Monday 10th of March 2025

adam came from eve….

According to the noise made by the small but vocal LGBTQ+ community, we all should be wearing rainbow-coloured underpants. But accepting and embracing the LGBTQ+ community does not mean that we all have to be LGBTQ+. 


For many cis-gender, gender-dysphoria (gender identity complexed with gender appearance — not a disease) is not an issue. For many centuries, societies have had to deal with homosexuality and other situations which are not sexually reproductive. Sex for pleasure (or not) has been an on and off taboo subject since before antiquity. 


We thus have to turn to the experts to make sure no-one makes the sometimes regrettable mistake of irreversible gender re-assignment, which in any case won’t be “reproductive” though some surgical techniques are working on this. As we all know (we all should as adult) there is also a conflict of natural trends versus nurture, in which presently, there seems to be a tendency to publicly encourage the “grooming” of future tendencies in children, rather than discreetly deal with these fleeting tendencies, which can be naturally and culturally induced. For some people, there are some delicate decisions to be made, but in general the proportion of gender dysphoria versus cis-gender (accepted male and female differentiation) is very small. 


The racket made by the community on this subject, is changing the vernacular of the languages — especially in English — with new pronouns and a greater variety of possibilities than kids playing with train sets and dolls could comprehend. It is not unusual that kids feel one way or the other at various stage of development, but eventually become fully cisgenderised naturally. There is a difficult pathway from societies to deal with the assignment of gender in sports in particular — where competition is gender segregated.


There is a bit of confusion about sex and gender in the loony human species, especially when mixed with the illusion of god coming from the purveyors of religion telling us that god made man first from a bit of dirt (hence the connotation of “dirty old men” —guffaw), then made women from a bit of man (so women carry an inferiority complex into infinity — taking their revenge on making the whole species go down the drain by eating THE apple of sin)… 


Some observations tell us that embryonic human development tell us that Adam came from Eve with some tinkering of hormones by relative natural assignment…. 


So where to from here? 


From here onwards, most of the dissertation has been picked from various jumbled source, books and online articles, without fear or favour:





According to Freud, the concept of sexual drive is a defining element of psychoanalysis. However, in a footnote added in 1924 to his “Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality” (Freud, 1905), he wrote: “The theory of the instincts is the most important but at the same time the least complete portion of psychoanalytic theory”. The theory of sexuality elaborated by Freud was among the reasons why psychoanalysis met so much resistance, not only from the patients, but also from the scientific community. 


In his 1920 preface to the fourth edition of “Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality”, Freud wrote: “[…] it is satisfactory to be able to record the fact that interest in psycho-analytic research remains unimpaired in the world at large. […] That part of the theory, however, which lies on the frontiers of biology […] is still faced with undiminished contradiction”.



The saturation of the English-speaking world with psychoanalytic concepts was due largely to one brilliant analyst, Ernest Jones. As Freud's disciple, colleague, and biographer-and the man who rescued Freud from the Nazis-he led the international psychoanalytic movement, shifting its vortex from Vienna to London and spreading its influence to Toronto, New York, and Boston. While negotiating the ferocious politics of the movement, Jones also managed an imposing series of liaisons, including an heiress and her maid, analysands, and a “Druid Bride.” Unlike Freud, he never had to wonder, “What do women want?”




Alfred Ernest Jones was born in 1879, in Gowerton, Wales, and studied at Cardiff University and UCL.

He established both the British Psychoanalytical Society and the American Psychoanalytic Association, wrote a three-volume biography of Sigmund Freud, and played a key role in helping Sigmund and Anna Freud escape Nazi Austria, as well as numerous other continental analysts.

He also keenly encouraged the work of Melanie Klein, founded the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, and was President of the IPA twice. Although Jones’ life was not without controversy, his inexhaustible efforts to expand, promote and protect psychoanalysis were an enormously important factor in its development and dissemination, particularly in the English-speaking world.

