Sunday 9th of March 2025

thank you, vladimir, for your military intervention in ukraine….

In 2016, the United States committed to arming Ukraine to fight and win a war against Russia. Subsequently, the US Department of Defense organized a biological research program in Ukraine, and then huge amounts of nuclear fuel were secretly transferred to the country. These data change the interpretation of this war: it was not wanted and prepared by Moscow, but by Washington.



The secret Ukrainian military programs

by Thierry Meyssan


Throughout this series of articles, which began a month and a half before the war in Ukraine, I have been developing the idea that the Straussians, the small group of Leo Strauss followers in the US administration, were planning a confrontation against Russia and China. However, in the tenth episode of this series, I related how the Azov regiment became the paramilitary pillar of the Ukrainian Banderists by referring to the visit of Senator John McCain to it in 2016 [1]. However, the latter is not a Straussian, but was advised by Robert Kagan during his presidential election campaign in 2008, a central thinker among the Straussians [2], even though he has always cautiously denied his membership in this sect.



A video, filmed during John McCain’s visit to Ukraine in 2016, has resurfaced. It shows the senator accompanied by his colleague and friend, Senator Lindsey Graham, and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. The two Americans are traveling on a Senate mission. But McCain is also the president of the IRI (International Republican Institute), the Republican branch of the NED (National Endowment for Democracy). It is known that the IRI has conducted about 100 seminars for the leaders of Ukrainian political parties classified as right-wing, including for the Banderists. The senators are addressing officers of the Azov regiment, the main Banderist paramilitary formation. This should come as no surprise. John McCain has always maintained that the United States should rely on the enemies of its enemies, whoever they may be. Thus, he has publicly claimed responsibility for his contacts with Daesh against the Syrian Arab Republic [3]


(see video)


In this video, Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain assure that the United States will give all the weapons necessary for them to succeed in defeating Russia.

This video, I repeat, was recorded six years before the Russian army entered Ukraine. The two senators are investing their interlocutors with a mission. They do not see them as mercenaries who are paid, but as proxies who will fight for the unipolar world to the death.


Shortly afterwards, President Poroshenko, who had attended the meeting in battle dress, changed the badge of his secret service, the SBU. It is now an owl holding a sword directed against Russia with the motto "The wise will rule over the stars". It is clear that the Ukrainian state apparatus was preparing for war against Russia on behalf of the United States.

Three years later, on September 5, 2019, the Rand Corporation organized a meeting in the US House of Representatives to explain its plan: to weaken Russia by forcing it to deploy in Kazakhstan, then in Ukraine and as far as Transnistria [4].

I have explained at length in two previous articles [5] that at the end of the Second World War the United States and the United Kingdom took over many Nazi leaders and Ukrainian Banderists to turn them against the USSR. They mothered these fanatics as soon as the USSR disappeared and used them against Russia. It remained to explore how they armed them.



Starting in 2014, the Ukrainian state began several secret military programs. The first and most well known is its collaboration with the Pentagon in 30 different laboratories. According to the United States, this program was aimed at destroying the biological weapons that the Soviet Union had manufactured and stored in Ukraine. This is obviously unlikely because it is not clear, 31 years after independence and 8 years after the start of this program, why there would still be any left. On the contrary, according to Russia, the Pentagon had Ukraine subcontract research on weapons prohibited by the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. On the basis of documents seized during its special operation, it asserts in particular that experiments were carried out without their knowledge on mentally ill people at the psychiatric hospital No. 1 (Streletchyé, Kharkov region) and that a tuberculosis agent was manipulated to infect the population of the Slavianoserbsk district (Lugansk People’s Republic). Or that these laboratories were conducting "extremely dangerous experiments aimed at strengthening the pathogenic properties of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases by using synthetic biology. Another project involves bats as vectors for the transmission of potential biological warfare agents, such as plague, leptospirosis, brucellosis, filoviruses or coronaviruses.

