Monday 10th of March 2025

joe biden is a nasty piece of hypocritical shit.....

“We have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created,” said Biden, then a fourth-term senator from Delaware so committed to the bill that he has referred to it over the years as “the Biden bill.”

“They are beyond the pale many of those people, beyond the pale,” Biden continued. “And it’s a sad commentary on society. We have no choice but to take them out of society.”

In the speech, Biden described a “cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally … because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity.” He said, “we should focus on them now” because “if we don’t, they will, or a portion of them, will become the predators 15 years from now.”

Biden added that he didn’t care “why someone is a malefactor in society” and that criminals needed to be “away from my mother, your husband, our families.”

Bill Russo, a spokesman for Biden, said high violent crime rates at the time was key context to understanding the bill and that, “Senator-Biden’s strong rhetoric” was in response to Republican critiques that past efforts had been too soft on crime.

“Then-Senator Biden was referring specifically to violent crimes in the selected quotes. He was not talking about a kid stealing a candy bar, but someone who committed sexual assault, manslaughter, or murder,” Russo told CNN in an email. “In contrast, he says in the same speech that we need a different approach for nonviolent crimes. Specifically, he says we ‘need to keep people who are first time offenders, non-violent offenders, or potential first-time offenders who in fact are people getting themselves into the crime stream from the first time – that they should be diverted from the system.’”

Biden’s spokesman added the 1994 crime bill included funding “to keep individuals who committed first-time offenses and non-violent crimes out of prison and instead in treatment and supervision,” and that Biden advocated for prevention funding. Russo also pointed to two provisions of the bill that led to Biden’s strong support of its passage: bans on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons and the Violence Against Women Act.

Biden’s 1993 “predator” remarks are similar to comments made by then-first lady Hillary Clinton in 1996, where she warned of “superpredators” who had “no conscience, no empathy” and who need to be brought “to heel.” During the 2016 Democratic primary, Clinton was confronted by Black Lives Matter activists over her use of the term. Clinton later told the Washington Post: “Looking back, I shouldn’t have used those words, and I wouldn’t use them today.

Biden defended the 1994 crime law as a whole in a 2016 interview with CNBC, saying, “By and large, what it really did, it restored American cities.”

But more recently, at an event talking about criminal justice in January, Biden said, “I haven’t always been right. I know we haven’t always gotten things right, but I’ve always tried.”

He highlighted his later work with President Barack Obama to address the sentencing disparity for crack versus powder cocaine, saying, “It was a big mistake when it was made,” he said at the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast in Washington. “We thought, we were told by the experts, that crack you never go back, it was somehow fundamentally different. It’s not different. But it’s trapped an entire generation.”

In the decades since it passed, portions of the act have been singled out by critics as contributing to the expansion of mass incarceration, particularly of African Americans. Speaking about mass incarceration in 2015, Bill Clinton said he “signed a bill that made the problem worse, and I want to admit it.”

In 1993, Biden spoke to the broad political consensus that had formed around tackling violent crime.

“The consensus is A), we must take back the streets,” Biden said, “It doesn’t matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents, it doesn’t matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn’t matter whether or not they had no background that enabled them to become socialized into the fabric of society. It doesn’t matter whether or not they’re the victims of society. The end result is they’re about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons.”

Biden added in his speech that rehabilitation could not be a condition for release or sentencing, because the United States criminal justice system didn’t know how to rehabilitate offenders.

“I’m the guy that said rehabilitation, when it occurs, we don’t understand it and notice it and even when we notice it and we know it occurs, we don’t know why,” he said. “So you cannot make rehabilitation a condition for release.” 

The consensus, Biden again said, was the need to make streets safer. With an impassioned plea, Biden said he did not care what led someone to commit crimes.

“I don’t care why someone is a malefactor in society. I don’t care why someone is antisocial. I don’t care why they’ve become a sociopath,” Biden said. “We have an obligation to cordon them off from the rest of society, try to help them, try to change the behavior. That’s what we do in this bill. We have drug treatment and we have other treatments to try to deal with it, but they are in jail.”