However, his career got off to a very bad start when, in 1906, he was charged with the indecent assault of two teenage girls he was treating. He was later acquitted in court. However, in a further incident Jones was made to resign from a job as a pathologist, after he made a psychoanalytic interpretation of a young child’s paralysis without asking for her parents’ consent. 


These events seriously damaged Jones’ reputation, and in 1908 he left Europe and moved to Canada. He worked in the Psychiatry department at the University of Toronto, subsequently becoming Associate Professor of Psychiatry. His few years in North America were as productive and driven as any other period in his career; in 1911, he established the American Psychoanalytical Association, and in 1912 he published the first psychoanalytic work in the English language, Papers on PsychoAnalysis.


In 1908, before leaving for Canada, Jones had had his first direct contact with a key figure in psychoanalysis, Carl Jung. He and Jung had organised the first Psychoanalytical Congress in Salzburg, and it was there that Jones met Freud for the first time, quickly striking up what was to be an enduring – if not always straightforward – professional and personal relationship. 


After several years in Canada, Jones went briefly into analysis with Ferenczi in Budapest, and then in 1913 returned to London. Soon after his return Jones set up his psychoanalytic practice and founded the London Psychoanalytical Society, meanwhile continuing to write and lecture on psychoanalytic theory. Jones’ Society disbanded after the First World War, but he quickly re-established it in 1919, as the British Psychoanalytical Society. 


Jones's first serious relationship was with Loe Kann, a wealthy Dutch émigré referred to him in 1906 after she had become addicted to morphine during treatment for a serious kidney condition. Their relationship lasted until 1913. It ended with Kann in analysis with Freud and Jones, at Freud's behest, undergoing analysis with Sándor Ferenczi.[8]


A tentative romance with Freud's daughter, Anna, did not survive the disapproval of her father. Before her visit to Britain in the autumn of 1914, which Jones chaperoned, Freud advised him:


She does not claim to be treated as a woman, being still far away from sexual longings and rather refusing man. There is an outspoken understanding between me and her that she should not consider marriage or the preliminaries before she gets 2 or 3 years older.


In 1917 Jones married the Welsh musician Morfydd Llwyn Owen. They were holidaying in South Wales the following year when Morfydd became ill with acute appendicitis. Jones hoped to get his former colleague and brother-in-law, the leading surgeon Wilfred Trotter, to operate but when this proved impossible emergency surgery was carried out at his father’s Swansea home by a local surgeon, with chloroform administered as the anaesthetic.  As Jones recounts: "after a few days [she] became delirious with a high temperature. We thought there was blood poisoning till I got Trotter from London. He at once recognized delayed chloroform poisoning ... We fought hard, and there were moments when we seemed to have succeeded, but it was too late.” Jones arranged for his wife to be buried in Oystermouth Cemetery on the outskirts of Swansea with her gravestone bearing an inscription from Goethe's Faust: Das Unbeschreibliche, hier ist's getan — The indescribable, here it is done.


Following some inspired matchmaking by his Viennese colleagues, in 1919 Jones met and married Katherine Jokl, a Jewish economics graduate from Moravia. She had been at school in Vienna with Freud's daughters. They had four children in what proved to be a long and happy marriage, though both struggled to overcome the loss of their eldest child, Gwenith, at the age of 7, during the interwar influenza epidemic.[14] Their son Mervyn Jones became a writer.


Jones continued to work hard and tirelessly to promote psychoanalysis. In 1920 he founded the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, serving as its editor until 1939. In 1921 he established the International Psychoanalytic Library, and either translated or arranged the translation into English of as many psychoanalytic works as possible. In 1924 the first two volumes of Freud's Collected Papers, was published in translations edited by Jones and supervised by Joan Riviere. In large part the result of a long and dogged campaign by him, in 1929 the British Medical Association officially recognised psychoanalysis as, ‘a serious branch of science’. 


