Monday 10th of March 2025

messy kissberries…..

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has pushed back on a central pillar of US President Joe Biden’s foreign policy, arguing it is overly simplistic to see modern geopolitics as a contest between democracies and authoritarian regimes such as China, given the world is “bloody messy”.

In a major foreign policy speech in Sydney, Ardern also appeared to take a softer line on China’s growing presence in the Pacific after attracting furious criticism from China during a recent visit to the US.


During her appearance at the Lowy Institute, Ardern said the war in Ukraine was “morally bankrupt and illegal” but it is wrong to characterise it as “the West versus Russia” or “democracy versus autocracy”.

“We’re a liberal democracy and we seek to promote, of course, the values that are important to us,” Ardern said. “But what we also seek is to ensure that we base our foreign policy responses on facts, not assertion and assumption.”


She continued: “Let’s not assume that China, as a member of the [United Nations] Security Council does not have a role to play in placing pressure [on Russia] in response to what is the loss of territorial integrity.

“Let’s not just isolate it and assume that it’s only democracies that take this view.”

Echoing remarks he has repeatedly made as president, Biden said during a speech on military funding for Ukraine earlier this year: “Folks, there’s an ongoing battle in the world between autocracy and democracy.”

Ardern cautioned against a simplistic understanding of global affairs, saying “the honest reality is that the world is bloody messy. And yet, amongst all the complexity, we still often see issues portrayed in a black and white way.”





please albo, don't be daft like turdy abbott….

Confirmation of the long-awaited meeting - the first between foreign ministers from Canberra and Beijing since September 2019 - came as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese vowed to treat Russian President Vladimir Putin with “the contempt that he deserves” when the two leaders cross paths at the G20 leaders summit on the Indonesian holiday island in November.

“It certainly won’t be polite,” Albanese told Sky News. “The world needs to send a very clear message about how we regard him and his behaviour towards undermining the rules-based order, undermining the UN Charter, being responsible for the war crimes that are being committed in Ukraine.”

As Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov prepared to meet other G20 foreign ministers in Bali on Friday, Albanese said Putin had murdered thousands of people and accused Russia of war crimes in Ukraine.


Wong on Thursday also took aim at Moscow, indicating she would confront Lavrov directly on Friday at the G20 foreign ministers, a precursor to the G20 leaders meeting later in the year. “We’ll be making very clear collectively our views about Russia’s position and Russia’s behaviour,” she said.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is scheduled to address the meeting on Friday with Lavrov in the room.




It's time for the boy from Newtown to know that the bullies are not in Moscow but in WASHINGTON. What Putin is doing in Ukraine is unfortunate, but the responsibility of his actions lie directly with the Anglo-Saxon desire to own the entire planet. The fact is that Zelenskyyy-y is a liar, a Jewish Nazi and a despot who is destroying the 1000 year old Russian culture of Ukraine by decrees and burning books. 

The fact is Zelenskyyy-y did not respect the Minsk agreements and was preparing to invade the Donbass which is dominated by Russian culture and Russian people. 


So, Albo, fuck this "rules-based order" which is a bad US invention to bother independent nations. Buy yourself a few history books and stop listening to the "experts" who have been briefing Morrison and are in the pockets of the US weapon manufacturers — like the ASPI. Clear your mind of all this shit and understand that UKRAINE IS LIKE THE UNITED KINGDOM was BEFORE THE IRISH FOUGHT TO GAIN THEIR INDEPENDENCE. Or like Yugoslavia before NATO BOMBED THE SHIT OUT OF IT... 


REMEMBER THE BULLSHIT ABOUT IRAQ AS WELL.... AND AFGHANISTAN FOR GOOD MEASURES. Most of the "War Crimes" have been committed by Zelensky and his Azov battalions....AND THE USA. Under the UN charter, regrettably, Putin was entitled to protect the Donbass region, whether you like it or not...