By Andrew Kaczynski

Updated 11:43 AM EST, Thu March 7, 2019











diplomatic bypass....

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - On Tuesday, Biden said that Chinese leader Xi Jinping did not have all the information about the incident involving a Chinese balloon that the United States shot down in February, stating that it was a "great embarrassment for dictators."

State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said on Wednesday he believes that US President Joe Biden’s "dictator" remark regarding Chinese President Xi Jinping does not need further clarification.

"I do not think that the President’s comments need to be clarified any further or to be interpreted any further," Patel told reporters.



As a reader wrote to me from Turkey, what is going on in the wake of the runoff election is very complicated, and I have little time for it, but it is newsworthy. I suggest you try to read up on what is happening, especially between the lines: Bianet in English, Duvar, Ahwaz, etc. You should be able you will find all the information you need for background on Turkey and the Elections.

I had asked him, or made a loaded statement in passing, “I am sure you are surprised as me with the election outcome, but “What Changes with Elections Results in Turkey, IF ANYTHING?” We already knew who would win, and [if he had not], it would have been earth-shaking!

The response was also a bit tongue in cheek, “The important thing is that you avoid the use of stereotypes such as the Sultan (Erdogan is not a Sultan in any way) or ‘Turkish Gandhi’ (Kilicdaroglu is no Gandhi at all) ….”

Already, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who portrays himself as a defender of traditional Islamic values, has once again taken a stand in the post-election period against ‘LGBT’, and its supporters, and insists that liberal Western ideology will never infiltrate his ruling party or its nationalist allies, he says.

This is but only the starting, as he has a memory like an elephant, and so do the Turkish People. Now Germany and other alleged allies will go into damage control too over their petty statement and efforts to bring about régime change in Turkey, a NATO ally – and is the largest standing army of any European NATO member.

Of course, Biden and his peers only wanted régime change by “fair, free and open elections (like in the US), but it is obvious that when NED(is banned in Russia) goes about supporting democracy around the world, things go in another direction, NED (is banned in Russia) and Biden have many travelers in EU countries– as my enemy’s enemy is my friend, now too they are reaping what they sowed.

Harvest for the EU too

It should come as no surprise that those who loathed him the most, Joe Biden, and many vocal ones in the EU, “liebe Uschi,” are amongst the first in line to congratulate him in what can be described as an upset victory. Ursula von de Leyen claims on her Twitter page that she looks forward to building the EU-Türkiye relationship. It is of strategic importance for both the EU and Türkiye to work on advancing this relationship, for the benefit of our people”, she wrote.

What she fails to consider is that what is of strategic important is Türkiye’s sovereignty as a mediator between west and east (Russia) – and the same should apply to Georgia, Serbia, and Ukraine … (!!)

It should be “No “Either – Or,” and “No blackmail liebe Uschi (you are not NATO’s secretary general) … let us all laugh that now EU leaders are congratulating Erdogan for his surprised and his comeback from behind runoff victory.”

Obviously, with this in mind, in terms of a consistent foreign policy, and such EU support, nice words, Erdogan will continue to try to become a regional power independent of NATO, the European Union, and especially the woke and finger-pointing US-administration.

Payback for Joe Biden 

What will especially worrying for the US is that Erdogan will likely continue to strengthen Turkey’s ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which has been worrying for Turkey’s Western allies, as they know that NATO without Turkey being on board is nothing but a paper tiger.

The conversation is already started, not only as to how he won the election, which is now a moot point as the deck was stacked against him in so many different ways, especially in the aftermath of the earthquake, and economic turmoil, high inflation, and what all has not gone well in Turkey in recent years.

This is the realization that many will have a hard time grasping, “Recep Tayyib Erdogan will remain president of Turkey for another five years after winning the run-off election over his long-time rival, Kemal Kilicdaroglu.

