Saturday 11th of January 2025

trying to understand the world.......

The Ukrainians need lots of Nike running shoes so they can marathon to the Polish border when the Russian steamroller arrives



Gus: one could wonder if the old FOX, Rupert, let Tucker Carlson loose on the world with the intent to push a secret agenda of more truthful opinion which could not be promoted on the NEWSCORP Network…. See, Carlson is still under contract with FOX, but not in the stable any more. Carlson’s interviews are more incisive than ever before — and reflect an agenda which may not be contrary to the old FOX Rupert… This agenda is possibly more intelligent than the main stream media that has gone totally woke and liberal-apeshit (meaning LGBTIQ+, arsonist and fascist)… 

With Carlson, peace is on the agenda. Of course, war-leftists and the rightist warmongers alike will hate Carlson for this… And I know for sure that only the people who want to know beyond the rancid reheated slanted news of the day will watch. The Caffe-Latte crowd and the Rightwing Trump haters will dismiss Tucker without seeing a single second of his show which to say the least has gathered a solid following. More than 230 million people watched Carlson interview with Trump and many more will watch his interview with Putin, if the Russian agrees to be asked questions, while he’d be busy planning an agreement with the USA..… So:



The US proxy war against Russia is likely to become an open war within the next year, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on Wednesday. The ruling Democrats need the war to keep power and too many Republicans are willing to go along, he added.

“They will do anything to win,” Carlson said in an hour-long interview with radio host Adam Carrolla. He argued that another coronavirus lockdown is unlikely, as too many people would refuse to comply, so “they’re going to go to war with Russia, that’s what they’re going to do.” 

“There will be a hot war between the US and Russia in the next year,” Carlson said. “I don’t think we’ll win it.

“We’re already at war with Russia, of course, we’re funding their enemies,” he added. The US has allocated over $130 billion for Kiev over the past 18 months for weapons, military equipment, ammunition, and the salaries of government officials. 

“I think that could easily happen,” the former cable TV host continued. “I think we could ‘Tonkin Gulf’ our way into it, where all of a sudden missiles land in Poland, ‘The Russians did it! Our NATO ally has been attacked! We’re going to war’! I can see that happening very easily.”

In August 1964, the US fabricated an incident with the North Vietnamese navy in the Gulf of Tonkin as a pretext to deploy ground troops in South Vietnam. The scenario Carlson described already happened as well, when a Ukrainian air-defense missile struck a village across the Polish border last November, killing two local civilians. Warsaw and Washington were quick to debunk Kiev’s claim that it had been a Russian strike, however.

Carlson argued that the US could “force a peace in Ukraine tonight” by cutting off Kiev’s funding. 

“Otherwise, and I would bet my house on it, we are going to war with Russia,” he said. “And, of course, the stakes are everything. Life on the planet. These are the two biggest nuclear arsenals in the world, facing off against each other.”

The US has “already lost control of the world – the American empire is in freefall right now – and we’re going to lose the US dollar, and when that happens we’re going to have real poverty here, like Great Depression-level poverty. And it comes from this war,” Carlson told Carolla. He added that most Americans may not be able to see that, but it’s “super obvious” when one leaves the US, even for a short while.

Moreover, he argued, the US “crushed” the German economy “when the Biden administration blew up Nord Stream” last September, and its Ukraine policies have done a lot to undermine Western Europe, Washington’s only real ally in the world.

Carlson has just returned from Hungary, where he took part in a conference and interviewed Prime Minister Viktor Orban for his new show on X, formerly Twitter. Carlson made Elon Musk’s social media platform his new home after Fox News canceled his top-rated evening show in April, for reasons that have never been made public.





truth vs narratives.....


The Disappearance of Integrity from the Western World       BY 


Because of the organized suppression of facts and because of the campaigns against truth-tellers, it is increasingly difficult and risky to provide truthful accounts. Only writers who support the official narratives are tolerated.

Retribution is becoming commonplace. The level of retribution depends upon the level of threat the writer is perceived to present. Julian Assange is the top level threat because of his worldwide reach via Wikileaks and his courage to publish leaks revealing war crimes and other criminal actions of the United States government. Assange has been incarcerated without trial in one form or another for a decade. In recent years Assange has been held in solitary confinement in a British maximum security prison while the corrupt British legal system goes through the motions pretending to comply with British law, but always delivering the result its Washington master demands.  This process could not make it more clear that subservience to Washington trumps the integrity of the British judicial system. 

Washington’s insensitivity to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and blatant frame-ups of innocents has brutalized the entire world’s respect for moral and ethical behavior.

Independent scientists, experts and journalists who are seen as lesser threats than Assange find themselves cancelled, de-platformed, marginalized, fired, and their medical licenses stolen for refusing to follow the deadly Covid protocols. Just the other day Germany convicted one of the country’s own judges for listening to the expert evidence and ruling against the government’s mask mandate. In other words, evidence that contradicts the narrative has been criminalized by the German judicial system. 

