Friday 21st of March 2025

when philosophy was replaced by psychological manipulations and microchips in the USA.....

Neuralink, a startup co-founded by Musk in 2016, aims to develop a brain chip implant that it claims could one day help paralyzed people walk and blind people see. But to do that, the company has first been testing its technology on animals, killing some 1,500 since 2018 — and employee whistleblowers recently told Reuters the experiments are going horribly wrong.

Reuters reported this week that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Inspector General has opened a probe into potential violations of the Animal Welfare Act at Neuralink. It’s a rare corrective for an agency that is generally hands-off when it comes to animal research.

Congressional Democrats are weighing in too. As reported by Reuters, US House Representatives Earl Blumenauer and Adam Schiff wrote in a draft letter to the USDA that they are “very concerned that this may be another example of high-profile cases of animal cruelty involving USDA-inspected facilities.”





The True Story of Brainwashing and How It Shaped America

Fears of Communism during the Cold War spurred psychological research, pop culture hits, and unethical experiments in the CIA


Lorraine Boissoneault

May 22, 2017


Journalist Edward Hunter was the first to sound the alarm. “Brain-washing Tactics Force Chinese Into Ranks of Communist Party,” blared his headline in the Miami Daily News in September 1950. In the article, and later in a book, Hunter described how Mao Zedong’s Red Army used terrifying ancient techniques to turn the Chinese people into mindless, Communist automatons. He called this hypnotic process “brainwashing,” a word-for-word translation from xi-nao, the Mandarin words for wash (xi) and brain (nao), and warned about the dangerous applications it could have. The process was meant to “change a mind radically so that its owner becomes a living puppet—a human robot—without the atrocity being visible from the outside.”

It wasn’t the first time fears of Communism and mind control had seeped into the American public. In 1946 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was so worried about the spread of Communism that it proposed removing liberals, socialists and communists from places like schools, libraries, newspapers and entertainment. Hunter’s inflammatory rhetoric didn’t immediately have a huge impact—until three years into the Korean War, when American prisoners of war began confessing to outlandish crimes.


When he was shot down over Korea and captured in 1952, Colonel Frank Schwable was the highest ranking military officer to meet that fate, and by February 1953, he and other prisoners of war had falsely confessed to using germ warfare against the Koreans, dropping everything from anthrax to the plague on unsuspecting civilians. The American public was shocked, and grew even more so when 5,000 of the 7,200 POWs either petitioned the U.S. government to end the war, or signed confessions of their alleged crimes. The final blow came when 21 American soldiers refused repatriation.


Suddenly the threat of brainwashing was very real, and it was everywhere. The U.S. military denied the charges made in the soldiers’ “confessions,” but couldn’t explain how they’d been coerced to make them. What could explain the behavior of the soldiers besides brainwashing? The idea of mind control flourished in pop culture, with movies like Invasion of the Body Snatchers and The Manchurian Candidate showing people whose minds were wiped and controlled by outside forces. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover referred to thought-control repeatedly in his book Masters of Deceit: The Story of Communism in America and How to Fight It. By 1980 even the American Psychiatric Association had given it credence, including brainwashing under “dissociative disorders” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-III. Had Chinese and Soviet Communists really uncovered a machine or method to rewrite men’s minds and supplant their free will?


The short answer is no—but that didn’t stop the U.S. from pouring resources into combatting it.


“The basic problem that brainwashing is designed to address is the question ‘why would anybody become a Communist?’” says Timothy Melley, professor of English at Miami University and author of The Covert Sphere: Secrecy, Fiction, and the National Security State. “[Brainwashing] is a story that we tell to explain something we can’t otherwise explain.”

The term had multiple definitions that changed depending on who used it. For Hunter—who turned out to be an agent in the CIA’s propaganda wing—it was a mystical, Oriental practice that couldn’t be understood or anticipated by the West, Melley says. But for scientists who actually studied the American POWs once they returned from Korea, brainwashing was altogether less mysterious than the readily apparent outcome: The men had been tortured.


