have
thought I'd say this -- I mean, Heaven has been delightful and all --
but I really think I belong in Hell with my friends."

So Saint Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down,
down, down, all the way to Hell.

The doors of the elevator open and he is in the middle of a barren
scorched earth covered with garbage and toxic industrial wasteland,
kind of like the eroded, rabbit and fox affected Australian outback.

He is horrified to see all of his friends, dressed in rags and chained together,
picking up the roadside rubbish and putting it into black plastic bags.

They are groaning and moaning in pain, faces and hands black with grime.

The Devil comes over to Howard and puts an arm around his shoulder. 
"I don't understand," stammers a shocked John, "Yesterday I was here
and there was a golf course and a club-house and we ate lobster and
caviar and drank tequila. We lazed around and had a great time.
Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and everybody looks miserable!"

The Devil looks at him, smiles slyly and purrs,
"Yesterday we were campaigning; today you voted for us!"

Blah blah blah, Miranda...

A bullying culture begins at home

Miranda Devine
May 17, 2007

"What can we learn from the tragic life trajectory of Benjamin Cox,...." Blah blah blah..

blah blah blah...

... blah blah..".



"In a new book, Bully Blocking, a former Melbourne school psychologist, Evelyn Field, says that while bullying has always existed at school, "our community has received a wake-up call in the form of a number of suicides, violent attacks and murders that bullying creates". She says adults have a "paradoxical attitude of prizing and protecting bullies while simultaneously condemning them".

And while TV shows such as Big Brother, movies and music videos, such as one for Wolfmother, celebrate bullying behaviour, children will always reflect a dysfunctional culture."


Yes Miranda-blah-blah, if your pointing-the-finger article to bullying was genuine, you would not forget to mention the most odious form of bullying, that done by the likes of Bush, Blair and Howard who on whimsical lies and sniffs of an oil rag, declared useless little wars in which more people get killed than hours we will ever live. Not to mention the not so subtle "gay" bashing from our Rattus Government by refusing homosexual the full rights they are entitled to. Miranda, once you acknowledge the bad deeds from these leaders of the world and their influence on culture — not so much making it "dysfunctional" but worse, through unbridled red-neckery — then you will be on the road to Damascus. Amen. Till then, all your blah blahs will be blah blahs.

A bullying culture begins at home? Strangely, you went on blah-blahing to the contrary into a corner of blaming the minnows of entertainment for the problem... Wrong! As mentioned before, look no further than John Howard, Tony Blair and George War-is-my-middle-name Bush for inspiring bullies to be.

And like true generals, these pretentious leaders get their bullying done by others — be it soldiers, ministers like Abbott or head-kickers like Heffernan and by using people like you, to spruik their presence as good for the order in the school-yard. In fact the yard suffers from a pecking order of the worst kind, where the smartest of psychopath get the beefed-up bullies to do their bashing — eventually to even do their killings... via gang warfare.

See cartoon at the head of this line of blogs... 




profits in war for everyone...

Opium: Iraq's deadly new export Amid the anarchy, farmers begin to grow opium poppies, raising fears that the country could become a major heroin supplier By Patrick Cockburn in Baghdad Published: 23 May 2007

Farmers in southern Iraq have started to grow opium poppies in their fields for the first time, sparking fears that Iraq might become a serious drugs producer along the lines of Afghanistan.

Rice farmers along the Euphrates, to the west of the city of Diwaniya, south of Baghdad, have stopped cultivating rice, for which the area is famous, and are instead planting poppies, Iraqi sources familiar with the area have told The Independent.

The shift to opium cultivation is still in its early stages but there is little the Iraqi government can do about it because rival Shia militias and their surrogates in the security forces control Diwaniya and its neighbourhood. There have been bloody clashes between militiamen, police, Iraqi army and US forces in the city over the past two months.

The shift to opium production is taking place in the well-irrigated land west and south of Diwaniya around the towns of Ash Shamiyah, al Ghammas and Ash Shinafiyah. The farmers are said to be having problems in growing the poppies because of the intense heat and high humidity. It is too dangerous for foreign journalists to visit Diwaniya but the start of opium poppy cultivation is attested by two students from there and a source in Basra familiar with the Iraqi drugs trade.

paying attention...

In this era of climate alarmism, humans are seen as the source of all evil. Without humans, goes the addled thinking, there would be no carbon dioxide, and hence no global warming. Thus, when the Medical Journal Of Australia published a satirical letter from Perth obstetrician Barry Walters in its December issue proposing a carbon tax on babies, and carbon credits for sterilisation, it was reported as a serious news story.

Gus: Ah Miranda, you make me laugh... reporting with brilliance the failings of the climate alarmist, especially those who are not even "understanderers" but possibly just angry old folks who hate kids having a good time... I've seen the same old people in my youth... They all carry the same stick.