We see the same thing in the false indictments of President Trump. What Trump is actually indicted for is questioning on the basis of real evidence the extraordinary overnight reversal in the 2020 election vote count. Trump’s “felony” is that he raised the question of electoral fraud, a question usually raised in every election. Remember, George W. Bush’s election was so questioned by Democrats that it had to be decided by the US Supreme Court. 

Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and James O’Keefe were fired from the organizations they created or in Taibbi’s case served as the most followed writer. Not content with O’Keefe’s removal from his own forum, a corrupt NY prosecutor is now “investigating” O’Keefe for “mistreating employees and misspending the organization’s funds.” Again, as in Trump’s and Assange’s cases, we see the creation of crimes out of thin air in order to silence a truth-teller dangerous to a corrupt establishment that will not let go of its illegitimate hold on power. 

Matt Taibbi reported one year ago that YouTube censored Matt Orfalea’s factually accurate video presentation, “‘Rigged’ Election Claims, Trump 2020 vs. Clinton 2016,” demonized it as “elections misinformation,” and set itself up as legislator, prosecutor, judge, and jury by declaring Orfalea in violation of YouTube’s “criminal organizations policy.” How does social media have integrity when social media declares careful examination of a public issue to be a criminal offense that carries a de-platforming sentence?

Blue pill people might think they are safe as long as they keep their heads in the sand and their mouths shut. But Taibbi says that is not the case and that the noose is tightening on every one:

“Independent media content is increasingly hard to find via platform searches, even when exact terminology, bylines, or dates are entered by users. Social media platforms that once provided effective marketing and distribution at little to no cost are now difficult to navigate even with the aid of paid boosting tools. In other words, even if your business does well enough to pay full retail rates for marketing, a widening lattice of algorithmic restriction across platforms is making distribution for non-corporate media a nightmare anyway.”

And remember Tucker Carlson, the most important and profitable media voice, was fired by Fox News for his relentless exposing of the ruling elite’s false narratives. Fox News took a huge financial hit for itself and its shareholders in its attempt to shut down an effective truth-teller. Obviously, controlling the narrative is more important than profit.

Just as the message has been made clear to Germany’s judges that judges who dispense actual justice will be imprisoned, the message has been made clear to scientists, experts, medical doctors, and independent journalists that if they tell the truth their careers and lives will be ruined.

My level of threat is being dealt with by exclusion and by libel, slander, and ad hominem attacks. Over the weekend I was cleaning out a garage. I came upon boxes of tapes of my television appearances on Good Morning America, the Today Show, the Brinkley show, C-Span, and all the rest. Today I am not allowed on any American TV. I also discovered boxes of files of my articles published in The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, the London Times, the Telegraph, TLS, the leading French and Italian newspapers, where it is impossible for me to publish a word today.

Another way they deal with you is on website comment sections where trolls hiding behind false names and serving a variety of interests ridicule, slander, misrepresent, and demonize you in efforts to damage your credibility and scare readers away. It works on weak-minded people who have never thought independently in their life and are fearful of differing from their blue pill peers.

As unfortunate as it is, many Americans are blue pill people. They prefer the reassurances of a false narrative to the stresses of reality. Reality is too much for them. It requires more intellectual and emotional strength than they have. They are easily led into the camp that disparages truth as misinformation. As truth is upsetting, they are delighted to have it dispensed with.

Search the Western world for integrity. You cannot find it in any governing party. You cannot find it in any institution, whether educational, justice, corporate, media, medical, legal. 

How does the FBI have integrity when the organization frames the President of the United States and his supporters?

How does the CIA have integrity when the organization overthrows foreign governments that do not turn their countries over to Washington and the New York Banks?

How do Tony Fauci, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO have integrity when they use the inaccurate PCR test to overstate the Covid threat in order to make the people fearful, prohibit the use of known Covid cures such as Ivermectin and HCQ, arrange incentives for hospitals to lie and report every death as a Covid death, lie about the safety and effectiveness of the deadly “vaccine,” deny that there are any adverse reactions to the Covid jab to the extent that the CDC ceases to compile VAERS data ( ), count flu cases as Covid cases (remember the year there was zero flu cases?), and, as there was no accountability, are now in the process of orchestrating another “Covid threat,” a new round of “vaccination,” and the return of masks and lockdowns?

How does Justice Department prosecutor Jack Smith have integrity when a federal judge has to stop him from trying Trump on Florida charges in a D.C. court with an all-Democrat Trump-hating jury?

How does NY prosecutor Alvin Bragg have integrity when he cannot identify the federal charge he has brought against Trump or justify the trial of Trump on a federal charge in a state court?