In a further effort to spread and entrench psychoanalytic ideas, in the 1930s Jones and some of his colleagues made a series of radio broadcasts.


Jones had been impressed by Melanie Klein since he first discovered her work, and his own writing became increasingly influenced by her ideas and developments. Following her lead, he began to explore early psychic development, particularly the development of the superego and the nature of the female castration complex. 


He originated the term "phallocentrism", and argued alongside Klein and Karen Horney for the idea of a primary femininity. In reformulating Freud’s concept of the castration complex, Jones also introduced the idea of "aphanisis" referring to a fear of, "the permanent extinction of the capacity (including opportunity) for sexual enjoyment". 


The first use of the term “rationalisation” was also by Jones.


In 1925 Jones invited Melanie Klein to give a number of lectures in London, and afterward suggested she move permanently to England and join the British Society. Klein accepted this offer, and over the ensuing years attracted numerous and committed followers. Jones’ enthusiasm for her was far from universal, however. 


As Hitler’s power grew in Germany and beyond, he helped many Viennese and other continental analysts (a number of whom were Jewish) to resettle in England. After the Anschluss in 1938, Jones went himself to Vienna to orchestrate Sigmund and Anna Freud’s escape to Britain. 


With the influx of a large number of European analysts, there arose a fierce clash of ideas between the so-called Kleinians and Freudians


This intellectual and ideological conflict led to deep division in the British Society. Jones always sided with Klein’s views, as opposed to those of Anna Freud and her colleagues, and this clear partiality caused Sigmund Freud angrily to accuse Jones of trying to discredit his daughter’s work. 


The mounting hostility between the Freudian and Kleinian factions led, in the early 1940s, to the Controversial Discussions. Jones’ role in these very heated debates diminished somewhat as his health began to suffer, and he spent more time at his home in Sussex. He resigned from the Presidency of the British Society in 1944. 


In that year the warring groups in the Society at last reached a compromise, which had the Freudians, Kleinians, and a third group of "Independents", administer and teach their own training programmes.


In his latter years Jones wrote a three-volume biography of Freud, with considerable help from his German-speaking wife, who translated many of Freud’s letters and documents. Jones was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in 1942, Honorary President of the International Psychoanalytical Association in 1949, and was awarded an Honorary D.Sc. degree from Swansea University in 1954. 


He died in London on 11th February 1958, and cremated at Golders Green Crematorium. His ashes were taken for burial in Wales, on his beloved Gower Peninsular.


Because sexuality is so important in psychoanalytic theory, because the instincts are “the most obscure element of psychological research” (Freud, 1920), because it has been so controversial, because that part of the theory lies on the frontier between the mental and the somatic (Freud, 1915a), and because neuropsychoanalysis endeavors to find the neural underpinnings of psychoanalytic concepts, it appears to me that one of the chief tasks of neuropsychoanalysis is to investigate the neural correlates of sexual drives. In 1996, our group embarked on this task using functional neuroimaging techniques, initially Positron Emission Tomography (PET), then functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). 


Since that time, more than 70 articles have reported studies of human sexual desire/arousal based on functional neuroimaging techniques, whether in healthy or in pathological samples (Stoléru et al., 2012). Thus, now is the time to return to Freud’s original writings and try to assess how findings of functional neuroimaging studies relate with his theory of sexual excitement and sexual drives. Are the results of functional neuroimaging experiments consistent with the Freudian model of sexual drives? Are they consistent only in some respects? Can modern studies actually help psychoanalysis to reformulate certain aspects of this model? Those questions are among the points examined hereunder.


Freud was quite open to such a re-examination of his theory: “The deficiencies in our description would probably vanish if we were already in a position to replace the psychological terms by physiological or chemical ones. […] Biology is truly a land of unlimited possibilities. We may expect it to give us the most surprising information and we cannot guess what answers it will return in a few dozen years to the questions we have put to it” (Freud, 1920). Indeed, this projection into the future was echoed a few dozen years later by Kandel when he cogently spelled out an agenda for psychoanalysis and neurobiology to engage in a dialogue, including regarding the understanding of sexual drives (Kandel, 1999).