This reminds me of my brothers and sister during the war (WWII) who went into a cherry orchard and ate and ate cherries so much they got furious colic... they relieved themselves from up there in the branches and carried on eating the fruit...

Global warming is far more serious than you would ever know, dear Ms Devine... The tragedy is that it is a slow boil... and inconsistent, because of the vagaries of the atmosphere... But global warming there is, furiously fast in geological terms. It could actually be faster than the melt of the previous ice age around 12000 years ago. But we would not know because there are factors hiding incoming tide. Like before a tidal wave, the sea retreats... Then one gets hit for six. Global warming in the polar regions is akin to an old non-defrost fridge, working its guts out and getting clogged up with warming ice while the door seals are leaking bad. One day it starts leaking on the floor and you will come to term with the concept of global warming...

Peter Singer, "the greatest living philosopher" of our time is argualble, but he is a great philosopher. No doubt about that... He express concepts that have permeated many people way before, since the early 1900s perhaps, who have seen the devastating effect of our protection of certain ideals at all cost. Sure mistakes are made, but our relationship with nature is a far greater necessisty than that with a god that we invent to suit our vanity.

The swindles performed by the genetically modified "croppists" are a crime against nature and thus should be a crime against humanity.

The blindness towards global warming — that is not wanting to understand that climate does change with certain mechanical factors and has changed dramatically over the different periods of the earth — is sheer madness. Sure an old folk, who sees or does not see damage to a tree in a park by a kid, but gets irate is worth of a laugh on "Cranky Old Foggies" on television but that's as far as it should get... The damage done to the planet is far more serious by our fulsome (in all its contradictory meanings) exploitation and lack of vision.

And no, humans are not seen as a source of evil by the serious scientists who understand the way the earth works... Evil does not exists per se: damaging events can be created — or avoided if we pay attention. That's all.

Just for you, Ms M D....

G20 backs climate fight, divided over industry caps

A grouping of the world's top greenhouse gas emitters has backed UN-led efforts to forge a global pact to fight climate change, but disagreed on a sectoral approach to curb emissions from industry.

G20 nations ranging from top carbon emitters the United States and China to big developing economies Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa held three days of talks near Tokyo to discuss ways to tackle rapidly rising emissions.

"It's not so much these two groups are at loggerheads with each other, they are also thinking of how they can cooperate collectively," Halldor Thorgeirsson of the UN Climate Change Secretariat said.

The developing world is demanding rich states do more to curb their own emissions and help poorer countries pay for clean technology.

Both sides managed to bridge differences in Bali last December to launch two years of talks on a pact that binds all nations to emissions curbs to replace the Kyoto Protocol.


Gus: Dear Ms M. D. Why do you think countries would seriously harm themselves just for a fad? Or are they all conned by the "alarmists"? No... not on your Nelly. There are a lot of intelligent people out there guiding the understanding about this major problem. And when presented with the climate change skeptic argument, intelligent people can see for themselves science versus profiteering crap... And let me tell you this: they have at their disposal far more evidence of global warming that is posted out there in the wider stratosphere. Governments do not want to alarm but want to appear to do something and they want to do something, knowing about the urgency of the problem. Even "Aussie Tony", a pragmatic waverer by all means by the way he was a bit floppy while governing the UK, is trying to lead the charge... Would he do that, just for getting a job? Possibly? I do not know the fellow... but I have this little nudgeball in the back of my mind that tells me that Tony is actually fascinated by the problem but secretly, even subconsciously, he is knowingly scared... And so we all should be.

Buckets and windmills

Energy 'collapse' will force nuclear use, says expert

A professor of geology has warned there will be no option other than embracing nuclear power in Australia when other energy sources collapse.

Professor Ian Plimer from Adelaide University has addressed a uranium conference in Adelaide.

He says wind and solar power will not be viable to meet energy demands when the electricity grid eventually fails under extreme pressure.

"They are straining right now and a few more years of growth, a few more hot summers and a few more years of drought and eventually people will face the inevitable; that we need electricity and that electricity needs to be reliable," he said.

"And to get base load power we do not want to have coal generation; the only sensible and sustainable base load power is uranium.

"If people start dying in hospitals because there's no electricity, if people can't get water because there's no electricity to pump water from dams, if people can't keep their food cool because there's no electricity for refrigeration, then I think there'll be a very, very, very rapid change of opinion."

Professor Plimer has also argued at the conference that humans are not contributing to global warming.


Gus: one could agree or disagree with nuclear power for various reasons, and one could consider the "expertise" of professor Plimer on the subject... until "Professor Plimer has also argued at the conference that humans are not contributing to global warming" ... Really? Boom.