If he serves the full five-year term, he will have held power for 26 years – almost the entire history of Turkey in the 21st century. And now the main issue“What is likely to happen in the country in the foreseeable future?” 

From the closed ranks, think tankers, and those in the opposition, it is more a statement – “A vital NATO power, with an economy in trouble, just gave its strongman president five more years. Does that mean we are to hold our breath until something bad happens, or is staged to transpire, as a false flag or worse?

As the typical opposition will claim, “he is moving the country into a more authoritarian state, through his influence over most of the media and the imprisonment of leading opposition and civil society figures.” And that is just for starters!

Defiant Ally 

The most discerning issue for those against him, which is the consensus amongst the Collective West, is that Turkey has become a crucial actor and a “defiant ally” on many vital issues, not least Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. Even they admit that now the election is over, Erdoğan is more powerful than ever. Turkey’s NATO allies will be watching anxiously to see whether he delivers on his promises or on his threats and added, [on both].

Ankara refused to join sanctions on Russia following Vladimir Putin’s special operations in Ukraine, which is described as an invasion in the Western press. They want to point out how the action has complicated matters, and Turkey as a NATO member is playing two ends against the middle, i.e., “Turkey has approved Finland’s entry into the alliance but is still blocking the membership of Sweden.”

Even before the elections Turkey had a “special” and growing relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin despite mounting pressure on Ankara to help bolster Western sanctions against Moscow, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an exclusive interview ahead of the recent presidential election runoff, he said to CNN.

This is much to the dismay of the US State Department, US Ministry of Defense and NATO, and there are US nuclear weapons stockpiled in Turkey. Erdoğan does not forget when US President Joe Biden for calling him an “autocrat” in his 2020 campaign for the White House.

It is worth noting that Erdoğan is quoted as saying in the CNN interview, “Would a dictator ever enter a runoff election?” He has not forgotten during interview with The New York Times in late 2019, then as one of the US-presidential candidates,” criticized his policy towards the Kurds, and advocated throwing his support behind the Turkish opposition.

 I wonder what would have been the reaction if it was Erdoğan who was describing Biden as the same. That would now be considered an accurate and most-fitting description of the US president and his since implemented US policies, or total lack thereof, both at home and abroad.

“He has to pay a price,” Biden said at the time, and these quotes are not forgotten, and by [adding] that Washington should embolden Turkish opposition leaders “to be able to take on and defeat Erdogan. Not by a coup but by the electoral process.” It is also an open question just how much did the US actually play in the attempted Turkish coup plot in recent history—and Turks know everything.

Now we can understand why Erdoğan was the last leader of a NATO ally to acknowledge Biden’s victory over Donald Trump. It is good to know that Biden’s comfort level was diminished a “great deal” back then, based on his own admission in the NYTs interview, so much so that now it must be non-existent.

Will Turkey be flying Russian Planes? 

Biden should remember his own business dealing, wheeling and dealing words, as he said in the NYTs, “Erdoğan has to pay a price. He has to pay a price for whether or not we’re going to continue to sell certain weapons to him. In fact, if he has the air defense system that they’re flying F-16s through to see how they can try to figure out how to do it.”

Biden should be both concerned and worried!

I am sure Biden would like to eat his words now, especially this part of the NYTs interview, “

Turkey doesn’t want to have to rely on Russia. … So, I am very concerned … am very concerned … about our airfields and access to them as well. And I think it takes an awful lot of work for us to be able to get together with our allies in the region and deal with how we isolate his actions in the region, particularly in the Eastern Mediterranean in relation to oil, and a whole range of other things which would take too long to go into.

But the answer is yes, I’m worried.”

I suspect this election may result in the attempted rewriting of history for the US, even more than is the current level of revision; it is like documentary films about Nazi television used to be on YouTube and have apparently been removed. This excerpt is still available:

It appears that until recently, Germany had declared they would keep knowledge of history alive, to prevent it from happening again. Now they’re saying “we were wrong… We need to destroy it all because it’s offensive.”

