Sunday 9th of March 2025

a little brat called volodymyr….

It should come as no surprise that Gus-the-LeonMinus and his loony old mad mates of useless pub-trivia losers think that Volodymyr Zelenskyyy-y is not very intelligent. Not intelligent at all.


Zelenskyyy-y is a clever play-actor for his jewish handlers, but he has been overtaken by reality. He does not understand the moment. Like most of us — the average Sunday barbecuing bloke who has forgotten the sausages of the previous burn-off on the hot plate, now greasy ciders — he has no understanding nor any skill in understanding the minutiae of diplomacy. We know boofheadry...


So, Volodymyr is just an ordinary boofhead who can amazingly remember lines for stage declamation (we remember nothing, even our own names), but beyond this he is just a tantrum kid whose pants have been pulled down because he has shat in his nappies. Like any young kids in this situation, he does not like his arse being exposed to the world and to his mummy USA, who loves him dearly, he makes impatient demands, while jumping up and down…


Poor Zelenskyyy-y who has to bury about 300 of his tin soldiers daily, while about 2,000 daily are taken out of action in the quick sands of history. Who knows the true numbers of Ukrainian casualties. Tragic. And we mean TRAGIC for Ukraine and its people.


By now, the kid should sign a memorandum of agreement with Russia. But his mummy says no. "Wait till your butt is smacked some more by Mr Putin, the evil-master, until your butt is bleeding raw". Newsflash: should you start to be too cocky, your lovely sand castle in Kiev will be flattened by evil-Putin — and you will cry some more. This might get you a Putin-broken leg, if your mates, the nazis, don’t do it beforehand, for betraying their banderitista thuggery.


Putin is not evil, but hopefully he is teaching you a difficult lesson. “It hurts him more than it hurts you" is a euphemism that is completely false, but that the West likes to believe, otherwise the West would stop giving you more dangerous weapons or stop trying to sanction him with more stuffs that "hurt the West more than it hurts him.". Who knows, Volosky-baby, you might do something more stupid with those guns than what you are doing now. 


Yes, we know, the West is always full of good democratic intentions and keeps killing a few more million people with these, in the name of a fizzy freedomola. So the West wants more Ukrainian people killed before calling the end of the game — a dangerous game in which you’re just a silly dangerous young fool — a puppet made of Jewish-nazi wood.


Come on, Volodymyr, sign the deal ASAP…. Because, despite what the West is helping you with (and even Biden's pledge of an extra billion), you won’t have anything left to negotiate with. Remember Napoleonskyyy-y… except there won't be any glorious come back.




 Bribe Money for Ukrainian Officials?



In my blog post of May 18, 2022, I raised the possibility that the $40 billion aid package that Congress quickly approved for Ukraine was going to be used, at least in part, to pay multimillion dollar bribes to Ukrainian officials. After all, why else would the members of Congress, as well as the Pentagon’s assets within the mainstream press, react so vociferously against the idea of having the Inspector General monitor how the money is being used? And what better way to ensure that Ukrainian officials remain on board for perpetual war than the payment of bribes to officials serving in what is perhaps the most corrupt regime on the planet?

For skeptics, I refer to an article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal whose title pretty much tells it all: “High-Ranking Afghan Officials Escaped to Luxury Homes Abroad.” The opening paragraph states, “Some senior Afghan officials and their families spent millions purchasing expensive homes in the U.S. and abroad in the final years of the war, which became luxurious landings when they escaped the escalating violence in Afghanistan.” The article then goes on to detail some of those “luxurious landings.”

Okay, yes, it is conceivable that those Afghan officials are all honest politicians and bureaucrats in an impoverished nation who became millionaires by dutifully saving portions of their government salaries.


But there is another possibility, a much more likely one in my opinion. Do you remember those planeloads of U.S.-taxpayer-provided hundred-dollar bills that Pentagon officials were shipping into Afghanistan? Do you recall how there wasn’t any Inspector General monitoring how all that moolah was being disbursed? I think there is a very good chance that it was being handed out to Afghan officials as bribes to bring them on board in support of the U.S. invasion and occupation of their country. 

I’m reminded of the CIA’s plan to prevent Salvador Allende from becoming president of Chile after he received a plurality of votes in the 1970 presidential election. Since the election was thrown into the Chilean congress, the CIA decided to secretly bribe the members of the Chilean Congress with U.S.-taxpayer money as a way to induce them to vote against Allende. 

The CIA also initiated a scheme designed to induce the Chilean national-security establishment to implement a violent coup that would keep Allende from taking office and, most likely, leave him dead in the process. As I detail in my new book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, when the overall commander of Chile’s armed forces, Gen. Rene Schneider, refused to go along with the CIA’s evil and illegal scheme, the CIA orchestrated his kidnapping/assassination, which left Schneider shot dead on the streets of Santiago. 

Ironically, the strong public reaction in Chile against Schneider’s assassination doomed the CIA’s bribery plot, and the Chilean congress ended up confirming Allende as president. Three years later, the CIA’s regime-change operation succeeded when the Chilean national-security establishment, with the full support of the U.S. national-security establishment, took control over the government, leaving the democratically elected Allende dead in the process. 

As I have repeatedly written, the war in Ukraine is not about freedom. It’s about membership in the old, rotten Cold War dinosaur known as NATO. Ukrainian officials were willing to sacrifice thousands of their citizens and the destruction of their country ostensibly for the sake of joining NATO. The question that obviously arises is: Was there something else — like the payment of multimillion bribes from U.S.-taxpayer-provided moolah — that induced crooked and corrupt Ukrainian officials to sacrifice their citizens and their country?