By this weird statement, it invalidates professor Plimer's arguments. It appears that Professor Plimer never understood one thing in all his years as a geology student then professor. Rocks? just rock divided into this kind or that... stratigraphic studies? just old dusty layers... No imprint of climate, no imprint of life, no correlation... Bollocks!

Geology, palaeo-geology and palaeobotany tell us of the make up of the atmospheric gases, the climate, the position of the continents, of the rock and much more — all having a reciprocal influence on the quality of life on earth.

It is unfortunate to see that a professor of such eminence cannot see the links, including the strong relationship between life on earth and the VERY thin layer of air that covers this earth, or with the seas?... The "carbon cycle" is but part of all this, including the geological make up which gave us the various periods from the Devonian (and even before) to the present.

Wake up Ian! Wake up! The coal seams, the oil deposit did not happen without major climate shifts on which life on earth HAD an influence in creating...

At the present, human activity is increasing the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which in return warms up the planet... Sure other factors may be at play but the majority of the warming (we should be going towards an ice age according to some scientists acknowledging we're not) comes from HUMAN ACTIVITY (burning "fossil" fuels).

The nuclear option can appear comfy but it is far from it... The bill from cleaning it up will rise a hundred folds from what we could ever imagine, but that's another story...

And... should we have to resort to buckets and windmills, so be it. It may have to come to that.

I wish...

I wish Ms Miranda Devine saw the light. The global warming light. She would become a great fighting force for the good of all. But...

See, most of the intelligent world nations are working "hard" (but not hard enough still) to slow global warming and "stabilise" it at about 2 degree Celsius above what it presently is by the end of this century. Is this codswallop or a shot in the dark? Nup. Seeing for themselves, rulers and proper scientists cannot deny the onslaught, from the retreat of glaciers to creeping changes in climatic conditions. The link between CO2 and climate cannot be denied. It is imprinted in rocks from past eons — rocks and fossils, including fossil fuel, that tell us of the changes that we should be aware of... The data is not good... I mean the data is good but not good news.

When I did my own estimates in 1994, my predictions were that should nothing be done to reduce the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere, the increase in temperature by 2100 could be around 6 degrees from what it is now and relentlessly climbing towards a plateau at about 9 degrees... Fanciful? no... The indications are there. Daily, more and more precise new data comes along and shatter the records, and at the same time slide alongside the more extreme predictions...

Then I was estimating that the increases would be about 3 degrees around the equatorial regions, 6 degrees around the temperate regions and up to 12 degrees around the poles (9 degrees only on south polar region).

But then comes this new data...

"Last summer, the sharp melt meant that the Northwest Passage, the fabled navigation route linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans across the top of North America, was easily navigable.

The disappearance of ice cover has countries around the Arctic eagerly eyeing the mineral reserves that may become accessible.

Most projections of climate change in the Arctic suggest the ocean may become ice-free by the middle of the century, but one forecast released late last year said it could happen by 2013.


If the Arctic becomes ice free during summer by 2032 (about half way between 2013 and 2050) and nothing serious is done about global warming, we will get the full 6 degrees increase in temperature by 2100. To arrest the increase at 2 degrees only will demand massive efforts which at the moment are not even in the pipeline of thoughts. Once the seas start to really warm up, and the average sea temp goes above 4 degrees, the surface temperature could go up by 3 degrees or more... And expansion of water plus the melting of ice not in the sea will make it rise beyond belief.

Our ancestors witnessed the massive sea rise during the end of the last "ice age" when many areas got flooded including the gulf between New-Guinea and Australia... or the sea between mainland and Tasmania. By 2100, we could witness the flooding of inland Australia and other phenomenon. Far fetched?... Study the ancient maps... Not the maps of Christophorus Columbus but the modern maps showing the palaeo-geology... Seas up and down like a yo-yo — or like a bear market one day, a bull market the other... We need a major wake up call... We might get one soon.

please Miranda...

Stop! Miranda stop...

Your article on education today (20/03/08) is an attrocious misunderstanding of the process of knowledge, entertainment and curiosity, and of family bonding. Vicious twisting of the knife of parental "guilt", when guilt there should not be... Ha... and other issues you either misunderstand or deliberately misrepresent... Sure not all kids are learning equally or by the same "methods" but that's life... Yet, guilt there should be in your heart by your regular peddling of your misunderstanding re the problem of global warming...

The world needs you to open your eyes URGENTLY... and not be a Devile's advocate against the most pressing catastrophe facing humanity and the planet.