These serious accusations are still not clearly refuted or established. The meeting that Russia convened on this subject at the United Nations Security Council on March 11, 2022 [6]did not produce anything. After denying it, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (pictured at top ±and wife of Robert Kagan) said at a US Senate hearing on March 8, 2022: "Ukraine has ... biological research facilities. We are concerned that Russian troops are trying to take control of them. So we are trying, with the Ukrainians, to make sure that these research materials do not fall into the hands of Russian forces if they get close." Despite these inconsistencies, the West has rallied behind Washington, accusing Moscow of lying. In their eyes, it is perfectly normal for states to have collections of these diseases in order to study them, their presence should not be interpreted as intended for the manufacture of weapons. Ukrainian laboratories are regularly monitored by the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) [7]. Nevertheless, this interpretation does not allow us to understand Ms. Nuland’s words and does not account for disasters such as, for example, the swine flu epidemic that killed 20 Ukrainian soldiers in January 2016 and forced 200 others to be hospitalized.

The Russian ambassador, Vasily Nebenzia, in particular denounced research on the transmission of dangerous diseases by ectoparasites such as lice and fleas. He recalled that similar experiments had "been conducted in the 1940s by the infamous Unit 731 of the Japanese army, whose members fled to the United States to escape justice. Unit 731 is the Japanese equivalent of Dr. Josef Mengele’s department at Auschwitz.

As if that were not enough, Mr. Nebenzia asked about the transfer of several thousand blood serum samples of patients of Slavic origin from the Ukraine to the Walter Reed Research Institute of the US Army. Research, according to him, selectively targeting specific ethnic groups like the ones Dr. Wouter Basson conducted for apartheid South Africa and Israel during its colonial period against blacks and Arabs ("Coast Project").

The UN administration denied any knowledge of the program and referred to the confidence-building measures in the treaty. The World Health Organization (WHO) said it was aware of the program but did not know the details. It confirmed in writing to Reuters that it had "strongly recommended to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and other responsible agencies to destroy high-risk pathogens to prevent any potential leakage" [8]. The Chinese press, meanwhile, reports on experiments to turn insects into cyborgs in order to fertilize or sterilize crops (Operation Insects Allies).


These military experiments, whatever they were, were indirectly commissioned by the National Medical Intelligence Center through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the US company Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP). The latter was founded by Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz, respectively son of President Joe Biden and son-in-law of John Kerry [9]. All the results of this research have been sent to the military biological laboratories at Fort Detrick, which once played a leading role in the US biological weapons program.

As the Chinese representative to the Security Council pointed out, "Any information or leads on military biological activities should be given great attention by the international community... The United States says it is for transparency. If the United States believes that the information is false, it should provide the relevant data and clarification so that the international community can make a decision on the matter.

According to the United Nations, while the United States has provided regular reports on its biological activities under the Biological Weapons Convention, Ukraine has never submitted any [10].

Russia has taken several steps. First, it carefully destroyed the containers of 26 of these Ukrainian laboratories (4 others escaped the Russian army). Second, it invited its CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) allies to monitor any agreements they might have made with the United States. Armenia and Kazakhstan stopped this research. Finally, CSTO members have banned all foreign defense personnel from their laboratories.



Let’s come to the most problematic part of the story, because it is even more serious. Upon independence, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine inherited much of the Soviet nuclear weapons system. These three new states signed the Budapest Memorandum in 1994 with the United States, Russia and the United Kingdom. The Big Three pledged to secure their borders, while the small three pledged to transfer all their nuclear weapons to Russia and to abide by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

This memorandum is often referred to by those who want to emphasize the duplicity of Russia, which, after signing it, violated it. This is not true, since the memorandum provides that each of the Big Three will be relieved of its promise of non-intervention in case of "self-defence or in any other manner consistent with the provisions of the United Nations Charter". Yet, Russia officially recognized the Donbass republics after the Ukrainian state refused to honour its signature of the Minsk Agreements and its army shelled the Donbass for 8 years.

