Sunday 12th of January 2025

rainin' prosperity .....

rainin' prosperity .....

Australia has recorded its worst monthly trade performance in more than a year, partly because of adverse weather.

June's balance on trade in goods and services was in the red to the tune of $1.75 billion, more than $500 million worse than expected on financial markets, and the biggest shortfall since May last year.  

The value of Australia's exports dropped 3 per cent.

Trade Balance Takes A Hammering

A swindle in progess

After having starved the States from funds for health for years, the federal mafia, led by Johnnee and Abbottstello, is taking over the running of some hospitals, pledging to take over more in a move that spells the end of federalism, following other grab for power, such as the Murray Darling Basin... One can see the process of slow but sure privatisation of many public assets, including the heath system, including these hospitals, using public money... Watch out for Medicare Private going to private enterprise, soon, just before the elections are announced... about 80 per cent chances of that.