Wednesday 15th of January 2025

killing little bejesus…..

In the old detective series Dragnet, the protagonist Sgt. Joe Friday became famous for his phrase, “Just the facts, ma’am!”

Is it possible today to get “just the facts” about anything in the Western world? No, because the corporate media is complicit in all the crimes of their global masters of the universe and have become the propaganda arm of disinformation advancing their worldwide globalist agenda.





This is the case with the globalist empire that is provoking Russia by way of Ukraine. Of course by “empire,” I mean the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire of the New World Order headquartered in the City of London with offices in Brussels, New York, and Washington, DC.

The Empire’s goal of world domination over the decades of the last century has been achieved through both deception and the force of arms. By the use of propaganda and disinformation, along with color revolutions, the Empire has funded proxies used to destabilize nations they seek to topple and absorb.

This is what is happening in the Ukraine right now. This ginned up “crisis” is not about the wellbeing of Ukraine, but rather it is about the Empire’s attempt to chip away at Russia and isolate them, since they are a firewall to the Empire’s goal of world subjection.

So let us look at the Empire’s media lies and propaganda and contrast it with facts. I write from the worldview of an American Protestant who places his Christian religion above his nationalism.



FACTS: Since the Soviet empire fell and the various satellite nations of the Eastern Bloc gained their independence, the present Russian Federation, created in 1991, has done nothing to threaten the United States or to compromise its borders. They have not planted military bases near the United States, nor have they posed any threat to our domestic economy. Yes, Russia is competing with the US to provide natural gas to Europe, but they are doing so—ahem—in a capitalist free-market manner. Their product is quicker and cheaper. Remember, it was Germany who asked Russia to build Nord Stream II.

If the question is formulated, “Was the Soviet Union an enemy of the US?”, then the answer would be yes. But there is no more Soviet Union, which Reagan accurately labeled “the Evil Empire,” with its expansionist military aggression.

Russian president Putin has come under tremendous criticism in his own country for being conciliatory to the US in his public addresses, referencing the US as “colleagues and partners.”

Putin, along with his foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, has always resorted to dialogue and cooperation rather than coercive military action, “foreign aid” bribes, or meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. When dealing with the Empire and NATO, the foreign policy of Russia toward Ukraine has been strictly defensive. Their time is running out. Just as the United States in the early ‘60s did not want Russian nukes in Cuba, so too Russia does not want NATO military bases and missiles in the Ukraine.

When one examines “just the facts,” what we see is Russia’s unbelievable forbearance in the face of ceaseless aggression of the Empire and the non-stop agitation of the Western propaganda machine.


FACTS: This mantra is chanted ruthlessly by “conservative” commentators such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Ben Shapiro. Nevertheless, upon examination, none of their inflammatory statements are supported by facts or evidence. Their propaganda relies on hearkening back to a bygone era, old Soviet stereotypes, and distant memories of past decades.

Putin is a European Russian. Out of a population of 144 million people, fully 111 million live west of the Ural Mountains in the continent of Europe. In religion and culture, Putin is much more European than Asian. Yet he is demonized by the West and assailed with constant lies.

In Putin’s last four presidential elections from 2000–2018, he had vote margins over his closest competitor of 23.9%, 58.1%, 46.2%, and 64.9%. What Western politician could ever have this level of admiration and respect from his people as Putin does?

Putin was secretly baptized as an infant in 1952 by his mother at an underground Orthodox Church ceremony. He identifies himself as a Russian Orthodox Christian and often attends Sunday services in Moscow. Is Putin’s faith genuine? That’s between him and God. What matters most to Russia’s people is Putin’s unwavering support of the church. He is very close to and supportive of the Russian Orthodox Church and has been instrumental in renewing Russia’s historic “symphonia” relationship between church and state. In America, the government attacks the church. In Russia, church and state work together to advance a Christian culture. The Russians know without Trinitarian Orthodoxy there is no Russia. Their 1,000-year Christian faith is their foundation.

George Orwell’s famous dystopian novel 1984 had its “two minutes of hate” where the people’s minds were conditioned to oppose anything the ruling party wanted them to oppose. Putin is the Empire’s new Emmanuel Goldstein.

