Thursday 16th of January 2025

once upon a time…….

Once upon a time — and not so long ago —it was a universal belief that in order to be a good “Bohemian”, one lived in a garret, used a candle (stuck in a bottle) for lighting, drank dry wine and absinthe with, and between, occasional repasts of bread and garlic, et cetera, produced masterpieces of paint and poesy in the intervals, bilked the landlady, subscribed to unmoral — or immoral, whichever way you look at it — ideas concerning social ties, and changed collars, if at all, seldom. (you follow me?)

This conception was in accord with the notion that every retired pugilist had to keep a public-house, and drink himself to death; that all lawyers are thieved; that all little blue-eyed newsboys would sooner be run over getting your change than turn a dishonest halfpenny; that tailors’ bills are always evaded; and that Britannia really rules the waves.


J. Alex Allan (1939)


To this impressive list of “truisms”, we need to add that Chris Kenny perfectly understands the ABC; that Rupert Murdoch does not hate the ABC; that the IPA is a honest mirror of ALL humanity despite being ULTRA-CONservative; being stomped upon by an elephant is not as painful as a mosquito bite; that Chris Kenny tells intelligent unbiased views about the ABC; that Chris Kenny does not have an A-bee-C in his bonnet; that women’s magazine are more interested in organza than orgasms.


We will leave this at that....



to the rescue…...

As the ABC turns 90 this year and celebrates her youth, a rather sad story occurred when the old Daily Telegraph (main Murdoch's Sydney rag) criticised the public broadcaster. Miss Antennae Broad Continual (ABC) got defended by fellow actuaries and hard-working journalists who explained that whoever it was (possibly Chris Kenny) that demonised her excellent singing and standing at the piano of transmission, should be horse-whipped. They explained that when someone attacks (as it is an attack) the integrity of a (beautiful) lady, or any woman as it were, by wrong ningnongs, the scribologists of the good kind always go like chrivaliskas (black nights) to the rescue. 

But Miss Antennae Broad Continual, sensible, compassionate and magnanimous, did not encourage such vapouring, and the incompetent dramatic critic at the Daily Telegraph (or Sky News as well) was not horse-whipped....


(Text based on E H Collis — 1948)



Organza is a thin, plain weavesheer fabric traditionally made from silk. Many modern organzas are woven with synthetic filament fibers such as polyester or nylon. Silk organza is woven by a number of mills along the Yangtze River and in the province of Zhejiang in China. A coarser silk organza is woven in the Bangalore area of India. Deluxe silk organzas are woven in France and Italy.


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