How does Atlanta prosecutor Fani Willis have integrity when she brings racketeering charges against President Trump for questioning an election outcome?

Prosecutors devoid of integrity are tyrannical.

How does the judiciary have integrity when judges permit such blatantly false prosecutions?

How do law schools, bar associations, and media have integrity when they egg on wrongful prosecutions because they dislike the defendant?

How do school boards have integrity when parents opposed to the brainwashing of their children are arrested or thrown out of the school board meetings?

How do Democrats have integrity when they are removing Trump from the ballot in blue states on the grounds that he is a criminal by their accusation alone prior to his rigged trials?

How do RINO Republicans, who are in open conspiracy with Democrats to prevent Trump’s election as President, have integrity?

Ask yourself, why not allow the American people in place of a tiny biased jury, to decide Trump’s innocence or guilt in a fair democratic election? Why should a carefully Democrat-selected biased jury be permitted to decide for the American people? How can a Democrat Party, media, and Justice (sic) Department that tries to pull a fast one like this have any integrity?

Ask the same question about every institution, including your local property owners’ association.

What becomes of a country devoid of integrity?

What does the world think of country that poses as “exceptional and indispensable” while it violates every known moral principle and exploits the rest of the world?

Republished from





FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW.................................


viktor's speech.....


These are years of great change

Speech by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at the 32nd Bálványos Free Summer University and Student Camp (Excerpts)


(zf. A large part of the country’s Hungarian minority, around 600,000 people, live in the south-eastern Romanian region of Transylvania. Tuschnad, located in this region, has been the venue of the Free Summer University organised by Hungarians every year for about 30 years. This year it took place from 18–23 July under the motto “Time for Peace”. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has given a keynote speech here several times in previous years, including this year. Because of his public criticism of Romania’s official conditions for being able to deliver his speech at all, and because of his criticism of the political conditions in the EU, Orbán’s speech this year came under severe attack in mainstream media in other EU countries. To give our readers a chance to form their own opinion, we document excerpts from this speech.)



Dear Friends,
  We are living through a particularly dangerous period in the history of humanity. These are years of great change. […] The essence of my message is that the balance of power in the world has shifted, and now we are suffering the serious consequences of this. Looking back, we see that for eighty years after the Second World War there was a balance of power in the world. For us Hungarians, this period consisted of two parts. […] But now China has shifted the balance of the world. This is one of the Western world’s old fears. Even Napoleon said, “Let China sleep, for when she wakes she will shake the world.” 


Tactical time, strategic time, and historical time

How this situation has come about is instructive.
  I will make a brief digression, a digression on methodology. In my experience, when you make a political decision, you have to simultaneously visualise three timeframes. The issue to be decided on must first of all be classified in one of these timeframes, and you should only make a concrete decision on it once you have classified it. So there are three timeframes in which politics exists: tactical time, strategic time, and historical time. If you make the wrong classification, your decision will have unintended consequences. Let me give you two examples. When Chancellor Merkel was confronted with the migrant invasion in 2015, she classified the problem in tactical time, and said, “Wir schaffen das”, or “We can handle this”. Today it is clear that in reality the issue belonged to strategic time, because the consequences of her decision would transform the entire culture of Germany. 


“There has never been such a rapid and tectonic shift in the global balance of power”

Now we come to China. The second example is from the United States in the early 1970s. Back then the US decided to free China from its isolation, obviously to make it easier to deal with the Russians; and so it put that issue in the strategic timeframe. But it has turned out that in fact this issue, the liberation of China, belongs to the historical timeframe; because as a result of that liberation, the United States – and all of us – are now facing a greater force than the one we wanted to defeat.
  Wrong classification, unexpected consequences. But what happened has happened, and now the fact is that there has never been such a rapid and tectonic shift in the global balance of power as the one we are living through today. Remember – or note – that the way in which China is rising is different from that in which the United States rose: the United States emerged; China was, and is. In other words, we are really talking about a return: we are talking about the return of a 5,000-year-old civilisation of 1.4 billion people.


China is in many areas the strongest country of the world today …

And this is a problem that needs to be solved, because it is not going to solve itself. China has become a production powerhouse. In fact, it has already overtaken the US – or is overtaking it at this very moment: car manufacturing, computers, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, info communication systems; in the world today it is the strongest in all of these areas. What has happened is that China has made the roughly three-hundred-year journey from the Western industrial revolution to the global information revolution in just thirty years. As a result, it has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, and today humanity’s combined prosperity and knowledge is greater than it was. But if this is the case, what is the danger?