In reality, Putin will go down in Russian history as one of its greatest princes if not the greatest. In miraculous fashion, he has decoupled Russia from the Western banking oligarchs, severed the Russian economy from Western parasites, restored Russian defenses, and shown the nation the path to full recovery after over 70 years of brutal communism. In the world of modern diplomacy, Putin is the foremost adult in a room of impulsive Western boys and avaricious megalomaniacs.


FACTS: This is one of the “whopper” lies. The fact is that the Ukraine is currently a vassal state of the Anglo-American Empire, and its shadow government is being run out of the United States embassy in Kiev, being led and orchestrated by a Russophobe, neo-con American, Victoria Nuland, who serves as the Under Secretary of State.

Any sovereignty Ukraine possessed disappeared when the US State Department engineered a coup d’état where democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych was forced to flee in 2014. These events were called the “Maidan Revolution.” In the Western media it was called the “Revolution of Dignity.” It was one of the Empire’s many “color revolutions” to isolate and chip away at Russia and expand the Empire’s hegemony.

The main narrative created by the Empire, the American war party, neo-cons, and their supportive conservative pundits is, “Ukraine is a sovereign country, and it deserves our US protection and support.”

Yet the opposite is true. The US-led regime change in Ukraine’s government was under the direct control of the United States, which has installed its successive puppets. Americans are very comfortable with effecting “regime change” while hypocritically talking about “respecting sovereignty.” The dissonance could not be clearer.

If the American commentators are really concerned about Ukraine sovereignty, shouldn’t they be exposing the past actions against Ukraine’s sovereignty by the US State Department and NATO?


FACTS: This lie cannot be effectively understood without knowing the history of NATO (1949) and the dissolving of the Soviet Union in 1991.

NATO was created as a military alliance of Western European countries, including Canada and the US, to counter FDR, Churchill, and Truman’s assistance to Stalin’s invasion of seven Eastern European countries by 1948.

The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and the Russian Federation formed with pro-Empire president, Boris Yeltsin, installed. At the time, George H. W. Bush, James Baker, and American diplomats assured President Gorbachev that NATO would not expand eastward. None of these agreements were put in writing (Gorbachev’s mistake) and the US went back on their commitment. NATO, which started with 12 members as an answer to the former Warsaw Pact nations, now stands at 30 members and is constantly working to surround Russia with additional NATO states. The Warsaw Pact was dissolved on July 1, 1991, after communism fell.

The issue over Ukraine membership in NATO, is Russian security and Article 5 of the NATO member states’ agreement. Article 5 is based on military alliance commitments that when one member state is attacked, all other NATO members must come to its defense. This absurd article is a sure path to war. This is similar to the “entangling alliances” over Serbia that compelled Europe to the disaster of WWI.

A simple application of the Golden Rule brings this all in perspective. How would we respond if Russia built and fortified military bases in Cuba, Mexico, and Canada, and stocked it with nuclear missiles? We all know how that went over. Why should anyone expect Russia not to respond similarly when NATO seeks to expand into the Ukraine and place massive amounts of military equipment and even nukes on its border? Why can’t we be honest about this? Why do our conservative commentators never bring this up for discussion?


FACTS: This lie is another whopper. The US, which runs Ukraine, has placed CIA operatives and numerous military advisers throughout Ukraine, along with offensive and defensive military weapons. Supplying military equipment to a border country is in itself an act of war.

In response, Russia has had to build up its defenses in its own country near the Ukraine border and in Belarus.

The Empire and NATO is moving toward Russia’s front porch, just miles from Moscow and yet Russia is the aggressor? Putin currently has stated that Russia has nowhere else to retreat. It is commonly said that the side which fires the first shot starts the war. This is not actually true. It is another neo-con trick. It is the one who makes firing the first shot necessary who starts the war. The Empire’s endgame with Russia is to encircle, attack, destroy, and subjugate.


FACTS: This claim is laughable. When the Empire decapitates a nation, installs their own puppets, and takes control of a country, that country ends up being plundered financially by being made dependent on their conquerors.

In the days of the Soviet Union, and even after the collapse of communism in 1991, the Ukraine was an agricultural and industrial center. Since 1991, and the Empire’s regime change in 2014, Ukraine has become Europe’s poorest country and has lost 14.7 million people.

