Wednesday 19th of March 2025

conspiracies or doing a bit of business?….


The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[31]



Founded by Jim Hoft in 2004, The Gateway Pundit expanded from a one-person enterprise into a multi-employee operation that is supported primarily by advertising revenue.[32][33] During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the site received over a million unique visitors per day.[34] Twitter permanently suspended Hoft's account (@gatewaypundit) on February 6, 2021, for repeatedly publishing misinformation about the 2020 U.S. presidential election.[35][36][37] In September 2021, Google demonetized the site for publishing misinformation.[38][39][40]. See:


So here we are, about to republish some of the "falsehood" and conspiracy theories from The Gateway Pundit.... You've been warned. Especially when the likes of Madam Pelosi, a Democrat, tells you that the 6th of January last year was worse than 9/11 and the American Civil War combined. It was an attack on her democratic underpant that she may have soiled then, and she won't let you forget it.... So here is some falsehood to chew about around the office cooler.... In relation as to why the Democrats are in a weapon supplying frenzy to the Nazis in Ukraine, one may ask why? Is the entire worldwide edifice of democracy about to collapse? There are no nazis in Ukraine, is there, despite numerous articles in the main stream media (NYT, WaPO) to the contrary — until Putin decided to place his foot in it? What made these Nazis morph into extreme right-wing elements defending their country? A change of logo?


So, do we need to go back in time (February 10, 2020), with a good dose of "conspiracy theory" from the Pundit? Here we go:



REMINDER: Joe Biden, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, The Clintons, Nancy Pelosi and George Soros All Have Connections to the Ukraine


By Joe Hoft 
Published February 10, 2020 at 8:39am 
190 Comments  What are the odds that the Bidens, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, the Clintons, Speaker Pelosi and George Soros all have connections to Ukraine?


If you don’t know that Joe Biden’s son Hunter was the Board member of Burisma, the Ukrainian Oil and Gas firm, then you are living under a rock.  This is the same company Joe Biden bragged about removing a prosecutor who was looking into the Bidens’ and George Soros in Ukraine:




John Kerry

We posted a 32 tweet thread that was an articulate and devastating summary of Obama’s Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Kerry’s corrupt actions in Ukraine –


In summary –

  • In early 2014 John Kerry visited Ukraine and offered $1 billion in ‘aid’ shortly after protesters took over the government causing the President to flee to Russia and shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine.
  • Also, in early 2014 Kerry’s top campaign fundraiser Devon Archer visited Biden in the White House.  Then Biden visited the campaign and Archer and Biden’s son Hunter are named to the Board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest gas producer.
  • Next, the Russian advance into Ukraine was suddenly stopped by a mercenary army put together by billionaire banker Igor Kolomoisky.
  • The Burisma hired John Kerry’s former chief of staff, David Leiter as a lobbyist. Britain had frozen $23 million of Burisma founder’s money but later dropped these charges.
  • Some suggest that Burisma is actually owned by banker Kolomoisky who blew through $1.8 billion in 9 months in aid in a maze of offshore accounts.  Kolomoisky was placed on the US’s visa ban list but then was soon lifted.
  • Archer in 2018 was found guilty in a scheme to defraud Native Americans but his guilty plea was later overturned.
  • The month before Biden’s last trip to Ukraine, all investigations of Burisma were closed.  On Biden’s last day in office, Burisma and the Democrat connected Atlantic Council signed cooperation agreements.

In addition, a video surfaced of Kerry bragging about himself, Obama and Biden all wanting the Ukrainian prosecutor gone who was looking into Burisma:



CAUGHT ON VIDEO! John Kerry admitting to Joe Biden supporters that B. Hussein Obama, John Kerry, Joe Biden and the DemocRAT US Ukrainian Ambassador are GUILTY of Public Corruption & Extortion Crimes in


Mitt Romney

According to an article published in the Huffington Post shortly after President Trump was inaugurated, a former top CIA official joined the board of Burisma, Ukraine’s largest provider of natural gas.

Burisma is the oil and gas company at the center of a controversy about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, who also served on Burisma’s board.

The article says that Joseph Cofer Black would be “leading the company’s security and strategic development efforts.” Black had served in various CIA positions under Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush.

According to reports, Cofer Black was a “top Romney aide.”



The Clintons

Of course, if there’s corruption, then the Clintons are going to be right in the middle of it.  The Clintons received millions from Ukrainians over the years in donations to their ‘Foundation’:

From 2009 up to 2013, the year the Ukrainian crisis erupted, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, which is headquartered in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, a new report claims.

In 2008, Viktor Pinchuk, who made a fortune in the pipe-building business, pledged a five-year, $29-million commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative, a program that works to train future Ukrainian leaders “to modernize Ukraine.” The Wall Street Journal revealed the donations the fund received from foreigners abroad between 2009-2014 in their report …

 Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Speaker Pelosi’s son, Paul Pelosi Jr., got paid thousands for a no-show job which he wasn’t qualified in an effort to buy influence with his politician parent.  (The same company that paid him is connected to the Clintons as well.)


Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul was also on the board of an energy company and he traveled to Ukraine for his work


AND — Better Yet — Speaker Nancy Pelosi even appeared in the company’s video ad!  According to Patrick Howley at National File Speaker Pelosi’s son Paul Jr. was an executive at Viscoil.

Paul Jr. traveled to Ukraine in 2017.


BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company!

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 3, 2019


Shortly after his mother Nancy Pelosi became the first woman speaker, Paul Pelosi Jr., was hired by InfoUSA for $180,000 a year as its vice president for Strategic Planning in 2007.  This firm is also connected to the Clintons.


George Soros

Creepy George Soros has been connected to Ukraine for a very long time.  He was interviewed by 60 Minutes years ago and at that time he was already involved in Ukraine.  In this infamous interview, Soros claimed to have no shame for turning in fellow Jews to the Nazis in World War II Hungary.  The Nazis then stole the booty from the Jews and claimed that if he didn’t do it, someone else would.  This is the man many believe is behind today’s modern corrupt Democrat Party:




We reported in early October that Obama’s State and Justice Departments were assisting George Soros in his attempt to control Ukraine.  This is shocking because Soros was reportedly behind the airport protests after President Trump’s election.  A week before that Soros was reportedly behind 50 Groups involved in the ‘Women’s Protests’ the day after the inauguration. Before that, Soros was connected to the groups demanding election recounts after the November 8th election and Soros money was funding more protests during these efforts. And DC Leaks released information showing that Soros funded Black Lives Matter protests across the country.


Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and President Trump’s attorney, shared in recent interviews that the corruption in the Ukraine doesn’t stop with the Bidens. It also involves George Soros – (at the 2 minute mark) – 




Whatever Soros was involved within the Ukraine, it was big enough that Soros got himself involved in the Russia collusion sham investigation after President Trump’s election. The Epoch Times reported– (NOTE: THE EPOCH TIMES IS A RIGHTWING CONSPIRATORIAL RAG)


Billionaire George Soros and a group of wealthy donors from New York and California have paid $50 million to sustain an ongoing private Russia investigation conducted by former British spy Christopher Steele, research firm Fusion GPS, and a former staffer for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

The revelation is part of the final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election released on April 27 by the House intelligence committee. The report concluded that there is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

A footnote in the report states that Daniel Jones, the former Feinstein staffer who runs the Penn Quarter Group (PQG), told the FBI in March 2017 that he is working on a project with Fusion GPS that “was being funded by 7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California, who provided approximately $50 million.”


One thing that we now know that Soros might want to keep hidden is that there are reports he wanted to take over the oil and gas industry in Ukraine.




According to John Solomon at the Hill –

Liberal mega-donor George Soros made some big bets during the last U.S. presidential election. One was that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency. Another was that he could reshape Ukraine’s government to his liking, and that his business empire might find fertile ground in that former Soviet state.

So when Donald Trump’s improbable march to the White House picked up steam in the spring of 2016, Team Soros marched to the top of the State Department to protect some of those investments, according to newly released department memos providing a rare glimpse into the Democratic donor’s extraordinary access to the Obama administration.

Then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland received repeated calls, emails and meeting requests from Soros, according to the memos obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by the conservative group Citizens United.

THE HILL MUST BE A NAZI RAG... BUT: In 2020, The Hill won the Society of Professional Journalists' First Prize for Features, for the story "Inside the Secret World of the CIA's Social Media Team"   AH CRAP....  

Solomon continued –

Likewise, Soros set out a bold vision in an internal 2014 memo for his Open Society Foundation to help root out corruption in Ukraine and build a “civil society” after the Maidan Revolution ousted the country’s Russia-friendly president. It worked with U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) officials to leverage the so-called Kleptocracy Initiative to fight corruption. The initiative enabled DOJ to prosecute or seek asset forfeitures from foreigners suspected of corruption, even if the crimes didn’t technically occur on U.S. soil.

Such initiatives are noble in principle. But in Ukraine, some targets had political and business implications as well.

For example, one DOJ investigation in 2014 targeted Ukrainian oligarch Dmitri Firtash. He and Soros both have significant energy interests in Europe — and rival plans to rebuild Ukraine. After Firtash’s indictment, Soros’s business announced plans to invest $1 billion in Ukraine.

Since then, significant problems have arisen with the DOJ’s case, thwarting efforts to extradite Firtash to the U.S. for trial.

And finally, Solomon notes –

And when Ukraine’s general prosecutor sought to investigate one of the country’s nonprofits partially funded by Soros during 2016, the State Department pressured Ukrainian officials to drop the case.

This last piece by Solomon is likely what Rudy is alluded to in his comments about Soros in Ukraine. The Obama State Department intervened in Ukraine and stopped the case against Soros. Based on Rudy’s comments, it is likely he has support for Obama’s State Department actions.


We also know that the DOJ went too far with Firtash.