Between 2014 and 2022, Ukraine asked four times for a renegotiation of the Budapest Memorandum. Finally, President Volodymyr Zelensky said at the annual meeting of the Munich Security Conference on February 19, 2022: "I, as president, will do it for the first time. But Ukraine and I are doing it for the last time. I am launching consultations within the framework of the Budapest Memorandum. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has been asked to convene them. If they do not happen again or if their results do not guarantee the security of our country, Ukraine will have the right to think that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and that all the comprehensive decisions of 1994 are being questioned" [11].

Questioning "all the global decisions of 1994" cannot mean anything other than taking back nuclear weapons. Therefore, President Zelensky’s position can be summarized as follows: let us suppress the Donbass separatists or we will restore our military nuclear program. It should be noted that the main leaders of the Atlantic Alliance were present or represented in the room. Yet none of them protested the announcement of a violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Commenting on the speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, "The only thing [Ukraine] lacks is a uranium enrichment system. But this is a technical issue, and for Ukraine it is not an insoluble problem.”

Russian intelligence services were informed that Ukraine had a nuclear military program. We don’t know how much they knew about that program.


Rafael Grossi of Argentina, who heads the International Atomic Energy Agency, incidentally said at the Davos Forum on May 25 that Ukraine had stored 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium at its Zaporizhia plant and that his agency was wondering what had happened to them.

Moreover, the Zaporizhia plant was one of the targets of the Russian army, which took it over on the second day of its special operation, February 26. A fire was set in an adjacent laboratory during a Russian-Ukrainian clash on March 4. At the time, the irresponsibility of the Russian army was denounced. Obviously, it was something else, as Moscow stated. Russia had started to transfer the fuel and Ukrainian special forces tried to stop them.

Plutonium is sold for $5,000 to $11,000 per gram. 30 tons purchased at cost is worth $150 billion. The price of uranium depends on its degree of enrichment. At less than 5%, it can only be used for civilian purposes and must reach at least 80% for military use. Without knowing the degree of enrichment, the price cannot be evaluated. The seizure by Russia of this undeclared stockpile probably repays all the sanctions imposed on them.

The information we have raises several questions: since when has Ukraine, which had given up all its Soviet-era stocks to Russia, been holding these materials? Where did they come from and who paid for them? Alternatively, what is the enrichment level of the uranium and who enriched it?

To these questions, the Russian press adds another: how reliable is the International Atomic Energy Agency, which kept this information secret until last week?

In view of these elements, it is appropriate to revise the common accusation according to which Russia is responsible for this war.


Thierry Meyssan



Roger Lagassé






 1. "Russia wants to force the US to respect the UN Charter," January 4, 2022. 

 2. "Washington pursues RAND plan in Kazakhstan, then Transnistria," January 11, 2022. 

 3. "Washington refuses to hear Russia and China," January 18, 2022. 

 4. "Washington and London, deafened", February 1, 2022. 

 5. "Washington and London try to preserve their domination over Europe", February 8, 2022. 

 6. “Two interpretations of the Ukrainian affair”, 16 February 2022. 

 7. “Washington sounds the alarm, while its allies withdraw”, 22 February 2022. 

 8. “Russia declares war on the Straussians”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 5 March 2022. 

 9. "A gang of drug addicts and neo-nazis”, 5 March 2022. 

 10 “Israel stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis”, 8 March 2022. 

 11. "Ukraine: the great manipulation", March 22, 2022. 

 12. "The New World Order being prepared under the pretext of war in Ukraine", 29 March 2022. 

 13. “The war propaganda changes its shape”, 5 April 2022. 

 14. "The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites", 12 April 2022. 

 15. "The end of Western domination", April 19, 2022. 

 16. "Ukraine: the Second World War never ended", April 26, 2022. 

 17. "Washington hopes to restore its hyper-power through war in Ukraine" May 3, 2022. 

 18. "Canada and the Banderites", 10 May 2022. 

 19. "New war brewing for post-defeat against Russia," May 24, 2022.



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW.........................