Ukraine has fared no differently than other nations brought under Western hegemony, facing poverty, destruction of its defenses, massive loss of population, and third world dependency. Who is the real aggressor?

The only reason the US State Department is in Ukraine is in order to destabilize Russia. The Empire’s plan is to isolate Russia by the numerous color revolutions it organizes in the nations that border Russia. The most recent example is what just happened this January in Kazakhstan. The culprits in this recent Kazakhstan color revolution are always the same: CIA, English MI6, and Israel’s Mossad.


FACTS: No, the invasion has already taken place since 2005 and 2014 by the Empire and NATO. The Empire’s invasion was similar to invasions of other countries, regime changes, takeovers of the military, and running puppet governments from US embassies, turning Ukraine from its own sovereign nation into a vassal state.

If the Russian military enters Ukrainian territory, it will be for purposes of liberation of the Ukrainian people from their present conquerors. The liberation will be first in the Donbas region marked by Russian humanitarian aid, with some help to rebuild the Ukrainian infrastructure and economy which the Empire has destroyed.

Russia is committed to defend Russian people in the Donbas of Ukraine but has no desire to incorporate Ukraine into the Russian Federation.


The sources of power for a new order in the world are already in. The days of American hegemony, instituted at Bretton Woods (1944), are in full reversal. The world is fast moving from the Empires unipolar base to a multipolar base of power of Russia, China, Iran, and India.

Unfortunately, the Empire’s arrogance in their rejection of Russia forced the Russians eastward to China. However, Russia is ever so careful in their new relationship with China, not to mention an “alliance,” meaning militarily, but a “strategic partnership” which is mostly economic. Russia will never foolishly enter into the obligations of a military alliance.

This move has put Russia in a somewhat difficult position, especially if the relationship deepens. For Russia is Christian and China is atheistic. Russia’s hope here is the growing numbers and vigor of the Chinese church.

History demonstrates that when a major shift in power moves from an old order to a new one, that the transition period is never smooth. For despite being vassal states of the old order, the smaller states are often militarily and economically dependent on the empire. When an empire fades from power, old disputes immediately emerge and smaller economies go into freefall.

 (Republished from Russia Insider) READ MORE:  FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW.......

putin is too nice…..






When It Comes to Conducting a War, the Kremlin Has Proven Its Incompetence....


To be clear, I respect Putin as a person. He is humane. He cares about life and civilization. He is a good person. In fact, he is proving to be too good of a person to be dealing with the venal and corrupt West, and he has no idea how to conduct a war.

Putin thinks, or thought, that Russia and the West shared common values. This shows how little Putin understands the West. The West is Washington, and the rest of the West are not independent countries but Washington’s puppets. None of Washington’s puppets represent their own citizens and neither does Washington. Washington’s values are measured only in dominance and money.

Washington is concerned only with its political, military, and financial hegemony over everyone else, including its own people who are waking up in each successive day in an ever tightening police state where the US Constitution is erased bit by bit, day by day.

The FBI has become a Gestapo for the Democrat Party. The Western media is a propaganda ministry for Washington. Truth that is inconsistent with the ruling official narratives is suppressed. The government and its presstitutes feed the people lies and tell them it is truth.

Putin gives speeches in which he shows that he understands this, but his actions do not reflect his understanding in his speeches. The distance between Putin’s words and his action is almost infinite.

The Kremlin had to be totally out of touch with reality when the Kremlin thought that its “limited military operation” in Donbass would be allowed by Washington to be limited. How anyone in the Kremlin could possibly have been this naive, this gullible, this uninformed is beyond my imagination.

How is it possible that the Kremlin could possibly have thought that after Washington went to the trouble to force Russian military intervention in Donbass, Washington didn’t intend to use it to greatly widen the war. Here we witness the total failure of Russian intelligence and the total failure of Russian understanding of the enemy with which Russia is at war. Indeed, it is not even clear that Russia understands that she is at war with the West. Here and there a Russian says so, but Russia’s actions belie any such understanding. The Kremlin is still trying to bail out Europe by supplying energy so Europe can continue its war against Russia. How does one understand this?

