Saturday 11th of January 2025

lying or historical ignorant american embassy? probably both by trying to be a smart arse.....


The whitewashing of the historical context for the war in Ukraine has resulted in a profoundly embarrassing episode for the United States embassy in Prague.  

An Aug. 21 Tweet from the embassy with a message roughly translated from Czech to mean “Aggression always comes from the Kremlin,” showed two photographs: the first displayed Soviet tanks in the streets of Prague in 1968.  The second showed fire burning in front of a building and was marked “Odesa 2023.”  


By Joe Lauria
Special to Consortium News


Twitter users were quick to point out the embassy’s error. “The bottom photo is from 2014 Odessa Clashes where pro federalism (mostly pro Russian) got burned alive in clash with Ukrainian nationalist(s) while police and fireman stood watching. To this day no one was jailed,” wrote one commenter.  

Someone else wrote: “You vile people, twisting the history to whitewash the crimes of the Ukrainian far-right against peaceful Ukrainians, and in fact using their crimes with the diametrically opposite meaning!”

The embassy got the message. “Thanks for the heads up and apologies for the incorrect use of the graphic. We wanted to illustrate the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine and we chose the wrong photo,”  it wrote.

That prompted another Twitter user to sarcastically respond: “You wanted to illustrate the Ukrainian aggression against the Russian people and you chose the right photo.

The embassy then deleted the Tweet.  It never acknowledged the event depicted in the bottom photo. That signifies either ignorance of the event or intentional suppression of it. The massacre in Odessa is a key point in understanding the cause of the war and has been buried by the West, creating a propagandized narrative about Russia’s intervention.


May 2, 2014

Demonstrators in Odessa on May 2, 2014 were protesting the violent overthrow two and a half months earlier on Feb. 21, 2014 of the democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych. U.S. involvementin the coup is revealed in a leaked telephone conversation between Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine at the time. 

On May 2, football hooligans and far-right groups deliberately set fire to a labor union building in Odessa where protestors against the coup had taken refuge.  As many as 48 people were killed. Police did not intervene. Video footage shows at least one police officer and others firing their guns into the building. The crowd is cheering as many of the people trapped inside jumped to their deaths.

Pleas at the time from the United Nations and the European Union for Ukraine to investigate were ignored. Three Ukrainian local government probes were stymied by the withholding of secret documents.

report on the incident from the European Council (EC) at the time makes clear it did not conduct its own investigation but relied on local probes, especially by the Verkhovna Rada’s Temporary Investigation Commission. The EC complains in its reports that it too was barred from viewing classified information. The EC said the Ukrainian government probes “failed to comply with the requirements of the European Human Rights Convention.”

Relying only on the flawed local inquiries, the EC reports that pro-Russian, or pro-federalist, protestors attacked a pro-unity march in the afternoon, prompting street battles. Then: 

“At around 6.50 p.m. pro-federalists broke down the door [of the trade union building] and brought inside various materials, including boxes containing Molotov cocktails and the products needed to make them. Using wooden pallets which had supported tents in the square, they blocked the entrances to the building from the inside and erected barricades. When they arrived at the square at around 7.20 p.m., the pro-unity protesters destroyed and set fire to the tents of the Anti-Maidan camp. The remaining pro-federalism protesters entered the Trade Union Building, from where they exchanged shots and Molotov cocktails with their opponents outside. … 

At about 7.45 p.m. a fire broke out in the Trade Union Building. Forensic examinations subsequently indicated that the fire had started in five places, namely the lobby, on the staircases to the left and right of the building between the ground and first floors, in a room on the first floor and on the landing between the second and third floors.

Other than the fire in the lobby, the fires could only have been started by the acts of those inside the building. The forensic reports did not find any evidence to suggest that the fire had been preplanned. The closed doors and the chimney effect caused by the stairwell resulted in the fire’s rapid spread to the upper floors and a fast and extreme rise in the temperature inside the building.”