Sometimes the truth hurts, but nothing hits harder than a blow to your manhood: All guys start out, in utero, as females.


Everyone comes from a common genetic and developmental framework that is tweaked by sex hormones,” says Richard Bribiescas, Ph.D., director of the Yale Reproductive Ecology Laboratory. We all start as a generic embryo. You have a set of male or female sex chromosomes, but the distinction doesn’t kick in until your hormones enter the picture, he explains. 


Without hormones like testosterone, you would stay on the path to womanhood. And, sorry to say, your body already started developing by the time this decision was made — which means your lady parts were already starting to form.


Sound crazy? We’ve got proof: Here are three visible signs that all men started out as women.




Nipples are really just chest ornaments for men, but with the right hormones you could be a milk machine, too. Bribiescas says nipples are formed very early during embryotic development. Post-pregnancy, women produce hormones like prolactin and oxytocin that allow their nipples to fulfill their purpose — to produce milk. “Without production of these hormones, men don’t lactate, although they definitely could in the presence of these important hormones,” Bribiescas adds.



During development, various hormones—including Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT)—are produced by males, causing the internal and external genitalia to develop differently than in females, Bribiescas explains. Because of DHT, the genital bud grows into the penis, but without this hormone, it would become the female clitoris. Meanwhile, MIS keeps the Müllerian ducts from progressing any further in men, keeping you from developing the female internal reproductive tract. So yes, that’s right: Your mountain is just a grown-up version of her valley.



What is that thing?!? Technically, it’s called the raphe line, and without it, you’d have a vagina. During embryotic development, everyone has an opening at their genitals. “Without male hormones, the opening remains and contributes to the development of the labia and vagina,” Bribiescas explains. When male hormones enter the picture, though, the tissue is fused together, leaving a scar that runs from your anus, over your scrotum and up the penis. Consider it a reminder of what could’ve been.




Animal experiments, analysis of growth hormone (GH) secretion in the human, studies on the synergistic metabolic effects between GH and sex hormones using the stable isotope 15N, and long-term growth evaluation of patients with GH and gonadotrophin deficiency treated with testosterone and hGH show that biologically important interrelations exist between GH and sex hormones. They are operative not only at the pituitary and gonadal levels but also in peripheral tissues, where sex hormones modify the metabolic and growth-promoting effects of GH. GH is also important for an optimal androgenic effect of testosterone in development of secondary sexual characteristics. Knowledge of these interrelations is not only of physiological interest, but also of practical clinical value…


The percent of residents in U.S. regions who identify as transgender range from 1.8% in the Northeast to 1.2% in the Midwest for youth ages 13 …


Various studies have been conducted around the world to determine the prevalence of gender dysphoria. A Dutch study indicated that 4.6% of 8064 study participants who were born male and 3.2% who were born female-identified themselves as ambivalent to their specific birth gender and were equally able to identify as male or female according to their internal perception of self. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, gender dysphoria prevalence accounts for 0.005–0.014% of the population for biological males and 0.002–0.003% for biological females. In both Japan and Poland, the prevalence of gender dysphoria is higher in biological females.

Another important factor to consider regarding the prevalence of transgender people is the sociological risks associated with disclosure. The fear of repercussion may prevent many gender dysphoric people from disclosing their status, which may mean that the prevalence of people with gender dysphoria is higher than currently reported.


People with gender dysphoria have a higher rate of suicide than the general population. A staggering 32–50% of people with gender dysphoria attempt suicide. The rate of suicide attempts is thought to be so high as a result of social stigma, rejection, discrimination, bullying, and violence.