It has to be a first in History when a country at war supplies its enemies with the fuel with which to conduct war against itself. The Kremlin is begging Europe to please let us sell you energy so your war industries don’t have to close down. Could the Kremlin do anything else to make the Russian government look like the most confused government on earth?

Let’s put the origin of the ongoing and widening war in Ukraine in its factual context. In 2014 the American neoconservatives who dominate the American government overthrew the government in Ukraine while the Russian government, totally ignoring happenings in its backyard, was focused on trying to win Western acceptance as an Olympics host in Sochi. In other words, the Kremlin thought the Olympics was more important than Ukraine.

The Kremlin’s insouciance made Washington’s takeover of Ukraine a cake walk. Suddenly, the Kremlin was faced with Ukrainian neo-Nazis prohibiting the use of the Russian language and terrorizing and killing ethnic Russians who comprise the population of Donbass and Crimea, historical parts of Russia that Soviet authorities moved from the Russian province of the Soviet Union to the Soviet Ukraine province.

These Russian areas of Ukraine all voted by massive majorities to be reunited with their home country, but the Kremlin only accepted the application from Crimea, a part of Russia since the 1700s. The Kremlin accepted Crimea, because that is where the Russian Black Sea Naval Base is located, leased since the Soviet collapse, from Ukraine which was separated from Russia by the Soviet collapse.

By leaving the Donbass Russians hanging at the mercy of the US neoconservative coup, the Kremlin guaranteed a military conflict. The punishment the Ukrainian neo-Nazis inflicted on the Donbass Russians resulted in the creation of two independent republics: Donetsk and Luhansk. To defend themselves from being occupied by neo-Nazis, the two republics organized governments and militias. After loosing some of their territory to Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias, the Donetsk and Luhansk republics stopped the advance, but were subjected to artillery attacks for eight years on civilian housing that continue today.

Putin and Lavrov tried to pass the buck to the West and stupidly, although with the best intentions, tried to deal with the problem diplomatically, showing how little they understood the West. Putin came up with the impractical Minsk Agreement signed by Ukraine and the two Donbass republics and guaranteed by France and Germany.

Under the Minsk Agreement Donbass was to remain within Ukraine, but would have sufficient autonomy to have their own police force so they they could not be persecuted by neo-Nazi Ukrainian police.

It became clear almost instantly that Ukraine would not comply with the agreement it signed and that France and Germany would not enforce the agreement. Why the Kremlin thought two Washington puppet states would enforce an agreement that permitted Russia to escape a military conflict is beyond my imagination. That Putin spent eight years trying to save an agreement that never had any prospect shows how out of touch with reality the Kremlin is.

With this factual background, let’s come to the present conflict today.

When it comes to International Law, Putin is the only person in the world who abides by it. Certainly Washington doesn’t. By abiding by international law, Putin gives Washington every advantage in the conflict.

Under international law a Russian invasion of Ukraine is an act of aggression. So Putin was careful not to invade Ukraine, despite what you hear from the presstitutes. The two Donbass republics, belatedly recognized by Russia eight years afterwards, requested assistance from Russia to prevent their conquest by a large Ukrainian army trained and armed by the West that was poised to invade.

Perhaps at this point the Kremlin realized its mistake of failing to accept, as the republics begged, reincorporation into Russia in 2014. In February 2022, if the Kremlin allowed neo-Nazis to exterminate Donbass Russians, the Kremlin would loss all legitimacy with the Russian people.

In other words, Washington successfully maneuvered the Russian government into war that served Washington’s interest. As the West presented it, here was Russia the aggressor confirming Western propaganda. Here was Russia subverting Europe with energy dependence. Here was Russia rebuilding the Soviet Empire. Next Russia would be recreating the Warsaw Pac and extending it into Western Europe with Europe’s energy dependency on Russia. No one in the West listened to the Kremlin’s explanation.

With the official narrative set, Washington began supplying Ukraine with modern weapons, intelligence, and targeting information. When the Russian offensive paused, because Putin or the Russian military lacked the foresight to realize that an offensive required reserves, and as a result of this oversight, had no reserves, the US/UK trained Ukrainians began their own offensive, which has partially succeeded against the thinly protected Russian lines.