THE main US DREAM IS TO CONQUER THE HEARTLAND (DESTROY RUSSIA AND CHINA) BY WHATEVER MEANS, INCLUDING PROXIES and using "friends"... EUROPE HAS BEEN CONNED AND IS UNABLE TO SEE BEYOND A FEW CHEAP HAMBURGERS.... But as the governments of Europe play the US cards, the people might awaken.... But this is stifled by fierce media restrictions on information, or claims of "fake news".... THE FAKE NEWS IS THAT OF THE US GOVERNMENT. IT IS cleverly MANUFACTURED BY THE CIA AND OTHER "INTELLIGENCE" AGENCIES, in the style of THE "SADDAM HAS WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION". THE US MEDIA SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT THIS WAS BULLSHIT. But here we are again, about to fight or not the Russians head on, with another grand propaganda bullshit from the CIA about Russia.



WE (OLD GUS AND HIS FEW left "REAL" MATES) SALUTE THE RUSSIAN EFFORT AND HOPE THAT ZELENSKYYYY-Y REALISES HOW MUCH HE HAS BEEN CONNED BY THE USA, in order to make a deal, THE SOONER THE BETTER FOR HIM, AS WELL AS US. The PEOPLE awakening won't happen, as little shit zeleneskyyy-y has the fascist Pope's blessings and the nazi Israel's support.... 


See also:



storing plutonium…...

Having spent quite a few years studying the "plutonium issue", Gus was puzzled with the 30 tons of plutonium at the Zaporizhia plant, in Ukraine. In what form, metal, oxalate, oxide or weapon grade was the plutonium? 30 tons* of weapon grade Pu would be enough to manufacture 5,000 nuclear bombs of Hiroshima devastating capability.

Although I have long lost the thread of information on this subject, my guess is that Plutonium sold for $5,000 to $11,000 per gram would be weapon grade. Storage of such quantity (30 tons) would be problematic. My other guess would be that the plutonium at the Zaporizhia plant be in need of "refinements" to make it weapon grade. It appears that the biggest storage of plutonium in the USA, at Rocky Flat plant was 12.9 tonnes (metric) and that — apart from the plutonium already in nuclear warheads (possibly around 60 tonnes) — the entire US storage of plutonium in various forms would be under 25 tonnes.


*Note plutonium is a very heavy metal.


The amount of Pu (and Uranium) at the Zaporizhia plant in Ukraine would be enough motivation for Russia's military operation... EVEN IF THE PLUTONIUM STORED THERE ISN'T WEAPON GRADE, THERE WOULD BE ENOUGH Pu TO MAKE up to 1,500 NUCLEAR WARHEADS THAT WOULD NOT BE ACCOUNTED IN ANY OF THE international TREATIES limiting the number of MAD warheads between the US and Russia.


The amount of Uranium (40 tons) at the Zaporizhia plant could be enough to manufacture another 400 nuclear warheads if "refined" to weapon grade level.


This is why my "provocative" heading at top: 

thank you, vladimir, for your military intervention in ukraine….



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW....................................


the bloody booby prize…….

The idea that Ukraine and Zelensky are going to "win the war" is an absolute fantasy. It’s delusional in the extreme. And yet, so many in the West have been conditioned to really believe it. 

If you are getting your narrative and information from mainstream media in a NATO nation, then my heart goes out to you. Understand that your externalized reality on this war [is] nothing more than a testament to the power of western propaganda. We have a state-of-the-art consensus reality machine which would make Goebbels’ head spin, and makes Stalin’s Pravda look like Nickelodeon.

Much closer to the truth is this: Ukraine is not just losing, but they are setting themselves up for a historical downthrow. If Russian Ministry of  Defense dailies are even partly true (most of these are backed up by visual evidence as well), then at the current clip of 200-300 per day Ukraine Armed Forces lost in combat may, very soon, approach the level of US soldier losses in Vietnam. In just 6 months. Mind you, it took the US ten years to lose 56K troops in a fruitless war of attrition. 