Television Broadcasting in “The Third Reich”

Germany will be doing the same thing Marxist BLMers are doing in the states whereas it can be noted that former African-American groups erected statues celebrating the end of slavery, current groups have responded by tearing down those same statues because they are deemed offensive. I guess Hogan’s Heroes is illegal now. WW2 documentaries are becoming illegal now.  BTW, The German entire documentary is here thanks to:  Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine but disappeared from regular YouTube distribution.

Manchurian Presidency

But what will Biden and his dream team, those BIG mouths in the EU, and others—and how will they take back or spin about all the statements, recriminations, and having been so judgmental over Turkey and its system of government, old culture, and political realities, especially in how Turkey has to deal with its unreliable foreign partners and strategic allies, etc.

I guess there are not many choices left, other than to try to pretend that it did not happen, and to take back harsh words, overt actions and finish up by ‘eating crow” whole heartily.

Now you will know why I implied last year that Biden was the most pro-Russian president ever, and how Biden was better for Russia than Trump—and perhaps a Manchurian President seeking re-election!

Turkey is a strong state and maintains a positive relationship with Russia and many other countries, and much to the dismay of the United States. But Biden just cannot learn, as he said that Turkey’s newly re-elected president Recep Tayyip Erdogan had again raised the possibilityof U.S. selling F16 aircraft to Turkey and that Biden brought up Turkey’s dropping its opposition to Sweden entering NATO.

This goes beyond humor, out of this world: Does this mean that the special military operation in Ukraine will not last long enough to train Ukrainian pilots?  It is not as if we did not know what came next when Trump left office. Ankara had benefited from his pragmatism and aversion to international conflicts.

What came next was to be expected with potential sanctions and a war of words coming from a less friendly Biden White House, one which has only damaged the Turkish and regional economy. Joe Biden and team have also made every international prestige and reliability of a NATO ally, and now the US administration, NATO and the EU are riding the horns of a dilemma.

The landing may be hard, should they fall off. It is interesting how now US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is now urging Turkey to immediately approve Sweden’s NATO accession—and why no mention of Hungary.

The show is going to get interesting, especially with recent news that Germany has entered a recession.  We will also soon learn just how united is NATO and how much of a union is the EU, and there may not be enough F-16 to go around—too bad for Ukraine.


Henry Kamens, columnist, expert on Central Asia and Caucasus, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”





SEE ALSO: nasty west......





The House Ways and Means Committee released transcripts from the testimonies of two employees of the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) who claimed the agency was just one of several that worked to stonewall an investigation of Hunter Biden, the prodigal businessman son of US President Joe Biden.

Earlier this week, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Hunter Biden had entered a plea deal on charges that could have put him in jail for up to 15 years, including tax evasion and unlawful possession of a firearm. He is expected to avoid prison time because of the deal.

The Ways and Means Committee published the transcripts of the two interviews on Thursday, along with a news release about the contents of the interviews.


“The American people deserve to know that when it comes to criminal enforcement, they are not on the same playing field as the wealthy and politically connected class. The preferential treatment Hunter Biden received would never have been granted to ordinary Americans,” said committee chair Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) in a release.


“Whistleblowers describe how the Biden Justice Department intervened and overstepped in a campaign to protect the son of Joe Biden by delaying, divulging, and denying an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes,” the statement continues. “The testimony shows tactics used by the Justice Department to delay the investigation long enough to reach the statute of limitations, evidence they divulged sensitive actions by the investigative team to Biden’s attorneys, and denied requests by the US Attorney to bring charges against Biden.”

Regarding delays, Smith said investigators were told by US Attorney Lesley Wolf that “there is no way” a search warrant for a guest house of Joe Biden when he was US vice president would be approved. Regarding divulgences, he said Hunter Biden’s attorneys were repeatedly “tipped off” about searches before they happened. Regarding denials, Smith wrote US Attorney of Delaware David Weiss attempted to bring charges against Biden in March of 2022 and again in January 2023, as well as special counsel status from the DOJ, and was denied in all cases.









joe is god.....