Dice all that you "know" from the marketeers of denial and start from scratch. Study past eons, the flora, the fauna, the rocks stratas, the extinctions, the conditions on earth that created coal and oil... peruse over past sea levels and climates... Study the present dramatic changes of climatic conditions, all of them, precisely. Study the proper science of the cycle of CO2. Why not study the available comprehensive knowledge of the last big melt — the end of the last Ice Age — even stylistically and dramatically recorded in the cave of Kakady by the Aborigines ... and then, unless you are a creationist or an un-intelligent design faithmonger, you will know that your arse will be on fire within a few short geological years, and your feet will be damp from rising sea level... Sure a bolide could hit the earth before our stupidity does more damage, but damage is being done. At the rate at which we're going, we're facing an increase of average temperature of 9 degree Celsius by 2150. Sea level up by 16 to 20 metres... Beyond that, it's anyone guess... possibly 50 metres by 2200...

It is our duty not to muck up the planet that we live on and as far as we know is the only place where life exists in the whole damn universe...


How the blurring of the seasons is a harbinger of climate calamity

By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
Thursday, 20 March 2008

It is happening so quickly, and without people realising its true significance, because, in Britain, the major effects of climate change are initially being felt as less cold winters, rather than as hotter summers.

That has produced a startling rise in winter temperatures in recent years, clearly visible when current monthly means are compared to the average for 1961 to 1990.

To take the figures for last winter from the Central England Temperature Record, the world's oldest, which dates back to 1659: January 2007 was 3.2C warmer than the 1961-90 average, February was 2.0C warmer, March was 1.5C warmer, and April was 3.3C warmer. So far this year, January has been 2.8C above the 1961-90 average for the month, and February, 1.6C

Those are substantial rises. Although there is always natural variation in temperatures, recent winters taken together show a remarkable warming trend.

It has meant that many of what used to be thought of as the traditional signs of spring are happening very much earlier, causing primroses, for example, spring flowers par excellence, to bloom in some parts of the country as early as November. Other traditional spring plants, such as dog's mercury and the lesser celandine (a favourite of Wordsworth's) can be seen in January rather than March.

And in what is perhaps an even more vivid change, dandelions and daisies, which used to come into flower in spring on lawns (where they were permitted), now flower in many places all winter long.


Please Miranda, wake up... Talk to Tim Flannery... talk to Mary E White... Talk to Al Gore...

dossiers, sexed-up...

Secret emails show Iraq dossier was 'sexed up'

Intelligence chiefs criticised 'iffy drafting' of key document

By Nigel Morris, Deputy Political Editor

Friday, 13 March 2009

Secret Whitehall emails released yesterday provide damning new evidence that the notorious dossier making the case for invading Iraq was "sexed up".

They disclose that the intelligence services were sceptical over the "iffy drafting" of government claims that Saddam Hussein could mount a missile strike on his neighbours within 45 minutes of ordering an attack.

Officials privately mocked assertions that the Iraqi president was covertly trying to develop a nuclear capability and wisecracked that perhaps he had recruited "Dr Frankenstein" to his supposed crack team of nuclear scientists.

The release of a series of confidential memos and emails, following a protracted Freedom of Information battle, reignited the controversy over accusations that Tony Blair's government "spun" Britain into war.

Last night both the Tories and the Liberal Democrats renewed their demands for a full public inquiry into the decision to join the US-led invasion of Iraq.

The 45-minute claim – presented to MPs in a notorious dossier on 24 September 2002, six months before military action began – was central to the Blair government's justification for war.

But a memo sent 13 days earlier by Desmond Bowen, head of the Cabinet Office defence secretariat, to John Scarlett, who was head of the Joint Intelligence Committee, suggested he had grave reservations over the threat. His comments were copied to Mr Blair's press secretary Alastair Campbell and to his chief-of-staff Jonathan Powell.

Mr Bowen wrote: "The question we have to have in the back of our mind is: 'Why now?' I think we have moved away from promoting the ideas that we are in imminent danger of attack and ... intend to act in pre-emptive self-defence."

He argued instead that the Government should stress Saddam's disregard for international law and his continuing drive to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

Another memo, dated 16 September 2002, from an unnamed official, also suggests exaggerated claims were being included in the about-to-be-published report. It said: "I note that the paper suggests that Saddam's biotech efforts have gone much further than we ever feared. Page 4 Bullet 4: '[Iraq] has assembled specialists to work on its nuclear programme' – Dr Frankenstein I presume? Sorry. It's getting late."


In other words as we knew, TONY BLAIR, GEORGE W BUSH AND JOHN HOWARD LIED... AND LIED AND LIED... And David Kelly died... And as we knew, the trio of "no regrets" sold a furphy to the general public. My only shame is, despite exposing the bastards' trickery since 2002, we failed to stop them... Mostly because Mr Murdoch was more powerful, and still is, more powerful than the truth... and us.

see toon at top and demand G W Bush be put in prison.