Saturday 4th of May 2024

meet the press .....

meet the press .....

Dow Jones & Co said on Thursday it did not know that one of the people named to protect its editorial independence after it becomes part of News Corp runs a foundation that received a donation pledge of $2.5 million (1.2 million pounds) from News Corp.

Rupert Murdoch's global media conglomerate selected Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Nicholas Negroponte to be part of the five-member special committee that will oversee the editorial independence of Dow Jones's news operations including the Wall Street Journal.

A News Corp spokesman said the company saw no conflicts of interest in Negroponte's appointment … Negroponte said he had known Murdoch since 1986 & had since worked with him on several projects … "I ask his advice all the time. He asks mine on matters related to computers & communications. I would like to think I have been an influence on his distinctly digital life these days." – Reuters

meanwhile, back at the counting house …..

‘The idea that there are people out there in America who think, no, the government shouldn't do anything to combat poverty is sickening in a country that is supposed to pride itself on family values. The idea that, as you can see, some of these people get to appear on national television networks to spew their hateful ideologies is more than sickening - it is disturbing.

As you'll see in the clip, I make the point that if America - the wealthiest country on Earth - can continue giving hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks, corporate welfare, and tax code subsidies to superwealthy companies like Fox News' parent, The News Corporation, then we sure as hell have the resources to combat and eradicate poverty. You may recall that according to the New York Times, the News Corporation "paid no federal taxes in two of the last four years, and in the other two it paid only a fraction of what it otherwise would have owed" at a time when its "domestic pre-tax profits topped $9.4 billion."’

Fox News Gets Big Tax Subsidies, Then Questions Whether We Should Fund Anti-Poverty Efforts