Robert Jay Lifton, one of the psychiatrists who worked with the veterans and late studied doctors who aided Nazi war crimes, listed eight criteria for thought reform(the term for brainwashing used by Mao Zedong's communist government). They included things like “milieu control” (having absolute power over the individual’s surroundings) and “confession” (in which individuals are forced to confess to crimes repeatedly, even if they aren’t true). For the American soldiers trapped in the Korean prison camps, brainwashing meant forced standing, deprivation of food and sleep, solitary confinement, and repeated exposure to Communist propaganda.

“There was concern on the part of [the American military] about what had actually happened to [the POWs] and whether they had been manipulated to be [what would later be known as] a ‘Manchurian candidate,’” says Marcia Holmes, a science historian at the University of London’s “Hidden Persuaders” project. “They’re not sleeper agents, they’re just extremely traumatized.”

The early 1950s marked the debut of the military’s studies into psychological torture, and instead of concluding the American soldiers needed rehabilitation, military directors came to a more ominous conclusion: that the men were simply weak. “They became less interested in the fantasy of brainwashing and became worried our men couldn’t stand up to torture,” Holmes says. This resulted in the Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape program (SERE), meant to inoculate men against future attempts at psychological torture by using those same torture techniques in their training.

Meanwhile, the American public was still wrapped up in fantasies of hypnotic brainwashing, in part due to the research of pop psychologists like Joost Meerloo and William Sargant. Unlike Lifton and the other researchers hired by the military, these two men portrayed themselves as public intellectuals and drew parallels between brainwashing and tactics used by both American marketers and Communist propagandists. Meerloo believes that “totalitarian societies like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union or Communist China were in the past, and continue to be, quite successful in their thought-control programs… [and] the more recently available techniques of influence and thought control are more securely based on scientific fact, more potent and more subtle,” writes psychoanalyst Edgar Schein in a 1959 review of Meerloo’s book, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control—Menticide and Brainwashing.


Psychiatrists, as well as writers like Aldous Huxley, were aided by the dominant theory of the human mind at the time, known as “behaviorism”. Think of Ivan Pavlov’s slobbering dogs, trained to salivate upon hearing a bell, even if they weren’t tempted with food. The basic assumption of behaviorism was that the human mind is a blank slate at birth, and is shaped through social conditioning throughout life. Where Russia had Pavlov, the U.S. had B.F. Skinner, who suggested psychology could help predict and control behavior. Little wonder, then, that the public and the military alike couldn’t let go of brainwashing as a concept for social control.  


With this fear of a mind-control weapon still haunting the American psyche, CIA director Allen Dulles authorized a series of psychological experiments using hallucinogens (like LSD) and biological manipulation (like sleep deprivation) to see if brainwashing were possible. The research could then, theoretically, be used in both defensive and offensive programs against the Soviet Union. Project MK-ULTRA began in 1953 and continued in various forms for more than 10 years. When the Watergate scandal broke, fear of discovery led the CIA to destroy most of the evidence of the program. But 20,000 documents were recovered through a Freedom of Information Act request in 1977, filed during a Senate investigation into Project MK-ULTRA. The files revealed the experiments tested drugs (like LSD), sensory deprivation, hypnotism and electroshock on everyone from agency operatives to prostitutes, recovering drug addicts and prisoners—often without their consent.

Despite MK-ULTRA violating ethical norms for human experiments, the legacy of brainwashing experiments continued to live on in U.S. policy. The same methods that had once been used to train American soldiers ended up being used to extract information from terrorists in Abu Ghraib, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.


“Here, then, is the brief history of brainwashing,” Melley writes in a 2011 paper for Grey Room. “The concept began as an [O]rientalist propaganda fiction created by the CIA to mobilize domestic support for a massive military build-up. This fiction proved so effective that the CIA’s operations directorate believed it and began a furious search for a real mind control weapon. The search resulted not in a miraculous new weapon but a program of simulated brainwashing designed as a prophylactic against enemy mistreatment. This simulation in turn became the real basis for interrogating detainees in the war on terror.”