Because of this high suicide rate, it is crucial for people with gender dysphoria to talk about their experiences with trusted loved ones and professionals. It is also vital that support networks and outreach programs provide access to the necessary services to support transgender individuals. There are suicide hotlines specifically for transgender and others in the LGBTQ+ community staffed with compassionate, understanding people who want to help....


Gender dysphoria, like any other condition, may have some contributing factors that influence its development. While an exact cause has not been discovered, there is a consensus among researchers that the following factors influence gender dysphoria development:


  • Genetic influences
  • Hormonal factors
  • Environmental features

Cultural changes in understanding and acceptance of gender identity have allowed recent generations to be more open about gender dysphoria. As acceptance of transgender individuals increases, younger generations feel more able to express aspects of themselves that prior generations felt compelled to hide, including gender dysphoria.




More to follow…. 




sexism in japan….


BY Vladimir Terekhov


In the current stage of the Great Game – the global geopolitical power struggle in which the contestants are behaving more and more like the inmates of a madhouse – the world is seeing words take on new meanings. And one of the most important words in this Newspeak is “sexism.” This term, or rather a marker – a bit like the code words used by fighter pilots – can be used to discredit anyone who dares to question any of the main tenets of the “new normal” world view. It has continuously been used by people who stand behind certain high-profile public figures.

Today, anyone who suggests that the biological differences between men and women (which are, according to the “new normal” view, insignificant) are in reality evidence that the two sexes have different roles and functions in society, is declared sexist. In fact, it is meaningless to discuss those roles in terms of “good / bad” or “better/ worse.”

But, in a bid to hide the differences between male and female, because they could cause certain persons (generally, girls and women) to experience unwanted stress, pupils in senior classes in Japanese schools can now wear special gender-neutral costumes when going swimming

Another example of “sexism” in Japan hit the headlines last year. This time the scandal involved comments made by Yoshirō Mori, Prime Minister from 2000-2001. At the time he was (despite his advanced years) serving as the head of Japan’s Olympic Committee, responsible for preparations for the upcoming Summer Olympics.

In Spring 2021, just 3-4 months before the rescheduled Games (they were originally to have been held in 2020) two factors combined to make Yoshiro Mori’s job more difficult. Firstly there was the uncertainty caused by the government’s COVID-19 response: first it imposed, and then canceled, a state of emergency for the Olympics.

And secondly there was the increasingly evident trend for society to force through solutions to perceived “gender-related social injustice.” Gender activists from the global social equality movement who were operating in Japan were (for some reason) allowed to question heads of state bodies and private corporations in a highly aggressive manner. The main question was: “What percent of your management board are women?”

It should be noted that currently, with elections to the House of Councilors (the upper chamber of Japan’s Parliament) due to take place on July 10, perhaps the most pressing issue is the proposed 50% for women in the Japanese legislature. The question is, what impact would such a requirement have on the democratic process? The very democratic process which is currently facing a number of problems relating to both the domestic economy and to foreign policy, and these now represent serious threats to Japan as a whole. These include the deterioration in Japan’s relations with Russia, which Japan, in keeping with its “duty as a loyal ally” risks spoiling on account of its support for Ukraine. Along with other border states, that political sore on the body of Europe now promises to infect the whole continent.

Last year Yoshiro Mori found himself in a similar position, when he was informed, by some unidentified person, that “it was felt” that the proportion of women in the Olympic Committee should be increased to 50%. The former Prime Minister, who appears to have been experiencing considerable strain, answered with an off-hand comment, and the next day a media furor erupted and his words were denounced as “outrageously sexist.” The “gender dissident” was forced to resign.

A year later, Yoshiro Mori still feels that he was treated unfairly, and reiterated his comments – which were, after all, the words of an old man: “I simply said that women talk a lot. I get scolded for telling the truth.” Note that those are his words, not the present author’s.  That comment is sole basis for the complaints of “sexism.”

