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rope-a-dope .....from Alan Ramsay ….. ‘A colleague emailed last night: "When it comes to John Howard one has to look through the smoke and beyond the mirrors. And we all know the Work Choices 'safety net' he has now cobbled together is aimed at saving the neck of one person and one person alone. But if you look away from the safety net you will see a rolled-gold key Howard has just delivered himself. It is not only a get-out-of-jail key, but a key to fit a treasure chest that holds many millions of dollars. "Over past weeks it's clear Howard has been frothing at the prospect of a heavy artillery ACTU advertising blitz at election time that the Coalition did not have the party funds to match. And anyone who can smell a rodent a mile off would have smelt it a week or two back when Howard said it would be illegitimate for the Coalition to use taxpayer funds to promote the Government's Work Choices laws. Good heavens no! "'Finetuning' of Work Choices now offers the pretext of another of those mother-of-all 'public information' campaigns, the nearer the election the better. Similarly, watch how they explain the far-reaching effects of renaming the Office of the Employment Advocate as the Workplace Authority and changing the Office of Workplace Services to become the Workplace Ombudsman. We only need think back to the obscene Medicare-Plus campaign three years ago to get an idea of what is about to descend on us. As you might say, thank you once again, taxpayers." Indeed. Voters are always the mugs.’
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cruel joke
From the ABC
Fairness test a 'cruel joke'The New South Wales' Industrial Relations Minister says the new 'fairness test' that will be applied to Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) from today is riddled with holes and inconsistencies.
The Federal Government has introduced the test to partially restore the 'no-disadvantage' test that it scrapped as part of its overhaul of industrial relations laws.
But Treasurer Peter Costello has said it will be too difficult to backdate it to apply to those who have already signed AWAs.
NSW Industrial Relations Minister John Della Bosca says nearly 500,000 workers on AWAs have not been given the award protections that were guaranteed under the Federal Government's original WorkChoices laws.
"So if those guarantees were no good then this fairness test, riddled as it is with holes and inconsistencies, cannot possibly deliver anything except disappointment and betrayal for Australian working families," he said.
Mr Della Bosca says the new test will disappointment workers who believe it will protect their working conditions.
"This fairness test is completely worthless because there's no independent umpire, there's no proper compliance and there's no real safety net," he said.
"It's a cruel joke on working families and a continued attack on workers rights."