The local investigation thus blamed the anti-Maidan protestors for starting the fire throughout the building. But this video, which shows events on that day leading to the fire, depicts the main blaze in the lobby. It shows Right Sector extremists lobbing Molotov cocktails into the building and a policeman firing his gun at it. 

It does not show any cocktails thrown from the building. It doesn’t show clashes earlier in the day, though one pro-unity protestor says they were attacked at Cathedral Square and they’ve come to burn the anti-Maidan protestors in the building for revenge.  

The Fallout

Eight days after the Odessa massacre, coup resisters in the far eastern provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk, bordering on Russia, voted in a referendum to become independent from Ukraine.  

The U.S.-backed coup government had launched a military attack two weeks earlier, on April 15, 2014 against ethnic Russians in Donbass protesting against the coup, including seizing government buildings, in defense of a democratic election. This phase of the war continued for nearly eight years, killing thousands of people before prompting Russian intervention in the civil war on Feb. 24, 2022. 

Russia says it had proof that the Ukrainian military, which had amassed 60,000 of its troops at the line of contact, was on the verge of an offensive to retake the Donbass provinces. OSCE maps showed a dramatic increase of shelling from the government side into the rebel areas in February last year. 

Russia invaded Ukraine with the stated purpose of “de-Nazifying” and “de-militarizing” Ukraine to protect Russian-speakers and the people of Donbass. The events in Odessa on May 2, 2014 played a role. In a televised address three days before the invasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin said: 

“One shudders at the memories of the terrible tragedy in Odessa, where peaceful protesters were brutally murdered, burned alive in the House of Trade Unions. The criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished, and no one is even looking for them. But we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice.”


Western Media Coverage

The New York Times buried the first news of the massacre in a May 2, 2014 story, saying “dozens of people died in a fire related to clashes that broke out between protesters holding a march for Ukrainian unity and pro-Russian activists.” 

The Times then published a video report that said dozens were killed in a fire, “and others were shot dead when fighting between pro- and anti-Russian groups broke out on the streets of Odessa.” The video narrator says “crowds did their best to save lives.” It quotes Ukrainian police saying a “pro-Kiev march was ambushed … petrol bombs were thrown” and gun battles erupted on the streets. 

The late Robert Parry, who founded Consortium Newsreported on Aug. 10, 2014:

“The brutality of these neo-Nazis surfaced again on May 2 when right-wing toughs in Odessa attacked an encampment of ethnic Russian protesters driving them into a trade union building which was then set on fire with Molotov cocktails. As the building was engulfed in flames, some people who tried to flee were chased and beaten, while those trapped inside heard the Ukrainian nationalists liken them to black-and-red-striped potato beetles called Colorados, because those colors are used in pro-Russian ribbons.

‘Burn, Colorado, burn’ went the chant.

As the fire worsened, those dying inside were serenaded with the taunting singing of the Ukrainian national anthem. The building also was spray-painted with Swastika-like symbols and graffiti reading ‘Galician SS,’ a reference to the Ukrainian nationalist army that fought alongside the German Nazi SS in World War II, killing Russians on the eastern front.”


Consequences of Suppressing Information

Though they were reported at the time, the events of May 2, 2014 have virtually vanished from Western media. It was one of the seminal events that led to Russia’s eventual intervention in the Ukrainian civil war.  

Similarly the role Ukrainian neo-Nazis played in the 2014 coup and the 8-year war on Donbass — which had been widely reported on at the time in Western mainstream media — disappeared, erasing the context of Russia’s invasion. The December 2021 Russian offer of treaties with the U.S. and NATO to avoid war was forgotten too. A campaign was then launched by so-called disinformation monitors to try to suppress alternative media from reporting on these facts.  

The consequences of these efforts is clear. The aggression of Kiev’s coup regime against ethnic Russians in Ukraine, which led to Russia’s intervention, has been airbrushed from history.  