 ‘Let Me Save You Some Breath’: John Kirby Shuts Down Newsmax Reporter’s Questions On Hunter Biden













The only country that ever used atomic weapons – against civilians – has the audacity to warn the world about the “real risk” of Russia using nukes.

The United States – the only country that ever used atomic weapons in war, and that on a largely civilian population – has the staggering audacity to warn the world about the “real risk” of Russia using nukes.

The real risk to world peace stems from the crazy warmongering Western powers who are deceiving their own public about their criminal provocations.

U.S. President Joe Biden told a fundraising rally in California this week (June 19) that he feared Russian leader Vladimir Putin could resort to using nuclear weapons over the Ukraine conflict. Biden is gaslighting like a deranged psychopath who needs to distract from his own family’s sleazy corruption and his criminal warmongering.

It is the U.S. and its Western allies that have repeatedly feigned an issue of the war in Ukraine going nuclear amid allegations that Russia is the villain with a barbaric plan. The profanity is that the U.S.-led NATO alliance has recklessly escalated the conflict and yet Biden poses as a voice of sanity warning about the catastrophic danger; the catastrophic danger that his decisions (or those of the imperial deep state that he slavishly follows) have created.

Biden’s latest noble-sounding posture was in reference to the decision by Moscow to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus (with Minsk’s full agreement, it should be noted). What Biden failed to mention – and the Western media generally fail to mention too – is that the joint decision by Russia and Belarus is a reciprocation to the long-standing anomaly of the U.S. deploying over 100 tactical nuclear bombs in five NATO members: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey.

Only days before Biden made his knight-in-shining-armour performance ostensibly protecting the world, President Putin reiterated that Russia’s nuclear arsenal is exclusively for deterrence and defence only. He referred to Russia’s well-known defense doctrine which stipulates that nuclear weapons may only be used if Russia’s existential survival is threatened by military attack. Putin said that while there is always a possible danger of the conflict in Ukraine escalating to a nuclear confrontation, he emphasized that the present conditions did not meet the threshold for such weapons to be used.

“We have no need to use tactical nukes,” Putin told delegates at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 16.

His comments were also seen as a categorical rejection of the idea of preemptive or first use of nuclear weapons. Russia’s defence doctrine forbids such use by definition. But the idea was controversially raised last week in an article written by eminent Russian political analyst Sergei Karaganov. A heated Russian public debate ensued with several other prominent thinkers and policy experts repudiating Karaganov’s extreme proposition.

In any case, Russia’s commander-in-chief came down firmly to uphold the solely defensive use of nuclear weapons. That is, Putin ruled out any preemptive deployment.

Nevertheless, against all the official statements and evidence, Western media have persistently claimed that Putin is liable to use nukes. Biden’s latest remarks fuel that particular fire, or should we say, smoke and mirrors.

The real danger here is not from Russia, but rather the repeated inference by Western leaders and media which, as Putin noted, “lowers the threshold” for using nuclear weapons because it inculcates pernicious normalcy and paranoid fear among the Western public for expecting a most heinous outcome. The banning of Russian athletes, literature, music, and so on, together with the constant smearing and dehumanizing of Russian people and the country’s legitimate security concerns appears to be aimed at fomenting a notion that Russia is capable of capriciously using nukes.

This is how propaganda works. This is extremely dangerous brainwashing, or any other number of ways of putting it: perception management, manufacturing consent, or gaslighting.

Biden and his Western elite ilk are full of it. They are all as corrupt as a barrel of excrement.

The Western media propaganda narrative focusing on what “villainous Russia” will do or not do is an awesome psychological projection that is intended to obscure the real threat to world peace.