The Daily Caller reported –

The ink was still drying on special counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment papers when his chief deputy, the famously aggressive and occasionally controversial prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, made a bold but secret overture in early June 2017.

Weissmann quietly reached out to the American lawyers for Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtashwith a tempting offer: Give us some dirt on Donald Trump in the Russia case, and Team Mueller might make his 2014 U.S. criminal charges go away.

Weissmann is anything but ‘occasionally controversial’. Attorney Sidney Powell was on the Mark Levin Show in January and discussed dirty cops and attorneys Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann from their years overseeing the Enron and Arthur Andersen cases. Their actions were corrupt and criminal and cost the jobs, savings and careers of more than 85,000 individuals at Andersen and Enron.

A shocking piece of information from the Hill then noted that a foreign national brought Mueller and Weissman’s illegal actions to a foreign court and the foreign court listened and responded accordingly.

The Hill reported in another piece that:

Remarkably, Firtash turned down Weissmann’s plea overtures even though the oligarch has been trapped in Austria for five years, fighting extradition on U.S. charges in Chicago alleging that he engaged in bribery and corruption in India related to a U.S. aerospace deal. He denies the charges.

The oligarch’s defense team told me that Firtash rejected the deal because he didn’t have credible information or evidence on the topics Weissmann outlined.

But now, as Firtash escalates his fight to avoid extradition, the Weissmann overture is being offered to an Austrian court as potential defense evidence that the DOJ’s prosecution is flawed by bogus evidence and political motivations.

This leads us to question how much corruption is there lying in Ukraine involving Obama, the Bidens, John Kerry, the Clintons, Speaker Pelosi, Mitt Romney and George Soros?  The answer is most likely ‘a lot’.







sign a peace deal, volodymyr….



Ukrainian forces pushed out of Sievierodonetsk city center


The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces announced on Monday morning that the Russians had carried out, during the last twenty-four hours, assault operations in the city of Sievierodonetsk. The Ukrainian units have been pushed out of the city center, but "the fighting continues", assures the staff.


"The enemy wants to completely isolate Sievierodonetsk by preventing any passage of men or ammunition", said Sunday the governor of the Luhansk region, Serhi Haïdaï, fearing that Russia would send "all its reserves to take the city". within forty-eight hours. Militarily, Russia "uses large-scale artillery and, unfortunately, has a 10-to-1 advantage," said Ukrainian army commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has described the latest fighting in the Luhansk region as "very violent", saying that Moscow is deploying insufficiently trained troops which it is using as "cannon fodder". 





Ukraine: a former Russian prime minister says he no longer recognizes Putin


He was Vladimir Putin's first head of government. But even in his worst nightmares, Mikhail Kasyanov could not have imagined his former leader embarking on the invasion of Ukraine. "The Putin I knew was different," said Mr. Kassianov during a rare interview, by videoconference, with Agence France-Presse. Mikhail Kassianov, prime minister from 2000 to 2004 before going to the opposition, estimates that the war could last up to two years, but still believes that Russia will return to a “democratic path” one day.


Aged 64, the former minister of Mr. Putin, who worked for the rapprochement between Moscow and Western countries, explains that he did not think, like many Russians, that a war would break out. He explains that he finally understood what was looming three days before the invasion, when Mr. Putin summoned in an orderly scene the members of his security council for a meeting broadcast on television.


"When I watched that meeting of the Russian security council, I finally understood that yes, there would be a war," he said. “I know these people and looking at them I saw that Putin was not himself. Not medically, but politically,” he adds.


Dismissed by the president in 2004, Mr. Kasyanov joined the opposition and became one of the Kremlin's fiercest critics. He now leads the People's Freedom Party (Parnas), a small liberal party.




GusNote TO Mikhail Kasyanov 


The rapprochement between Russia and the West did not work BECAUSE THE WEST WAS UNWILLING TO ACCEPT RUSSIA’S DEMAND OF SECURITY. This has to do with the West's (the US Empire) ultimate goal of destroying Russia and China to conquer the HEARTLAND. No Western media nor Russian media (as far as I know) has studied this issue that has had a few reputable historians on the case — because “world domination” is the end game for the US Empire.


It is my humble view that Putin, a scholar in history and in the deceitful way the West manages information, has long been aware of this grand plan. The Ukraine conundrum was set up as a trap by the West (US/UK/EU/NATO) to “weaken Russia”. In any respect, Putin is far less of a warmonger than any of the individuals in the present and past US administrations. 


Having been lied to by the West for the last 22 years, Putin was left with a Sophie’s choice: destroy Ukraine’s dream of becoming a NATO member OR have nuclear warhead on Russia’s doorsteps within five years — and be invaded by the West, within 10 years.

As well, the Donbass region needed to be protected from the ires of a fascist little jewish LIAR in KIEV who was about to launch an assault on the region.


It’s up to loser Zelenskyyyy-y now: Sign a peace deal pronto. Save lives.



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