Another incident along the same lines clearly demonstrates a key and highly disturbing feature of the campaign against perceived sexism. Back in 2011 a young (unmarried) high-ranking female civil servant made an address to a committee of the Japanese Parliament on a subject that remains just as relevant as ever and may continue to be so for the next decade or so. And not just in Japan. The subject was a complex issue that arose following the 2011 disaster at the Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant.

Clearly an Arts graduate with a background in television, the speaker’s tirade was full of technical terms such as “millisieverts.” She was interrupted by shouts of “Why don’t you get married?” and [allegedly] “Can’t you even have children?” from one of the lawmakers in the audience who were still awake.  Her heckler’s political career came to an abrupt end, despite assurances from many lawmakers that he had been “misunderstood.”

Nevertheless, his “sexist” outburst was more relevant than he perhaps intended. It could even be argued that it touched on a critical issue for modern Japan. Because the country is experiencing a serious demographic decline. For the last few years in a row Japan’s population has fallen, repeatedly reaching levels described as “lower than at any time in the last few decades.” The results of a recent survey of single people’s attitudes to marriage present a shocking picture. The situation has led to fears of the “imminent disappearance of the Japanese, as a nation.”

That is despite the fact that Japan is perceived globally as a “highly successful country.” Certainly, it is the third largest economy in the world, and one of the most technologically advanced, and accordingly has a high GDP. It is the de facto leader in one of the region’s trading blocs. As a result of these circumstances, Japan’s influence is growing and it is able to adopt a relatively independent stance in the international community.

Clearly, then, a key factor contributing to the problem of falling birth rates in almost all developed countries – and particularly in Japan – is female (after all, the talk here is mostly about women) “emancipation.” This trend has played a major role in the social transformations that have taken place in those same countries over the last 100-200 years.

Once this process is recognized as an objective reality, it is important to consider the potentially disastrous consequences that the “new normal” world view referred to above can lead to – as Japan’s neighbor Taiwan has been doing in recent months.

On that note, the author will conclude this brief review of the issue of “sexism” and the various ways that it can affect social relations between the sexes. Naturally, going into these issues in too much depth can lead to all sorts of problems for any writer.



Vladimir Terekhov, expert on the issues of the Asia-Pacific region, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.







inhumanity at unit 721….






no more menopause….

Health Secretary Sajid Javid weighed in to a similar row earlier in June when the site scrubbed gender-specific terms from its page on ovarian cancer - a disease that kills around 4,100 British women every year, but not men because they are born with testicles rather than ovaries.

The UK's public health service has sparked new controversy by erasing references to women from its online advice about exclusively female conditions.

Health professionals spoke out on Tuesday after the National Health Service site removed all references to "women" from its menopause page.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid waded into a similar row earlier in June when the site scrubbed gender-specific terms from its page on ovarian cancer — a disease that kills around 4,100 British women every year — but no men, who are born with testicles, not ovaries.

The organisation defended the changes on the grounds of wanting to sound more "inclusive" of transgender and 'non-binary' people who make up a fraction of a per cent of the UK population.


"The NHS website provides information for everyone. We keep the pages under continual review to ensure they use language that is inclusive, respectful and relevant to the people reading it," said a spokesperson for NHS Digital, the agency that runs the website.


But an Australian nursing and midwifery expert, who has previously criticised such gender-free language about women's health issues, condemned the edits.

"The risk of de-sexing this information remains that women who have low English or health literacy may not know that the information applies to them," said Dr Karleen Gribble of Western Sydney University.


"That first sentence of the older version 'The menopause is when a woman stops having periods and is no longer able to get pregnant naturally' is really important in signposting to women that they should read further."

Gribble said the revised text went against the "basic principle" that public health advice should spell out who it is aimed at.


"The fact that some women might have low literacy and not know basic terms is shown by the fact that they included a link to a definition of what periods are in the earlier version," Dr Gribble said. "In de-sexing the page they have removed the links to further information."