While few people take seriously the notion of hypnosis-like brainwashing (outside Hollywood films like Zoolander), there are still plenty who see danger in certain kinds of control. Consider the conversations about ISIS and radicalization, in which young people are essentially portrayed as being brainwashed. “Can You Turn a Terrorist Back Into a Citizen? A controversial new program aims to reform homegrown ISIS recruits back into normal young Americans,” proclaims one article in Wired. Or there’s the more provocative headline from Vice: “Inside the Mind-Control Methods the Islamic State Uses to Recruit Teenagers.”


“I think a program of isolation and rigorous conversion still does have a life in our concept of radicalization,” Melley says. But outside those cases related to terrorism it’s mostly used facetiously, he adds.  


“The notion of brainwashing, no less than radicalization, often obscure[s] far more than it reveal[s],” write Sarah Marks and Daniel Pick of the Hidden Persuaders project. “Both terms could be a lazy way of refusing to inquire further into individual histories, inviting the assumption that the way people act can be known in advance.”

For now, the only examples of “perfect” brainwashing remain in science-fiction rather than fact. At least until researchers find a way to hack into the network of synapses that comprise the brain.

Editor's note, May 25, 2017: The article previously misstated that Robert Jay Lifton studied Nazi doctors' war crimes before studying American prisoners of war, and that he coined the term "thought reform." 










marketing fear......


by Geopolintel

We have been looking for several weeks for power cuts that could occur and spoil our [FRENCH] Christmas meal, but nothing happens [EXCEPT IN UKRAINE, DESERVEDLY].

This psychological operation carried out by Macron and consort hangs in our face and the mechanism is activated by our fear and by the promises of cuts.

In Afghanistan, foodstuffs were airdropped in the form of a yellow bag to alleviate wartime starvation. US Army psychologists had the foresight to design explosives in the same package. As a result, the Afghans did not know whether the bags dropped were food or an explosive and continued to fear starvation or an explosion.

This experience is a psyop, just like when Jérôme Salomon counted the deaths of covid, the number of which was manipulated by hospital secretaries who were asked to classify cancers and other causes of death as covid. (This information was supplied by a hospital secretary in the South West [OF FRANCE]).

This scheme was used for the vaccine, for masks, for climate change, the atomic war in Ukraine and the bank failures of 2008.

The press relays this fake news with such force that now no one believes journalists or politicians who use fear marketing.

In November 2001, the Pentagon created the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) whose mission was to launch disinformation campaigns with the foreign press in the context of the war against international terrorism, as a subdivision of the "information operations office", which depended on the joint staff.

Given that Russia claims the US military has established biological warfare labs in Ukraine, it is likely that the Pentagon is pusing covid and climate change disinformation policy, only the enemy has changed, since the target is the people.

The creation of the OSI is above all part of the internal rivalries which tear apart the departments of Defense, State, and especially the CIA officially responsible for "active" measures (such as operations of disinformation, intoxication, etc.) . It would also seem that it was the services responsible for "classic" military information that organized the leak into the New York Times which revealed the existence of this office in February 2002.

A law in the United States prohibits federal agencies from spreading intentionally false information inside the national territory.

The Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) was created in November 2001 in the wake of September 11, and was tasked with launching disinformation campaigns in the foreign press as part of the war against terrorism.

***The new marketing of fear


by Frédéric Brebant


To get people talking about them on social networks, brands are increasingly playing on the sensitive chord of thrills. With more or less delicate ways...

This is one of the major trends of recent months. Terrorise the consumers, more often by proxy, to sell them a product or service. And when you combine this technique with another major advertising trend of 2013, namely the massive use of hidden cameras, it's quite simply bingo on social networks!

Among the many significant examples, let's mention the recent "cartoon" made by the LG brand and its larger than life flat screen which made people believe in the fall of a meteorite during a job interview (more than 40 million views on YouTube ).

Even better: the video entitled Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise, supposed to promote the film Carrie with a most impressive hidden camera, has already posted more than 50 million views on the counter in just two months...