The fact is it is the United States that is unique among nuclear powers in arrogating “the right” for the first use of nuclear weapons. The U.S. has a doctrine of “Global Prompt Strike” which is an actionable plan to “decapitate” a designated enemy, including non-nuclear states, with preemptive attack. Given the low intelligence and hyper hubris that now passes for Washington politicians and media that is a perplexing contingency.

And let’s never forget that it was the United States that dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians causing over 200,000 deaths in a nuclear holocaust. That ineffable horror can be seen as a first-use action.

Today, the United States not only deploys tactical nuclear weapons across Europe in violation of the 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty, but it has also unilaterally scrapped three significant arms-control accords with Russia, the Anti-Ballistic Treaty, Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty. That is while the U.S. has installed short-range nuclear missile capability in Poland and Romania, reducing potential strike time on Moscow to a matter of minutes.

This week Washington deployed strategic nuclear bombers to Sweden and Indonesia for the first time ever. One of its nuclear submarines also docked in South Korea.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the United States and its NATO partners have armed a NeoNazi and Russian-hating regime to the teeth. The U.S. and the European Union are lavishing this regime with hundreds of billions of dollars. At a so-called “Ukrainian recovery” summit in London this week, various Western leaders talked about Ukraine being “part of our family” and vowed to effectively loot frozen Russian assets worth over €200 billion to donate to this corrupt Kiev regime. Indeed, some family!

Over the past 16 months since Russia launched its military intervention in Ukraine to thwart the NATO-sponsored aggression that had been unleashed in 2014 with a CIA-orchestrated coup in Kiev, President Biden and his Western lackeys have escalated the conflict with ever-more lethal weaponry. Tanks have been supplied and now U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets are on their way. This week U.S. lawmakers called on Biden to supply Army Tactical Missiles (ATACMS) with a range of 300 kilometers. Britain has already supplied long-range Storm Shadow missiles.

A bridge in Russian-held Crimea was this week hit by NATO long-range missiles. NATO missiles have also been used to destroy the Kakhovka dam in Kherson oblast, as well as strike pre-war Russian territory. The NATO-backed Kiev regime has targeted Moscow with armed drones.

Despite the inordinate Western expenditure and effort to use the Kiev regime as a battering ram for strategically defeating Russia, the Ukrainian proxy war is being lost to Russia. Kiev may be armed to the teeth, but Russian forces are kicking those teeth out at a formidable rate.

The counteroffensive launched on June 4 by the Kiev regime is being decimated by Russian forces. That means the Biden administration has callously and cynically led Ukraine to a slaughter. As many as 200,000-300,000 Ukrainian military personnel have been killed in total since this war erupted; 13,000 in the last three weeks, according to Russia’s Ministry of Defense. The truly abhorrent thing is that the war could have been avoided or at least stopped in March 2022 with the signing of a peace deal by Moscow and Kiev. That deal known as the Istanbul Treaty – was suffocated at birth and thrown in the dustbin by Washington and London because the Western powers were obsessed with defeating Russia to the “last Ukrainian”.

It is not hyperbole to say that the United States and its NATO axis are the heirs to Nazi Germany. This week marked the 82nd anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. Up to 27 million Russian and other Slavic people were killed in that aggression which finally ended with the Red Army’s heroic victory in Berlin.

For Washington and its NATO partners-in-crime, the long war continues against Russia. But Russia’s victory on the battlefield looks assured from its superior military forces.

This is leading to a historic debacle – one might even say nemesis – for the Western powers. They are facing defeat not just militarily but politically and morally. Their long-held deception and charade as “exceptional” and “moral superiors” are being blown apart. Given these incredibly high stakes of imminent disastrous defeat, the real danger is that Biden and his corrupt Western ruling apparatus will double down on their losses in order to desperately recoup. Will Washington, London and Co further escalate weapons supply to Ukraine, deploy NATO divisions on the ground or resort to inciting a nuclear war with Russia?

Every word out of the mouth of Western powers is a perverse projection of their own nefarious, criminal conduct.