… but the US does not want to give up its quest for supremacy yet 

The danger, the reason the situation is dangerous, Dear Friends, is that the gold medal already has an owner: after its own civil war, from the 1870s onwards the United States grew to be the preeminent country, and its inalienable right to world economic supremacy is part of its national identity, and a kind of article of faith. And whenever that position has been challenged, the United States has always successfully repelled the challenge. It repelled the Soviet Union. And, let us remember, it also repelled the European Union. A few decades ago the European Union’s plan was to promote the euro as a world currency alongside the dollar. We can see where the euro is today. And we also had a plan, which we expressed as the need to create a great free trade zone stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok. What do we see today? Today, the free trade zone stretches from Lisbon to the outskirts of Donetsk at the furthest. In 2010 the US and the European Union contributed 22–23 per cent of total world production; today the US contributes 25 per cent and the European Union 17 per cent. In other words, the US has successfully repelled the European Union’s attempt to move up alongside it – or even ahead of it.
  Dear Summer Camp, in international politics there is a simple correlation: the bigger your GDP, your gross domestic product, the more influence you have in international affairs. In other words, what we are seeing today is a steady decline in American dominance on the world stage. And no preeminent world power will take kindly to that sort of thing. Their reasoning is simple. It can be roughly summed up as follows: “We’re at the top of the world. We climbed here in order to stay here forever. Of course, there’s this thing called history, which is disagreeable, but the point is that what’s always happened to other countries and other peoples has come to an end with us, and we’ll stay here at the top of the world forever.”


Current trends favour Asia and China

This is a tempting thought, but the unpleasant truth of our life today is that in world politics there are no eternal winners and no eternal losers. An even more unpleasant truth is that the current trends favour Asia and China – be those trends in economics, technological development, or indeed military power. A still more unpleasant truth is that changes are also taking place in international institutions. We all know the correlation which shows that whoever creates international institutions will thereby gain an advantage from them. So China has quite simply created its own: we see the BRICS and the “One Belt One Road Initiative”; and we also see the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the development resources of which are several times greater than the development resources of all the Western countries.
  In other words, Asia, or China, stands before us fully attired as a great power. It has a civilisational credo: it is the centre of the universe, and this releases inner energy, pride, self-esteem and ambition. It has a long-term plan, which is expressed as “Ending the century of humiliation” – or, to paraphrase the Americans, “Make China Great Again”. It [China] has a medium-term programme: to restore in Asia the dominance that existed before the West arrived. And it can neutralise the chief US weapon, the chief US weapon of power, which we call “universal values”. The Chinese simply laugh at this, describing it as a Western myth, and noting that such talk of universal values is in fact a philosophy hostile to other, non-Western, civilizations. And, seen from over there, that view contains some truth.
  In other words, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Summer Camp, the situation we are living in today is one in which day by day we are moving towards conflict. The question – the 1-million-dollar question – is whether this conflict can be avoided. There are ever more studies and books on this, and I am also working from them.


Can the “Thucydides Trap” be avoided?

One notable work says that in the last three hundred years there have been sixteen occasions when a new “champion” has risen to pull alongside – or overtake – the world’s leading power. The bad news is that of the sixteen instances thus identified, twelve have ended in war, and only four were peacefully resolved. In other words, Dear Friends, we are at the most dangerous moment in world politics today, when the leading great power sees itself sinking towards second place. Experience shows that the dominant great power tends to see itself as more benevolent and better-intentioned than it really is, and attributes malice to its challenger more often than is – or should be – justified. Consequently, the starting point for each opposing party is not the intentions of the counterpart, but its capabilities: not what the counterpart wants to do, but what it is capable of doing. And thus war is already in the making. This is what is called the “Thucydides Trap”, named after the man who wrote the history of the Peloponnesian War between Sparta and Athens, and who first identified the problem.


Settling a new equilibrium: “Two suns in the sky”

Ladies and Gentlemen, The implication for our lives is that a clash between the two great powers – including between their soldiers – is more likely than we are able to see from here in Tusnádfürdő today. The good news – or at least a ray of hope – is that war is not inevitable. Its avoidance is conditional on the world’s ability to find a new equilibrium to replace the one that is now in motion. The question is how this can be done. The truth is that this is a task for the “big boys”. We have not been dealt a hand in that card game. Let us not misjudge our role. All we can say is that now something should be done that has never been done before: the big boys should accept that there are two suns in the sky. This mentality is radically different from the one we have lived with for the last few hundred years. Regardless of the current balance of power, the opposing sides should recognise each other as equals. […]
  So, from this analysis of the situation, what do we need to do? What is worth understanding, Dear Friends, is that the settling of the new equilibrium will not happen overnight – or even from one month to the next. The settling of such a new equilibrium will take a whole generation. This means that not only will we live our lives within this global system of relations, within this world era, this zeitgeist: so too will our children. And we Hungarians must make headway in this world situation and zeitgeist, and we must shape our Hungarian national plans with this in mind.  •


Source: Cabinet Office of The Prime Minister of 24 July 2023