What’s left is a cartoon version that says the conflict began, not in 2014, but in February 2022 when Putin woke up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine. There was no other cause, according to this version, other than unprovoked, Russian aggression against an innocent country. 

Thus the U.S. Embassy in Prague either deceptively used that photo, or more likely, had no idea what happened in Odessa in 2014, as it has hardly been reported on since, thinking that a prime example of Ukrainian aggression against ethnic Russians was instead a photo showing Russian aggression against Ukrainians.  

This is what happens when you believe your own propaganda. 


Joe Lauria is editor-in-chief of Consortium News and a former U.N. correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and numerous other newspapers, including The Montreal Gazette, the London Daily Mail and The Star of Johannesburg. He was an investigative reporter for the Sunday Times of London, a financial reporter for Bloomberg News and began his professional work as a 19-year old stringer for The New York Times. He is the author of two books, A Political Odyssey, with Sen. Mike Gravel, foreword by Daniel Ellsberg; and How I Lost By Hillary Clinton, foreword by Julian Assange. He can be reached at [email protected] and followed on Twitter @unjoe




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destroying the truth....


Gofundme has indefinitely frozen donations to The Grayzone “due to some external concerns.” The company’s actions follow a campaign of repression against our personnel by the British and Ukrainian governments.


By Max Blumenthal / The Grayzone


Here is what you can do to support The Grayzone: if you have already donated, demand a refund from Gofundme here. Then contribute to us at our new, trustworthy crowdfunder here. Further instructions are below.

The Silicon Valley-based crowdfunding site Gofundme has informed The Grayzone that it has frozen all money raised in our recent fundraiser “due to some external concerns.” Our initiative was devoted to providing independent journalists Wyatt Reed, Kit Klarenberg, and Alex Rubinstein with long-term positions.

On August 19, when we demanded to know why Gofundme had refused to authorize the transfer of the funds we raised, a member of the site’s Trust and Safety Team identifying themselves simply as “Sabrina” emailed the Grayzone the following statement:

“Our number one goal here is ensuring that the money from GoFundMe fundraisers always gets to the right place, so we really appreciate you helping us to make sure GoFundMe is a safe place to give.

Due to some external concerns, we need to review your fundraiser to make sure it complies with our Terms of Service. Please keep in mind that our processes are followed to ensure your own safety.

I’ll keep you updated as soon as possible.”

We have received nothing since from “Sabrina.”

By this point, we had raised over $90,000 from over 1100 contributors. The generous contributions from our audience were accompanied by hundreds of messages of effusive support for our factual journalism holding imperial power to account.

And now, Gofundme is holding the donations hostage, refusing to transfer them to us, while failing to inform donors that it has effectively seized their money. The for-profit site has similarly refused to explain its freezing of their donations, issuing nothing more than a vague allusion – “some external concerns” – to pressure from powerful outside forces.

Gofundme’s financial sabotage follows the de facto sanctions imposed by Venmo and Paypal on our managing editor, Wyatt Reed, after he reported on the Ukrainian military’s targeting of civilians from the separatist side of the Donbas region.

Kit Klarenberg, who would have also been provided with a staff position thanks to our fundraiser, was detained and interrogated about his investigative reporting for The Grayzone by British Counter-Terror Police at Luton International Airport this May.

Then there was the Ukrainian SBU security service’s effort to ban The Grayzone’s Aaron Mate from Twitter. According to a series of internal Twitter emails provided to Mate, the SBU enlisted the FBI to pressure Twitter into banning him and a long list of accounts from its platform on the grounds that they were “suspected by the SBU in spreading fear and disinformation.” However, Twitter ultimately raised concerns about censoring “American and Canadian journalists,” and rejected the request to ban Mate.