Efficient in getting people talking about themselves, fear marketing is not just a simple gadget to create buzz on Facebook and Twitter. It can also take other, more subtle forms that sometimes bring back the great fears of the past, just to push the customer to buy, even in the most respectable sectors.

Thus, to make the crowds aware of the risk of a sudden loss of income, the insurance company Delta Lloyd Life has just launched the campaign “Your financial bunker” in collaboration with the advertising agency Famous. (See also: On the menu of this Belgian action which plays on the sensitive chord of "How far would you go to protect your family?" (sic): a contest that allows the Internet user to win a stay “in the safest of holiday homes”, namely a real bunker from the Second World War transformed into a hyper-comfortable residence. No, unfortunately it's not a joke...

***The Ebola threat: real or false banner?

The mass media is inflating “the biggest” Ebola contagion ever recorded.

We are told that the terrible disease which produces symptoms straight out of a horror movie, is spreading in the United States. Americans are canceling vacations and refusing to fly, believing they might catch Ebola there.

People are terrorised (on purpose) by horrible images, by fear of quickly ending up in horrible suffering, and by fear of flying. Fears are carried out of proportion to the reality of the threat. Where have we seen this before?

On September 11, 2001, the American public was subjected to trauma mind control, an extensive form of brainwashing technique called coercion, described in a book of the same title by Douglas Rushkoff. Trauma mind control uses extreme fears or horror to shape the subconscious of victims. This is a very effective technique for making people submit to authority without them realizing they are doing it or even why.

In the fall of 2001, we were conditioned to believe that radical Muslims, using hijacked planes, anthrax and who knows what else, had the will to kill large numbers of Americans. This resulted in the United States taking to the warpath against Muslims, Muslim nations, persecuting them throughout the world, tearing the constitution to pieces, wasting trillions of dollars, risking moral bankruptcy than financial.

Since then, the evidence that the 9/11/anthrax scare was a scam has been made and has left many Americans sadder but woke. Today, as soon as the government and the media start scaring people with an inflated threat, knowledgeable observers ask themselves directly: Is this a real threat? Or is it just another false flag?

In an exclusive interview with the Truth Jihad radio program, Dr. Garth Nicolson, a renowned expert on emerging diseases and biological warfare, suggested that the threat of Ebola has been exaggerated because of the very dramatic nature of its symptoms. In fact, Dr. Nicolson has also suggested that it is precisely because of these dramatic symptoms, which show up very quickly, that the disease is actually easier to contain.

« If you have a serious, high-mortality disease like Ebola, that's going to get a lot of attention. But you can isolate these patients immediately and that will contain the whole process."

A spectacular disease, capable of gaining attention, but not capable of killing large numbers of people, is ideal for false-banner psychological manipulation of public opinion. One of the dominant factors in a false-banner psyop is the disproportion between the massive impact on public opinion of the event and the low reality of the supposed threat of contamination has only killed some 1000 people in 3 or 4 different countries in 6 months, while the common flu kills around 300000 people a year worldwide... No common measure, on the other hand if the virus was engineered to be airborne… There… We can be pretty sure that the Yankee military is working on it or has already developed this type of genetically engineered virus so that it could potentially produce a “12 Monkeys” scenario …)

This pattern has been around for centuries

In XVIIth century England, Robert Cecil's warmongering clan wanted to launch an assault on the Spanish and Portuguese empires, but were constrained by the peaceful policies of King James and some of his advisers. and also by the recalcitrant pacifist public opinion. As Spain and Portugal were Catholic countries, Cecil needed to convince his fellow citizens that they all faced a "Catholic threat"; so he found a radical Catholic agitator by the name of Guy Fawkes, put him and some barrels of wet gunpowder in a tunnel under the English parliament, and had him arrested according to a prearranged plan.

Cecil's plot worked perfectly. From all the Anglican pulpits in the country, preachers denounced the diabolical Catholic extremists who had almost succeeded in blowing up the British parliament. English public opinion went into an anti-Catholic trance similar to that which we experienced against the Muslims after September 11 and Cecil got his war.