It is becoming clearer every day that the Ukraine Armed Forces seem to have a policy of either not counting their dead, or counting them as AWOL, so as to avoid a collapse in military morale (and more actual deserters), and the inevitable international and domestic fallout from having to announce they have 20K or 30K dead soldiers, many of whom were untrained, under equipped frontline fodder - forced into conscription by a desperate Zelensky regime eager to please his new funding sources in Washington and Brussels. If their true numbers were announced publicly each week, what do you think would happen to US, UK and EU support for Zelensky & his Nazi brigades? And how long would Ukrainians support NATO’s "arm’s length" proxy meat grinder war? Not long at all. It would be over yesterday. 

Like the actor Zelensky, our governments are also selling a packaged fantasy to the public. Support for a losing war would end in a heartbeat should the true state of affairs become the consensus reality in the West. 

When the fighting eventually stops, perhaps the smartest men in the room will then be the estimated 5K+ Ukrainian soldiers who have already surrendered to Russian and DPR forces. Fortunate will be those who walked away from their western puppet’s ego-driven suicidal debacle. 

The likely numbers we are looking at here across the board are simply unprecedented in recent modern conflict, and each and every data point confounds each and every fanciful, postmodernist projection coming out of our corrupt, self-referential western mainstream media and parroting politicians who are quite clearly feeding off their own propaganda entrails now. It’s beyond disgusting. Sorry to be blunt here, but this is fast becoming the biggest propaganda bubble in the history of western military adventurism. 

And that’s saying something.

And don’t expect a mea culpa from the gaggle of charlatans we have running foreign and "defense" policy in the US, UK, mutton Europe, and the rest of the supine NATO backwater nations. They will simply double-down and continue attack any dissenters to their fanatical party line, believing that crushing free speech and debate will somehow help keep their propaganda bubble from deflating faster than it already is. 

Sure, it’s an exercise in futility, but one we’ve sadly come to expect from the legion of incompetent globalist bureaucrats and technocrats with a track record of repeated failures and whose only real accomplishment has been to blow trillions in public money on systematically wrecking other countries, always under some contrived moral imperative. By the way, besides being the most corrupt society and government in the western orbit, as it stands now Ukraine is much, much further from being an independent, sovereign and free "democracy" than Russia is. 

The longer the geniuses at NATO and our media continue fueling their proxy war of attrition, the more territory Kiev is going to lose. And whatever they lose, they will never get back. That’s for the simple reason that the people in those regions do not want to live in a wildly corrupt, western controlled, Nazi-ridden sectarian basketcase of a failed state, aka Ukraine. 

So the next time to hear someone trumpeting, “I Stand with Ukraine!”, just stop and ask them: 

"Where would you draw that line on how many dead Ukrainian soldiers until we call it quits? How much territory will Kiev have to lose before we say that’s enough?"

And don’t let them go until they give you a coherent answer.









the fascists in fasciston (washington) pushed the ukrainian fudge too far...


stop the globalists before they destroy the planet …….


GusNote: and in regard to the plutonium issue (read above comment), I firmly believe that Russia will be responsible with storing it and never use it for nefarious purposes, unlike the Yankee-doodle-Yankees....


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW..................


According to the RT website, the Pentagon has acknowledged financing 46 peaceful bio-labs in Ukraine. More to come when this is confirmed by Western media outlets... and pigs will fly....





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46 labs...

On Thursday, the Pentagon commented on the U.S. collaborative work in Ukrainian biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health.


The Pentagon released Thursday a fact sheet explaining the U.S. actions in support of Ukraine's biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for human and animal health. The document acknowledges the support offered to 46 various civilian laboratories and health care centers in Ukraine over the past 20 years as part of peaceful programs.


"U.S. Collaboration With the International Community to Reduce Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Threats in Ukraine, Russia, and Other Countries of the Former Soviet Union," reads the document.

According to the document, "The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine's biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation."

"This work, often conducted in partnership with outside organizations, such as the WHO and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), has resulted in safer and more effective disease surveillance and detection," said the fact sheet. "Ukrainian scientists have acted consistently with international best practices and norms in publishing research results, partnering with international colleagues and multilateral organizations, and widely distributing their research and public health findings."








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