The FBI’s effort to ban Twitter accounts at the behest of Ukrainian intelligence offers a clue into the identify of those responsible for raising the “external concerns” with Gofundme. Since 2014, when a US-backed coup installed a nationalist government in Kiev, our contributors have been at the forefront of exposing the role of Washington in pushing Ukraine toward all-out war with Russia. The Grayzone has also provided extensive documentation of the overwhelming influence of neo-Nazi forces over Kiev, triggering angry tirades from Ukrainian diplomats while landing our staff members on Myrotvorets, a semi-official SBU assassination target list.

Our reporting has proven so disruptive to the narrative spun out by proxy warriors in Kiev and Washington that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife, Olena, personally lobbied WebSummit, the largest international gathering of the tech industry, to disinvite me and Aaron Mate from their 2022 conference in Lisbon, Portugal.

So while we have no concrete information on the identity of the “external forces” that have successfully lobbied Gofundme to freeze our donations, we have strong reason to suspect interference by the Ukrainian government and its sponsors in Washington is at the root of the sabotage.

Whoever is responsible, we are clearly witnessing the work of the Censorship Industrial Complex as it seeks to financially blockade the American and British journalists who have thoroughly disrupted their own governments’ official narrative.

Gofundme’s record of warrantless seizure of citizens’ money

The Grayzone is far from the first alternative media outlet or activist initiative to have its donations blocked by Gofundme following a campaign of outside pressure from powerful forces.

On February 5, 2022, Gofundme arbitrarily canceled a fundraiser for Canadian Freedom Convoy protesting the Canadian government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, citing a violation of its terms of service which prohibits support for causes supposedly involved in violence and harassment. At the time, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s advisors were pressuring banks to seize donations to the Freedom Convoy without a warrant.

Following the invocation of Canada’s Emergencies Act by PM Justin Trudeau, Gofundme seized nearly 10 million Canadian dollars provided by grassroots donors.

After its warrantless seizure of millions from private Canadian citizens, Gofundme announced plans to funnel their money to “credible and established charities” without their permission – a wholesale theft. It was only thanks to pressure from US members of Congress and governors that the crowdfunding company eventually agreed to return the money to donors.

Similary, Gofundme canceled a fundraiser for the Gitxsan First Nation, an indigenous tribe blockading a rail line traversing its land in British Columbia. The company refused to explain the cancellation, stating only that the conduct of the fundraiser “falls under our ‘prohibited conduct’ section.”

Gofundme has also arbitrarily removed the fundraising campaigns of the antiwar alternative media outlet MintPress News, and banned the website from its platform without explanation.

“The Western sanctions regime that is targeting over 25% of the world’s population through economic warfare is now going after its own citizens, preventing independent journalism outlets including Mint Press and The Grayzone from receiving their own funds,” Mnar Adley, the founder of Mint Press, remarked.

Adley continued, “Gofundme’s targeting of The Grayzone is just more evidence that we are living in an intellectual no fly zone where dissenting journalists are economically sanctioned and treated as suspect.”

What you can do to support The Grayzone

Because Gofundme has refused to transfer your donations to us for its intended purpose, and given its record of attempting to funnel donations to “established” causes without consent from donors, you should immediately request a refund. You can do so here.

We have secured a written promise from Mike Marian, the co-founder of the crowdfunding company Spotfund, to host our fundraiser and ensure the automatic transfer of your donations. So after receiving your refund from Gofundme, donate here.

Finally, let Gofundme know how outraged you are that they have blocked your donation without any explanation, violating your trust by succumbing to the arbitrary, undemocratic demands of pro-war elements likely situated in the halls of imperial power.

Start by writing to “Sabrina” of Gofundme’s ironically named Trust and Safety Team at [email protected]

As Mint Press News founder Mnar Adley reminds us, the stakes could not be higher:

“Independent media outlets run on shoestring budgets and rely heavily on fundraising and individual donations, which is why we’ve turned to crowdfunding platforms like Gofundme to operation. But if these companies are working directly with the national security state to block us from receiving our own funds – as they did to Wikileaks before us – then they can do it to you too.”






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