In fact, British Catholics posed little or no threat to anyone. But because of the enormous public relations impact of Cecil's plan with his powder kegs under parliament, the public was convinced that a wave of Catholic chaos was coming to its shores.

Both the US government and the UK government have repeatedly convinced their citizens of an exaggerated or simply non-existent imminent threat. In 1847, Washington fabricated a “Mexican invasion” from scratch. In fact Mexico was much weaker than the US and posed no threat to the nation, but belligerent newspaper headlines hammered the Americans to go to war with Mexico and so Washington stole almost half of Mexico's territory. In 1898, a fake "Spanish threat" was fabricated by the false flag sinking of the USS Maine, which was anchored in the port of Havana in Cuba. In reality, Spain posed no threat to the United States, being the weaker of the two camps, it only thought of avoiding war, but once again American citizens were brainwashed into believing in a non-existing war threat, reinforced by a false-flag attack. The United States once again seized large territories for its bankers and capitalists.

Prior to World War I, a non-existent German threat to the United States was fabricated through two public relations (propaganda) "manipulations": The fabrication of the false Zimmerman Telegram that convinced America that the Germans conspiring with Mexico to invade the United States and the orchestrated sinking of the ship Lusitania, which was crammed full of passengers…and arms and ammunition bound for Europe. The Americans rose en masse in hysterical fear of the Germans and went to war in Europe for their Zionist bankers and the British.

Washington and London also flirted with the United States in World War II through a manufactured threat. They used the eight-point plan, including cutting off Japan's supplies to force Japan to attack the US at Pearl Harbor. The filming of the attack shocked the citizens and convinced them that the United States faced a real threat with Japan and its German allies. In fact, if the United States had remained neutral (as the population initially wanted), such a threat would never have materialised.

In the 1960s, another non-existent threat emerged, this time from Vietnam. It was made to bring the US into all-out war with the country. A fake attack on an American ship in the Gulf of Tonkin, called the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident", was staged.

These are just a few examples of how media-inflated hysteria is always in the service of a hidden agenda.

What's behind the fear of Ebola?

Scientist Ann Sullivan argues that an orchestrated Ebola virus contagion in America could be used to create "a level 6 pandemic emergency, which would require mandatory vaccination, vaccines that would contain their patented biological warfare virus Ebola". This vision of a nightmarish, worst-case scenario takes into consideration the vision of the most eugenic faction of the globalist elite using a fake Ebola threat to create a real one WHEN the virus has rapidly mutated and health services are taken aback"…

With or without a real threat, the US government could use the specter of a pandemic emergency to cordon off Americans and strip away the last vestiges of their constitutional rights. President Obama has just signed an amendment to George W. Bush's Executive Order 13295, which authorizes the "apprehension, detention or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission or spread of suspected communicable diseases". Obama's amendment expanded the order allowing the detention of an unlimited number of Americans on the mere suspicion that they may be carriers of a dangerous and contagious disease. (FEMA camps)…

Why would the US government want to manufacture a contagion threat, real or fabricated, as an excuse for martial law and mass detention? It could do this as a preemptive measure to prevent mass social unrest when the dollar crashes and the US economy implodes. Right now, the BRICS nations, led by Russia and China, are pulling the sink plug on the dollar, which is starting to swirl wildly in its preparation to disappear into the mainstream sewer. When the dollar takes its final plunge, Americans will face the full consequences of the foolish waste by their successive governments of trillions of dollars since the beginning of the "war" after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The result more than likely: a second American revolution.

If the US government can terrorize Americans with Ebola, militarize society, and lock up hundreds of thousands, millions of people in concentration camps, then perhaps they can stop the revolution before it begins. This could be their plan at the very least.

But the Ebola virus in its natural, classic form will not be able to create a pandemic situation in the United States, because it is not easily transmitted, it does not have a long incubation period and it cannot survive outside the body except in a very hot and humid climate. So be warned, if the press media reports an Ebola pandemic in the United States, there can only be two possibilities:

Either they lie
Either they will have created a synthetic military version of the virus and if that happens… We better start the revolution… before they shut us down…

…or kill us.

source: Geopolintel