Saturday 11th of January 2025

the porkie pile ....


the porkie pile .....

Medicare; Private Health Fund costs; Higher Education costs: interest charges on HECS debts; the GST; the impact of the GST on prices, including fuel; no new taxes; Ethanol; Pensions; Foreign Debt; funding of Labour Market programs; reductions in government services; Children Overboard; Iraq & WMD; the funding of Party Political advertising; AWB; the length of Parliamentary sittings; David Hicks; Superannuation; Taxation; Immigration; the Ministerial Code of Conduct; Nuclear Power; the environment; Sorry …..

A goose with sneaky and weak principles?

I nearly quit, says Abbott

July 24, 2007

TONY ABBOTT said last night that he nearly quit politics when made to look like a "goose" by the Government changing the Medicare safety net.

The Minister for Health, a close ally of John Howard, told of his crisis in a speech on the role of conscience in public life. While he had never defied his conscience, he did come close to resigning when the Government, having won control of the Senate, broke the "iron clad" Medicare pledge he took to the 2004 election.

"I had to decide what was more important - the repudiation ... [or Government cohesion]. I [concluded] that, given there was nothing intrinsically wrong with the change in policy, except that it made me look like a goose, for me to resign would be a dummy-spit rather than a statement of principle."


Gus: Sorry, Tony-baby, there was something very wrong with the change in the "iron-clad" policy that had been promoted at great expense of public money by your government, with colour brochures and the lot. I made a couple of cartoons (see on this site — get rich quick and artful dodger) expressing the way you tricked your way back in.

So... it made you look like a goose to dice "the "iron clad" Medicare pledge you took to the 2004 election"? No, I cannot believe it... Did you really believe then that your boss, Johnnee Sneaky-Dodger, was going to honour this "iron-clad" pledge after the elections? The man who is not into making firm commitments? The man "who talks about a whole lot of things when he's trying to convince people to do things"? But nothing in writing? Nothing in "commitments"? If you did then you're a real goose, but I don't think so. See I did not believe a word of what you were spruiking then before the 2004 elections and it was my impression that you did not believe these words either. You were lying, thick and fast. Johnnee was lying, thicker and faster, mind you...

But a goose you're not. A clever snake in the grass, sure, for having made the Australian public believe that this "iron-clad" policy was going to stick after the election. I did not believe you then and do not believe your hypocritical "mea culpa" now... Like many people of your ilk who seek a forgone redemption and easy forgiveness by mumbling three "Hail-Marys" you do not accept personal responsibility. You should have resigned then. You should resign now. You're a disgrace to the gods of high principles... A dummy-spit would have been the only honest option if a shred of honesty there was in your heart. There is still time to do the honorable thing, but you're too acid, sneaky and weak to do do it.

More goose footwork

Health funding to be negotiated after election, says Abbott

Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott says he will not negotiate a new Commonwealth-State health funding agreement so close to the federal election.

The surprise announcement came at a meeting of state and territory health ministers in Sydney today.

A new five-year agreement will not come into force until next year.


Gus: Another loop-de-loop from the goose... 

another Rattus rufus bites the dust

Haneef charge dropped

The charge of recklessly providing support to a terrorist organisation Mohamed Haneef has been dropped. (File photo) (The 7:30 Report)

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) have dropped the charges against Gold Coast-based doctor Mohamed Haneef.

Dr Haneef has been in custody for almost four weeks and was charged two weeks ago with recklessly providing support to a terrorist organisation.

In the Brisbane Magistrates Court a short time ago, the AFP applied to have that charged dropped.