Thursday 16th of January 2025

the last gamble…….

If you think that in twenty years from now, China and Russia will be underfoot, you could be wrong. There is ten-million chances to one that you will be wrong


Russia and China are not going to go away. No matter the amount of containment you can think about the Sino-Russian problem, IT will not go away. Not only this, it is a historical problem created by the West as if we, the Westerners, had nothing better to do.


There are time when I feel that the US want war for no other reason that they want to test their F35 or their Raptors against the other mobs or see how well their war games for kids have been working out in the young minds. Already, the US have many scenarios of attacking the “enemy” with sufficient weaponry as to manage the bypassing of the “enemy” defences and …. And do what? 


Has the “enemy” threatened the USA or even NATO — that fascist organism that grows in the sewers of conquerors mind? My bet is that the threats come from the USA and NATO because they have nothing better to do diplomatically than to wish to control the whole loot on this planet.


So, do we really need to threaten China and Russia? As mentioned many times on this site, the Anglo-Saxon hegemony started to take shape in 1904-05… How times fly. By 1917-19, the Russian Revolution provided the catalyst for America to dream about taking over the A-Saxon hegemony which involves the conquest of the world by eventually taking over the “Heartland” (Russia and China). THIS IS SPELLED OUT IN DOCUMENTS.


I did not make this up. It’s a plan in the dark corners of the American elites’ mind — those who run the joint for money and power — whether Democrat or Republicans. If slavery was still allowed, they would run it like a very profitable business without any morality problem. In some way they still do by fighting “unionism” which to them smells like communism.


Meanwhile, the whole process of world domination is complexed by the religious sub-texts. 


Not only the Jews, but the Muslims and the Christians have the dream of owning the entire planet. They have different ways going about it. The Jews let the Christians do the dirty work, while the Muslim infiltrate and multiply population till they reach critical mass within. Meanwhile the Christians in their desires to control, muck it up and end up creating refugees who add to the infiltration problem which hits at the colonial guilt complex. The Jews do not have the same guilt complex as the Christians because they don't do much apart from being "victims", while the Muslims have no guilt complex since no-one is allowed to challenge their beliefs, from outside or from within.


The Muslims were stopped at the Battle of Tours (Poitiers) in 732. They retreated and lived happily in Spain until they got kicked out some 700 years later. And so were the Jews kicked out too, leaving them to wander across the Middle east, singing and mourning their destroyed tailor shops and rent offices. 


Plenty of good people, peaceful and philosophically aware, amongst these religious elites — though whether Christian, Muslim or Jewish, they were ruled on structures based on kingdoms of god, in which the more psychopathic characters would rise to the top. The thieves ran and run the shows. They want your soul and your money. Nothing new.


We are ruled by nutcases. This is obvious, unless you live on the rim of a moon crater. This is why some people wanted to take over their destiny and get rid of Kings and Emperors. The French and Russian revolutions are similar and their desire — poor people fighting for their rights —  while the so-called American Revolution was a battle by rich thieves who did not want to pay taxes.


So, we need to have the relative clarity of decent atheism to punch holes through all this and make sure we don’t play the last throw of the dice. We would regret it, should we survive ten minutes. 


So what is best? Carry on threatening “enemies” or start making better deals, not of carving markets or influences, but of cooperating on making sure we won’t burn the place down, either by nuclear war or by global warming?… Can we let the morons in charge carry on threats of this or that? The Chinese have come a long way for the last 40 years and they would not be ready to let things go for the sake of a decrepited US Empire... Russia only wants to be friend but we refused because this goes against the conquest of the Heartland. 


Religions at this level ARE completely HOPELESS… They did not invent the word ARMAGEDDON or End of Times for nothing…. It's in their construct. For us atheists, the end of time is when the sun, exhausted of fuel, dies... in 5 billion years from now...


We can do better than the morons and shake hands now than when we’ve blown ourselves to smithereens…. This would be too late, would it not?


Enters Richard Dawkins… He speaks better than I do, I hope…. Even under a "comedy" outlet.......





Atheist ordinaire.







WHEN YOU SEE PUTIN AND Narendra Modi TOGETHER, you need to remember that Putin speaks several languages including some indian dialects....





The heads of UK and US security services have made an unprecedented joint appearance to warn of the threat from China. 

FBI director Christopher Wray said China was the "biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security" and had interfered in politics, including recent elections. 

MI5 head Ken McCallum said his service had more than doubled its work against Chinese activity in the last three years and would be doubling it again. 

MI5 is now running seven times as many investigations related to activities of the Chinese Communist Party compared to 2018, he added. 

The FBI's Wray warned that if China was to forcibly take Taiwan it would "represent one of the most horrific business disruptions the world has ever seen". 

In response, China Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said British intelligence was trying to "hype up the China threat theory" and he advised the head of MI5 to "cast away imagined demons". 


He said the FBI director had also been "playing up the China threat to smear and attack China" revealing a "Cold War mentality" and urged him to stop making "irresponsible" remarks.

The first ever joint public appearance by the two directors came at MI5 headquarters in Thames House, London. 

McCallum also said the challenge posed by the Chinese Communist Party was "game-changing", while Wray called it "immense" and "breath-taking".

Wray warned the audience - which included chief executives of businesses and senior figures from universities - that the Chinese government was "set on stealing your technology" using a range of tools. 

He said it posed "an even more serious threat to western businesses than even many sophisticated businesspeople realised". He cited cases in which people linked to Chinese companies out in rural America had been digging up genetically modified seeds which would have cost them billions of dollars and nearly a decade to develop themselves. 

He also said China deployed cyber espionage to "cheat and steal on a massive scale", with a hacking programme larger than that of every other major country combined.


The MI5 head said intelligence about cyber threats had been shared with 37 countries and that in May a sophisticated threat against aerospace had been disrupted.






So. When do we attack China and prove we're stupider than half a farting earthworm? IDIOTS... WE HAD SIMILAR WARNINGS ABOUT SADDAM, DIDN'T WE?..... 



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