The Russian retreats, while awaiting reinforcements, have been presented in Western media such as the New York Times and the UK Telegraph as Russian forces fleeing the battlefield in terror, leaving behind their equipment.

This is not what is happening, but it is not the fact of the situation that matters but how the media explains the situation. The narratives created by Washington and its presstitutes create their own “facts.”

Putin and the Russian military unbelievably went to war with minimal commitment of forces and no reserves. The Russian forces simply lacked the manpower, given Putin’s limited commitment, to defend thin lines once Putin stopped the offensive and handed the initiative to Washington. This is one of the most stupid mistakes that a wartime commander can make.

What is actually happening is that the Kremlin in its totally incorrect reading of Washington had no idea that Ukraine would be supplied with endless modern weapons, intelligence, and targeting information. Not expecting this response, the Kremlin was not prepared for real war.

Even if the Kremlin had better understanding of the situation, the Kremlin has shown no comprehension of how to fight a war. We are now into eight months of a conflict that Russia could have settled in one week. And mighty Russia has been forced on the defensive with its lines retreating both in Kharkiv in the North and Kherson in the South. Wars that are perceived as being lost can lose their glory and support of the population.

To be clear, when the mobilized Russian reinforcements, which an intelligent military would have had on hand from the first of the conflict, are finally prepared for war, apparently sometime in December, the Russians will regain the lost territories, although the Ukrainians might have killed the inhabitants. But there is still no guarantee that Putin understands that Russia is at war with the US and Europe or what do do about it if he does understand it. The Kremlin’s spokesman says that the limited operation in Donbass will continue. If so and nothing else, the only possible conclusion is that Russia will be long suffering. A military that is prevented from attacking the communication and military infrastructure and most of the territory of the country with which it is at war cannot prevail. The Kremlin has been at war for eight months and has done nothing to prevent Kiev’s ability to fight a war. The Kremlin’s view that it is not at war with Ukraine and is only conducting a police action to remove Ukrainian forces from the Donbass is a self-deceiving idea that prevents the Kremlin from conducting a war.

To speak the truth, the Kremlin’s conduct of war is juvenile. A 10-year old kid could do a better job. Was the Kremlin even thinking when it thought it could conduct a war while leaving the opposing government perfectly secure in its conduct of the war? Russia has refused, to shut down the government in Kiev, thus allowing its enemy to conduct, unopposed, war against Russia. This has to be the first time in human history that a government at war has been permitted to operate as if it were not at war. There is no Russian attempt to destroy Zelensky, to shut down Kiev, to disrupt the communication and infrastructure of Ukraine.

Any country that conducts war in such a self-defeating way convinces its opponents that it has no intention of winning the war.

This perceived lack of Russian resolution enbolders the West to push Russia harder and to violate more Russian red lines. Violating Russian red lines means nothing to the West as Russia never does anything about violations of its red lines. Russian protests are nothing but meaningless Russian bluster, says the West.

Unless the Kremlin intends to lay down its arms and surrender to Ukraine and the West, the extraordinary weakness and irresolution that the Kremlin has shown in its “limited military operation” will encourage more aggression from the West and lead directly to the 3rd World War. Zelensky is already calling for preventative nuclear strikes against Russia. 

Apparently, never in Putin’s entire life did he ever learn to put his foot down. Putin seems to think it can be done with mere words, but it cannot. Putin’s hesitancy and toleration of provocations has undermined his credibility.

As the West has no fear of its opponent, Putin’s Goody Two Shoes behavior is bringing us Armageddon. The longer the war goes on, the more involved the West becomes, the greater the stake powerful interest groups, such as the US military/security complex, have in the war, and the less prospect for de-escalation.

By constantly showing irresolution, acceptance of extreme provocations, and shamelessly begging for negotiations, the Kremlin has convinced Washington that Russia is incapable of fighting. From Washington’s viewpoint, Russia is nothing to be feared, only something to be moved out of way.

It is extraordinary that the government of what is probably the most powerful military force in the world has convinced Washington that Russia is military impotent.

This is Putin’s achievement from trying to save the Donbass Russians without having to fight a real war.

 (Republished from  READ MORE: READ FROM TOP.  FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW........................